Daily Verse | Ecclesiastes 4:4
And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man’s envy of his neighbor.
Wednesday’s Reading: Ecclesiastes 7-12
It’s Wednesday and if you’ve been reading my posts long enough you’ll know that I believe that the Democrats lie as naturally as breathing. Of them it could be said, like Jesus said of the devil, “When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).
I know that sounds uncharitable, but I’ve long documented the lies that Democrats and progressives tell, so don’t shush me by complaining that not all Democrats lie or that some conservatives and Republicans lie. Yes, they do. But that doesn’t change the fact that the Democrats and their progressive shock troops lie like a rug.
Trump is a Russian agent! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor! Those border agents whipped those migrants! We only have <insert preferred number> years to save the planet!
And on and on it goes.
The latest example is of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar being arrested for blocking traffic outside the Supreme Court while protesting the recent Roe v. Wade decision. It’s not a lie that they were arrested, but it is a lie that either one of them were handcuffed.
But they posed as if they were handcuffed while being arrested.
Nobody walks like she was walking with their hands behind their back if they aren’t handcuffed. It’s unnatural. Yet notice that at the end of the clip she raises her fist to acknowledge the crowd and then puts it right back where it was behind her.
Then there’s Ilhan Omar who apparently arrested herself.
Omar gets up from where she was sitting and, without a police escort, she walks herself away with her hands behind her back in imaginary cuffs.
Note that, just like AOC, she also raises her fist (just as the clip ends).
AOC and Omar lied about being handcuffed.
Why? For the photo op, of course. And the legacy media gives them exactly what they want. Notice the text of the tweet above: “under arrest and in handcuffs.”
No, they weren’t.
But that doesn’t stop the MSM from complying. Note the images below.

It sure LOOKS like they’re in handcuffs. How stunning! How brave!
The media—that independent, free press that is supposed to keep the government in check—supports them in their deceit. They don’t call them out for their acting. They’re in cahoots with the Dems.
These two women are lying, giving the false impression that they are in handcuffs, when in fact neither of them are. But this is stock-in-trade for Democrats. It’s all smoke and mirrors, deception and misdirection, a stunt, a little drama. They are agitators and for them, the ends justifies the means.
Just like the rest of their miserable tribe.
This is a perfect example of why nobody trusts the media, and why nobody should trust the Democrats.