The Broadside | We’re Awash in Illegal Alien Crime

If there’s one thing I will never understand—and I’m not one to throw absolutes around—I mean, never understand, it’s an American who not only supports, but argues and advocates for foreigners breaking our law and entering our country and thereby becoming illegal aliens.

Yes, yes, I know that most precious snowflakes will shudder in horror at the words “illegal” (“no one is ‘illegal’!” they shriek) and “alien” (“they’re ‘migrants'” they insist), but I literally don’t care. I don’t. The term “illegal alien” is written in our laws for a reason: such persons are present illegally and they aren’t American citizens; therefore, they are “illegal aliens.”

The Left has made it a moral imperative to drop such language because it somehow demonizes a class of people “who are just looking for a better life” (cue the quivering lip and outraged attitude). Apparently, because we are the wealthiest nation in history (Solomonic Israel notwithstanding), we are morally required to allow anyone from anywhere at anytime to come and partake of the world we have created.

It’s the rich paying their fair share, writ large.

But the utopia that progressives imagine happening (actually, I don’t think the ruling class imagines it at all—the poor, uneducated masses from third-world countries are simply a tool to accrue permanent power) is hardly what we’re experiencing as we’re overwhelmed by the invasion over our southern border.

It’s like watching the looters during the Burn Loot Murder riots of 2020. They simply broke into the local Target or CVS and stripped it bare, making off with large-screen TVs and cases of cigarettes or bottles of Tylenol or jugs of Tide detergent to sell on the black market. There was no transaction, no thankfulness, no relief from their poverty. It was criminal thuggery.

That’s what we’re getting in spades with the invasion of foreigners that Joey Waffle Cone has facilitated through the treasonous Alejandro Mayorkas who is anything but a Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

A wave of serious migrant crime continues to sweep across America as President Joe Biden and his surrogates defend the wide-open border policies drawing millions of aliens to cascade unvetted across our borders.

American citizens and their children are being stolen from, beaten, raped, and murdered by illegals in every corner of the country even as millions of illegal migrants gobble up federal and state welfare dollars for free housing, free health care, food, clothing, education, legal services and more.

Here are just a few examples of the crime America wave faces.

I can’t reproduce the whole article here, but I’ll give you some examples the author cites in the areas of retail theft, sexual assault and murder.

Early this year, authorities in the western suburb of Oak Brook noted an increase of thefts in multiple retail outlets were being perpetrated by illegals who have been traced back to migrant shelters in Chicago.

Other areas in the Chicago region have also reported gangs of illegals engaged in criminal activities.

Nearby Lake County, Illinois, located just north of Chicago, reported that a migrant gang was suspected of operating a theft ring targeting businesses.


Also in May, an illegal arrested and accused of raping a teenage girl in Prattville, Alabama, was simply released by Biden’s DHS despite the charges by local police that he had raped a girl in the bathroom of a local restaurant.


The latest outrageous crime was perpetrated against 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray of Houston, Texas, who was abducted, raped, and murdered under a bridge on June 23. Her murderers were two illegals from Venezuela, Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 22, and Franklin Pena, 26.

But little Jocelyn is just one of a long, long list of Americans whose lives have been snuffed out by Joe Biden’s illegal border crossers.

In Feb. Laken Hope Riley, a 22-year-old medical student, was murdered by an illegal alien who crossed the southern border in 2022. The murder occurred on the campus of the University of Georgia – Athens and officials arrested 26-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra for the crime.

In another case, law enforcement officials accused an illegal immigrant of raping and killing Rachel Morin, a mother of five children, in Bel Air, Maryland. An illegal alien from El Salvador, identified as 23-year-old Victor Martinez-Hernandez, was arrested.


An illegal alien from El Salvador was accused of shooting two Chick-fil-A employees in Irving, Texas, this month. And a Mexican national was arrested and accused of murdering Ruby Garcia in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

That’s not the half of it. We are being assaulted as a people, as a culture, as a nation.

The people in positions of power have just about destroyed what used to be the United States of America. We’re now a banana republic and, as Doug Wilson says, “we don’t even have the climate for growing bananas.”

I regard anyone who supports illegal immigration as a domestic enemy of our country. I don’t see how it can be any other way, “moral imperative” or not.

Sorry not sorry.

Daily Broadside | Culture Shock is Being Imposed on Us

Daily Verse | Amos 8:11
“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord,
    “when I will send a famine through the land —
not a famine of food or a thirst for water,
    but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.

Happy Tuesday, my Broadside friends. After inventorying my life, I’ve found that I’m low on Flintstones Chewable multivitamins.

Although the Resident and his junior commies in the White House have tried to sandbag reporters’ efforts to report on the southern border, it’s no secret that THERE IS NO SOUTHERN BORDER. You have been paying attention, haven’t you?

The shocking news out of Del Rio, Texas, is that there are now 15,000 foreigners — mostly Haitians — now illegally camped on our soil, with thousands more arriving every day, camped in a shantytown under a bridge.

Some reports say that up to 85 percent of them are Haitian. We don’t share a border with Haiti. Nor does Mexico. So where are these people coming from? How are they getting here?

The Center for Immigration Studies sent a reporter to ask the people themselves where they came from and how they got here, and the answer is shocking for what it reveals about our clueless, incompetent, irresponsible and malicious ruling class.

The surprising answer, which the migrants provided independently in different places and at different times, was universal: on Sunday, September 12, the Mexican government effectively sent a mass of migrants it had bottled up for months in its southern states up to the American border. This move, which appears to have been done under the cover of Mexico’s independence week of celebration known as El Grito, essentially foisted a humanitarian problem onto the Americans in a single week.

Even more disturbing is that once on American soil, many of these illegals will be freed to move around the U.S. unencumbered (my emphasis).

Many are now boarding yet more buses inside the camp, these ones provided by DHS to take them to Border Patrol processing stations. Some may be deported. But most likely will spend a day or two until they get temporary resident permits and a date to appear at an American immigration office in the city of their choice. Then under current Biden policies for families and unaccompanied minors, a great many will be released to travel anywhere in America, boarding yet more buses to those cities and towns.

But here’s the real kicker: most of the Haitians aren’t coming directly from Haiti. They’re coming from countries where they had already relocated and settled (my emphasis).

Based on a report from the New York Times a day or so ago, most are not actually from Haiti anymore, they are resettled refugees from countries such as Brazil, who cannot claim refugee status since being settled. They are economic migrants who are now country-shopping for better benefits packages and prospects. That’s not the same as refugees in flight, much as Julian Castro would have us think.

What are we, on the market? Did someone hang a sign on America announcing, “Vacancy”? Of course they did.

While Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says our border is closed, here’s the terrifying truth: “The surge to the Del Rio sector follows roughly 200,000 Border Patrol contacts in August. According to projections, the southern border will see as many as two million illegal crossings in 2021.”

What this amounts to is a full-scale invasion of our country. We’re not carefully and thoughtfully controlling who and how many people we allow to immigrate here. We’re not trying to preserve our unique American culture and balance our compassion for the tired, poor and huddled masses with a sense of self-preservation. Of course, such thinking is shamed as racist and xenophobic, not intelligent and consistent with a people of consequence.

I’ve said before that the Democrats support population displacement, and this is another example of it. Another example are the 95,000 unvetted Afghans that Biden administration is resettling in the U.S. over the next year — and 10 Republican governors support his plan!

Hey, with “conservatives” like these, who needs liberals?

These people are irreversibly and insanely demolishing the unique American culture we once shared as a nation by replacing born and bred American citizens with masses of third world dependents who think, probably correctly, that the U.S. government will take care of them. Not to mention the incredible financial impact and burden millions of immigrants place on our hospitals, schools and other infrastructure.

In her book, “¡Adios America!” Ann Coulter writes,

“If U.S. schools still taught U.S. history, this would not come as an exciting surprise, but America is not a nation of immigrants. it’s a nation of British and Dutch settlers. We all have a stake in preserving what they created—”we” meaning all of us, except the very rich and the Democratic Party. If America disappears—the America liberals hate and Wall Street is indifferent to—everyone will suffer” and, few paragraphs later, “Once America is gone, there won’t be anyplace left to go.”

The Democrats and quisling Republicans who collaborate with them are intentionally destroying our nation. It doesn’t matter whether you think taking in millions of poor, uneducated and unassimilated people who are ignorant of American concepts like freedom and self-reliance is noble or stupid — you can’t deny that it is transforming the character of our country and what will be lost will never be regained.