Daily Broadside | The “Democratic” Party Should be Outlawed

The party of Democrats should be outlawed in America. It’s called the Democratic Party, but there’s nothing remotely “democratic” about them. Like everything else they tell you, it’s a lie.

There are a lot of reasons to abolish the Democrats as a political entity in the U.S., not least of which is their support for and active facilitation of a foreign invasion over our southern border. A number of foreigners larger than the populations of 36 US states has illegally poured over our border since the pathetic imbecile in the White House was installed by anti-American Leftists in 2020.

Have you noticed the crimes being committed by these illegal foreigners yearning to breathe free health care, free transportation to anywhere in the United States, free driver’s licenses, free housing, free legal defense, and a “free” $10,000 debit card or some other amount on a voucher? I was going to list them myself, but I came across this commentary by Kevin Downey Jr. over at PJ Media, and he not only gives a similar (and more complete) list, but he also steals some of my thunder because I was going to write about my interactions about illegal immigrants with progressive Christians on social media who do exactly what he describes.

First, here’s Downey’s list of the latest offenses that these criminal aliens have perpetrated on American citizens and their families. He starts with, “12 illegal immigrants tied up and gang-raped three young girls, the youngest of whom was only 11 years old, in the rural town of Bemidji, MN,” then lists the other recent atrocities.

  • This illegal immigrant was arrested and released just in time to sexually assault a 14-year-old girl in Virginia
  • This convicted sex offender raped a girl under 14 years old
  • Georgia nursing student Laken Riley had her skull disfigured by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. Various Marxist news sites “forgot” to mention he is here illegally
  • A Honduran “cultural enricher” was arrested for raping a 14-year-old girl and stabbing a man during an armed robbery
  • An animal from El Salvador — who faced deportation but somehow remained in the U.S. — shot and killed a two-year-old toddler and was finally arrested. His buddy was arrested and released twice, and the sanctuary utopia of Montgomery County, MD refused to hand him over to I.C.E.

As Trump said, “They’re not sending their best.” But we knew that, didn’t we? That’s kind of the point. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Violent crime was a crisis in Venezuela as recently as 2019, but their crime rate has dropped like a rock. Guess where all those criminals have gone?

All to create chaos in what used to be the most peaceful country in the world, so that the elites can clamp down on us with the power of the state.

Here’s the thunder-stealing part.

A Marxist will read a story about children being raped by illegal immigrants and say something useless like, “We already have plenty of American child rapists, and studies show illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than Americans, anyway.” Then they’ll call you a bigot.

I am part of the “one is too many” crowd, and we are long past “one” victim. Ironically, women, whom the left pretends to hold dear, are ignored by the Pravda press after they are raped or murdered. Call them “inconvenient truths.” Ditto kids.

I’ve had a conversation on social media that went exactly like that. Exactly.

Nearly word-for-word.

With a “Christian” no less.

It absolutely boggles my mind that any American (much less a “Christian”) can dismiss the criminal violence — not to mention the mere criminal presence — of foreigners who are here illegally. The simple logic is that if the border were secure, these four girls, and many others like them, would still be alive.

But Americans are beginning to show that they’ve had enough.

A recent Monmouth University poll reveals that a majority of Americans now support the construction of a southern border wall, with 61% viewing illegal immigration as a ‘very serious problem’. This marks a significant shift in public opinion compared to previous years, reflecting growing concerns over immigration policies under President Biden’s administration.

Key Details:

  • The Monmouth University survey found that 53% of respondents favor building a border barrier, a significant increase from 35% in September 2017.
  • 61% of Americans view illegal immigration as a ‘very serious problem’, with a majority of Republicans (91%) and independents (58%) agreeing with this sentiment.
  • Despite the growing support for a border wall, Democratic support for the policy has fallen 14 percentage points in the past nine years.

Enjoy your extra day today under the rule of the anti-American progressives in the Washington.