Daily Broadside | Willful Ignorance is No Way to Go Through Life, Sisters

Daily Verse | Hebrews 3:14
We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly to the end the confidence we had at first.

Thursday’s Reading: Hebrews 5-7

Thursday and the nonsense emanating from Washington just keeps surpassing my capacity to be surprised. This week Nancy Pelosi expressed shock — shock, I tell you! — about the wave of crime in her home district of San Francisco, including organized retail theft.

“It’s absolutely outrageous. Obviously it cannot continue,” Pelosi said. “But the fact is that there is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don’t know where… and we cannot have that lawlessness become the norm.”

An “attitude of lawlessness,” you say?

No idea where it comes from, you say?

She knows where it comes from. We all do. It comes from her progressive minions who have led the nationwide agitation to defund the police. It comes from progressive policies that refuse to prosecute theft valued under $950 and activist DAs who reduce bail for criminals. This go-soft on crime not only undermines law and order, but signals criminals that they can get away with crime that used to be punished.

Even the mayor of San Francisco has had enough.

Mayor London Breed launched an emergency police intervention in San Francisco’s crime-ridden Tenderloin neighborhood Tuesday, targeting a pipeline of illegal drugs that has been fueling a surge in gun violence and deadly fentanyl overdoses.

Breed’s anger and frustration over the crime surge in the city were on full display at her noon news conference.

“It’s time the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end,” she said. “And it comes to an end when we take the steps to more aggressive with law enforcement. More aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerate of all the bull**** that has destroyed our city.”

How stunning! And brave! She even threw in a swear to prove How Serious I Am!

Funny, I’m old enough to remember when she supported the movement to defund the police, and when she actually proposed defunding the police.

The Mayor’s proposed budget acknowledges the structural inequities impacting the city’s African American community, resulting from generations of disinvestment. The proposed budget reinvests $120 million in funds over two years, predominately from the City’s law enforcement departments, towards efforts to repair the legacy of racially disparate policies on health, housing, and economic outcomes for African Americans. …

Mayor Breed’s budget is informed by that process and recognizes that the African American community must continue to be involved in determining the specific allocations of the funding. Therefore, the Human Rights Commission will continue leading a community process to determine how the $120 million will be allocated.

That was then, this is now. The next mayoral election is in 2023, meaning that she will have to ramp up her reelection efforts in … [checks calendar] … 2022!

How conveeeeenient!

Hey, I’m all for cracking down on criminals, no matter the motivation. But both the mayor and Nancy Pelosi are cynical politicians who change positions to preserve their power.

Pleading ignorance insults our intelligence and tells us all we need to know about Pelosi’s own attitude of lawlessness.

Morning Links | 23 Apr 20

Good Morning! Riding the downside of week six of the Bat Gumbo Apocalypse, there’s plenty to keep us busy while we wait for the padlocks to rust. CoVID-19 appears to have landed stateside a few weeks earlier than assumed; police departments across the nation are refusing to enforce draconian lockdown measures imposed by their governors; NYC Mayor de Blasio is shocked—shocked, I tell you!—that criminals released because of Covid-19 are committing crimes; the contours of the worst conspiracy in American history continue to fill in; and you know you’re a wealthy society when your most pressing issue is banning plastic straws.