Daily Broadside | General Michael Flynn (Ret.) Warns Biden Admin. to Declare National Emergency Before Elections

Honestly, I thought Obama was going to declare martial law prior to Trump being inaugurated. But Obama doesn’t want the appearance of getting his hands dirty, so he’ll just pull the strings from behind the scenes.

“We should be prepared for this administration to declare some type of national emergency. I really, really, I feel that, I know some of the things that they’re doing in the White House right now, that they’re contemplating.


“This is not politics as usual, folks. This is not about big government and little government, less taxes and more taxes. This is now about whether or not our country is going to be the United Socialist States of America, or the United States of America. And I as a former blue collar Kennedy Democrat, right? I’ll, I’ll go at it with anybody today, but we are in a really, we’re in a grave moment in time, and I want people to understand that, I really want people to understand that.”

Makes sense to me. This administration has already disregarded the rule of law and is throwing anything and everything at the opposition, especially their lawfare against Trump and the cheating they did in the 2020 election and the cheating they undoubtably have planned in 2024.

Why not devise some pretext for declaring a national emergency and suspend the presidential election? They’ve got half the country with them and judges and politicians in high places. Democrats can’t win on the issues—they can only win if they cheat. And they can only win when they cheat if the margin of victory is close enough that they can manufacture enough votes to cover the gap.

I personally don’t think we can vote our way out of this mess. Not any more. The best we can do is buy some time, but even that is tenuous. We thought we had time when Trump was president, but the cultural Marxists harassed and prosecuted him throughout his time in office, and they’re still at it because he’s a major threat to their hold on power.

Think about it: he’s not anything close to what they accuse him of being—a dictator, a Russian stooge, a white supremacist, an insurrectionist. Those all describe the current tool in the White House is. It’s all projection.

It’s time to embrace the fact that we’re being overrun by a Marxist virus that was incubated in our universities and has now infected our entire culture. In my view, the only way we will avoid becoming a socialist or communist state is by fighting our way out of it.

I don’t want to say it (again) but a new civil war—a real war, with real shooting and violence and death and destruction—appears to me to be inevitable. It may not happen this year or next, but I don’t see a way out because the Left is well-funded and persists in “flooding the zone”—a constant barrage of agitation and litigation and corruption of everything that normal Americans have held dear.

There isn’t anyone coming to save us from our enemies. It’s going to come down to those who love what America was meant to be and want to see that order restored. Otherwise it will be a hasty collapse into a surveillance state in which your freedoms are choked off, slowly but surely.

It’s already happening.

Daily Broadside | The UniParty Passes Unconstitutional Legislation Banning Speech Protected Under the First Amendment

A noble cause—outlawing antisemitism—produces one of the worst pieces of legislation ever written.

The House of Representatives passed a major antisemitism bill on Wednesday, which would crack down on antisemitism on college campuses as protests rage nationwide.

The bill, introduced by New York Republican Rep. Mike Lawler passed in a bipartisan 320-91 vote, per The Hill, and will now go to the Senate. The legislation was opposed by 21 Republicans, and 70 Democrats.

The legislation seeks to make the Department of Education adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism when enforcing the 1964 Civil Rights Act on college campuses.

The bipartisan legislation is called the “Antisemitism Awareness Act.” But there are a lot of problems with the law as written, including the fact that the definition is not even included in legislation, but outsourced to an international body that has no legal standing to tell us what we can or cannot say. Matt Walsh makes this point in his blog post on Thursday.

In addition, the legislation just passed by the House with the majority of Republican and Democrats supporting it, says that the examples given by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance are also to be considered part of this law.

Do you know what one of the “examples” of antisemitism is given by the IHRA?

Personally, I believe that all of us, Jew and Gentile, killed Jesus, but this is insane. If I were to stand up in a church and read John 19:7, I could conceivably be arrested under this “hate speech” law.

The Jewish leaders insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.”

I detest antisemitism, but this bill is unconstitutional on its face. It also directly attacks the First Amendment which protects all speech, including speech we find detestable.

Not only that, but what if the IHRA decides to change their definition of antisemitism? Or to add examples that target the Christian church even more directly? Worse, does the U.S. law automatically get updated with the revised definition and examples? Is it a “living and breathing” bill that can change based on the whims of people in other countries, including Israel?

We should all oppose this bill, like Thomas Massie, who posted a thread worth reading on X.

We are living in very dangerous times, my friends, because we have a bunch of morons running the country who have no understanding of the First Amendment or of the constitution they swore to protect, defend, and uphold.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Brandon Wants to Import Palestinians Into US On Top Of the Millions of Foreigners He’s Already Forced On Us

Is there no limit to the destructive ends of this lawless “administration”?

White House considers accepting some Palestinians from Gaza as refugees amid Israel-Hamas war

People from Gaza who pass a series of eligibility, medical and security screenings would qualify to fly to the US with refugee status

The Biden administration is considering welcoming certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees as they seek to escape war-torn Gaza amid the ongoing war in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas.

Senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed in recent weeks the details of potential options to accept Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent U.S. residents, internal federal government documents show, according to CBS News.

One proposal involves using the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program to bring Palestinians with U.S. connections who have escaped Gaza and entered neighboring Egypt, the documents reveal.

U.S. officials have also considered welcoming additional Palestinians out of Gaza and are processing them as refugees if they have American relatives, according to the documents. This proposal would have to rely on coordination with Egypt, which has thus far been reluctant to welcome large numbers of people from Gaza.

Say, has anyone asked Egypt why they are “thus far reluctant” to take in Gazans?

Never mind, I’ll tell you. It’s because more than 70 percent of Palestinians believe the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel was justified. Egypt sure as heck doesn’t want any terrorist sympathizers in their country.

But the hacks running our country know that bringing them here fits perfectly with their plan to undermine our stability and freedoms. I mean, just look at the Pax Americana currently being expressed at our universities in mostly peaceful anti-semitic protests!

Yes, please, more of that!

Oh, and get a look at more of the lawless population displacement this completely treasonous junta is conducting.

The DHS data shows that during an 8 month stretch from January through August 2023, roughly 200,000 migrants flew into the U.S. via the program, with 80% of them, (161,562) arriving in the state of Florida in four cities: Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, & Tampa.

The top 15 cities migrants flew into, & the numbers during this 8 month window, are below. 1) Miami, FL: 91,821 2) Ft. Lauderdale, FL: 60,461 3) New York City, NY: 14,827 4) Houston, TX: 7,923 5) Orlando, FL: 6,043 6) Los Angeles, CA: 3,271 7) Tampa, FL: 3,237 8) Dallas, TX: 2,256 9) San Francisco, CA: 2,052 10) Atlanta, GA: 1,796 11) Newark, NJ: 1,498 12) Washington, D.C.: 1,472 13) Chicago, IL: 496 14) Las Vegas, NV: 483 15) Austin, TX: 171

I’ve attached the raw DHS data provided in the subpoena response showing all of the locations the migrants flew into during these 8 months in the chart below.

DHS also revealed in the subpoena response that as of October 2023, there was a backlog about 1.6 million applicants waiting for DHS approval to fly to the U.S. via the parole program.

Why do you think they’ve flown the trespassing foreigners into these cities?

No, wait, I’ll tell you. It’s because they 1) will be hard to find and deport, 2) will turn the cities blue and bluer, and 3) will further stress our economy and welfare system. It’s all designed to break us down.

We’re experiencing the overthrow of our constitutional republic in real time.