Daily Broadside | GOP (Tries To) Counter Increase of Electoral Power In the States Where Invading Foreigners Are Settled

Replacing conservative Americans is what the anti-Americans who populate the Marxist Democrat Party intended all along.

The House Rules Committee will consider a proposal late Monday afternoon that would prevent illegal aliens and other foreign nationals from skewing elections by shifting the apportionment of congressional seats and electoral college votes.

The “Equal Representation Act” would modify the Census Bureau’s questionnaire for each decennial census beginning in 2030 by requiring individuals to attest to their citizenship status on the form and then using that data to exclude foreign nationals from the count used to determine congressional and electoral college apportionment. Apportionment is derived from the number of residents in a particular area but does not currently differentiate legal citizens from foreigners who, in many cases, are illegal immigrants. A state can gain or lose congressional seats and electoral college votes based on the size of its population.

The census counts bodies, not whether those bodies are here legally or not.

This means that millions of illegal aliens who have invaded the country can dilute the representation of American citizens by inflating the populations of the left-leaning areas to which they flock — even as American citizens flee those same states.

Of course, Democrats oppose any effort to keep foreigners from voting in our American elections. As soon as the meat puppet was installed, he reversed President Donald J. Trump’s July 2020 memo barring illegal aliens from being counted in the census.

If Trump is reelected, though, he’s not just writing a memo. He’s planning to deport millions of the invaders who are here illegally in the U.S.

Donald Trump’s plan to crack down on immigration includes using a range of tools to deport millions of people in the U.S. each year — from obscure laws to military funds to law enforcement officers from all levels of government.

Why it matters: History tells us such an effort would dramatically disrupt local communities and economies across the U.S. — and sow fear among the millions of people without legal status.

If “local communities and economies” will be so disrupted when we kick illegals out of them it must be that the local communities and economies have already been disrupted by that many illegals infiltrating said communities and economies, no?

You’re only telling one side of the story, Axios.

And we shouldn’t “sow fear” among the foreigners that they might be deported? In my best George Costanza voice: Is that somehow immoral? Is that a problem? Should we not do that?

No, see the problem is that illegals don’t fear any kind of consequences because Brandon and the Marxist junta in the White House not only allow them to invade, they themselves fly them in by the tens of thousands.

The media takes us for idiots.

You may not feel displaced just yet, but it’s happening. If you’re an American citizen, you’re being shoved aside in favor of a migrating band of welfare seekers who will inflate electoral power that favors Democrats while they rob and mock you to your face.