Daily Broadside | DEI—A.K.A. “DIE”—Is Going Away, But Not Really

I was in business for 25 years before being terminated in a “restructuring” last year. I was the only one in my division that was released (well, my manager was, too, but that was only because he was managing two of us and without me his role wasn’t necessary), and I found out that there was also one here and one there, many of them long time employees of the company like I was. “Restructuring,” while a legitimate business activity, is also a useful catch-all for corporate downsizing when the motivation is somewhat suspect.

While I miss some things about the business, there’s a lot I don’t miss. The emphasis on “DEI,” for instance, the acronym for “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” a.k.a. Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, a.k.a., Diversity and Inclusion, a.k.a., Diversity. The company had significantly increased its attention on getting more women and minorities in positions of leadership, along with supporting celebrations of sexual deviancy of all kinds, and that was all reflected regularly in communications at all times of the year—not just when it was a particular month to recognize some group in some square in the matrix of so-called disadvantaged people.

I am not at all opposed to women, blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians and other “under-represented” peoples having gainful employment. I’m not opposed to them being in positions of leadership. Over the course of my career the majority of my managers have been women, with one or two exceptions. Many of them were high performers. Some of them were not. Two of them were LGBTQ+, one being a lesbian in a same-sex “marriage.” And I’ve had many female, black, gay and lesbian co-workers.

So it’s not “diversity” that I’m opposed to. What I am opposed to is the artificial imposition of “diversity” for the sake of diversity.

For example, I’ve seen a more qualified white male get passed over for a role in favor of a less experienced Asian female because “diversity.” DEI is clearly reverse discrimination and, while you could never prove it in court with that example, that’s what it is.

Lately, it seems like others are getting annoyed with it, too, and the current iteration of employment discrimination is having to morph into some other euphemism to avoid the legal risks that come with profiling candidates for jobs.

The demise of DEI has been in the news for a while, but outlets like Jeff Bezos’ The Washington Post (Democracy Dies in Darkness—pfffft!) has recently sat up and taken notice (hard left liberal link alert!).

Last year, Eli Lilly’s annual shareholders letter referenced the acronym for diversity, equity and inclusion 48 times. This year, “DEI” is nowhere to be found.

In March, Starbucks got shareholder approval to replace “representation” goals with “talent” performance for executive bonus incentives. At Molson Coors, “People & Planet” metrics have displaced environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, and the acronym DEI has disappeared altogether.

Amid growing legal, social and political backlash, American businesses, industry groups and employment professionals are quietly scrubbing DEI from public view — though not necessarily abandoning its practice. As they rebrand programs and hot-button acronyms, they’re reassessing decades-old anti-discrimination strategies and rewriting policies that once emphasized race and gender to prioritize inclusion for all.

In other words, the DEI label will be retired in favor of a new term that will cloak the same activities.

DEI has only been the acronym du jour since 2020,” Emerson said. “Regardless of what we call it, we’ve done a really poor job storytelling what this work is actually about.”

The rebranding is clearly being sparked by the “baggage” now associated with DEI, Emerson said. She pointed to conservative activist Christopher Rufo, who led the campaign to oust Harvard’s first Black president, Claudine Gay, framing her exit as “the beginning of the end for DEI in America’s institutions.”

“Companies with leaders that might be particularly supportive of DEI might also be the ones that are uniquely averse to drawing scrutiny,” Emerson said. “A lot of the companies that were vocal in the past have already been sued.”

“DEI” and all of its antecedents are part of the cultural Marxism that seeks to divide us into separate, warring groups, pitting the bourgeoisie (those who own the means of production) against the proletariat (working class), whose labor produces the goods, in a power struggle. It’s the “victims” of discrimination versus the “oppressors,” those who supposedly have an “unfair” advantage over someone who’s gay, female, black, hispanic, fat, trans, or some other characteristic that somehow puts them at a disadvantage. Men v. women. Gay v. straight. Black v. white. Fat v. fit. You get the idea.

As a man of faith, I can’t in good conscience write copy for “Pride” month celebrations or any other celebration of something that runs counter to God’s established order. DEI always posed a threat to my role, but thankfully I was never put in a position where I had to refuse an assignment (although I got close a couple of times).

It’s still a threat to my prospects, though, since most corporate roles I find list the support of “diversity, equity and inclusion” as part of the job description.

Death to DEI and anything else that favors one group over another.

Daily Broadside | Rule #13: Pick Target, Freeze It, Personalize It, and Polarize It.

Hey, you don’t suppose THIS is why Target has gone full-on trans-maniac, do you?

In the wake of the controversy surrounding Target’s debut of pro-transgender clothing lines aimed at children, it has since been revealed that one of the senior executives in the company’s marketing department also holds a position with a pro-transgender advocacy group.

According to Fox News, the vice president of brand marketing for Target, Carlos Saavedra, is also a treasurer for the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN has pushed for schools across the country to enact policies that forbid parents from being made aware of their childrens’ gender identities at school, as well as pushing schools to include explicitly sexual books in their libraries.

GLSEN has written out its preferred policy for schools’ treatment of the parents of students, declaring that “[the local education agency] shall ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidential.”

“Staff or educators shall not disclose any information that may reveal a student’s gender identity to others, including parents or guardian,” the policy continues. “This disclosure must be discussed with the student, prior to any action.”


“Target donates to GLSEN every year, with the most recent one being roughly $2.1 million.”

So who’s making policy in our state-run schools — education professionals or sexual deviants? The answer is clear: it’s a collaboration with sexual deviants who “prefer” that parents don’t know what’s going on with their children. So grade schools, middle schools and high schools conspire with a Leftist activist organization to cut off children from those directly responsible for their well being — the parents.

Listen, GLSEN, I don’t care what you “prefer.” You have no standing to say what is or isn’t right for my child. You certainly have no right to conspire to keep me from knowing what is happening to my child. Get your filthy hands away from them, you sick perverts.

My friends, if you spend money at Target on the latest thing that has your attention because it is priced just right and is convenient to get to, be aware that you are financially supporting a gay activist organization that seeks to supplant your parental rights. And if you don’t have kids in public schools, have a heart for others and stop shopping there.

As I’ve written many times on this blog, all you NEED is a little air, water, food and maybe some shelter and a change of clothes. You don’t NEED to spend your money at Target. You don’t NEED to get that latest shiny object at Target. If they are going to cater to the gay lobby, then let the gay lobby and their allies shop there.

Stop giving Target money.

Target has lost more than $10billion in market capitalization in the span of 10 days – as it continues to face backlash for Pride-themed merchandise.

Prior to the controversy – which stems over a LGBTQ-geared clothing campaign that touts ‘tuck-friendly’ bathing suits and pro-trans T-shirts for kids – Target shares were trading at $160.96, giving the retailer a market valuation of roughly $74.3billion.

By the time The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) closed Friday, the blue-chip stock was trading at $138.93 – marking a market valuation of 64,2billion, and loss of $10.1billion.

The sum, moreover, stands as the superstore’s lowest market value in an entire year – all achieved in a matter of days as customers swear off its products in response.

Of course, if you do that, you’ll be labeled a literal “terrorist.”

You’ll buy what we tell you to buy, dammit!

I don’t think the answer is to “boycott” Target. A “boycott” sounds temporary. The answer is to ABANDON Target. Forget they exist. Walk away. As Jesus said about the Pharisees, “Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit” (Matthew 15:14).

Here’s what I wrote almost a month ago when Tucker Carlson was fired and Bud Light was cratering.

If you want to know how to participate in the “culture wars”, ABANDON those companies that cater to the Left. Let them know by your ABSENCE that you won’t give them money to ruin your children and our society by promoting men who pretend to be women or that if they have such contempt for you that they’d rather cut the top-rated cable host in all of television than cater to your interests that you’ll go find your news somewhere else.

(See my recommendation for an alternative news source at the end of this post.)

It’s not easy to do this, but it’s not impossible, either. Unfortunately, there is an endless supply of companies that are adopting the woke attitude. The latest is a company that thousands of Christians defended when the work mob came for them in 2012.

“We have a problem,” wrote Joey Mannarino, a conservative host in highlighting Chick-fil-A’s prior announcement, on Twitter Tuesday morning. “Chick-Fil-A just hired a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This is bad. Very bad. I don’t want to have to boycott. Are we going to have to boycott?”

He also wrote: “The Left is going crazy again over the Chick-fil-A boycott that conservatives are considering. They’re mad because we’ve FINALLY gotten effective at boycotts. Any company that is pushing the trans stuff on our kids or the DEI stuff, we are going to pick the worst offenders.”

“So Chick-fil-A has a diversity, equity and inclusion division,” added columnist Todd Starnes on Tuesday. “Well, that explains the fried cauliflower sandwiches and kale salad.”

Chick-Fil-A has apparently had a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion since 2020, but conservatives have just discovered the fact. I’m not sure I want to boycott the fast-food chain, especially since they’re not actively promoting the indoctrination of children or celebrating Pride Month by pushing rainbow chicken in our faces. But the fact that they have a DIE officer means the fox is in the hen house and it might be only a matter of time.

In the last book he wrote before he died, “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals” Saul Alinsky lays out 13 “rules” on how to successfully run a movement for change. The last of these rules is, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”

When we talk about boycotts, we’re talking about institutions, not people. It’s harder to bring down an institution because an institution is impervious to personal attacks. And conservatives, especially conservative Christians, are loathe to engage in the politics of personal destruction.

However, there’s an interesting angle here. Robby Starbuck makes the observation that what made the Bud Light boycott work is the personal side of associating with the brand.

“Men like us made it socially unacceptable for other men to be seen with a Bud Light.” He says that women are doing the same thing with Target right now. Perhaps we’ve stumbled on a way to apply Alinsky’s rule to the Left.

Regardless, don’t allow these companies to influence you with their cheap prices and even cheaper products. It’s a way to take a stand against the Marxists who’ve infiltrated every institution at almost every level across the country.

It will be a long term effort.

  • I subscribe to and highly recommend The Epoch Times as an alternative news source to Fox News, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, or any other online or cable outlet.