Daily Broadside | 57 Amazing Things the Left Demands We All Believe

Daily Verse | 2 Samuel 12:22
“I thought, ‘Who knows? The Lord may be gracious to me and let the child live.'”

Thursday’s Reading: 2 Samuel 15-18

Thursday and the last day of March. The weather around here is starting to improve with temps up and snow nowhere in sight.

Is it too much to declare, once again, that we live in the age of the bizarre, the irrational, the strange, the distorted and the insane? I find myself shaking my head in disbelief at the nutty declarations that emanate from those in power or influence on the left.

Men can be women.

All white people are racist.

Larry Elder is the black face of white supremacy.

If you love your country, you are jingoistic and xenophobic.

If you disagree with someone’s progressive ideology, you’re a hater.

Diversity is our strength.

President Trump colluded with Russia.

You can’t know what a woman is unless you’re a biologist.

There is no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation.

Masks prevent the coronavirus from spreading.

Transgenders, lesbians and gays are oppressed.

Black people cannot be racist.

Joe Biden will unite the country.


Michael Brown said, “Hands up, don’t shoot!”

Children must be taught about transgenderism in grade school.

Covid-19 vaccines prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Joe Biden received 81 million votes in the 2020 election.

America was founded in 1619 and slavery is central to that story.

You’re transphobic if you don’t date transsexual women.

Critical Race Theory isn’t taught in schools.

Synthetic beef will defeat climate change.

There’s an epidemic of white cops shooting and killing unarmed black men.

Silence is violence.

Masculinity is toxic.

Women can be men.

Abraham Lincoln was a racist.

The Russian war in Ukraine is the cause of high gas prices.

Women are paid less than men.

A man claiming to be a woman should use the women’s bathroom.

Joe Biden will conquer Covid-19.

Climate change is real.

Parents complaining to school boards are terrorists.

The mainstream media is objective.

Trump put children in cages.

White Americans owe black Americans reparations for slavery.

Printing more money will bring down inflation.

Israel is an apartheid state.

Abortion is a human right.

Enforcing our southern border is racist.

The mainstream media is harder on Democrats than Republicans.

Socialism has never been implemented properly.

Mounted border patrol agents whipped migrants illegally crossing our border.

The people crossing our southern border are the poor and desperate.

George Floyd is a saint.

Words are literally violence.

Iran is trustworthy.

Trump said that there are very fine people among white supremacists.

Eliminating cow farts will defeat climate change.

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock because of white supremacy.

BLM protests were mostly peaceful.

Ketanji Brown Jackson is qualified to be on the Supreme Court because she’s a black woman.

January 6 was an armed insurrection.

The biggest terror threat in this country is white men.

ICE detention facilities are “concentration camps.”

Liberals are tolerant.

It literally never stops. I’ll bet you can add your own to my list. The cultural Marxists are hell-bent on tearing apart traditional notions of morality, rationality, patriotism and responsibility. And they’ve made great progress which, in a twisted way, validates their identity as “progressives.”

I feel like I’ve been made to live in an insane asylum.

DAILY BROADSIDE | Has CRT Already Peaked? Don’t bank on it.

Daily Verse | Ecclesiastes 2:24
A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God.

Wednesday and because my day job is demanding more of me this week, this morning’s offer is going to be quick.

Victor Davis Hanson wrote a solid piece last week that’s been making the rounds in which he examines The American Descent into Madness. He writes,

In the last six months, we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they will destroy the nation, at least as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political agendas justify any means necessary to achieve them.

He then addresses Citizenship as Mere Residency, Crime as Construct, The Campus Con, Commissars and Jacobins, Inflation Is a Mere Construct, Our People’s Military, Keep Cuba Castroite? and The United Nations Über Alles. While I encourage you to read the whole thing, the one I want to call attention to is the fourth: Commissars and Jacobins. Here’s what VDH writes (with my emphasis):

The critical race theory craze is reaching peak woke, or is already on the downslope. No complex and sophisticated society is sustainable with a Maoist creed of cannibalizing citizens for thought crimes. Commissars do not produce anything or serve anybody, but only monitor thoughts and speech to ascertain the purity of diversity, equity, and inclusion. They are not just a drain on the productive sector but will insidiously destroy it, since their currency is to ensure a timid, obsequiousness and banal orthodoxy.

We know from the failed Soviet system and from the French Revolution that the most mediocre in society became its most eager auditors of correct behavior. The arbiters of proper thought—the self-righteous paid toady, the perpetual victim employed in service to government payback, the freelancing snitch—were always the villains of freedom, productivity, and humanity, whether we read of the killing off of Alexander the Great’s inner circle, the forced suicides of the Neronian circle, the Jacobin murder spree, or the nightmarish world described by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

That the Biden Administration has now joined with Silicon Valley to hunt down on social media any dissenters from this month’s official policy on vaccinations and mask-wearing was not so shocking as to be expected from a media that banned coverage of Hunter Biden’s laptop. In Cuban-fashion, millions of judge-jury-executioner online snitches, with government encouragement, will help root out incorrect thoughts at light speed.

I hope he’s right about CRT. But knowing the Left, once CRT has outlived its usefulness to them, they’ll find something else to push on us and scream about. In my opinion, the way to defeat these jackals is to stand up to them by saying, “No.” As in, “No, I don’t accept your premise that I’m racist or that a man can be a woman. And you’re nuts to believe those things.”

I strongly encourage you to study up on CRT and its Marxist roots. You need to know your enemy.

And, if you don’t regularly read VDH, you should.