Daily Broadside | Some Republicans Help the Democrats Be Awful People

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 12:20
Only the tribe of Judah remained loyal to the house of David.

Friday’s Reading: 1 Kings 15-16
Saturday’s Reading: 1 Kings 17-19

Friday and the end of another week. Beware that next Friday is April 15, when you have to hand over everything you haven’t yet to the feds and your state gubmints. “Of, by and for the people,” my eye. No rant from me, but we’ve gotten so used to being fleeced by the people we elect that we don’t even notice it anymore.

The other thing that’s happening on the 15th is Good Friday. Don’t forget to set aside some time to reflect on the sacrifice of God’s Son for the sins of the world, including you and me. It makes seeing the rampant sin among us more bearable, knowing that it will all face a reckoning someday—soon, I hope.

Yesterday was another sorry day in our history as Judge “I’m-not-a-biologist” Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed by the Senate with the three votes of not-at-all-conservative Republican Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and “severely conservative” (lol) Mitt Romney voting for Jackson.

The vote was 53-47. Brown Jackson would’ve been confirmed if the vote had been tied, with VP (Virtue Pick) Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. But the three liberal Republicans still sided with the enemies of American culture, conscience and freedom, voting to confirm a woman who has a proven pattern of leniency for child sex offenders, supports Critical Race Theory (CRT), and refused to define a “woman.”

Republicans who opposed Jackson did so on several fronts: her dodging of questions on whether she favors court packing; her inability to define a “woman,” insufficient explanation of her judicial philosophy and her “soft on crime” sentencing record, including those of several child pornography offenders.

Democrats celebrated (or should I say, gloated) over the idealogue they forced on the American people.

Joe Brandon:

“Judge Jackson’s confirmation was a historic moment for our nation,” Biden said on Twitter with a picture of him taking a selfie with the newly confirmed Jackson. “We’ve taken another step toward making our highest court reflect the diversity of America. She will be an incredible Justice, and I was honored to share this moment with her.”

Chucky Schemer:

This is an “amazing day not only for Justice Brown Jackson but for the United States of America,” Schumer said. On the long road to equality, Schumer said, “sometimes you take a step back, but today we took a giant step forward.”

Don’t make me hurl.

Democrats are deeply immoral people. They stole the election in 2020, then they stole a SCOTUS seat by forcing Justice Breyer to resign.

“The Left bullied Justice Breyer into retirement and now it will demand a justice who rubber stamps its liberal political agenda,” Judicial Crisis Network president Carrie Severino said in a statement, adding “And that’s what the Democrats will give them, because they’re beholden to the dark money supporters who helped elect them.”

And give it they did, filling the vacancy with a pyrsyn who doesn’t know what the definition of a woman is.

But that’s not the worst of it. The worst of it is that the regressive, cultural Marxists elevated Jackson’s skin color over her judicial record, a record which indicates that she is a radical leftist who can’t be trusted to objectively and fairly interpret our Constitution. They put superficiality over substance.

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said, “Biden’s pick Ketanji Brown Jackson is a radical, activist judge, one who failed to answer simple questions on her record, including leniency for child porn offenders and support of CRT. Jackson has proved to be in lockstep with the far left’s political agenda, even refusing to define what a woman is. The RNC will hold Democrats accountable this November for supporting Biden’s radical pick.”

Yep. We all know how Jackson will vote, just like we all knew how the Wise Latina and Kagan would vote.

Yet all the Democrats talked about today was “equality” and “diversity.” It’s sickening.

Still, there may be some hope in the darkness. None less than The New York Times postulates that there isn’t much Jackson’s appointment can do to stop the more conservative bend of SCOTUS from dominating.

However collegial she may be, whatever her reputation as a “consensus builder” and whether her voting record will be slightly to the right or the left of Justice Breyer’s, the court’s lopsided conservative majority will remain in charge. Judge Jackson will most likely find herself, as Justice Breyer has, in dissent in the court’s major cases on highly charged social questions.

See that? Even the NYT concedes that there’s a “conservative” bias that includes Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Comey Barrett (all three of whom, by the way, have made decisions disappointing to “conservatives” since ascending to the top court in the land). So spare me the moaning about the resistance to Jackson’s appointment.

Let’s hope that any damage KBJ has the potential to do is blunted by remaining in the minority on court decisions, a Republican take-over of the House and Senate this fall, plus the presidency in 2024.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Get Your Grubby Liberal Fingers Off My Country

Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 15:22b
To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”

Tuesday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 16-19

Tuesday and it’s hard to know where to start. I’m a once-a-day blogger right now and unless I become enormously popular and independently wealthy, that’s the way it’s going to stay. But there’s a thousand topics out there that could be covered skewered and I can only pick one each time I break out my keyboard.

There’s the war in Ukraine and the increasing calls for the U.S. to escalate our involvement. There’s the absolute insanity of men presenting as women winning in sports and women of the year honors. There’s Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the New York Times has finally decided was legit, so I guess we can all talk about it now. There’s Brandon’s virtue pick for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, who seems to have had “a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes.” There’s the specter of renewing the tyrannical Chinese Lung Pox restrictions with the re-emergence of Dr. Faux Chi on the Sunday talk show circuit. There’s inflation and the high cost of gas, even though we could have it easily and cheaply if our government masters allowed it. There’s our southern “border” which is now just a concept, not a reality, in service to the “Great Society” of the 1960s. There’s the grooming of America’s children in public schools. And if those weren’t enough, there’s the Great Issues of Our Day being addressed by our do-nothing-good Congress, namely, hair discrimination and making Daylight Saving Time permanent—because those are the most pressing issues America is concerned about.

What’s a blogger to do?

Well, since the criminal enterprise known as the Democrat party is driving the chaos and irrationality of our current day madness, let’s pause for a moment to check on how they’re faring heading into the mid-term elections.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if the elections for Congress were held today, 50% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while 39% would vote for the Democrat. Just five percent (5%) would vote for some other candidate, but another seven percent (7%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

That’s fantastic news, even though the results indicate a two-point gain for Democrats since February.

The 11-point edge for Republicans in the latest poll is larger than Democrats enjoyed at any time during the 2018 midterm campaign, due both to greater GOP partisan intensity and a 19-point advantage among independents. While 94% of Republican voters say they would vote for their own party’s congressional candidate, only 82% of Democrats would vote for the Democratic candidate. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 46% would vote Republican and 27% would vote Democrat, while 13% would vote for some other candidate and 14% are undecided.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of whites, 28% of black voters and 48% of other minorities would vote Republican if the election were held today. Sixty-two percent (62%) of black voters, 36% of whites and 35% of other minorities would vote Democrat.

The so-called “gender gap” is nearly non-existent in the latest findings, with men (49%) one point less likely than women voters (50%) to prefer Republican congressional candidates.

Add to that the resignation of 31 Democrat House members (a 30-year high) and prospects for the party look bleak. The party in power typically loses seats in the mid-terms, but the economy and the incompetent moron occupying the White House are creating the right conditions for a wave election.

Of course, we’re still eight months out, we’re watching a smoldering fight in Ukraine with the potential to become a wider conflagration, and who knows what sort of evils the Left have in store for the November elections.

More than half of voters believe cheating affected the 2020 election and an overwhelming majority say the issue of election integrity will be important in the midterm elections.

You don’t say.

Well, I won’t be surprised if a toilet in a Blue State somewhere overflows and floods precincts in four or five surrounding states.

As I’ve said before, we have the wind at our backs. Don’t just read about what’s happening; donate money, volunteer time, and help America pry the pasty fingers of the Democrats off the levers of power before they completely destroy us.