Ther Broadside | It’s the Day Kamala Will Certify Her Defeat

So many things to pay attention to.

Terrorist attack in New Orleans. Truck “bomb” in Las Vegas.

Gratuitous national awards to anti-Americans.

January 6 prisoners in the Garland Archipelago.

“Groomer” gangs protected in Britain.

The resignation of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau.

The re-election of Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House.

Today, though, Kamala Harris will be called upon to certify the results of the 2024 election. The election she lost. She’ll join Nixon, Humphrey, and Gore in certifying her own defeat to the man she called a “fascist.”

Vice President Kamala Harris will join the company of vice presidents who have launched a bid for the White House — and who have had to certify their own loss.

The big picture: The founders’ framework of entrusting the affirmation of electoral votes to the vice president lays out a tricky dynamic for the men (and now, women) who must oversee the announcement of their defeat.

  • On January 6, 2025, members of the newly sworn-in Congress will count ballots to certify the election results.
  • They will operate under the updated Electoral Count Act, which makes clear the vice president is there only to announce the results.

Driving the news: Harris will officially declare her loss to former President Trump, now turned president-elect, as part of her role as the president of the Senate, a chamber that will soon flip red.

  • The twelfth amendment instructs that the “President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.”

As the Daily Mail puts it, “The process is usually a formality, a final round of vote tallying and the last step in the process of electing a new administration.”

Some are gloating about the humiliation that Harris will feel. Not me. I just want her to do her job and then pack her things.

Then we can get to work on what Julie Kelly (always a must read!) calls “a real insurrection.”

Trump won in decisive fashion as the majority of Americans sent a big middle finger tied to a wrecking ball to the halls of power in Washington. The failures of the Biden regime unquestionably contributed to Trump’s victory but so too did the relentless pursuit of the president, his family, his allies, his businesses, and his voters.

The January 6 operation backfired in a spectacular way. Instead of representing one of the darkest days in history, January 6 to millions of Americans instead embodies the corrupt, bloodthirsty, and vengeful nature of the existing government and its media bootlickers, which foreshadowed the sort of banana republic-style rule seen in Marxist hellholes not in the United States.

And voters acted accordingly at the ballot box.

So Monday, January 6, 2025 signals the start of a real insurrection, which is defined as a “revolt against civil authority or an established government” not an unarmed and at points unruly demonstration inside a government building on a Wednesday afternoon.

January 20 can’t come soon enough.

The Broadside | The Anti-Americans Running Joe Biden’s Brain Relentlessly Poke Patriots in the Eye on Their Way Out the Door

Biden to give fake Republican Liz Cheney Presidential Citizens Medal.

Jan. 2 (UPI) — President Joe Biden honored former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney and Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson, chairs of the January 6 Special Committee, with Presidential Citizens Medals along with 18 others.

Established in 1969 and recognized as the second-highest civilian award from the U.S. government, the Presidential Citizens Medal recognizes individuals who perform exemplary deeds of service for their country or fellow citizens.

Selling out your party to sit at the big kids’ table counts as “exemplary.”

From CBS “News”:

In its announcement of the recipients of the Presidential Citizens Medal, the White House said that throughout Cheney’s 20 years in public service, Cheney “has raised her voice — and reached across the aisle—to defend our Nation and the ideals we stand for: Freedom. Dignity. And decency. Her integrity and intrepidness remind us all what is possible if we work together.

Cheney became an ardent opponent of Trump following the 2020 election and endorsed Harris for president.

“Working together” only counts, you see, if you work with Democrats against Republicans.

This award smacks of how I feel about the Grammys and the Oscars and any other program in which an industry votes for its favorites, then sits and applauds their choices.

Biden also bestowed medals on former Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.; former Sen. Ted Kaufman, D-Del.; former Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, R-Kan.; former Sen. Bill Bradley, D-N.J., who starred in the NBA in addition to having a political career; and former Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y.

Other recipients include Mary Bonauto, who argued for same-sex marriage in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Obergefell case and former Army nurse Diane Carlson Evans.

Others include medical war innovator Frank Butler, Jr.; war photographer Bobb Sager, woman’s rights advocate Eleanor Smeal, Vietnam veteran Thomas Vallely, National Breast Cancer Coalition President Frances Visco, educator Paula Wallace, and marriage equality advocate Evan Wolfson.

Mitsuye Endo Tsutsumi, who was an internment camp detainee during World War II, was recognized posthumously. Reporter Joseph Galloway, civil rights advocate Louis Lorenzo Redding, Delaware Judge Collins J. Seitz were also recognized posthumously.

All Democrat “public servants” and representatives of progressive hobbyhorses like same-sex mirage (Doug Wilson). Such a balanced cross section of America!

Of course, the real prize is when Biden preemptively pardons Cheney and the others who sat on the January 6 Committee and politicized an obvious false flag operation to chill opposition to the ruling elites’ accumulation of power.

You didn’t think a new year would bring change to their agenda, did you?

Have a good weekend.

The Broadside | We’re Off to a Mostly Peaceful but Fiery Start

I for one have been waiting for a terrorist attack within the US since the fools who lead our nation chose to erase any sense of a border after “winning” the White House in 2020.

Expectations met.

We got two of them on the first day of the new year, but they don’t seem to have been carried out by foreigners. In fact, one of them seems to have been a weak attempt at “sending a message” to Donald J. Trump and Elon Musk.

The first in the early morning hours in New Orleans yesterday was suspect Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, using a truck to mow down pedestrians on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter. Fifteen people were killed while at least 35 were injured (some severely). Jabbar seems to have been a radicalized Islamist who was born and raised in the U.S. and spent time in the military. The EV pickup truck he drove had a black ISIS flag waving from the rear.

The FBI initially claimed that it wasn’t a terrorist attack and studiously used the term “event” in an early briefing. It later changed its assessment to definitely a terrorist attack and that Jabbar may have had accomplices, although that too, was later ruled out.

Don’t doubt the pronouncements of the FBI, Jack!

Jabbar’s brother defended Islam.

The brother of the terrorist who launched the deadly car attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans says that “radicalization” is to blame for his kin’s rampage.

Abdur Jabbar, 24, of Beaumont, Texas, told The New York Times that his brother Shasmud-Din Jabbar — who killed at least 15 people in the New Year’s Day attack — converted to Islam at an early age.

The younger Jabbar told the newspaper that what his brother “did does not represent Islam. This is more some type of radicalization, not religion.”

Either he doesn’t know his brother, or he doesn’t know Islam.

The other attack, outside the lobby of the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas around 9:00 AM, only killed the driver of a Tesla Cyber Truck. The blast was caused by what seems to have been a mixture of flammable camping fuel and large “mortar” style fireworks. The chassis of the truck is so solid that it contained the blast and forced it upward rather than outward.

Seven others were injured in the attack.

The similarities between the two incidents are that both used an electric vehicle, and both vehicles were acquired using the Turo app. The Turo app allows customers to rent a vehicle peer-to-peer from a private individual.

The Turo app used to rent two different EVs which were used in two different attacks could just be coincidence. Or it could point to coordination and a larger conspiracy.

It’s an unfortunate way to kick off the new year. If this is how the year has started, there may be more to come.

We really need Trump to be inaugurated and to get his team confirmed and in place.

The Broadside | The Biggest Scandal of the American Presidency

It’s December 31, the last day of 2024—a year that, like all others, will never be again. And, later tonight, we’ll welcome 2025.

Only 21 days until the next major holiday: Trump’s second inauguration. Thankfully, that will also be the last of the disastrous Biden Residency.

Up until Brandon, the worst president in US history was the 39th, James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, who died Sunday at age 100. While he was a life-long Baptist and taught Sunday School at his home church, he was decidedly anti-Semitic and no friend of Israel. Yes, he worked a peace deal with Israel and Egypt (the Camp David Accords) but he meddled in the Middle East and Far East, was friend to Yassir Arafat of the PLO and Hafez al-Assad of Syria and denied that Trump won the election in 2016 because of Russia, Russia, Russia. I won’t belabor the point, but Carter was not a good president, and apart from his humanitarian work with Habitat for Humanity, which was admirable, he wasn’t a great former president, either. For good summaries, read here and here.

Fortunately for him, Carter will go down as only the second-worst president in history, saved from the top spot by Joe Biden and, according to the internal polling of me, myself and I, followed by Barack Hussein Obama and Woodrow Wilson.

The nasty, blithering fool who heads the Biden crime family will leave office with instability in the Middle East (Israel, Iran, Syria and Lebanon), central Asia (Russia and Ukraine) and the Far East (China and Taiwan); inflation and a failing economy, along with a self-induced foreign invasion at home; and his personal and political corruption as one of the most venal reprobates to ever hold office.

The only reason Biden survived as he has is because his family, his administration and the press all covered up and denied his frail physical shell and lack of mental cognition for all four years of his “presidency.”

Got that? All four years, as the Wall Street Journal’s extensive December exposé reported. The bottom line is that at no time was Joe Biden mentally fit for the presidency, and the Democrats all LIED TO US ABOUT IT.

Your Democrat party, America!

I’ve said for years that lying is the Democrats’ native language. It’s like what Jesus said to the Pharisees in John 8:44:

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

The cover up and denial of Joe Biden’s mental incapacity has got to be the greatest scandal of the American presidency in the history of our republic. We “elect” a man to lead our country, but a cabal of unelected officials have run us into the ground over the last four years. Biden was a cypher, an empty suit, a poser, a figurehead, a distraction. He was “president” in title only.

There should be a scorched earth investigation and heads should roll so that this never happens again.

But there won’t be any repercussions. Congress will shrug and go on their way, even though they were lied to for four years straight. Even though we could see with our own eyes that Biden wasn’t fit.

Our most recent national nightmare is about to be over. Biden will go off to the beach, where he’s spent 40 percent of his Residency, and enjoy his ice cream, bought with the millions he got from the Chinese, Russians and Ukrainians.

And Trump will be sworn in on January 20th, 2025, to begin the work of cleaning up the mess left by the most anti-American administration in history.

The Broadside | Discovery of Ancient “Purely Christian” Inscription Resets Historical Clock

Happy Christmas Eve!

As we approach Christmas, here’s a not unrelated story that helps trace the spread of Christianity from the Middle East into Europe.

Archaeologists have uncovered a groundbreaking artifact in a 3rd-century Roman grave near Frankfurt, Germany, which provides the earliest archaeological evidence of Christianity north of the Alps. The artifact, a silver amulet known as the “Frankfurt Silver Inscription,” dates back to approximately 230-270 CE and predates previously known Christian artifacts from this region by nearly 50 years.

Remember that Jesus was crucified and rose again around 30 A.D., so this is only 200-240 years after that event. That’s less time than the United States has been a country.

The silver amulet was found during a 2017-2018 excavation of a Roman cemetery in the Heilmannstraße area, the site of the ancient Roman city of Nida. The burial ground, which contained 127 graves, was notable for its unusually high proportion of inhumation burials—a practice uncommon in other Roman cemeteries in Frankfurt. Among these graves, one stood out: the resting place of a man aged 35-45 years. Alongside grave goods such as an incense burner and pottery, archaeologists discovered a small rolled silver foil beneath the man’s chin. The amulet, likely worn on a ribbon around the neck, is classified as a phylactery—a container designed to protect the wearer through its contents.

Illustration by Dave Olsson. Map courtesy of Google Maps (c) 2024.

The inscription referred to was on a 1.4 inch-wide wafer-thin rolled silver foil that was kept inside the amulet. Due to its age and condition, it was not possible to unroll it, so the archaeologists used advanced computer tomography technology to digitally unroll it.

Translated into English, the inscription reads:

(In the name?) of Saint Titus.
Holy, holy, holy!
In the name of Jesus Christ, Son of God!
The Lord of the world
resists to the best of his [ability?]
all seizures(?)/setbacks(?).
The god(?) grants well-being
This rescue device(?) protects
the person who
surrenders to the will
of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
since before Jesus Christ
bend all knees: the heavenly ones,
the earthly and
the subterranean, and every tongue
confess (to Jesus Christ).

The inscription is “purely Christian,” unusual for the time because it refers to no other deity or religion other than Christianity. Titus was a disciple of the Apostle Paul, and at the end of the inscription is a near-literal quotation from Paul’s letter to the Philippians (2:10-11).

Typically, amulets from this era contained a blend of Christian, Jewish, and pagan elements. However, the absence of references to Yahweh, angels, or pagan deities in this inscription underscores its exclusively Christian nature. This uniqueness not only highlights the wearer’s devotion but also raises questions about the role of Christianity in Nida, a city that was once a cultural and administrative hub of Roman Germania.

Up until this discovery, “Historical sources had hinted at Christian communities in Gaul and Upper Germania as early as the late 2nd century, but tangible proof north of the Alps was previously limited to the 4th century.”

We know that Paul got as far west as Rome (it’s where he was martyred under Nero in about 64 AD). He intended to go to Spain (see Romans 15:24) but we have no confirmation that he actually got there. The amulet was found directly north of Rome, across the Alps.

Constantine the Great issued the Edict of Milan made Christian worship legal. This amulet and inscription pre-dates such Roman tolerance, meaning that the man who wore it was courageous and devoted in what could still be a hostile climate.

The history of Christianity (and of Christ, himself) is often filled with controversy. Yet no archaeological find has ever disproved the scriptures. In fact, archaeological discoveries have only confirmed what the Bible claims.

This find is just one of thousands that help us understand the rise and spread of the Christian faith.

The Broadside | Your GOP “Representatives” Just Tried to Stab You in the Back

Speaker Johnson was all set to put forward a three-month Continuing Resolution that is crammed full of things Americans didn’t vote for, including the Global Engagement Center (GEC), which has been illegally censoring conservatives for years. He was literally ready to give them more money and another year of life so they’d be in place when Trump took office.

You know what else was in there? A pay raise for members of Congress. But not a cost-of-living adjustment, or some “merit” increase (LOL). No, they were going to give themselves a FORTY-PERCENT RAISE.

These criminal do-nothings work a part-time job and were ready to make themselves millionaires over their time of service by jumping their pay from the current $174,000/yr. to $243,000/yr.

For what!?!

All these cretins do is hold ineffective hearings (basically show trials without any convictions), make speeches that no one listens to, and write strongly worded letters.

Can anyone tell me what positive legislation they’ve crafted recently to give me more freedom and let me keep more of my money?



In a statement shared with the Washington Examiner, House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) office defended the GEC provision.

“Speaker Johnson has killed multiple efforts to pass a 5-year reauthorization of the GEC during the past year, including as recently as the National Defense Authorization Act last week,” a spokesperson for Johnson said. “This bill ensures the incoming Trump Administration has the maximum ability and authority to determine how to handle the office, its authorities, and funding.”

According to a congressional source familiar with the matter, the GEC provision was a demand from Senate Democrats in exchange for Republicans getting a provision aiming to protect small businesses from certain fines approved by the Biden administration under a bill called the Corporate Transparency Act.

Fortunately, president-elect Trump, vice-president-elect Vance, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy all called them out and it looks like the bill is dead. That’s a good thing, because our elected representatives—and “we the people”—are beginning to realize that it won’t be business as usual anymore.

We’re tired of getting ripped off and told to shut up by swamp creatures.

This guy gets it:

Throw Speaker Johnson out—he’s a weak leader. We need a bulldog with a spine like Trump in that chair.

The Broadside | So What if the Christian School Shooter Was Trans?

Note that I’m not saying she is … was … trans. I’m just saying that there seems to be an attitude that it shouldn’t matter.

There was speculation Monday that the shooter was transgender, although other sources disputed the claim. Some said she had an “online obsession with school shooters.”

Barnes insisted that he doesn’t care whether Rupnow was transgender, as some reports indicated. It’s not important, he said, when asked by a leftist reporter about “misinformation” online. The Madison journalist effectively wagged her finger at parental rights group for claiming the shooter was transgender, “which is a reaction that we see across the country linked with mass shootings to claim that trans people are dangerous.”

Barnes, a far-left police chief in one of the most LGBTQ agenda-pushing cities in America, said he wished people would “leave their own personal biases out of this.”

“I don’t know whether Natalie was transgender or not and quite frankly I don’t think that’s even important. I don’t think that’s important at all,” the chief told reporters at an evening press conference. “I don’t think that whatever happened today has anything to do with how she or he or they my [sic] have wanted to identify …”

Barnes subsequently acknowledged that Rupnow’s gender identity “is something that may come out later.”

Ackshully, it might matter a wee bit. Even id she wasn’t, at least three recent school shootings were carried out by trans-identifying persons.

Seventeen-year-old Dylan Butler killed one and injured five at Perry High School in Iowa on January 4, 2024 before killing himself. According to reports he was trans/genderfluid, used the pronouns he/they, and “loved” trans kids.

28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale killed six at a private Christian school in Tennessee on March 27, 2023. She was transgender and wanted to be called “Aiden” and to be referred to by male pronouns. She was shot and killed by responding officers.

Sixteen-year-old Maya McKinney killed one student and injured eight others at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Colorado on May 7, 2019. She identified as male, went by “Alec” and targeted classmates who she claimed bullied her because she was transgender.

So, yeah, my immediate thought when I heard about the shooting was to wonder if it was a transgender student. And I won’t apologize for thinking that, no matter how much the Leftists scold me for my “bias.”

It’s not without cause.

What we know about 15-year-old Natalie Rupnow is that she went by “Sam” or Samantha, she idolized the German industrial rock band KMFDM (also idolized by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold of the Columbine High School massacre), had an interest in mass shootings, had “a long, disturbing online history of being obsessed with school shooters and death [and] used the moniker “crossixir” online,” and somehow got a 9mm pistol (for her birthday!) that she used to carry out her attack.

Andy Ngo says Natalie “did not identify as trans.”

I don’t have screengrabs, so I won’t name the publication, but I could swear that the text of a report I read after the shooting originally said, “himself” and then it changed to “themself” and then the entire sentence disappeared in which those words had appeared.

The investigation is still ongoing, but I won’t be surprised if we learn that she was sexually confused and/or mentally unstable.

The Broadside | Our Employees in Washington Refuse to Tell Us What They Know About Drones

These mysterious drones shut down NY airport runways last week.

The New York Post reported Saturday that Hochul said pretty much what everyone is thinking: “This has gone too far.” She issued these words of wisdom after the drones forced the shutdown of the runway at Stewart International Airport, which is right outside of Newburgh, New York, and “services both commercial and military flights.”

Stewart International Airport is also “adjacent to a New York Air National Guard base, where the 105th Airlift Wing is stationed.” If you think that Stewart Airport is nevertheless small potatoes, note also that the drones have recently flown over both LaGuardia International Airport in New York City and Newark Liberty International Airport, although they haven’t shut down the runways at either. At least not yet.

At Stewart, the runways were closed for just over an hour, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, “following a report from the FAA about a drone sighting at the airport,” and “there were no impacts to flight operations during the closure,” so relax, you dronephobe.

What gasses me is that the people we pay to protect us from external (and internal) national threats have not been forthcoming about what these drones are.

The sightings have put intense pressure on federal agencies to provide more information about the aircraft, as officials have urged calm and emphasized there is no evidence suggesting the sightings pose a security threat.

“I want to assure the American public that we are on it,” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

Oh, goody. They’re ON IT.

This is the same guy who assured “the American public” that our southern border was secure. Totally secure. Never better.

I don’t know about you, but I’m relieved!

The FBI and DHS said in a joint statement Thursday there is “no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings pose a national security or public safety threat or have a foreign nexus.”

So, they know that there’s no evidence of a national security or public safety threat? How? How do they know that they don’t pose such threats?

Do they know where they’re coming from? Do they know who’s controlling them? Do they know why they’re flying over New Jersey and other east coast states?

If they know they don’t pose any threats, then they must know more about them than they’re telling us. And they aren’t saying anything about them that will put us at ease. They’re being vague and evasive in their comments.

I don’t trust these people with my life and health.

Even Chuck Shoooomer is cranky about the drones.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he’s asking DHS to deploy special detection systems that use 360-degree technology to detect drones.

“If the technology exists for a drone to make it up into the sky, there certainly is the technology that can track the craft with precision and determine what the heck is going on,” Schumer said Sunday while discussing the technology.

For once I agree with the guy.