All Men Are Created Equal

So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female. (Gen 1:27)

 In his Second Treatise of Government, John Locke dismantled the flawed philosophy supporting the idea that monarchs could justify their authority over their subjects by claiming to be Divinely superior to any human court or governing body.1

He said…

For Men being all the Workmanship of one Omnipotent, and infinitely wise Maker; All the Servants of one Sovereign Master, sent into the world by his order and about his business, they are his Property, whose Workmanship they are, made to last during His, not one another’s Pleasure.2

By saying that all men were the “…workmanship of one omnipotent and infinitely wise maker,” he was stripping away the manufactured rank and title that some had asserted as a way to elevate themselves over their peers. Rather, we were to perceive ourselves as equals having been created by God in His Image for His Purpose and not our own.

John Locke

John Locke (1632–1704) was one of the greatest philosophers in Europe at the end of the seventeenth century. Locke grew up and lived through one of the most extraordinary centuries of English political and intellectual history. It was a century in which conflicts between Crown and Parliament and the overlapping conflicts between Protestants, Anglicans and Catholics swirled into civil war in the 1640s.4

Locke’s Second Treatise of Government was published in 1690 and would heavily influence the political philosophies of those who would go on to craft the “Declaration of Independence.” Some would argue that the Founders, “….succeeded admirably in condensing Locke’s fundamental argument into a few hundred words.”5

Locke had a profound impact on those tasked with crafting the “Declaration of Independence.” You can see both his verbiage and his thinking represented in the opening lines penned by Thomas Jefferson when he said: 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.3

While many throughout history would sort men according to distinguished sounding titles and family crests, the United States built its argument on the platform that says our rights are not a king’s to dispense, but they are God’s to guarantee.

The fact that you and I are created in the image of God is what was used to ensure our Declaration resonated as a legitimate cause and not just a mere complaint.  And it’s because we bear His Likeness that this isn’t just another day and you’re not just another face in the crowd. Your life is more than your situation and you are more than your mistakes.

That’s the Reality of God and the beauty of grace.

We are not just existing, we are seen…

…and you weren’t merely “sorted…”

You were created.

Now go make a difference!

1. “Divine Right of Kings”, Britannica,, accessed January 22, 2023

2. “The Project Gutenberg eBook of Second Treatise of Government, by John Locke”,,, accessed January 22, 2023

3. (n.d.). Declaration of Independence: A Transcription. National Archives. Retrieved January 14, 2023, from

4. “John Locke”, “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy”,, accessed January 22, 2023

5. “The American Constitution, Its Origins and Development”, Alfred Hinsey Kelly, Winfred Audif Harbison, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, NY, 1963, p90

Avenge Our Innocent Blood: Rev Jonas Clark

Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

Those words penned by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow helped to immortalize the efforts of Paul Revere when he rode to Lexington, Massachusetts from Boston to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams that the British were on the move and enroute to arrest them as well as impound the cannon, gunpowder and ammunition stockpiled in Concord.2

Egypt will become desolate, and Edom a desert wasteland, because of the violence done to the people of Judah in whose land they shed innocent blood. 20 But Judah will be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation. 21 I will pardon their bloodguilt, which I have not pardoned, for the Lord dwells in Zion. (Joel 3:19-21)

Both Hancock and Adams were staying with the Reverend Jonas Clark.3 Clark’s home was familiar territory in that Hancock was the cousin of the young pastor’s wife.4 In addition, Clark was a passionate supporter of America’s quest for freedom. His sermons often referenced the tyranny represented by King George and how America’s pursuit of liberty was something that could be validated as a Biblically-based perspective.

You can hear that in the sermon he published the day after Revere completed his journey entitled, “The Fate of Bloodthirsty Oppressors, and God’s Tender Care of His Distressed People.”

On the 19th of April, 1775, many of the minutemen that had squared off against His Majesty’s soldiers were members of Clark’s congregation. When the smoke had cleared, eight were dead and another ten were wounded.5

Pastor Clark’s text was Joel 3:19-21. He began by saying:

Next to the acknowledgement of the existence of a Deity, there is no one principle of greater importance in religion, than a realizing belief of the divine government and providence, to realize that God is Governor among the nations, that his government is wise and just, and that all our times and changes are in his hands…6

In other words, God is in charge. And it’s because of His Supervision that we can trust that His Justice will ultimately prevail, even when circumstances would suggest otherwise.

By referencing God’s Sovereignty, Clark wasn’t merely offering some general, pastoral comfort. He was reminding his congregation that however evil might be able to function despite the laws and ethics that would otherwise prevent it from happening, oppressors are ultimately defeated by God’s Divine Power and Justice.

In his sermon, Clark referred to the British as having shed innocent blood and calls them “sons of oppression and violence.”7 He then went on to say that the word spoken by the prophet Joel could be applied to the United States.

How far the prophecy before us, may be applicable, upon this solemn occasion, and with what degree of truth, or probability, it may be predicted, in consequence of the present unjust and unnatural war, “that Great-Britain shall be a desolation, and England be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of America, because they have shed INNOCENT BLOOD in their land: But America shall dwell forever, and this people from generation to generation. And the LORD himself will cleanse their blood, that he hath not already cleansed.” —How far (I say) this prophecy may be applicable, in the present interesting contest, and how far it may be accomplished in the issue thereof, God only knows, and time only can discover.—But of this we are certain, if we “humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God upon us, we shall be exalted, in his due time:” and if we rightly improve his dealings, “accept the punishment of our sins” and religiously trust in his name, we shall see his salvation. 8

There are times when a church sanctuary functions as an Emergency Room, where wounds are treated, and victims are placed on the road to recovery through the restorative Power of the Holy Spirit (Ps 6:2; 34:18; Jn 14:27; Jas 5:16).

But there are other instances where it’s a Locker Room, where strategies are being rehearsed, mistakes are being addressed and players are being encouraged so they’re sufficiently equipped to take the field and make a difference (2 Sam 5:24; Dt 31:6; Mk 11:23; Jn 14:12).

In his sermon, Clark would not merely utter spiritual sounding condolences nor would he advocate for a forgiving disposition to be extended to the British. Rather, he would reinforce the Scriptural Substance upon which America’s resolve to be free was based and it was that Foundation that would provide both the courage and the endurance necessary to win the Revolutionary War.

There is a time for all things (Ecc 3:1). There is a time to weep (Ecc 3:4), there is a time to wait (Ps 27:14) and there is a time to win (Ex 17:15; Josh 6:5; Lk 10:19; 1 Jn 4:4).

Do not miss the victory that is yours to claim because you’re focused more on the way you would define your circumstance according to what you can do rather than the way God defines it based on what He can do.

1. “Paul Revere’s Ride”, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,, accessed February 20, 2023
2. “The Real Story of Paul Revere’s Ride”,,, accessed February 20, 2023
3. “Paul Revere’s Letter to Jeremy Belknap, ca. 1798 (abridged)”, “The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History”,, accessed February 20, 2023
4. “Jonas Clarke – The Pastor Who Fired the Shot Heard Around the World”, “Christian Heritage Fellowship”,, accessed February 20, 2023
5. “The Battles of Lexington and Concord”, Isaac Merrill, “Digital History”,, accessed February 20, 2023
6. “Sermon – Battle of Lexington – 1776”, Wallbuilders,, accessed February 20, 2023
7. Ibid
8. Ibid

You Will Have Trouble

On the west side of the obelisk that serves as the grave marker for the Reverend James Caldwell, it reads:

Hannah, wife of the Rev. James Caldwell, and daughter of Johnathan Ogden, of Newark, was killed at Connecticut Farms by a shot from a British soldier, June 25th, 1780, cruelly sacrificed by the enemies of her husband and of her country.1

The popularity of Caldwell and his courage on the battlefield reads in a way where you can easily imagine that in the aftermath of his heroics, he would survive the war and go on to live happily ever after.

But that was not the case.

Not only would he lose his life as a result of an unwarranted gunshot fired by a sentinel who would later be tried and hung for murder,2 but just two weeks prior to the Battle of Springfield where Caldwell would utter the now famous words, “Put Watts into ‘em boys,” Caldwell would learn that his wife had been shot and killed by the British.3

As believers, we’re not exempt from heartache, sickness, death and anxiety. It’s part of the world we live in and pretending to be either immune or indifferent is neither healthy nor helpful.

The idea is not to ignore sin or its effects, but to remain focused on the One Who gives you the Power and Perspective needed to endure and overcome.

That’s what Jesus meant in John 16:33:

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” (Jn 16:33)

Neither your witness nor your success is defined according to the lack of difficulty you encounter, rather they’re determined by the extent to which you allow Him to shape your perspective (Rom 12:1-2), fortify your resolve (Phil 4:13) and empower your performance (Is 41:10).

However intimidating the sin of the world may be, remember you have working in and through you the One Who brought the sin of the world to its knees.

1. “The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution”, Benson J. Lossing, Harper & Brothers, Publishers, New York, NY, 1851, p326
2. “Proceedings of the Historical Society, Volume I 1845 – 1846, The Office of the Daily Advertiser, Newark, NJ, 1847, p83-84 (
3. “A Short History of the American Revolution”, Everett Titsworth Tomlinson, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York, NY, 1901, p286-287 (

Run, Don’t Walk

Originally from Pennsylvania where he helped his father fill the pulpits of several Lutheran churches scattered throughout the area that didn’t have a full-time pastor, Peter Muhlenberg accepted a pastorate in Virginia in 1772.

By 1774, the relationship between the colonies and Great Britain was at a breaking point. The people of Dunmore County saw in their new pastor, not only a capable parson, but an exceptional leader and they nominated him to represent them in the House of Burgesses. Among this group of delegates was Colonel George Washington, representing Fairfax County and Patrick Henry, who in 1775 would deliver the iconic speech that concluded with the words, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

The sessions continued through January of 1776 and it was then that the appointment of officers in the newly formed Continental Army were announced.

At 29 years of age, with very little military experience, Peter Muhlenberg was nevertheless appointed a Colonel and given a command.

While he had served briefly in the British army, his appointment was due more to his capacity to lead than it was his knowledge of military tactics.

It proved to be a good decision, however, in that by the end of war, Peter Muhlenberg was a Major General.

What makes this significant is that Muhlenberg didn’t just pray for the soldiers in the Continental Army, he became one. And he didn’t just encourage them in battle, he led them in combat.

He and his men would see action throughout the war. They would be with Washington at Valley Forge, and it would be Muhlenberg who would assist in keeping Cornwallis contained at Yorktown which would ultimately lead to the surrender of the British army.

Faith in the absence of action is considered to be “dead” according to James 2:17.

There is a time for all things, even a time for war (Ecc 3:8). Joshua had to defeat Jericho, David had to fight Goliath and God made certain that those in Israel who had not participated in the Conquest of the Promised Land would still have to contend with sinister nations in order that they may learn how to function in a combat situation (Jud 3:1-2).

Muhlenberg saw the holy task represented by standing in the gap between tyranny and the populace it would subjugate. He didn’t regulate Christ’s reference to a sword in the New Testament as a metaphor but as a reinforcement of the way in which God sometimes both condones and empowers violence in order to defeat evil.

Obedience is not always convenient and sometimes it requires a significant amount of courage (Josh 1:9).

There is a time for war and when that time comes, you want to take your cue from Muhlenberg and those like him in that you don’t keep your distance from the battle and call it piety…

Rather, you run to the battle line and call on Him.

“The Fighting Parson of the American Revolution: A Biography of General Peter Muhlenberg” Edward Hocker, Lawrence Knorr, Sunbury Press, Inc. Mechanicsburg, PA, 1936, 2019

Daily Broadside | Will One of the Bidens Finally Go to Prison?

On Fox News’s program Sunday Morning Futures, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky), the Chair of the House Oversight Committee, declared that today, Wednesday, he and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) will hold a press conference to announce the results of their investigation into the Biden Crime Family.

“When you have the opportunity to see the evidence that the House Oversight Committee will produce with respect to the web of LLCs, with respect to the number of adversarial countries that this family influence-peddled in, and this is not just about the president’s son,” the lawmaker said.

“This is about the entire Biden family, including the president of the United States. So we believe there are a whole lot of tips that the IRS and the DOJ don’t know about because we don’t believe they’ve done a whole lot of digging in this, and we have.”

Comer said he and other lawmakers had heard reports that the Department of Justice might charge Hunter Biden in a way that would amount to a “slap on the wrist,” which the lawmaker asserted would be a “drop in the bucket” compared to what his committee uncovered on proof of wrongdoing.

“Wednesday will be a very big day for the American people in getting the facts presented to them so that they can know the truth, and then the Department of Justice can finally do what they should have done years ago,” Comer said.

So you should be watching for that presser today. I’m not going to get my hopes up, though. No matter what the Republicans come up with, I have zero confidence that either 1) they have the intestinal fortitude to press their case all the way to a conviction or 2) the DOJ will do what they should’ve been doing all along, which is prosecuting Hunter Biden and his morally vacuous father, Brandon, for their obvious crimes.

Matt Margolis over at PJ Media also reports on Comer:

“My message to the Department of Justice is very loud and clear. Do not indict Hunter Biden before Wednesday,” Comer told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.

“We know exactly what this family was doing,” he said. “We’re going to present to the American people all the information that we’ve received thus far pertaining to bank records. We’re going to disclose many of the different LLCs, many of the different transactions that all these different Biden family members have gotten from our adversaries around the world. We don’t believe this was just a coincidence that all these Biden family members were receiving money from these this Web of LLC into their personal bag.”

Comer added, “We believe this was done in exchange for something that then-Vice President Biden and now President Biden would have done. So this whistleblower is going to provide some very crucial information to our investigation. And we’ve given the FBI until May the 10th to produce this document, so the ball is in the FBI’s court with respect to this whistleblower.”

As The Epoch Times reports, “Comer subpoenaed FBI Director Christopher Wray to testify and to produce a whistleblower document that describes an alleged criminal scheme in which Biden, as vice president, received money from a foreign national in exchange for certain policy decisions.” The “exchange” of money for certain policy decisions? Apparently there’s a whistleblower who can provide some of the missing pieces — if the whistleblower doesn’t end up with missing pieces after being suicided.

What galls me is that the very thing the Left, the media, NeverTrump and the Democrats (but I repeat myself incessantly) accused Trump of being — a Russian stooge, a corrupt official offering quid pro quo to foreign leaders — is exactly what we knew Joe Biden is and was while the allegations against Trump were all false. And NOBODY HAS GONE TO PRISON FOR THEIR LIES.

The government has violated the social contract, the Constitution, and many of the laws supposedly governing the government. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and the Constitution was ratified by we, the people. The Constitution was written to limit the reach of the federal government. The officials inhabiting Washington D.C. are subject to the Constitution, which means that they’re subject to us. But that’s not the way it’s working now, is it?

In fact, the way it works is that those in charge ignore reports of corruption when it’s their side that does it or when there’s an election to win.

Explosive bribery allegations involving Joe Biden and foreign nationals were brought to the Department of Justice as early as 2018, two years before similar allegations against the president were made by the whistleblower now talking to the House Oversight Committee.

Bud Cummins, a former federal prosecutor, first reported the bribery allegations to then-New York US Attorney Geoff Berman on Oct. 4, 2018, in an email claiming he had evidence that Joe Biden had “exercised influence to protect” his son’s Ukrainian employer “in exchange for payments to Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and Joe Biden.”

In the email obtained by John Solomon’s Just The News, Cummins said that Ukraine’s then-Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko wanted to travel to the United States to meet Berman, and could produce two “John Doe” witnesses to corroborate his claims about the Bidens.

But Berman never responded to the email.

An inconvenient truth, I suppose.

Daily Broadside | Your Vaccine Compliance is Being Noted

It feels like the world is spinning off its axis, especially here in America. We’ve got a mentally incapacitated fool in the White House who is delivering a third term for B. Hussein Obama, selling off our national oil reserves, gifting billions of dollars of the world’s most advanced military equipment to Russia and China via Afghanistan, and denying his drug-addled, whoring son’s ties to Chinese and Ukrainian money; we have Chinese spy balloons hovering over our Minuteman missile silos, trains derailing and spewing toxic waste into the atmosphere and waterways, trans-mania corrupting impressionable children and women’s sports, reverse racism parading as some kind of virtue, a lawlessly open border that allows third world peasants to invade at will, kids who can’t read or do basic math being failed upward in what passes for “education,” homeless people living in our nation’s largest airport, talentless stroke victims being elected to national office, mass shootings every other day, and unelected bureaucrats demanding that we mask our kids even though masks are proven to be useless at stopping disease and are actively harmful for a child’s development.

Did I miss anything?

Why yes. Yes I did.

I forgot to mention that your government is now tracking you if you’re unvaccinated or only “partially” vaccinated against the Chinese Lung Pox.

  • The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • The program was implemented on April 1, 2022, and adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the United States starting January 2023.
  • Under this program, doctors at clinics and hospitals have been instructed to ask patients about their vaccination status, which is then added to their electronic medical records as a diagnostic code, known as ICD-10 code, so that they can be tracked inside and outside of the medical system.
  • These new ICD-10 codes are part of the government’s plan to implement medical tyranny using vaccine passports and digital IDs.
  • The government is also tracking noncompliance with all other recommended vaccines using new ICD-10 codes, and has implemented codes to describe WHY you didn’t get a recommended vaccine. It’s also added a billable ICD code for “vaccine safety counseling.”

My emphasis.

Hmm. What could “vaccine safety counseling” mean? Perhaps attending a “reeducation camp” or a “struggle session”?

Even more chilling is that the World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting, if not instigating, the surveillance program. As reported by Robert W Malone, MD, MS, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is now being leveraged to track vaccine compliance here in the United States.

This is important, as the WHO is authorizing the US government to modify the classification system to meet specific needs. The ICD classification system is run by the World Health Organization, not the US government.

In April 2022, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) announced a new set of codes relating to vaccination status that are cause for concern. These ICD codes are not based on a disease or illness, but are based on COVID-19 vaccination status. It took almost a year, but in January 2023 these codes became available to nearly every medical clinic and hospital in the USA. (Emphasis his.)

That’s Dr. Malone’s screenshot, but I added the highlighting and red underlining. He goes on to say:

Let me be even more specific, Code Number Z28.310 listed above is not a code for an illness or diagnosis, but rather for non-compliance of a medical procedure. This is an invasion of our right to privacy. There must be choice and that choice must be private. (Emphasis his.)

Once a person’s vaccination status is coded and uploaded into large data base, it can be accessed by government and private health insurers alike. The administrative state officers at the CDC have not made immunization status a reportable disease (yet) but immunization status is listed as one of the reasons for mandatory reporting. They are just one step away from being able to collect this information without your permission. Ergo: vaccine passports made easy.

Again, his emphasis.

This is straight up tyranny. There’s no other way to describe what is happening. There is a mad rush to force us all into compliance with a vaccine protocol that makes zero sense to impose now that COVID-19 is no longer a “pandemic.” Didn’t our illustrious Resident tell us on national television that it was over last September?

This is just one front in the war to destroy freedom and force us into compliance with what self-appointed Hitlers decide is good for us. Just in case you forgot, here’s a reminder that it’s not just WHO, it’s not just our government, but it’s organizations like the World Economic Forum, which published this gem in 2018.

You may snicker at what you think are ludicrous, brash assertions by people nobody has ever heard of and thoughts of “how do they think that’s gonna happen?” — but these “nobodies” are dead serious.

“You will own nothing and be happy.” Right. The government will decide whether you can rent that car or that apartment or that furniture or those clothes — based on whether you’ve been vaccinated or agree that you’re a white oppressor or are happy with your minimal income.

I can’t think of another time when our freedoms were under as grave a threat as they are now. The commies are hard at work and it’s paying off.

We will sooner or later have to decide whether we’ll live free or die trying.

Sorry to be a wet blanket on a Friday, but the crazy doesn’t stop.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | The Progressive Left Lives for Lies

Start of a new week but the same old predictable knee-jerk reactions from the progressive Left over another mass shooting, this time in Monterey Park, California on Saturday.

A gunman killed 10 people and injured 10 others at a Southern California ballroom dance studio Saturday amid Lunar New Year celebrations. 

Twenty to 30 minutes later, a man with a gun entered the Lai Lai Ballroom in nearby Alhambra but patrons wrestled the gun away from him, and he fled, authorities said.

Despite police not releasing the suspect’s identity or race, some liberals on Twitter were quick to pin the horror on white supremacy and anti-Asian hate before all the facts were known.

The usual suspects of course, including Chuckie Schumer and Adam Schiff-for-Brains, two of the most morally corrupt politicians in our government. They immediately pinned the blame on “bigotry” without knowing the identity or race of the suspect.

They are “heartbroken” and “sickened.” I’d believe that if they actually had a heart.

This is the Left: move immediately to “take the high ground” of condemnation by being the first out with a comment and imply that some kind of “hate crime” (is there any other kind?) has taken place. “With bigotry toward AAPI individuals as a possible motive” hedges Schiffty-Schiff, while Schumer goes full frontal with his assertion that, “We must stand up to bigotry and hate wherever they rear their ugly heads.”

Let me ask you something: if both of them raise the specter of “bigotry” and “hate,” who do you think they are implying does the bigotry and hating?

Here’s Francesca Hong to tell us:

Ah, yes, the bogeyman of “white supremacy” who “reign terror” or something.

Is this really so surprising when you think about the FBI, DOJ and what’s left of Brandon’s brain constantly telling us that the greatest threat in the United States is domestic terror and white supremacy?

No. No, it doesn’t.

But the joke’s on them. The suspected shooter turns out to be an elderly Asian man.

The driver of a white van who is the suspected shooter in Saturday’s Monterey Park mass shooting has been found dead from an alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound after being cornered by authorities in Torrance on Sunday.

Police sandwiched the driver and van with tactical vehicles and bomb squad trucks after pursuing the driver into a shopping center and hearing a gunshot from inside the van, Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna said in an update on Sunday evening.

After awaiting further support from SWAT, officers then moved in on the van to find one driver deceased, slumped over the steering wheel.

Authorities identified the suspect as 72-year-old Huu Can Tran.

So why do Schumer and Schiff jump to conclusions that make them look like the idiots they are? Because they are committed to a narrative that informs how they see the world, and they make their assumptions accordingly. Unfortunately, the narrative they love isn’t supported by the evidence.

Black on Asian violence has long been a problem. After listing several examples in an article about this pattern of violence, Heather MacDonald writes,

In fact, the suspects in all of these cases were black; the news reports rarely mentioned that detail. Had the suspects been white, their race would have led each news report, as it did for Robert Aaron Long. A former member of the Oakland police department’s robbery undercover suppression team tells me that this racial pattern of attack and its lack of coverage is longstanding. No one cares about Asian robbery victims, he says, “We used to follow around elderly Asians, waiting for the bad guys to start circling. This has been one of my long-term frustrations. They are pretending to care now but ironically blaming it on white supremacy”—even though the suspects in Asian robbery attacks are almost exclusively, in this cop’s experience, black.

It’s unreasonable to think that whites never commit any crimes against blacks or Asians. But it’s just as unreasonable to think that whites are the majority of perpetrators of such crimes. There’s just no evidence of it.

But that doesn’t stop the likes of Schumer, Schiff or any other Leftist from immediately pivoting to such lies when an opportunity presents itself.

Daily Broadside | Dictionaries Are Like Canaries in the Coal Mine

Daily Verse | Hebrews 4:13
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.

Thursday’s Reading: Hebrews 5-7

Thursday and we’re quickly losing time to get the Christmas shopping done. If you want to officially track Santa this year, NORAD can help.

You may remember earlier this year that I bought an old copy of Webster’s Secondary School Dictionary and posted pictures of the definitions of what a woman and a female were in 1913. I then compared those to the online Merriam-Webster’s dictionary definitions, where we learned that Webster’s had caved and expanded their definition of “female” to include “… a gender identity that is the opposite of male …”

Apparently not wanting to be left out of the virtue-signaling taking the world by storm, the online Cambridge Dictionary has gone a step further and has added inclusive definitions of a man and a woman.

The Cambridge Dictionary recently updated its definitions of “man” and “woman” to include people whose gender identity doesn’t correspond with their biological sex.

The definition of “man” in the online version includes a second meaning: “an adult who lives and identifies as male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”

It didn’t occur to me at the time of my previous post to check on the word “man” and “male,” so I’ve just taken a look at Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary to compare it to Cambridge’s. The first two are Cambridge’s, the next two are Merriam-Webster’s.

Merriam-Webster gets credit for keeping the definition of “man” rational.

The Cambridge Dictionary also updated their definition of “woman” which Christopher Rufo called attention to.

Note, too, that the definition includes a plural pronoun (they) as opposed to “she.” As Rufo says, “Notice that the dictionary writers say ‘*they* may have been.’ They couldn’t bring themselves to write ‘she may have been,’ because they know they’re lying. That’s the tell,” he tweeted.”

This is how a society is overthrown. Not all at once but little by little, changes persisting like waves against the shoreline until the erosion undermines your house and it collapses around you.

Daily Broadside | Democrats Hate Republicans and Aren’t Afraid to Say So

Daily Verse | Ezekiel 5:5-6
“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nations, with countries all around her. Yet in her wickedness she has rebelled against my laws and decrees more than the nations and countries around her.”

Tuesday’s Reading: Ezekiel 7-11

Tuesday and it’s horrifying to realize that senior leaders in the Democrat party hate conservative Republicans and have minced no words in saying so. In just the last week, three different, powerful and nationally recognized Democrats have made statements that pull no punches on three consecutive days.

August 24
Charlie Crist, who won the Democrat nomination to oppose Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in November, accuses anyone who supports DeSantis for governor of having a hateful heart, and angrily declares that he does not want “your” vote.

Since the majority of people who will vote for DeSantis will be Republicans, he unequivocally labeled them all haters. That’s a helluva campaign strategy, because saying he doesn’t want their votes implies he doesn’t need their votes.

August 25
The next day at a Maryland fundraiser, Joe Biden denounced the more than 72 million Americans who voted for Donald J. Trump as semi-fascists.

Don’t forget that “MAGA” stands for “Make America Great Again.” Is wanting to make America great “extreme”? According to this despicable politician and the filthy liars who surround him, it is. It’s so extreme that it bleeds into fascism.

What do you do with fascists? You fight like hell to remove them as a threat.

August 26
Andrew Cuomo’s successor as New York governor isn’t any better than he was. The day after Brandon, the Great Unifier, scorched Trump supporters, Gov. Kathy Hochul said this at a campaign rally for Pat Ryan.

“I’m fighting to bring government back to the people, and out of the hands of dictators. And we’re here to say that the era of Trump, and Zeldin and Molinaro, just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, okay? Get out of town, get out of town! Because you don’t represent our values. You are not New Yorkers. You’re not New Yorkers.”

Dictators? It wasn’t Republicans who shut down the country for two years, destroying businesses and education and handing out money we couldn’t afford. It wasn’t a Republican governor that sent Covid-infected patients to nursing homes from hospitals. It wasn’t Republicans who went on a rampage across the country causing $2 billion dollars of damage and killing at least 25 people over the death of Saint George Floyd, who was caught passing counterfeit money and was high on drugs at the time of his arrest.

If there’s any hateful, fascist, dictatorial enterprise in the United States, it’s the Democrats and their criminal party.

Daily Broadside | Brandon Illegally Transfers Student Loan Debt to Those Who Didn’t Borrow It While Enriching Those Who Did

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 42:19-20
“O remnant of Judah, the Lord has told you, ‘Do not got to Egypt.’ Be sure of this: I warn you today that you made a fatal mistake when you sent me to the Lord your God and said, ‘Pray to the Lord our God for us; tell us everything he says and we will do it.'”

Thursday’s Reading: Jeremiah 46-49

Thursday and Brandon has decreed that certain students or ex-students with outstanding loans do not have to pay them back. Loan forgiveness. It’s not that he has the power to do so; he simply declares it, and it is so. It’s like majik. POoF! Your debt is gone.

Akshully—it’s not gone. It’s just that you’re no longer responsible to pay it off. Someone else is going to pay it. Someone like your local plumber.

Better yet, just ask this union railroad worker.

But that’s not what it looks like from where I’m sitting. I’m a blue-collar worker, and when I talk to other blue collar workers about student loan forgiveness, it’s one of those subjects where no one disagrees. It gets a resounding, 100 percent “Hell no!” every time it comes up.

This isn’t because we’re anti-college. Most of the folks I work with and talk to have kids in college or have kids that graduated college. But if you ask if college students’ loans should be paid off by taxpayers, the answer is always the same: No way.

Unlike progressives, we don’t see student debt cancelation as an avenue out of poverty. We see it as a tax on those of us who chose not to go to college, who now have to pay for those who already got a big advantage in the labor market by way of their degree

How much of an elitist do you have to be not to give a damn about the cruelty of demanding that blue collar workers who didn’t go to college chip in and pay off student loans that they didn’t take out?

How much of an elite do you have to be to shove both middle fingers in the face of the middle class, too, and make them chip in to pay off student loans they didn’t take out? We’ve put four kids through college debt free because we worked our tails off and put some of the burden on them to contribute. We didn’t take out loans, although we could have. We did it with a combination of scholarships, saving money, and paying thousands of dollars a year.

Now the government is making us, and millions of others like us, pay back loans we didn’t take out, that we worked hard to avoid, and that aren’t our responsibility.

All so Brandon can buy votes for the mid-terms. And hand his White House staff a gift.

On the plus side, besides buying votes, cancelling some $300 billion in student loan debt will definitely help diffuse rampant inflation.

Nah, just kidding. Hey, Brandon! Why don’t you just add another third of a trillion dollars to the already over-taxed economy, along with the joke of the Inflation Reduction Act, which won’t reduce inflation and, in fact, will probably make it worse?

And, as an aside, get this: Democrats inserted in the climate change bill (that’s really what it is) a provision giving the EPA the right to control carbon dioxide, which SCOTUS just ruled it did not have the right to regulate, because Congress had not specifically given “the agency the broad authority to shift America away from burning fossil fuels.” Those [redacted]’s just re-empowered the administrative state to regulate CO2 across the country, which means onerous regulations on businesses and, of course, car manufacturers. (HT: Ace of Spades)

Way to go Joe Manchin!

Also, I’m told that Bradon’s action is an impeachable offense.

But as I said in the first sentence of this article, the biggest issue here is that what Biden is set to do is illegal. There is no federal provision that allows him to “forgive” student loan debt on the backs of taxpayers via the stroke of his pen. Nancy Pelosi is on record saying Biden doesn’t have that power. The Department of Education has said Biden doesn’t have that power. For the president to still attempt this move wouldn’t just be a pushing of the envelope. Rather, it would be a conscious, deliberate decision to commit an impeachable offense.

The million-dollar question then becomes what Republicans are going to do about it. Crying on social media is not enough. The coming Republican House (and possibly, Senate) must move to hold Biden accountable. That should come in the form of making the treasury account for the “canceled” debt and burning the university system to the ground via taxes and investigations. The GOP can’t stop there, though. They must impeach Joe Biden.

Psst. C’mere. Closer—like Joe Biden is gonna sniff your hair. I’ve got a secret for you.

ThE RePUbliCanS aRE nOt gOInG tO iMpEAcH joE BidEn!

There are so many reasons to impeach Joe Biden. But what we will get is loudly worded denunciations of how unfair it all is, without nary a mention of how illegal it all is. You know, like this:

But it’s not illegal, right Mitch?

It’s all enough to make me want to pull out my hair.

If I had any.