Daily Verse | Revelation 16:18-19 Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed.
It’s Friday and the last day of 2021. I don’t know what 2022 holds, but I expect more of the same as 2021. We still have an illegitimate junta occupying the White House, our country is in economic shambles, the Chinese Lung Pox continues to thrive, China, Russia and Iran are threatening our safety, and creeping Marxism continues to solidify its grasp on the once-great institutions that held our nation together.
It’s not looking good.
That’s why starting each year with a focus on God and his revealed Word is essential to maintaining my sanity and reminding me of what truly matters. When the world burns—and it will—the only thing that remains stable and sure is the eternal God and his Son, Jesus Christ, who “is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).
One of the things I started doing this year was adding a “Daily Verse” to the top of every post, and then I started adding the day’s full reading, too. I plan to keep up that practice in 2022, and I invite you to join me in reading through the Bible next year.
Below is the updated Bible reading plan, which runs six days a week, taking you cover-to-cover over the course of the year. If you’ve never done it, I strongly encourage you to do so. Even if you’re not a Christ-following believer, but are curious about the Bible, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain by reading through it.
Part of what motivates me to read through the Bible (again and again) is that it is the source of what I say I believe. To say I believe what it tells me but not to know what it says is irrational. Plus, I don’t want to stand before the Lord someday and try to explain why I wasn’t regularly familiarizing myself with his written Word and letting it guide my thoughts and actions.
So, without further fanfare, here’s 2022’s One-Year Bible Reading Plan, developed by yours truly. It starts on Monday, January 3, and finishes on Saturday, December 31. Print it out (you don’t have to print the calendar on the second page to use the plan, but I included it since having a calendar handy is sometimes helpful) and have it ready to start on Monday.
As we pull the curtain on 2021, thank you for reading the blog this year. I sincerely appreciate the kind words, the questions and the comments you sometimes leave for me. My goal is to bring you the latest developments of any consequence in faith, culture and politics, and offer my (admittedly partisan) view on them.
I wish you all a very Happy New Year and look forward to continuing the conversation.
Daily Verse | Revelation 13:18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.
Thursday’s Reading: Revelation 14-16
Happy Thursday my friends. It’s the Last Day of 2021 Eve. If there’s anything you want to get done this year, now is the time to do it.
In keeping with the shorter posts this week, here’s a rundown on a number of recent developments concerning the Beijing Bat Blight and a conclusion that we all knew was true.
Resident Brandon’s brilliant plan to “shut down the virus” was what we all knew it was: a lie. It was political posturing, empty boasting, an unverifiable claim. He never had a plan to shut down the virus. The claim was preposterous on its face. Viruses can’t be “shut down.” Yet he ran on that claim and ran on it hard.
According to The New York Times, as of Christmas, there were 814,891 Covid deaths in the U.S. And The Washington Post has deaths under Trump at 402,269. With some simple subtraction, we see there are 412,622 deaths under Biden.
The New York Times also just reported that the “seven-day average of U.S. cases topped 267,000 on Tuesday, with Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia particularly hard hit”—a new record!
“220,000 Americans dead,” [Biden] said during the Oct. 22 debate. “You hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this. Anyone who … is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.”
I hear you, Resident Dopey, and by that standard, I’ll be expecting your resignation later today.
But wait! What’s this?! Biden admitting that’s he’s a fraud and liar:
BIDEN, TODAY: “There is no federal solution” to COVID.
“As with healthcare, police, fire and public transportation workforces, the Omicron surge may exacerbate personnel shortages and create significant disruptions to our workforce and operations,” Airlines for America CEO Nicholas Calio wrote in a letter to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on Thursday.
The letter, which echoes what Delta Air Lines wrote to Walensky on Tuesday, shows the airline industry’s increasing concern about the impact of the guidelines as Covid cases, particularly of the omicron variant, increase around the country.
That was December 23. The airlines, you see, are too big to fail. They must be rescued, so voila! Isolation guidance now follows “The Money Science,” which looks a lot like politics and big business.
“It really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate,” says CDC Director Walensky.
It was never about science. It was about how much they thought they could get away with. https://t.co/rjeTQ0VNtJ
Daily Verse | Revelation 9:16 The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number.
Wednesday’s Reading: Revelation 10-13
Wednesday and we’ve hit mid-week already and the Left has already peaked with hyperventilation about “Let’s go Brandon.” It’s mind-numbingly absurd, yet there’s undoubtedly a method to the progressive madness that we seem to be surrounded by.
Into the cyclone drops a book by Peter Navarro, one of President Trump’s three senior staffers who stayed with him all the way from the election in 2016 to the end of his first term in 2020. In his memoir, In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year, Navarro reveals the disloyal staff Trump surrounded himself with, who ultimately became his undoing.
Mike Mulvaney, acting chief of staff, was a neverTrumper. Economic advisor Gary Cohn (now vice-chairman of IBM) “never saw an American job he didn’t want to offshore in the profane name of supply chain efficiencies.” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross operated on “transactionalist Wall Street DNA.”
Navarro, who’d earned a Ph.D. in economics at Harvard, was brought aboard by Trump to deal with the China trade situation and build up U.S. manufacturing. He supported full instant tariffs to wipe out China’s trade advantages. But the White House was packed with people who passionately opposed tariffs and were uncomfortably chummy with the Chinese. Jared Kushner? A “panda hugger.” Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin? The “second coming of Neville Chamberlain” and as a “Judas” who’d made millions in Chinese business and who “simply couldn’t believe” that the PRC “posed any economic or military threat to the United States whatsoever.”
When virus deaths mounted in China, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s second-in-command Stephen Biegun, who’d been Ford Motors’ “offshorer in chief” to China, opposed a travel ban because he feared it would offend Xi. Living outside the Beltway but also exerting an outsized anti-tariff influence in the West Wing was the “Billionaires’ Cabal” – whose membership ranged from Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn (both heavily invested in Macao casinos) to Steve Schwarzman and Larry Fink.
He goes after Faux-chi, too, saying that “Fauci conspired to keep the first of the COVID vaccines from being unveiled until after the November 2020 election – the goal, of course, being to deprive Trump of electoral victory; as a result, tens of thousands of Americans were robbed of their very lives.”
But he also gives some insight into what happened with the Bat Flu response:
Trump has been widely criticized for the slowness with which his administration recognized the seriousness of COVID-19. In fact, according to Navarro, the fault lay not with Trump but with many of his advisors. Larry Kudlow publicly pooh-poohed the virus. Mark Short did a lousy job as head of the White House’s Coronavirus Task Force. Navarro, for his part, corralled U.S. business leaders into helping combat the pandemic. Among this book’s heroes are FedEx CEO Fred Smith, who, while fiercely opposed to Trump’s trade policies, readily provided planes to ship desperately needed testing swabs from Italy to six U.S. cities. Other corporate good guys include Honeywell, UPS, and Pernod (which shifted its factories on a dime from making booze to producing sanitizer). Among the bad guys: GM, which, it will be remembered, had to be forced to manufacture ventilators. Worst of all: Big Pharma.
Finally, he gets at the 2020 election:
After the shock of the 2020 election loss, Navarro was also shocked by the defeatism of many of his colleagues. When Rudolph Giuliani insisted on challenging the results, many White House officials accused him of “grandstanding”; after Rudy was put in charge of that initiative, Jared Kushner and others tried to foil his efforts. Trump attorney Cleta Mitchell complained that she’d warned GOP bigwigs since May 2019 about the Democrats’ plans to steal the election, but had been ignored. Meanwhile one major inside-the-Beltway law firm after another passed on representing Trump in his vote-fraud case – such being “the hardball Globalist Swamp reality of Washington, D.C.”
Voter fraud was scarcely in Navarro’s wheelhouse. But just as he’d switched from trade to COVID, now, confronted by apathy and duplicity all around him, he felt compelled to throw himself into the job of “definitively answering the question of whether the election was in fact stolen.” Poring through mountains of material from the four states under dispute, he concluded that the election had been “stolen beyond any shadow of a shadow of a probabilistic doubt,” and wrote a report to that effect.
Unfortunately, others who were expected to serve the cause failed it spectacularly. Lawyer Sidney Powell, who kept making extravagant claims on TV about election fraud, never produced any proof, thus making the whole effort look bogus. Attorney General Bill Barr also proved a crushing disappointment. But the greatest betrayal was that by Mike Pence, who on January 6, acting in his role as President of the Senate when that body met to certify the November 3 vote, could quite legitimately have paused the certification to give state legislators time to investigate claims of fraud. Instead Pence ended up, in Navarro’s words, being “the Brutus most responsible both for the final betrayal of President Trump and the unceremonious burial of electoral integrity.”
I don’t know much about Peter Navarro, but this book seems like it would be a good read … especially regarding the 2020 election which was, without a doubt, rigged (i.e. stolen) to favor the Democrats.
Daily Verse | Revelation 1:1-2 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything that he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday’s Reading: Revelation 6-9
Tuesday and we’re cruising through the last week of 2021. Not sure why it is, but time seems to really fly at my age. I remember as a kid how long it felt between birthdays or Christmas—longer than a year, for sure! Maybe because as you get older there are more special days with which you mark time: Valentine’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day and so on. Every few weeks there’s another opportunity to say, “I can’t believe we’re already at [insert observance here].”
Actually, what I can’t believe is the advertising that late-night “comedians” are doing for Google (HT: AoSHQ). No doubt they are shilling for dollars … but why? In what world does Google need to sell itself to the audiences of Kimmel, Colbert, Corden and other “funny” guys?
Watch below (note: Twitter embedding is not working on a number of platforms including Word Press; click image):
They must be getting paid a pretty penny if they’re willing to dedicate part of their “show” to promoting Google. Colbert goes as far as to admit that his support of Google during his show “is basically also a commercial.”
Who’s their audience? Mostly progressive I’d think. No conservative I know wants to support any of these sellouts.
But why? Ace at AoSHQ theorizes:
Google is advertising with these leftwing hosts — who market and brand themselves as leftwing political shills — not to advertise their product, which needs no advertising being a monopoly, but to endear themselves to leftwing voters — because they fear eventual antitrust action, and want leftwing voters on their side should that happen.
Fox News’ 11 p.m. ET “Gutfeld!” finally beat every other late-night show — including Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show” on CBS — Tuesday in total viewership and the advertiser-coveted age demographic of 25 to 54. When the right-leaning program debuted in April, host Greg Gutfeld and his promotional team made no secret of their ambition to overtake late-night rivals, but Colbert blocked him from the top spot.
On Tuesday night, “Gutfeld!” took in a total average of 2.120 million viewers, with 434,000 in the key demo, on average. The “Late Show,” which has an 11:35 p.m. ET start time on CBS, grabbed an average of 1.896 million total viewers of whom 423,000 were in the demo. Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show” — an NBC program which also airs at 11:35 — came next with 1.216 million total viewers, on average, and 354,000 in the demo. (It’s worth noting that “Gutfeld!” airs at 8 p.m. PT on the West Coast, and does not repeat at 11 p.m. when the broadcast networks’ late-night shows are on.)
It’s sort of creepy to have all of these shows dancing to the same tune (much like local news stations that get their scripts from some national source). What are they doing? And why are they doing it?
It’s like the Bible says: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).
Daily Verse | Jude 21 Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
Monday’sReading: Revelation 1-5
It’s Monday and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day. I’ll be keeping the posts short this week as I take it easy between Christmas and New Year’s Day, but let’s finish strong on the Bible reading this week — we’ll be done on January 1 and be ready to start reading through it again on January 3.
Are you with me?
I’m not sure if you saw it, but Resident Biden gave us an early Christmas present by enthusiastically endorsing “Let’s Go Brandon” last week.
“Merry Christmas and let’s go Brandon,” the father said as he signed off.
“Let’s go Brandon, I agree,” Biden said without missing a beat.
It was unclear from Biden’s reaction if he knew what the phrase meant.
“Let’s go Brandon,” is a less-vulgar stand-in for a jeer aimed at the Resident, who presides over a dismal administration that is hurting America. For Biden to not only repeat the phrase, but then to agree with it, only strengthens the perception of Biden as a useful idiot for the Left and a senile politician who doesn’t belong where he currently sits.
Daily Verse | 1 John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Friday’s Reading: 2 John and 3 John Saturday’s Reading: Jude
It’s Friday and Christmas Eve 2021, the day before we celebrate what is surely the most astounding event in the entire known history of mankind: that God Himself entered our world as a baby on a mission to rescue humanity from itself, culminating in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.”
“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”
The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God.”
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.
Luke 1:26-38 (NIV)
Our culture is so overcome with the commercialization of our holidays—every Tom, Dick and Harry is taking advantage of the occasion, trying to sell you something that you don’t need and can’t afford—that it takes great and intentional effort to put and keep Christ at the center of Christmas.
There is no secret to doing it. It’s simply refusing to get swept up in the madness and instead set aside time for bible reading, reflection and prayer.
That’s my prayer for you this Christmas. May the truth of the written record pierce your heart and flood you with wonder, joy and peace at the gift of God in the person of Jesus Christ.
If it would be helpful for you, I’m including below a harmony of the birth narratives that I put together from the gospels of Matthew and Luke. You can download it and have a copy to read on Christmas Day.
Daily Verse | 2 Peter 1:16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Thursday’s Reading: 1 John 1-5
It’s Thursday and as we head into the final days of 2021, there’s something going on in a foundational institution that deeply concerns me. It’s mostly out of sight, unlike the Covid panic, the race hustling of BLM and CRT, and the unbelievable train wreck that is the Biden administration that consumes our attention and 24-hour news cycles.
I’m referring to our military preparedness and its ideological trajectory.
Our military has always been apolitical, staying out of partisan politics and being, ostensibly, under civilian control. The Commander-in-Chief of all our armed forces has been the president, while Congress has the sole power to declare war.
The United States military has long been considered the preeminent fighting force in the history of the world. We have always had the most advanced weapons, a strong cohesion and discipline among our troops, and, for the most part, a sense of patriotism and a belief that it was a noble calling to defend our liberty here and around the globe.
But there have been a number of troubling signs that our military is not only unprepared, but that there are forces at work to intentionally undermine the traditional institution as created. For instance, in July 2020, there was a devastating fire aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard that resulted in a total loss of the ship. A subsequent report found that “ineffective learning, the persistence of underlying weaknesses in shipboard watchstanding standards, hazardous and combustible material stowage, and training were the primary issues contributing to a lack of enduring change and in shipboard fires.”
In 2016, ten U.S. sailors were captured by Iran when they inadvertently strayed into Iranian waters and surrendered to four boats operated by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps — a embarrassing event that (fortunately) resulted in the return of the sailors and no loss of life. But they looked anything but competent sailors. In a ProPublica investigation of the incident, they found that,
The Farsi Island episode is consistent with ProPublica’s findings in its ongoing examination of the Navy’s state of combat readiness. ProPublica’s detailed review of the Navy’s twoaccidents in the Pacific in 2017, which killed 17 sailors from the 7th Fleet, shows that the most senior uniformed and civilian leaders mishandled years of warnings about degraded ships, undertrained and overworked crews, and the potentially fatal costs of tasking vulnerable sailors with an unceasing number of sometimes ill-conceived missions.
There was Spenser Rapone, the “commie cadet” who posted graduation photos of himself wearing a red Che Guevara t-shirt under his uniform and showing the message, “Communism will win,” hand-written on the underside of his cap. While he was eventually dishonorably discharged, the fact that there was that kind of rot in the ranks is shocking.
More recently, there has been a cluster of evidence that we’re in trouble, most notably the worst humiliation in a generation — our exit from Afghanistan, which saw our forces leave billions of dollars in military hardware for the Taliban, and we abandoned allies and American citizens alike during our exit. Americans were aghast at the raging incompetence of it all.
Then there’s the ineptitude shown in the development of the U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford, which has become the most expensive aircraft carrier in the world because of construction blunders. While it passed its recent shock trials, cost overruns and delays have plagued the ship for years.
Instead of maintaining and raising our standards, the Army recently lowered its fitness standards to accommodate female members, of whom 84% were failing the standards (as compared to 30% of men).
And we reassert our position that having one ACFT standard for men and a lower one for women is not the “equality” that proponents of women in combat units said they wanted. Rather, a lower standard represents “exceptionalism” which confirms the reasons women weren’t allowed to serve in combat units previously: because they lacked the physical strength and endurance needed to endure the rigors of combat. Women accepted into combat units under that lower standard will prove that at the cost of their own and that of their teammates’ lives.
Then there is the disturbing ideological focus of the military’s leaders. Once Resident Brandon was sworn in, Sec. Defense Lloyd Austin ordered a stand-down in which every branch of the military was to take one day to talk about extremism in the ranks. Thirty Republicans sent a letter to Sec. Def. Austin expressing deep concern over his actions. In part, it read:
Under the guise of reviewing “extremism” within the ranks of the Department of Defense, it appears that political actors such as Bishop Garrison, the head of the working group tasked with defining extremist views for the Department of Defense, have been given broad freedom to both catechize and root out servicemembers who will not affirm far-left doctrines. Your order for a “stand-down” to ideologically assess servicemembers appears to have been connected to these efforts.
Then there’s chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milli Vanilli who wants to “understand white rage” and admitted that he didn’t think the Afghan government would collapse so quickly. Such woke behavior and incompetence is definitely present in our armed forces. Listen to what this female soldier says:
Part of what got us here, as I recently wrote about, was former president Obama purging the military of any officer who was not reliably a progressive:
The military is supposed to an apolitical civilian institution that is wise in the ways of war. Yet, it is clear that they are either following orders that are destructive to America’s reputation most likely because they’ve been overtaken by ‘woke’ leadership that started under Barack Hussein Obama, who replaced nearly 200 generals, colonels and flag officers in the U.S. militaryover five years with men and women who supported his socialist views in an unprecedented purge.
We were warned back then that Obama’s purge was a huge mistake. It wasn’t a “mistake.” It was the purposeful degradation of the greatest military the world has ever seen.
Finally, here’s the rather big thing that should force us all to check our assumptions that our military is pro-American and focused like a laser on protecting the American homeland from external threats.
Enter now three retired U.S. Army Generals: Major Generals Paul D. Eaton and Antonio M. Taguba and Brigadier General Steven M. Anderson (“the Three”). In a Washington Post opinion piece, “3 retired generals: The military must prepare now for a 2024 insurrection,” they contend that events in 2020 revealed an incipient military coup and that, to save our nation, the U.S. military must act preemptively—radically and unilaterally. What they write should frighten every American.
The Three assert that those unarmed Americans who, on January 6, did nothing more than quite innocently enter Congress, walk around, and then leave voluntarily, were all insurrectionists. They spout this deadly canard although no one arrested has been charged with 18 U.S.C. § 2381 (Treason), § 2383 (Rebellion or insurrection), § 2384 (Seditious conspiracy), or § 2385 (Advocating overthrow of Government). The Three stick to their risible narrative because only through lies can they scare people enough to accept their unconstitutional and illegal recommendations that, if accepted, will put the final nail in our national coffin.
This is truly frightening. We have three former generals advocating that the military train its sights on American citizens based on a provable lie. But that’s not the worst of it.
Second, the Three utter a sentence I never expected to come out of the mouths of our military leadership: “[T]he military cannot wait for elected officials to act….”
That’s a stunning statement from anyone who understands our military history and our Constitution. The single most basic rule of our military is that it is wholly and completely under civilian control. So, what would the Three have the military do unilaterally?
Among other things, they argue that the military should undertake “intensive intelligence work” at every military base to “remove” those people they define as potential mutineers—i.e., Trump voters. This would be the U.S. military’s first ideological purge, one consistent with the old Soviet Union. Maybe Milley and Austin will install “political officers” in each unit.
The military does nothing without direction from our elected leaders. For them to assert that they “can’t wait” for our elected leaders is tantamount to declaring independence from either political or civilian oversight. That borders on treason.
This is a disturbing development because they’re setting up a trap for anyone who might protest the outcome of an election. If Americans rise up in protest, they “validate” the prediction and a military response; if Americans stand down, the prediction did its job in suppressing any thoughts about protesting.
I used to take pride in our military and knew that we could kick the butt of any enemy who threatened us. Now I’m not so sure. It seems like institutional rot has set in.
Daily Verse | 1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
Wednesday’s Reading: 2 Peter 1-3
Happy Wednesday my friends. You know that I caught the Beijing Blight in October and suffered some powerful negative effects on my energy levels, but have basically recovered to my pre-Covid health. I don’t regret not getting vaccinated and still have no plans to do so — even with the Delta and Omicron variants free-floating across the globe.
The truth is that this virus and its variants are following the pattern of most viruses: it starts out strong but weakens over time to where it’s just another illness that we learn to live with. And live with it we can, especially since the Omicron variant only produces mild symptoms, and sometimes none at all. I’ve read opinion pieces where the authors report that they can’t find any record of any death as the result of being infected with the Omicron variant.
This kind of rhetoric is very damaging to the country. First, the grave words don’t match the reality. Omicron isn’t “disrupting” anything. Maybe there’s some infections, but our hospitals aren’t overwhelmed with the deathly ill and as far as we know, no one has died of the Omicron variant.
Second, there are obviously two audiences being spoken to here: the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. Note the language: the vaccinated “have done the right thing” — it’s a moral claim of “rightness” for the vaccinated, which also implies that the other group — the unvaccinated — have not done the right thing.
Then there’s, “we will get through this.” That “we” is the White House aligning itself with the morally superior group. They’re essentially saying, “hey, we’re with you; we’re there for you; we’re in this together.”
Now look at the text to the unvaccinated: “you’re,” “yourselves,” “your,” “you.” No “we” in there — you’re on your own. And it’s going to be a devastating winter for you with “severe illness and death.” And look at the problem you’re likely to cause: overwhelming hospitals with your irresponsible decision not to get vaxxed.
Vaxxed? Good! Not vaxxed? Baaad!
Third, this is a clear example of pitting groups against each other (in this case, the vaxxed against the unvaxxed), which exacerbates the deep divides that already exist and that the left has been agitating for years.
This is Marxist class warfare dressed up in appeals to our better nature.
We need to reject this kind of agitation out of hand, as we do statements from Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci. Just listen to Biden himself and ask yourself why he’s speaking like a dictator.
WATCH: Joe Biden says you can celebrate Christmas if “…you and those you celebrate with are vaccinated…” pic.twitter.com/eVDhBfff5L
Did you ask PERMISSION from Joey 81 MILLION to enjoy getting together with your family this Christmas? Joey Ice Cream Cone says it’s “A-OK” to do that — as long as you’re vaccinated. Again, the implication is that the unvaccinated should stay isolated.
We should absolutely refuse to follow this guidance. The pandemic is essentially over; we’re dealing with a mild flu-like virus that will be with us forever. Unlock the country and open it back up again!
Our federal government has no business messaging the American people with this kind of fear mongering. Ignore it and live life with joy and without fear.
Daily Verse | James 1:13-14 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.
Tuesday’s Reading: 1 Peter 1-5
Tuesday and Joe Manchin continues to suffer the indignity of having his patriotism, honesty and morality smeared. To hear progressives tell it, the “other” Joe has torpedoed democracy, reneged on his promised support for the Build Better Bolshevism bill and has betrayed the poor and the children to a lifetime of hardship.
“I knew where they were, and I knew what they could and could not do. They just never realized it, because they figured surely to God we can move one person, surely we can badger and beat one person up, surely we can get enough protesters to make that person uncomfortable enough,” he said. “Well, guess what? I’m from West Virginia. I’m not from where they’re from and they can just beat the living crap out of people and think they’ll be submissive, period.”
If it wasn’t for Joe Manchin, we’d be looking at an economic wrecking ball across our country. I kinda feel like this:
He criticized Democrats for approaching legislation “as if you have 55 or 60 senators that are Democrats and you can do whatever you want.”
“I think I still represent the centrist wing of a Democratic Party that has compassion but also has reasonability,” he said.
And as for whether he thinks there’s still a place for him in the Democratic Party, he said: “I would like to hope there are still Democrats who think like I do. I’m fiscally responsible and socially compassionate. Now, if there are no Democrats like that, then they’ll have to push me where they want me.”
I hate to break it to you, Joe, but your hope that there’s still some Dems who think like you do is a pipe dream. Like I said yesterday, besides Kyrsten Sinema and Tulsi Gabbard, that “wing” of the Democrat party is nearly invisible. I mean, every single Democrat is onboard with the BBB — except Manchin. Where are those “centrists” he’s referring to?
Not in the Senate.
I thank God for Joe Manchin. It is one more display of His grace and compassion that He provided a way out from underneath the tyrannical aspirations of the Democrat party, and He did it with a Democrat.
Daily Verse | Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Monday’s Reading: James 1-5
Happy Monday and finally — FINALLY — a moment of sanity from a Democrat. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told Fox News Sunday that he would vote “no” on Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) monstrosity of a spending bill. Assuming he’s telling the truth and not trying to strong-arm other concessions by threatening to vote no, that effectively kills BBB.
This of course sent liberals into hyperventilation mode about the end of democracy as though “democracy” is somehow dependent on trillions of untamed spending to stay alive.
Also, we’re a constitutional republic, not a democracy.
A couple of Manchin’s colleagues took turns ripping him on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., started by accusing Manchin of lacking the courage to stand up to pharmaceutical companies, and an outraged Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., said the West Virginia senator was obstructing the president’s agenda.
Well, yes, Rep. Pressley, he is. He’s allowed to do that. Note that not all Republicans vote in lockstep, either. They had a chance to repeal Obamacare when Paul Ryan (*spit*) was speaker of the House with a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate and a Republican president — and they couldn’t get it done.
Either way, even if something reemerges from the rubble, it is not going to be anything along the lines of the “transformational” type of legislation liberals envisioned earlier in the year. The idea was to augment the role of government in every aspect of individuals’ lives — with subsidized child care, a government takeover of preschool, more financing for college, a more generous Obamacare, and an expanded Medicare. Not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars in investments toward the Green New Deal. That magnitude of legislation is no longer in the cards, even if Manchin warms up to passing something.
Manchin’s a Democrat, but he’s a reasonable Democrat, probably the last of the species. (Well, there’s Kyrsten Sinema and Tulsi Gabbard. It’s a dying breed.) He has considered the enormous costs of the bill and can’t justify voting for it.
“I’ve always said this, Bret: if I can’t go home and explain to the people of West Virginia, I can’t vote for it,” Manchin told guest host Bret Baier. “And I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can’t. I’ve tried everything humanly possible. I can’t get there.”
The senator said that the rise in inflation, the national debt and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic helped him come to his decision on the massive social spending bill.
Me? I’m so relieved that I’m thinking of writing a thank you note to Manchin. He just sank an incredibly irresponsible bill that would add a massive amount of debt to an already massive amount of debt.