Daily Broadside | America is In a Death Spiral

I used to laugh at the idiocy of European countries allowing themselves to be overrun by foreigners. I’m not laughing anymore.

EAGLE PASS, Texas Illegal migrants fist bumped and thanked Border Patrol agents for cutting through barbed wire that had been erected by Texas authorities to secure the border, the Daily Caller News Foundation observed Thursday in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently instructed Texas authorities to place more wire along the Rio Grande River to address the influx of illegal crossings. Border Patrol agents cut through the wire to take into custody a group of migrants that had crossed the Rio Grande and arrived at the U.S. side of the river.

The migrants who crossed illegally Thursday thanked Border Patrol and the U.S. after they were let in.

What is happening?

Our “Border Patrol agents” are acting as doormen doormats for foreigners who have no business being in our country. It’s lawlessness. It’s anarchy. It’s self-destructive.

And it all starts at the top with the Resident and his evil puppet masters.

Did you know that there isn’t any money for border protection in the hastily-passed CR that Kevin McCarthy “””negotiated””” with the Democrats? Now we know why: the border patrol is facilitating the invasion. They don’t need any money for protection because “””protection””” is not what they’re doing. They’re freaking fist-bumping illegals, then taking them “into custody,” which means these foreign invaders soon be on busses to sanctuary cities all over the country.

The Border Patrol, which is the armed law enforcement division of U.S. Customs and Border Protection within the Department of Homeland Security, is only following orders. But those orders come from Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security.

And Secretary Mayorkas has no interest in defending our borders, even though THAT’S THE JOB.

America is in a death spiral, and we won’t pull out of it until we clear out all the anti-American, Marxist globalists like Alejandro.

That is, if there’s time. I’m beginning to think we don’t have time.

Here’s another example:

One way liberals are working to keep Trump off the ballot is through “a legal barrage against Trump that so far includes a total of 91 felony counts, every one of them politically motivated.”

That barrage includes the civil “fraud” trial in New York that started today. As Tucker explained:

In some, Trump stands accused of inflating the value of collateral used to secure loans, loans that he has already paid back with interest. In other words, there is no injured party in this case. The biggest banks in the world assessed the risk, and they made a profit…not a single person was defrauded. For this non-crime Trump and his children are in the process of losing their homes and their businesses.

I’d encourage you to watch the whole thing, here:

As Tucker and VDH underscore, we’d better wake up to the fact that we are witnessing a revolution and be willing to fight for the survival of our country.

I’m reading “The Sumter Gambit” by Robert Spencer. His thesis is that the Left is trying in every way to provoke the Right into firing the first shots of a new civil war so that the government will have the pretext to impose martial law and crack down on anyone who doesn’t spout the official narrative.

Guess who that will be? MAGA, conservatives, and Christians.

As I’ve cautioned before (following Doug Wilson here and here), don’t take the bait.

But do keep your powder dry and your guns clean.

Daily Broadside | “Democrat” is Now Just a Euphemism for “Communist”

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 20:9
But if I say, “I will not mention him
    or speak anymore in his name,”
his word is in my heart like a fire,
    a fire shut up in my bones
I am weary of holding it in;
    indeed, I cannot.

Friday’s Reading: Jeremiah 21-25
Saturday’s Reading: 26-29

Friday and I’d like to end the week with a synopsis of a short essay by Steve Rose over at American Thinker. In it he touches on an idea that has been forming in my head but hadn’t crystalized yet. As I was doing my daily reading, I came across the title of his article which immediately resonated with me.


Stop Calling Them Democrats. They’re Communists” accelerated my coalescing thinking, bringing clarity to many statements I’ve made over the last few years. I’ve called the Democrats “cultural Marxists.” I’ve called them “anti-American.” I’ve called them tyrants. I even wrote a column that called Democrats “Communists.” I’ve called for the Democrat party to be outlawed. I’ve even said that I’d rather be an American than a Democrat.

But Rose’s title-statement is a bold declaration that we’re no longer dealing with Americans who have a slightly different view of how to govern this great land. We’re dealing with an altogether different creature when we talk about today’s Democrats.

This is no longer the party of FDR, JFK, or even Bill Clinton, and it’s time to start calling a spade a spade…

One of the many challenges real Americans now face is to start calling “Democrats” what they actually are. They’ll protest. But if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and acts like a duck, we need to call it a duck.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that communism is just a myth, that it isn’t real, or even if it is real, it only exists in faraway places like China, and anyone who mentions it is a conspiracist who deserves ridicule.

I think he’s right that it is very difficult for the average American to wrap his or her head around the reality that there are functional communists who are not just living among us, but who operate in the highest levels of our society and its institutions. They have their hands on the levers of power.

I think we all know that we’re not living in our father’s America, but it’s really difficult to accept that it is, in fact, happening. But, as Rose writes, you only need to look at what the Democrats are doing to understand who they are. As the old adage goes, if you want to know what I believe, don’t ask me, watch me.

  • They’re raiding and jailing their political opponents.
  • They’re turning the FBI, CIA, and IRS against American citizens.
  • They’ve come out against freedom of speech, religion, press, the Second Amendment, and other core American ideals.
  • They’ve abandoned the rule of law, and now have one set of laws for themselves and another for the rest of us.
  • They’re deliberately trying to bankrupt us—sometimes directly (through shutting down businesses), sometimes indirectly (through wasting trillions of our dollars.)
  • They’re indoctrinating our children with radical ideologies.
  • They celebrate infanticide.
  • They’re making secret deals with foreign entities against our interests.
  • They’re deliberately keeping our borders wide open to erase our national identity.
  • They mandate groupthink and conformity and punish anyone who doesn’t parrot their chosen narratives, however absurd.
  • They’re purging the best from our military and converting what’s left into a tool of Wokeism.
  • They’ve transformed our once-great American cities into crime-ridden hellscapes.
  • They relentlessly stoke division between everyone and never miss the slightest opportunity to accuse someone or something of being racist, sexist, phobic, supremacist, etc.
  • They constantly work to slander, cancel, and erase our Founding Fathers, American heroes, and America itself. (E.g., they removed the statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the American Museum of Natural History.)
  • They want to defund the police, release criminals from prisons and disarm the rest of us.
  • They defend terrorists. (Joe Biden: “Antifa is an idea, not an organization.”)
  • They’ve ignored the first principle of the Nuremberg Code, which was written in the aftermath of WWII, and which explicitly prohibits coerced consent for experimental medications. (See, e.g., here or here.)
  • They’ve tried to corrupt elections on a national scale.
  • They’ve openly stated their desire to abolish the family structure itself.
  • They’ve threatened to abolish the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and dismantle the electoral college system.
  • They’re criminalizing normality on multiple fronts.
  • They’ve taken down American flags and raised other flags in government buildings and city streets, symbolizing their stealth political takeover.
  • Their leaders have literally kneeled to one form of the cause they actually serve in the Capital building.

As he acknowledges, there’s lots more that could be listed here, including the shocking six-year harassment of President Donald J. Trump that continues almost two years after he “lost” the fraudulent 2020 election. This list is unprecedented law-breaking and social norm-busting in which the highest law enforcement branches in the land have been weaponized against one part of the population — conservatives and MAGA supporters.

The problem is that while we can see what is happening, no one knows what to do about it. It’s become dangerous and risky over the last few years to express dissent from the imperial rulers’ official narrative, which is concocted by Democrats and amplified by Democrats through their Democrat mouthpieces in the media.

So concerned citizens are reluctant to point out what they see happening and for sure don’t want to speak out about it. Yet, that fear is exactly what communists want.

Tyrants don’t simply announce themselves openly and honestly. “Hi! I’m trying to become a tyrant, and I’d like to enslave you. Will you start obeying everything I say?” The serpent in the garden of Eden didn’t say, “Hi! I’m trying to turn you against the Almighty. Eat this, please.”

Instead, they make lofty, inspiring speeches. They promise free things. They appeal to our sense of hope, fairness, and justice. They claim to hold the solution to racial harmony, violence, and the literal death of the planet. They bribe the corrupt, seduce the gullible, and slander, disarm, and imprison everyone else.

Once they’re in power, the mask comes off. But by then, it’s too late.

That’s why I have been warning for years about some kind of open conflict erupting, and I’m not at all inclined to change my mind. In fact, I’ve only grown more certain that such a conflict is coming. How it will happen and what form it will take are unclear, but it only takes an incident like Mar-a-Lago to ignite the simmering anger of those it represents.

And if Trump is indicted — and I’m hearing that the DOJ is moving that way — I’m afraid that will set off a nationwide outburst that will lead to the government cracking down on we citizens in what will become a military-style lockdown. Think of the protesters who were at the Capitol on January 6 and did nothing more than wander through the hallways taking selfies. The vast majority of them are still held in jail without due process.

Think the State won’t do that to you if you’ve so much as voiced an opinion contrary to the current junta that’s in power?

You say they wouldn’t?

Why not? They’ve already gotten away with jailing the January 6 protesters. What’s to stop them from expanding their definition of what constitutes a threat to our precious (*spit*) democracy?

If they do it, who’s going to stop them?

I think Rose is right, that we’ve got to start calling them what they are. In the same way we’ve been calling transactivists and other members of LGBTQUERTY+ “groomers” for trying to corrupt our children, it’s time to call the Democrats what they are: communists.

We’re definitely under threat in the United States, but it’s not from foreign adversaries. It’s from right here among us. Their name is “Democrat”, but they are thoroughly communist. Make them own it.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | FBI Goes Full KGB in Raid on Trump Mar-a-Lago Home

Daily Verse | Isaiah 57:21
“There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”

Tuesday’s Reading: Isaiah 58-59

It’s Tuesday and Monday, August 8, may very well go down in history as the defining moment that irreversibly destroyed our nation.

The unprecedented, unannounced raid on President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home by our politicized law enforcement agencies drives home the reality that we no longer live in a country governed by equality under the law, but in a tin-pot dictatorship led by a corrupt cabal of powerful elitists who rule by selective intimidation and force.

There is no difference between what happened yesterday and the activities of the KGB in the former Soviet Union. This is all about destroying the political enemies of those in power.

Are our Norms now restored? Are the Adults back in charge? Are we happy with our current State of Affairs?

Here’s the Trumped-Up Charges that the FBI is angling to stick Trump with (my emphasis):

Early reports that the F.B.I. search of former President Donald J. Trump’s residence in Florida related to an investigation into whether he had unlawfully taken government files when he left the White House focused attention on an obscure criminal law barring removal of official records. The penalties for breaking that law include disqualification from holding any federal office.

Because Mr. Trump is widely believed to be preparing to run for president again in 2024, that unusual penalty raised the prospect that he might be legally barred from returning to the White House.

Specifically, the law in question — Section 2071 of Title 18 of the United States Code — makes it a crime if someone who has custody of government documents or records “willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies or destroys” them.

If convicted, defendants can be fined or sentenced to prison for up to three years. In addition, the statute says, if they are currently in a federal office, they “shall forfeit” that office, and they shall “be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

On its face, then, if Mr. Trump were to be charged and convicted of removing, concealing or destroying government records under that law, he would seem to be ineligible to become president again.

This is today’s FBI: find some obscure law and conduct an illegal daylight raid to accuse a political opponent of a crime that would put them in prison for three years and disqualify them from ever holding any office in the United States.

How conVEEEEnient!

Funny how political persecution seems to only go one way in this country: against conservatives and Republicans.

This event will please the progressive Left and anger the conservative and, perhaps moderate, Right. This seems like a violation of decency and precedent. Donald J. Trump, while he has his faults, has endured more political persecution for the last 7 years than any other president. And he’s not even in office anymore, for peetsake!

Still, they persisted.

The forces arrayed against him include the unelected bureaucrats in the U.S. government, the Deep State operatives that infest our unelected alphabet agencies, the Democrat mouthpieces known as the Lame Stream Media, and any number of institutions that are saturated by cultural Marxists. In fact, they all worked together to “fortify” the 2020 presidential election against DJT and literally bragged about it in a national magazine.

Trump is, as usual, unbowed (Truth Social account necessary).

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections. Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.

The political persecution of President Donald J. Trump has been going on for years, with the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and so much more, it just never ends. It is political targeting at the highest level!

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress. Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable. She even took antique furniture, and other items from the White House.

I stood up to America’s bureaucratic corruption, I restored power to the people, and truly delivered for our Country, like we have never seen before. The establishment hated it. Now, as they watch my endorsed candidates win big victories, and see my dominance in all polls, they are trying to stop me, and the Republican Party, once more. The lawlessness, political persecution, and Witch Hunt must be exposed and stopped.

I will continue to fight for the Great American People!

What makes this so maddening is the clear double-standards that are in place. Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and dozens more hive scum in Washington D.C. break laws and skate all the time.

We all see it. The risk here is that this (intentional) provocation could send the Deplorables over the edge and we could have another January 6 event, which would give the bastards the justification to crack down even more. (Although, the way it’s going, I’ll bet in the not-too-distant future they won’t even search for a justification—they’ll just crack down to “prevent” some made-up crisis they tell us they’re averting.)

Don’t react.

Instead, stay calm.

And keep your powder dry.

Then vote for Donald J. Trump in 2024 as a giant rebuke to the out-of-control government leviathan.

Daily Broadside | Fox-Tailed Witch Doctor Is a Key Democrat Witness on Abortion

Daily Verse | Isaiah 17:12
Oh, the raging of many nations—
    they rage like the raging sea!
Oh, the uproar of the peoples—
    they roar like the roaring of great waters!

Thursday’s Reading: Isaiah 21-23

Thursday and the so-called “Biden administration” is no longer a clown show but a freak show.

Democrats brought a woman who appears to be a member of a witch coven that engages in furry play as a key witness in a Dobbs hearing on Tuesday. The Oversight & Investigations subcommittee held a hearing on the impacts of the reversal of Roe v. Wade and “taking away the Constitutional right to an abortion.” The subcommittee heard testimony from various individuals on why abortion is “absolutely necessary.”

Democrats were allowed four witnesses and one of their totally sane choices was Paulina Guerrero.

When Paulina isn’t working as a National Program Manager at an abortion clinic, she spends her free time making YouTube videos conducting witch spells and engaging in furry play.

See for yourself.

Not only do they have this woman-child testifying about abortion, but Guerrero never said the word “woman” in her testimony. Instead, she used woke terms like “pregnant people.” Again, you can see for yourself in the video below (queued at 49:20).

I know you’re wondering what Ms. Guerrero is a “doctor” of, are you not?

In 2018 she graduated with a PhD in Folklore where she studied personal narrative, maritime communities, and gendered and racialized work traditions.

This is typical Democrat fare: devoid of substance but great optics. Like AOC pretending to be handcuffed when arrested for blocking traffic outside the SCOTUS. Here, it’s “Oooh! There’s a DOCTOR testifying before Congress. She must know what she’s talking about when she speaks out about abortion and how harmful it is to babies pregnant people who may or may not have a uterus!”

I don’t know about you, but this embarrasses me. The outside world must look at the United States and wonder, “What the hell has happened to you?”

Hey, I’m right there with them. We’ve descended into some kind of bizarre hell world where anything like “normal” is being run over by the fetishes of the Democrats and their progressive followers.

That may be why nearly one-third of voters believe they may have to take up arms against the United States government.

On July 24, the Hill reported the pollsters found that “twenty-eight percent of all voters, including 37 percent of gun owners, agreed ‘it may be necessary at some point soon for citizens to take up arms against the government.’”

When responses were broken down by party affiliation, the poll showed 33 percent of Republican voters and 35 percent of Independent voters believe it may be necessary to take up arms.

One in every five Democrat voters believe they may have to take up arms as well.

I hate to say, “told you so,” but I’ve been warning about this happening for years and I know some of you still don’t believe me. It’s inevitable because pretty soon you run out of ways to restrict the government’s power and influence over the people.

Too many people still think this is just a cultural spasm we’re experiencing, and it will soon pass.

Like a kidney stone.

The poll shows that nearly half of American voters–49 percent–agree with the statement that they “more and more feel like a stranger in my own country.”

I am willing to bet that half includes both progressives and conservatives. I can tell you that both halves of the country look at the other half and think, “you’re screwing up my country!”

There’s no negotiating with the other half, either. Conservatives have given about all they can on social issues, and the agitation against them persists—even from their own “side,” as I wrote recently.

How we get back to something close to what used to be “normal,” I don’t know. It will likely involve a lot of conflict, unrest, pain, loss and, unfortunately, probably bloodshed.

Daily Broadside | The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself. Right?

Daily Verse | Genesis 22:12
“Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”

Tuesday’s Reading: Genesis 24-16

Happy Tuesday, my friends. One of the things that I wrote last week resurfaced again this week and I want to reinforce the point with you because we live in a moment when we need to keep our wits about us.

We’re looking at some seriously troubling developments in our culture and politics, and we’re hearing some very troubling words spoken by our “leaders.” We’re hearing them say that J6 was an insurrection; that the unvaccinated will suffer a winter of “severe illness and death;” that the nation is headed for civil war; that you’re racist if you’re white, and on and on.

Troubling is the word I used but what I’m really after is the word “fear.” The developments we see and experience in our country right now are liable to provoke fear. Fear that the fascists will win, fear that we’ll lose our position, fear that we’ll be persecuted, fear that America is over.

Others have noticed the fear factor.

Witness the fearfulness engulfing Americans:

– Fear of the virus.
– Fear of being called a racist.
– Fear of being canceled.
– Fear of the other.
– Fear of defending beliefs.
– Fear of our history.
– Fear of not being woke.
– Fear even of saying the truth.

Fear works.  The face of America has taken on a pallor. Before the specter of 2021 descended, we were proud to identify as “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.”

Now, after a year of cautious, quiet desperation precipitated by a shower of those fears, we have become “The Silence of the Lambs.”

We’ve all felt some of this, even if it isn’t particularly alarming us right now.

Then there’s this: Democrats are trying to scare America over a civil war they’re trying to start

On Friday, John asked why liberal and progressive American news outlets and politicians are suddenly talking about an impending civil war. He linked to a couple of reliably lefty publications that have recently raised the prospect in scary terms, and it’s certainly true. I’ve seen quite a few similar articles myself.

Some of those articles are here and here and here.

In the aftermath of January 6, the FBI rounded up hundreds of citizens who were in the vicinity of the Capitol that day, even if they weren’t in the building.

The FBI’s nationwide manhunt to round up January 6 protesters was a show of force usually reserved for the country’s most dangerous criminals. Agents were let loose to capture hundreds of Capitol protesters in their own homes or their place of work. Families were awakened at dawn by armed officers screaming commands, children were terrified, neighbors were horrified. The over-the-top displays were intended to inflict maximum fear and humiliation. The stories were something straight out of a totalitarian nightmare.

I bring you back to part of the quote I included in the prior post linked above.

The process is the punishment. The cruelty is the point. The message to Americans is clear: You no longer live in a nation with anything remotely resembling equal, impartial justice. Enemies of the regime will be brought to heel; woke social justice warriors will get off scot-free. This is meant to both instill terror in and demoralize dissenters.

It also serves as a prior restraint on dissent because Americans know that every critical response the Ruling Class’ actions provoke will provide yet another pretext to turn the screws tighter in order to “save democracy.”

But fear is debilitating, “a prior restraint on dissent,” and we must not allow it to subdue us.

Fear can play no part for the citizenry of a free United States, but fear would be key to the control function of any replacement overseers. We must, or the least afraid among us must, end the fear by showing courage and thereby spreading courage further. We must let there be no doubt about our resolve to continue a free way of life in America by speaking with resolve with friends to bolster them, and to opposing views to challenge their motives in the land of the free. We need leaders stepping up.

To that end, our senators and representatives who themselves fear losing an election by potentially being shunned by a discordant and strident group need to instead, show some spine. Rise to save our nation. Break from the Fear Party. Let us hear you as our voice in expressing what it means to be an American.

I actually think that last paragraph is not just for senators and representatives. Those words are for us, the concerned citizenry. It is us who need to show some spine. It is us who need to rise to save our nation. It is us who must express what it means to be an American with unapologetic strength.

Don’t be afraid.

Daily Broadside | I Will Not Surrender to Anti-American Bullies

Daily Verse | Malachi 4:2
“But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.”

Monday’s Reading: Matthew 1-4

Happy Monday, my friends. For those of you who have been reading through the Bible this year with me, we finished the Old Testament on Saturday and today we start the New Testament. If you haven’t been reading with us, today’s a great day to start. We’ll be done with New Testament on January 1, 2022. I’ll start putting the day’s passage at the top of each post from now through the end of the year.

I’ve been saying for the last 6 or 7 years that all the trendlines point to a new civil war in United States. I was predicting it long before opinion leaders and political commentators began sounding the alarm.

Frankly, we’ve been at war already for many years; it just hasn’t gone hot yet. But the last two elections have exposed how deep—and how hostile—the division is in our country between “red” and “blue” America. We really are two peoples living in the same geographic location called the United States of America.

Last week Ace over at Ace of Spades HQ shared three articles that justify my conviction that we were headed this way and that it might finally be reaching a tipping point.

The first is from the Daily Mail, where a new poll shows what looks like a near-majority of voters want red and blue states to separate:

“A new poll has revealed that political divisions run so deep in the US that over half of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union, and 41% of Biden voters want blue states to split off.”

If we go to the analysis itself, we read that “Illustrating the extent of the underlying divide, nearly 90% of voters on both sides agree that people like them won’t belong in America anymore if the “other side” has its way, and more than 1 in 5 say they “agree completely” that such is the case.”

This sentiment doesn’t surprise me at all. Democrats are the political enemies of freedom and prosperity. They really have no business being here.

Two-thirds of all voters on both sides of the aisle think the opposition voters “have become a clear and present danger” to their way of life.

Over 75% of voters on both sides agreed with the statement: ‘I believe that Americans who strongly support the [OPP_PARTY] have become a clear and present danger to the American way of life.’ Seventy-five percent of Biden voters at least somewhat agreed with the statement, as did 78% of Trump voters.

The second article is a blog post by David Reaboi titled, “National Divorce Is Expensive, But It’s Worth Every Penny.”

As with any breakup or divorce, even if we had a popular consensus for a National Divorce in principle, there are all kinds of details—and massive, very thorny ones, like who gets which territories, populations, industries or nuclear weapons caches—that could cause tumultuous and potentially violent negotiations. All these points of contention are very real and shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand; they’re not going anywhere. The seriousness of these issues and their daunting solutions are meant to prove that the breakup of the United States will always be an impossibility.

But that’s not right. National Divorce or some other, more tragic and chaotic outcome won’t be impossible orever. Despite heaping dollops of patriotic propaganda—which, admittedly, is essential to maintenance of the citizens’ faith in the regime—one day, the United States will end. History teaches us that regimes, like all human creations, rise and fall—and world-bestriding empires fall harder, faster, and more surely than that. Admitting this is a possibility isn’t as accurate as understanding it as a certainty; yes, the timeline is hazy, but it’s coming.

Reaboi believes it’s only a matter of time before we endure a national break-up. He sees it as inevitable. In his post, he’s responding to his friend Karol Markowicz’s piece in the New York Post in which she writes that the idea of a break-up “has understandably gained steam — though it can’t possibly work and shouldn’t.”

Some people believe such a split isn’t in the cards; can’t be done. Others think it’s inevitable. I’m with the latter, but I believe there’s a solution to that coming split—we’ll have to fight to keep it from becoming permanent. More about that in a minute.

The third article is a conversation between Emma Green of The Atlantic, a very liberal publication, and Ryan Williams of The Claremont Institute, a conservative think tank. Here’s an excerpt that I think is accurate (with my emphasis):

Green: Glenn Ellmers wrote an essay for The American Mind about why the Claremont Institute isn’t conservative. One of the things he writes is that some people residing in the United States—“certainly more than half”—are not Americans in any recognizable sense.

What does it mean to declare that more than half of the people residing in the country are not truly American?

Williams: Glenn was, of course, being provocative and polemical. But if Claremont thinks real Americanism is a belief in the principles of the American founding, we have to acknowledge that a good portion of our fellow citizens don’t agree with our principles and conclusions about what politics is for. If we differ on those fundamental things, we’re really two Americas.

Even during the Civil War—I think we’re more divided now than we were then. As Lincoln said, we all prayed to the same God. We all believed in the same Constitution. We just differed over the question of slavery.

I might come around but right now I am not in favor of dividing up the country, for a lot of reasons. First, I don’t want some “blue” country right on my doorstep. The radicals in Congress and the leaders of the Democrat Party have great contempt for our Constitution and seem to believe that socialism—the end result of which is hardcore communism—is the preferred governing system. If that’s true, then we should expect that a socialist democratic system will reach out for support to communist China and Muslim theocracies like Iran, which are both dictatorships. Do we really want some junior commies next door making deals with hardcore communist and fascist countries?

Another reason I don’t want to break up the country and divide the spoils with progressive commie Democrats is that the only reason they have the support they do is that they’ve deceived the fools who follow them. They’ve brainwashed our children, they’ve imported millions of impoverished people of the third world as dependents to keep themselves in power, and they’ve lied, lied, lied about everything. EVERYTHING. They live in an idealized fantasy world where they think that 4 trillion dollars will somehow make everything beautiful and morally right.

It will not. One only has to look at the track record of progressive Democrats to see that they ruin everything they touch. EVERYTHING.

My final reason for not wanting to break up the country flows from the previous one: the only reason we’re even talking about a “national divorce” is that the domestic communists in this country have poisoned the well. They’re the ones that are agitating for change. They’re the ones who have created the conflict, then blamed it on their fellow conservative (normal) Americans.

The Democrats, BLM, antifa and the mask Karens like Howard Stern have told us they don’t want us, that we’re homophobes, deplorables, xenophobes, racists and bitter clingers; that this country must pay for its sins. Stern actually said,We want you to leave the country. Go somewhere where they have ultimate freedom, wherever that is, some bizarro world where you don’t have to take the vaccine.”

No, Howard. That’s not how this works. We were here first. If you don’t like this system of government or the people who respect our heritage, traditions, history and want less government and more freedom, then you leave. Go somewhere where your vision of communist propaganda fits—there’s plenty of them out there.

I will not be bullied into surrendering any of my country to these people. If they want it, they will have to pry it out of my cold, dead fingers that are wrapped around the trigger of my Second Amendment rights. They don’t get to walk off with half the country of my birth, founded by men whom, in comparison to our modern-day junior commies, are intellectual giants.

If you want it, you’ll have to come and take it.

Molon labe.