Daily Verse | Acts 26:28
Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?”
Wednesday’s Reading: Acts 27-28
Happy Tuesday my friends. I’m back from my travels and eager to write.
I left the day after Election Day and have been watching the returns since.
I’m gobsmacked.
I had predicted “a red wave of tsunami-sized proportions or a trickle of red leaking through an overflowing toilet in Arizona.” At the time I was feeling rather optimistic about the red wave.
But I voted and all I got was this lousy blue-stained t-shirt.
Fetterman. Really?
Are the people of Pennsylvania really that stupid? How married to ideology do you have to be to vote for a 53-year-old hoodie dude who lives with his parents, has never held a real job, and had a stroke six months ago rendering him unable to adequately process normal conversation?
Fetterman beat a politically moderate Muslim, the son of Turkish émigrés, a celebrity doctor and successful television host, by almost four percentage points. Diversity, anyone? 2,710,027 people voted for Fetterman while 2,474,013 voted for Oz, a difference of 236,014 votes.
The vote seems legitimate, but does not seem logical. If legitimate, how do you explain the votes of those supporting Fetterman? It boggles the mind to think that people actually voted for him. Logically, his win makes more sense to me if the vote was fraudulent, yet … was it?
Democrats vent their fury at Trump and his ultra-mega-MAGA supporters, but then elect a screwball like Fetterman (and his weird uncle, Brandon). The contempt for them is richly deserved.
Same in Arizona. As I’m writing this on Monday night, several outlets are announcing that Katie Hobbs has beaten Trump-endorsed Kari Lake in the race for governor. Again, it makes no sense. Hobbs hid herself, refused to debate Kari Lake, and polls showed her trailing Lake (although not by much).
And how conveeenient that Hobbs, as the current Secretary of State of Arizona, oversaw the election that determined whether she became the next governor. And how even more conveeenient that counting the votes took a week!
Our election system is broken. Very broken.

Here’s Emerald Robinson:
Welcome to the Banana Republic of Biden — where the voting machines break down and the tabulators fail and the paper runs out on Election Day!
The rigging was so bad, so obvious, so corrupt that even the corporate media was forced to admit that electronic voting machines didn’t work across America. That was a “conspiracy theory” — you might recall — just the day before.
But — lo and behold ! — the machines were all “down” in Mercer County, New Jersey. They were full of “mishaps” in Harris County, Texas and in Chesterfield County, Virginia and in Bell County, Texas and in Suffolk County, New York. At least 20% of all the machines were “not working” throughout Maricopa County, Arizona. They “ran out of paper” in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. In fact, “officials say that roughly 44 polling locations in Luzerne County ran out of paper to print ballots.”
Of course, it’s completely normal on Election Day for 44 polling places to run out of paper simultaneously. Don’t start fueling conspiracy theories by noticing that such a shortage must be deliberate!
And here she is again:
Countless people have called in the last few days to ask me if Kari Lake or Blake Masters or Adam Laxalt or Lauren Boebert— and all the rest of the midterm candidates in “stalled” races— will ultimately prevail.
My answer is always the same: no. No, I don’t think they’re going to prevail. They’re going to lose. In fact, they’re being cheated out of their victories right now.
My rule of thumb is simple: if you’re a Trump-aligned Republican and your election results were not released within 24 hours of Election Day, then you’re toast.
The entire point of “slow-rolling” vote-counting is that it gives the cheaters the necessary time to count how many ballots they need to beat the Republican candidate and then to manufacture those ballots — or to disappear the necessary number of GOP ballots by “abjudication.”
Didn’t the GOP learn any of these lessons from the 2020 election? Of course not.
I encourage you to read both of her blog posts (and subscribe to her Substack).
Via No Pasaran, Fox News’s Jesse Watters adds:
Elections used to be decided on election night. “American Idol” can handle millions of votes in a commercial break, but it takes Arizona, Nevada a week? None of it makes sense because they don’t want the system to make sense. The longer some of these races drag out for, the better it is for Democrats because they’ve created a system centered around ballots, not votes. It’s not about winning your vote anymore. It’s not about persuading you. It’s about flooding the state with as many ballots as possible and getting them filled out Democrat.
Stalin reportedly said, “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.” Right. It’s not the vote that counts; it’s who counts the votes.
We are told that there is no evidence of any fraud whatsoever in 2020 and if we believe there was we’re conspiracy nuts and a dangerous threat to democracy. Yeah, well, I’m convinced more than ever that there is widespread fraud in our elections and if we don’t figure out how to stop it we’re goners.