Daily Verse | 1 Peter 2:24
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
Wednesday’s Reading: 2 Peter 1-3
Happy Wednesday my friends. You know that I caught the Beijing Blight in October and suffered some powerful negative effects on my energy levels, but have basically recovered to my pre-Covid health. I don’t regret not getting vaccinated and still have no plans to do so — even with the Delta and Omicron variants free-floating across the globe.
The truth is that this virus and its variants are following the pattern of most viruses: it starts out strong but weakens over time to where it’s just another illness that we learn to live with. And live with it we can, especially since the Omicron variant only produces mild symptoms, and sometimes none at all. I’ve read opinion pieces where the authors report that they can’t find any record of any death as the result of being infected with the Omicron variant.
But Gropey Joe and his minions are keeping the pressure campaign going.

This kind of rhetoric is very damaging to the country. First, the grave words don’t match the reality. Omicron isn’t “disrupting” anything. Maybe there’s some infections, but our hospitals aren’t overwhelmed with the deathly ill and as far as we know, no one has died of the Omicron variant.
Second, there are obviously two audiences being spoken to here: the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. Note the language: the vaccinated “have done the right thing” — it’s a moral claim of “rightness” for the vaccinated, which also implies that the other group — the unvaccinated — have not done the right thing.
Then there’s, “we will get through this.” That “we” is the White House aligning itself with the morally superior group. They’re essentially saying, “hey, we’re with you; we’re there for you; we’re in this together.”
Now look at the text to the unvaccinated: “you’re,” “yourselves,” “your,” “you.” No “we” in there — you’re on your own. And it’s going to be a devastating winter for you with “severe illness and death.” And look at the problem you’re likely to cause: overwhelming hospitals with your irresponsible decision not to get vaxxed.
Vaxxed? Good! Not vaxxed? Baaad!
Third, this is a clear example of pitting groups against each other (in this case, the vaxxed against the unvaxxed), which exacerbates the deep divides that already exist and that the left has been agitating for years.
This is Marxist class warfare dressed up in appeals to our better nature.
We need to reject this kind of agitation out of hand, as we do statements from Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci. Just listen to Biden himself and ask yourself why he’s speaking like a dictator.
Did you ask PERMISSION from Joey 81 MILLION to enjoy getting together with your family this Christmas? Joey Ice Cream Cone says it’s “A-OK” to do that — as long as you’re vaccinated. Again, the implication is that the unvaccinated should stay isolated.
We should absolutely refuse to follow this guidance. The pandemic is essentially over; we’re dealing with a mild flu-like virus that will be with us forever. Unlock the country and open it back up again!
Our federal government has no business messaging the American people with this kind of fear mongering. Ignore it and live life with joy and without fear.