Daily Broadside | However Much You Despise This Administration, It’s Not Enough

The latest gaslighting project to smear Trump just dropped from the Biden administration junta.

Terrible, right!?! Trump called immigrants “ANIMALS”!

Except he didn’t.

Here’s what he actually said.

Dems love to change the focus to the FEEEEELings of the animals who committed these crimes. They want to nitpick words and insults while ignoring the murder of innocent Americans by the criminals allowed to be in this country as a result of the anti-American policies the Dems design, implement and support.

CNN of course picked up and amplified the lie.

Don’t let them change the subject. Keep the focus on the blood that they have on their hands.

Daily Broadside | Biden Lies And Says He Didn’t Proclaim “Trans Day of Visibility” to be on Easter

When asked about Speaker Johnson’s claim that Brandon proclaimed Easter Sunday to be the “Trans Day of Visibility,” the mentally incompetent bozo simply lied and said he didn’t do it. But the Internet is forever:

I mean, it sure sounds like he proclaimed it because he uses words like “therefore I … do hereby proclaim.” Yet he says that Speaker Johnson “thoroughly uninformed.”

Yes, it’s bad that Brandon proclaimed such a day in direct conflict with the holiest day on the Christian calendar. But there could be more than meets the eye here, and probably is. James Lindsay, whom I’ve quoted before, is someone who understands the mechanics of a cultural revolution, like the one we’re in the middle of right now.

This isn’t just an insult to the Christian faith, and indeed an intolerable one that proclaims a form of embodied Gnostic theosophy that misleads and destroys kids. It is entirely consistent with Woke Theosophy, as I’ve discussed elsewhere and may attach here as a thread, but it is more than that. It is also a deliberate provocation against Christians that must be understood.

A key principle of Woke activism is “your target’s reaction is your real action.” That derives from Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals and has been codified in the updated activism manual called Beautiful Trouble. They do these provocations intentionally, as I have discussed at length in the past, as a means of stoking a reaction they can use to their advantage.

On the reactionary side at present, it must be indicated that there are multiple overlapping active measures to drag faithful Christians into reactionary stances. One is the prevailing “Operation Christian Nationalism,” which this same administration is framing as one of the most dangerous threats to “democracy” in the world today. Another is the more local and specific radicalization attempt during Holy Week that follows the Christian rhetoric of “Christ is King,” which has been successfully tied to an antisemitic trope and active measure meant to drive a wedge between Christians and Jews and Christians and Christians. I have taken tremendous heat for exposing this active measure, as have many others, which is a testament to its status as an active measure.

This provocation, published yesterday, is overwhelmingly likely aiming to feed into those prevailing active measures (“ops”) meant to drag Christians into a positions of fruitful reaction that the Regime can use to clamp down on them. Again, Christian reaction is their real action, and we know for certain that Christian circles are deeply infiltrated with a chest-beating and growing radicalism that is being baited toward and associated with a growing antisemitism. The responses to this post will almost certainly prove this out, btw. Your evil government wants this to happen. They are baiting you into it.

It’s hard to internalize that our government may be deliberately trying to entrap us, but it is (at the very least) possible, and looking more probable as time goes on. So what should we do?

You should cleave to your faith with wisdom and discernment. You should celebrate your Christianity as loudly and publicly as you want, and you should do so aware that a reaction is being solicited from you. Pray for those caught up in the trans cult. Make your prayers visible. Welcome them to healing and communion, even if they’re not ready to take it. Likewise, pray for these evil “leaders” that they repent of this wickedness. Pray also for those professing Christianity but not practicing it, seeking to lead Christians into error from within, that they repent and find forgiveness, peace, strength, and ultimately faith.

More than that, celebrate your faith openly and on terms that avoid the desired reaction of these enemies of both the church and our nations. Proclaim “He is risen” and celebrate your salvation through Him. Do not be afraid, but do not take the evil path that is being offered to you. I advise reading Matthew 10 in its entirety in this dangerous time in which your religion is targeted and in which you are being targeted and identified for this persecution, which is being set up through these provocations. It contains wisdom and guidance for times precisely like these.

Happy Easter, everyone, and may the Good News of your faith overpower the evil being done against it, not through chest-beating reaction and temptations to evil, but through the power of peace, repentance, and forgiveness that is at the heart of it, for all the people in all the nations of the world. Let not this weapon that has been forged against you prevail. Keep your faith, and keep your head. These are trying times.

It’s hard to ignore such a deliberate offense, and as I’ve cautioned before (following Doug Wilson here and here), we must not take the bait. I don’t know if James Lindsay is a professing Christian, but we need men like him helping us see what is really going on behind the bizarre cultural deformities being pushed by the authorities.

Keep your faith, and keep your head.

Daily Broadside | There’s Always Two Sides to Changing Our Political Processes

Happy Monday and I hope you all had a blessed trans day of visibility Easter celebration.

It’s also April Fool’s Day, so happy anniversary to me as I start a fifth year of blogging. Thanks to all of you who read regularly, thanks to those of you who link to posts in Facebook and other social media, and thanks to those of you who comment.

Every now and then someone comes up with a novel idea that begs to be taken seriously. I came across an article at The American Conservative in which the author argues that we should abolish the Twenty-second Amendment. The text in question:

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.

The argument of the article’s author, Peter Tonguette, is driven by the amazing rebound of Donald J. Trump, who “lost” reelection nearly four years ago. Only one other president in our nation’s history has been elected to two nonconsecutive terms: Grover Cleveland (1884 and 1892).

This is plainly unfair. Indeed, there has long been support for axing the Twenty-second Amendment due to the artificial limits it places on voter choice. Many popular presidents have agreed. In 1985, the Washington Post reported that Ronald Reagan supported repealing the amendment, saying in private remarks that the lame-duck label being applied to his second term left him feeling “handicapped.” In 2016, Barack Obama told David Axelrod that he was sure he would have coasted to a third term if such a thing were permissible: “I am confident in this vision, because I’m confident that if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could have mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it.” 

The case of Donald Trump, however, makes an even more forceful ethical argument against the Twenty-second Amendment and for its repeal: If a man who once was president returns, after a series of years, to stand again for the office and proves so popular as to earn a second nonconsecutive term—as Trump seems bound to do—to deny him the right to run for a second consecutive term cuts against basic fair play. If, by 2028, voters feel Trump has done a poor job, they can pick another candidate; but if they feel he has delivered on his promises, why should they be denied the freedom to choose him once more?

I almost decided not to comment on this article because it’s an isolated topic that has no particular momentum. Sort of a nice idea, but there are more important things to be talking about.

But as I got ready to close the tab I thought, “it’s NOT a nice idea.”

It’s right there in the first paragraph of the section I quoted above. “In 2016, Barack Obama told David Axelrod that he was sure he would have coasted to a third term if such a thing were permissible.” That statement scares me. Can you imagine a third consecutive term of B. Hussein Obama himself in the White House? I mean, we’re living it right now (you do know that Obama is pulling the strings of this “administration”, right?), but the Lightbringer doesn’t have the bully pulpit from which to personally call his minions to action.

What if he got elected to a third term, then a fourth, like FDR?

We have to remember that there are always two sides to every idea that we think will give us some advantage. On the one hand, I’d like to see term limits for congresscritters. We could do away with the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters and AOC. But that also means we’d lose members like Ted Cruz, John Kennedy, Chip Roy, Marsha Blackburn and Mike Lee.

When Harry Reid changed an historic Senate rule to overcome filibusters, he and his party didn’t take seriously the long-term consequences.

In 2013, Reid invoked the “nuclear option,” a historic move that changed a long-standing Senate rule, dropping the number of votes needed to overcome a filibuster from 60 to a simple majority for executive appointments and most judicial nominations — a decision he justified because of trouble getting through court confirmations in the latter half of the Obama Administration.

At the time, then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and many other Republicans warned Reid that he would regret implementing the nuclear option.

“What goes around comes around. And someday they’re going to be in the minority,” Republican Sen. John Thune warned.

Well, it’s come around. Democrats are in the minority and many are pointing to Reid’s tweet as evidence of the folly of changing the Senate rules.

Reid’s rule change led to Trump getting his Supreme Court nominations through the Senate without any trouble. Thanks, Harry, for Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Coney Barrett.

Novel ideas that upset long-standing traditions or practices cut both ways. There may be some — like abolishing the Twenty-second Amendment — that merit consideration. For instance, I think we should revisit the Seventeenth Amendment, which approved direct elections of US Senators by the voting public instead of being appointed by the state legislatures, as originally intended by the Founders.

But always, Always, ALWAYS remember: there are two sides to every change in political processes and rules, and while it might be beneficial to conservatives now, it may be beneficial to liberals later.

Choose your fights carefully and consider the long-term consequences.

Daily Broadside | Maybe Jesus Didn’t Really Die on the Cross and Come Back to Life

It’s Good Friday and I always take a break from the political nonsense going on in our country to deliberately reflect on what is ultimately important in this life — a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. (See 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.)

Because I don’t write on the weekends, I never specifically write about Easter Sunday and the resurrection of Jesus, which are inextricably bound up with the events of Good Friday. I want to do that today by examining some of the explanations posited by unbelievers who object to the idea of a physical resurrection from the dead.

To claim that Jesus was put to death and was really, indisputably dead — no heartbeat, no pulse, no brainwaves, no breath, fixed pupils, cold to the touch, completely unresponsive to any stimulation — and that he remained that way for some 40 hours and then came back to life, is extraordinary. It defies our reason, logic and experience.

When my father died, I was there. He was really, indisputably dead. If I had been told that he was up and walking around a few days later, it would be inexplicable and frightening and “unbelievable.” In our world, there is no “coming back” from the dead. Death is final. Dead is dead.

Yet we have four documents that describe an individual named Jesus who died and came back to life some 2,000 years ago. Could it be? Is it true?

Those who don’t believe say that what the Bible claims is impossible, and there must be another explanation. It was a hoax that the disciples pulled off by stealing and hiding the body; His appearance after death was a hallucination; Jesus didn’t die on the cross but was revived later; the entire story is a myth.

To say the disciples stole the body and just claimed Jesus was alive doesn’t stand scrutiny because they all went to their deaths proclaiming that Jesus was alive. One might die for something he believes to be true, but twelve will not die for something they know to be false.

Same with the theory that the appearances of Jesus were hallucinations driven by a fanatical wish for it to be true. But the Bible says that Jesus appeared to groups of people, including a crowd of more than 500. Individuals may hallucinate, but groups of people don’t all hallucinate the same thing at the same time.

As far as the whole story being a myth, the textual evidence doesn’t support the theory. A myth requires time to develop, so the closer a writing is to actual events the less time there is for the truth to be contaminated by mythology.

For example, in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 Paul refers to a creed, a creed being a formal statement of belief.

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve.

Paul wrote 1 Corinthians in the mid-50s. In this passage, he’s referring to an even earlier statement about Jesus’ life, death, burial and resurrection. Paul likely “received” this creed directly from Peter and James, both of whom were eyewitnesses and with whom he had met following his conversion. The features of Paul’s language dates the creed to the 30s, probably within a couple of years of Jesus’ death, which precludes any legendary developments.

So Jesus’ resurrection isn’t a myth, it wasn’t the product of mass hallucinations, and the disciples didn’t steal the body. What about the theory that Jesus simply passed out but recovered after he was removed from the cross?

It’s known as the “swoon theory” and it collapses under close scrutiny. Rather than summarize it for you, I’ll let the writers at CARM do it:

The Swoon theory falls apart quickly when you consider that Jesus had undergone six trials, was beaten, then scourged with 39 lashes that left His back raw, exposed, and bloody.  He had a crown of thorns forced upon His head, ripping His scalp.  He had been crucified with nails in the hands and feet; he hung there for six hours bleeding and dehydrating; his spear-pierced side emitted blood and water.  He was left in a tomb for three days and was tightly wrapped up.  Was anyone in this condition able to revive, get himself out of the tight wrappings, and then walk on pierced feet?

Could he single-handedly move a large stone with hands that were unusable due to the wrist piercings which severed the median nerve and paralyzed them?  Could he then somehow get by the armed guards given the charge of watching the grave-side?  Are we to believe further that Jesus managed to walk a long distance on feet which had been pierced and then appear to the disciples as a victorious conqueror of death?  The Swoon theory makes no sense.  In fact, it would take more to believe this ridiculous conjecture than it would to believe that Jesus rose from the dead.

Exactly so.

The resurrection of Jesus is the lynchpin of the entire Christian faith. If Jesus is still dead, then the entire ediface collapses. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:17-19,

And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins … If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.

Fortunately, the tomb was empty and the only reasonable explanation is what the Bible declares: we have a risen Savior.

Happy Easter!

Daily Broadside | Make Biden Play By The New Rules

I used to read National Review and Rich Lowry regularly, but they lost me after they published their “Against Trump” issue and started asking me to pay to read their stuff. Still, I’m on their mailing list and will occasionally click over. On Wednesday I found myself agreeing with Lowry’s editorial.

Special counsel Robert Hur found that there was enough evidence to charge Joe Biden with a crime, yet he didn’t.

As we know, Hur concluded that a jury would probably find that Biden didn’t have criminal intent, although he stipulated during his congressional hearing a couple of weeks ago that a reasonable juror might conclude that Biden was guilty.

If this wasn’t an outlandish decision on Hur’s part, neither was it inevitable. Clearly, the fact that recommending charges against Biden would have been a thermonuclear political event, potentially affecting the election outcome, helped stay Hur’s hand. He could have gone by the strict letter of the law but allowed prudential considerations — again, not unreasonably — to play a role.

The ongoing bout of civil cases and criminal indictments against Donald Trump and, soon enough, a criminal trial raise the question: Why, if Trump wins election, should his Justice Department accept Hur’s judgment? Why wouldn’t it simply take Hur’s report and fashion it into an indictment of former president Biden?

After all, if there’s anything we’ve learned recently, it’s that no one is above the law.

Since there are now new rules, why shouldn’t we play by them? Make the Democrats eat their words. They like to trot out “no one is above the law” when it concerns the opposition, but you know they’ll scream bloody murder when it’s applied to them.

See? No one is above the law. That statement, of course, is a truism. In the hands of Trump enemies, though, it becomes something more — a rationalization for hostile prosecutors subjecting a political opponent to whatever they can possibly get him on.

By this standard, what would stop prosecutors in a Trump administration from trying to nail Biden? All the evidence is right there in the 350-page Hur report.

To which I say, “go for it.” Joe Biden has no sympathy from me. If they could nail him on the charges detailed in Hur’s report and send him to prison for whatever is left of his time on earth, I’d be good with that.

Maybe a case against Biden wouldn’t succeed. But since when is that the standard? An indictment would harry and humiliate him, and drain him of resources. It would provide enjoyment to his political enemies. In short, it would do everything that’s been done to Trump, but with lower stakes — and no chance of interfering in an election — since Biden wouldn’t any longer be a candidate for office.

As Letitia James insists, “There simply cannot be different rules for different people.”


Daily Broadside | Demolished Bridge in Baltimore an Accident or an Intentional Act of Sabotage?

I would never describe myself as a conspiracy theorist, but with all the fake news and the authentic lying done by the FBI, the DOJ, the White House and the mainstream media, I can’t help but wonder about the more controversial explanations for high-profile events. We all know that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself, George Floyd was not suffocated by a cop’s knee, and Donald Trump did not incite an insurrection.

Early Tuesday morning, a fully loaded container ship hit a support pillar of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, causing it to collapse into the Patapsco River, triggering a mass casualty event. The bridge opened in 1977, is 1.6 miles long, and is named after the author of the American National Anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Dispatch audio from emergency responders captured the tense atmosphere after a cargo ship rammed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge early Tuesday, causing it to be completely destroyed. 

Operators of the Dali cargo ship had issued a mayday call that the vessel had lost power moments before the crash, but the ship still headed toward the span at “a very, very rapid speed,” Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said.

The 985-foot-long vessel struck one of the 1.6-mile long bridge’s supports, causing the span to break and fall into the water within seconds.

An emergency responder could be heard on the dispatch audio mentioning that construction workers had been operating on the bridge during the collapse, and an “unknown amount of those workers [were] in the water.” That prompted a call for a dive team. 

At first glance, it looks like a horrific accident. The ship lost power (it looks like twice), the crew issued a mayday call, and the crew had been out shopping earlier in the day, hardly what you’d think a terrorist would do if he were planning an attack like this.

But when you speed up the film of the crash, it’s very peculiar. The ship seems aimed at the support that it rammed.

Full live-streamed video here.

Mind you, I’m NOT declaring that the pilot deliberately aimed the ship at the pillar. I’m just saying if you watch the video without benefit of the doubt, it sure LQQKS like the cargo behemoth could’ve been aimed at the pillar.

On top of that, an enormous economic threat seems to have been unleashed in the wake of the disaster.

The collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge is a “major disaster” for the economy — threatening to disrupt $80 billion in cargo that travels to an from one of America’s busiest ports, and more than 140,000 jobs tied to the shipping traffic, experts said.

The immediate upshot for Americans — if you’re waiting for a new car to come in from overseas, prepare to wait longer. The Port of Baltimore stands as the nation’s leading import and export site for cars, light trucks.

It’s also the leading nexus for sugar and gypsum — which is used in fertilizer, drywall and plaster. A record 52.3 million tons of foreign cargo was transported through Baltimore in 2023.

The bustling port is cut off after the 1.6-mile bridge crumbled and fell into the Patapsco River early Tuesday, blocking the only shipping lane into the port.

Bloomberg agrees with the analysis.

The Port of Baltimore — the biggest handler of US imports and exports of cars and light trucks — looks to be out of commission indefinitely. The resulting bottleneck could accelerate a shift of goods through West Coast ports. Another crucial question: Which other ports have spare capacity to handle the Ro-Ro vessels that carry automobiles if Baltimore is closed for an extended period.

The growing instability inside the U.S. with the mass invasion of our southern border, rampant inflation, and the presidential election featuring lawfare against one of the candidates, what more do we need to collapse our trust in society? Lara Logan seems to think this was a deliberate attack.

Multiple intel sources: Baltimore bridge collapse was an “absolutely brilliant strategic attack” on US critical infrastructure – most likely cyber – & our intel agencies know it. In information warfare terms, they just divided the US along the Mason Dixon line exactly like the Civil War.

Second busiest strategic roadway in the nation for hazardous material now down for 4-5 years – which is how long they say it will take to recover. Bridge was built specifically to move hazardous material – fuel, diesel, propane gas, nitrogen, highly flammable materials, chemicals and oversized cargo that cannot fit in the tunnels – that supply chain now crippled.

Make no mistake: this was an extraordinary attack in terms of planning, timing & execution.


The footage shows the cargo ship never got in the approach lane in the channel. You have to be in the channel before you get into that turn. Location was precise/deliberate: chose a bend in the river where you have to slow down and commit yourself – once you are committed in that area there is not enough room to maneuver.

Should have had a harbor pilot to pilot the boat. You are not supposed to traverse any obstacles without the harbor pilot.

They chose a full moon so they would have maximum tidal shift – rise and fall. Brisk flow in that river on a normal day & have had a lot of rain recently so water was already moving along at a good pace.

Hit it with enough kinetic energy to knock the load-bearing pylon out from under the highway – which fatally weakens the span and then 50 percent of the bridge fell into the water. All these factors when you look at it – this is how you teach people how to do this type of attack and there are so few people left in the system who know this. We have a Junior varsity team on the field.


When you choke off Baltimore you have cut the main north-south hazardous corridor (I95) in half. Now has to go around the city – or go somewhere else.

Finally, similar to the terrorists on 9/11, who aimed their hijacked planes at symbols of American strength⁠—the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, and the U.S. Capitol (which was averted due to the heroism of Flight 93’s passengers)⁠—here we have a bridge named in honor of the author of our national anthem.

The bridge does carry some symbolic weight.

It may sound like I’m a conspiracy theorist, but I’m not. All reports suggest it’s a tragic accident. I’m just looking at this with the cynical eye I’ve developed because of how often we’ve been lied to by those who control information.

But if it turns out to indeed have been a terrorist attack, I won’t be at all surprised.

Daily Broadside | The DOJ Sets Up A Soviet-Style Snitch Line

From PJ Media comes word that the feds have just announced and funded the “National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center.”

Joe Biden apparently thinks he isn’t going to make it to a second term. On Saturday, his attorney general announced a new resource program for Red Flag laws across America that will go on long after Biden is no longer in the White House.

Congressman Thomas Massie sounded the alarm, asking: “What the hell is this evil? A Federal Red Flag center; We did not authorize this. Announced, of course, just hours after the omnibus passes.”

So unelected bureaucrats are now making law and funding it out of the money Congress voted to give them? The out-of-control ring masters are planning to disarm all of the junta’s enemies. That means all white, conservative, right wing, extremist, Christian Nationalist, MAGA Republican men who object to a government that is trampling their God-given rights.

Red flag laws sound reasonable, don’t they, considering how often gun violence is preceded by the perpetrators dropping blatant warning signs of murderous intent (signs which the FBI and DHS then ignore)? But make no mistake – red flag laws, which enable authorities to disarm someone who has been deemed a potential gun violence threat by family members or others in close contact with the “suspect,” will be used to target political enemies of the Biden administration. Under the guise (as usual) of keeping Americans safe, the government will exploit these laws in totalitarian ways.

Own a MAGA hat or a Gadsden flag? The Biden administration sees you as a potential danger. Complain about woke schoolroom indoctrination at school board meetings? The FBI already considers you a domestic terrorist. Post support on social media for the J6 political prisoners? You’re a threat to American “democracy” (i.e. Democrat one-party hegemony). Does anyone doubt that the government will use red flag laws to neuter such “threats”?

Who decides who “poses” a threat? Who decides what constitutes a threat? They’ve already demonized whites, “MAGA” Republicans, “deplorables” and “bitter clingers,” anti-vaxxers, hoax-busters and others as the greatest threat to the country since sliced bread or something.

Red flag laws are unconstitutional because they offer no due process. Authorities can show up to take your lawfully purchased weapons based on a report from anyone, and you don’t get them back until the authorities say so.

If you have a firearm, you best be quiet about it.

The potential danger and violence that red flag laws pose is real.

These imposters in the federal government — they’re American in name only — intend to disarm the populace in the interest of “public safety.” Safety is a disingenuous head fake.

The truth is that these left-wing cultural Marxists and their enablers in the media and our formerly great institutions are the true threat to a safe and stable society.

Daily Broadside | The Persecution of Donald J. Trump Hits a Speed Bump

The outrageous lawfare being waged on the former president took a hit this weekend when the New York Supreme Court ordered New York Attorney General Letitia James to remove a letter asking them to disregard Trump’s argument that posting the scandalous nearly half-a-billion dollar bond is a “practical impossibility.”

In the original letter, Ms. James had asked the court not to accept the testimonies of a Trump attorney and broker who detailed the efforts they’d gone through in trying to obtain a $464 million bond, claiming they were unreliable sources. The defense faulted the state for not providing any “reason to doubt any of their assertions,” however, and only making a blanket statement.

“While attempting to cynically and wrongfully tar the Defendants’ witnesses as ‘unreliable,’ the Attorney General does not actually dispute the truth of a single one of their specific claims,” the defense’s letter reads.

The sworn affidavits submitted revealed that the defense had sought out the large bond since before final judgment was entered—raising the fine from $250 million to more than $350 million during the last days of trial—and that negotiations by four brokers with 30-plus surety companies still resulted in no deal. One of the brokers provided additional context, saying a $100 million bond was considered large and a $464 million bond (which includes the ordered interest) is something few sureties have the ability to issue and would issue only for large publicly traded companies.

The attorney general had argued that these affidavits still didn’t provide enough information on why the defendants had been turned down, suggesting that Trump Organization assets aren’t as valuable as the defense claims.

Of course. Of course. There isn’t enough information in the world that would satisfy the legal assassin who boasted that if elected, she would aggressively investigate Trump’s businesses and finances. This is an all-out partisan witch hunt to pump up her ego by providing the Marxist Democrats an in-kind donation with her election interference.

The fact that the court ordered her to withdraw her letter, while not an epic decision, is still a win for Trump’s defense and perhaps indicates James’ overreach and political calculus. The only way to raise the money would be to liquidate his real estate holdings, something that the defense argued was excessive.

President Trump had posted on social media that to divest of his buildings in a “fire sale” would create irreparable damage—he would lose the buildings he was appealing to keep.

“Perhaps worst of all, the Attorney General argues that Defendants should be forced to dispose of iconic, multi-billion-dollar real-estate holdings in a ‘fire sale,’” the defense’s letter reads. They called it ”textbook irreparable injury” to require the defendants to appeal without penalty only after taking such losses.

“It would be completely illogical—and the definition of an unconstitutional Excessive Fine and a Taking—to require Defendants to sell properties at all, and especially in a ‘fire sale,’ in order to be able to appeal the lawless Supreme Court judgment, as that would cause harm that cannot be repaired once the Defendants do win, as is overwhelmingly likely, on appeal,” the defense argued.

In other good news for Trump, a recent Marquette University/CNBC poll shows that Trump has all but demolished Biden on who Americans trust to handle the border.

Look at that advantage that Donald Trump has on immigration and border security. It’s near 30 points. This is a tremendous change that’s going on and it’s no wonder that Donald Trump is running on immigration,” Enten observed, before adding, “Voters at this particular point are quite concerned about immigration, and they trust Donald Trump on this particular issue.”

Even among Hispanics.

“If you ask Hispanic voters, who do they trust more on border security and immigration? Overwhelmingly, they trust Donald Trump more, by a tremendous margin. Look at that: 49% to 24%. And that is in line with what we’re seeing in the polls in general among Hispanics, right?”

Meh. This is the same vibe I got in 2020. The country is fed up with the Marxist anti-Americans, but they hold all the power. I will be shocked if Trump wins come November.

Daily Broadside | Hordes of Foreigners Bum Rush The Border, Knock Down Armed Forces

Nothing to see here, just members of the Texas National Guard getting run over by a mob of foreigners demanding that we feed them and let them into our country because DiVerSiTY!

Just kidding, I made up that last part. But the rest is true.

It’s troubling to see that our previously “mighty” American armed forces can be so easily pushed aside. The hordes know that there aren’t any real consequences for breaking and entering. They just pressure tested our resolve and found it wanting. Now that it’s on film, expect to see even more of this tactic at other points of entry.

That’s what we get for undermining any semblance of rationality in our military and clandestine services and instead celebrate men wearing women’s clothes and diminish physical fitness standards.

Our vulnerability comes at a time when the worst international actors are making their way here to do us harm.

A Lebanese migrant who was caught sneaking over the border admitted he’s a member of Hezbollah, he hoped to make a bomb, and his destination was New York, The Post can reveal.

Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was caught by the US Border Patrol on March 9 near El Paso, Texas. While in custody, he was asked what he was doing in the US, to which he replied, “I’m going to try to make a bomb,” according to a Border Patrol document exclusively obtained by The Post.

But Ebbadi later claimed in an interview that he had been trying to flee Lebanon and Hezbollah because he “didn’t want to kill people” and said “once you’re in, you can never get out,” according to internal US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) documents.

Gosh, let’s let him stay then.

Ebbadi said in a sworn interview after his arrest that he had trained with Hezbollah for seven years and served as an active member guarding weapons locations for another four years, the documents show.

Ebbadi’s training focused on “jihad” and killing people “that was not Muslim,” he said.

Border agents continue to see a surge in migrants whose names appear on the terror watchlist entering the US illegally as crossings continue at record levels.

As I’ve said again and again, the open borders are a deliberate tactic to introduce instability into our country and lock in one-party rule over the next few years. It doesn’t matter to our rulers whether we the people suffer or not because of the foreign hordes overrunning our communities. They will never have to deal with the effects of their decrees. The only thing that matters to them is accruing more and more power to themselves.

If you haven’t seen this, it’s a pretty accurate summary of what’s happening.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | American Citizens Are Now Under Siege

After yesterday’s warning about foreigners who are here illegally—you know, illegal aliens—being given the right to carry a gun by a woke Illinois judge, I’ve got one more reason you should buckle up and prepare for the inevitable.

A friend shared this with me yesterday, and I’ve seen it making the rounds. Listen to the whole thing.

Just listen to that entitled, excited arrogance. How long will it be before illegals with guns decide that taking over an empty house isn’t enough, or that they and their gang member friends want your house in addition to the one they’re squatting in?

They’re doing to our country what they’re doing to our stores and homes. Smash and grab, steal and destroy. Why, it’s almost as if they have no respect for their host country, the place where these poor, malnourished, destitute, innocent journeymen who are just looking for a better life have illegally come.