Daily Broadside | High School Teacher: “I Have 180 Days To Turn You Into Revolutionaries”

Daily Verse | Ezekiel 18:23
“Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?”

Happy Friday, my friends! I’m thinking of opening a shop in Wyoming called “Spur of the Moment” for impulsive cowboys.

After firing Broadside after Broadside about the disaster in Afghanistan over the last couple of weeks, I’m sure you’re probably wondering if I know that other things are happening in the world. I do, but the appalling and unnecessary (but intentional) failure in Afghanistan is so beyond the pale that it warranted the emphasis.

C.S. Lewis defined integrity as “doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” Unfortunately, you can’t trust cultural Marxists to do the right thing when no one is looking — you have to set up a sting to catch them. Project Veritas is phenomenal at setting up stings to reveal what the people in positions of power are doing behind the scenes.

Their latest example is of a high school teacher “boasting about politically indoctrinating his students at Inderkum High School.” Gabriel Gipe, who teaches an Advanced Placement Government class, told the interviewer, “I have 180 days to turn [students] into revolutionaries.”

Watch for yourself on the Project Veritas site.

I encourage you to watch the whole thing, which will be troubling for any parent who entrusts their impressionable children to the public school system. In particular, listen to two things that the overly tattooed Antifa Marxist says.

“I have an Antifa flag on my [classroom] wall and a student complained about that — he said it made him feel uncomfortable. Well, this [flag] is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn’t be aligning with the values that this [flag] is antithetical to.”

See what he did there?

He replaced what we would consider a culture norm, i.e. “the values” the Antifa flag opposes (such as capitalism, hard work, personal responsibility and traditional morality and faith) with the values that the Antifa flag stands for (such as socialism, diversity, equity and “just do it” atheism). In other words, he’s telling the student that Antifa values are the norm, and if the student is uncomfortable with that, the student should think about changing his values. It’s the student who is off, not the teacher.

This is clearly indoctrination and the guy has no business whatsoever indoctrinating the kids he has in his classroom into his personal ideology. That’s not what he’s getting paid with taxpayer dollars to do.

The second thing to pay attention to is when he says, “There are three other teachers in my department that I did my credential program with — and they’re rad. They’re great people. They’re definitely on the same page.

The school is infested with teachers who think like Mr. Gipe does.

That probably shouldn’t surprise us, but it does because we still don’t understand that the Left has been infiltrating our cultural institutions for decades, and now their “long march” is bearing its poisonous fruit. We’re naïve to think that the public schools are still teaching reading, writing and arithmetic or that teachers like Mr. Gipes are the exception.

They’re not. For instance, watch this.

Of course there are good teachers out there and of course kids are still learning some of the basics. But you only have to look at international educational surveys to see how far down the list the U.S. has fallen.

Back to Mr. Gipe. He has been placed on unpaid leave as a precursor to being terminated by the school. The Project Veritas video created an uproar in the community.

At the intense Natomas Unified School Board meeting Wednesday evening, parents showed up in droves demanding justice for their children, demanding the teacher be fired, and even demanding criminal prosecution.

Video of furious parents at the Natomas school board meeting is available, before the board took a recess during the meeting, came back, took another recess, and then disappeared out the back door before the meeting ended, according to several parents.

It was apparent the school board did not have control over the emotional board meeting.

They didn’t have control? Good, it’s about time they didn’t have control. And it’s about time parents got involved in the school districts, replacing these woke and weasely school boards with parents who will fight the junior commies.

Another parent told the board, “this does not begin and end with him… this went on for years. Complaints were filed and nothing was done.” The parent asked for a full investigation to root this out, not just at Inderkum High School, but in the entire district. “Without warning, my daughters Constitutional Law class was changed to a Social Justice class,” he added.

“Complaints were filed and nothing was done.” That about sums up our entire educational and political institutions. Parents and concerned citizens have to be willing to step up and begin going on the offensive against the radical Left to eject them from their positions of influence.

That’s the only way that we can trust teachers and politicians to do the right thing when no one is looking.

We are a people under siege in our own country, led by a cabal of overt Marxists who hate the United States of America as envisioned by our Founders and are doing everything they can to wrest power away from We the People and hoard it unto themselves.

We need to wrest it back.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Don’t Let the Commies Teach Your Kids

Daily Verse | Isaiah 66:2
“This is the one I esteem:
he who is humble and contrite in spirit,
and trembles at my word.”

Another week, another Friday, my friends. I’d like to see a sitcom about police dogs called “Barney Fifi.”

As I think about what can be done to counteract the insanity of our culture, it seems obvious to me that parents who care about the welfare of their children should pull them from public schools. Public schools are now government indoctrination centers where, instead of teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, they teach that America is racist, whites are the source of all problems, you can be a girl even if you are a biological boy, it’s okay to have two mommies, and it’s not enough to have equal opportunity for all, but equal outcomes for all.

Basically, they’re training our children to hate our country, our freedoms and our Constitution.

As if to certify this nonsense, Oregon’s Democrat governor, Kate Brown, quietly signed Senate Bill 744 on July 14. The bill drops the requirement for high school students to be proficient in reading, writing and math before graduation.

The reason?

Charles Boyle, the deputy communications director from Brown’s office, told the paper in an email that staff from the governor’s office informed legislative staffers about the bill’s signing on the day it was passed. He also said that the new standards for graduation will help benefit the state’s “Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

Ignoring the insult to people of color (you aren’t smart enough to make it!), here’s what they’re doing: instead of maintaining high standards and giving children the same opportunity to excel — knowing that not everyone will excel or even achieve basic requirements — we lower the standard or eliminate it entirely so that the lowest performing students won’t feel excluded.

This is the same mentality that lowered the standards for military recruits so that women can pass the physical fitness tests.

This is the same mentality that gives all kids in sports participation trophies instead of just those who win the championship.

This is the same mentality that led banks to lower their lending standards, which led to the subprime mortgage loan crisis and eventually to the Great Recession in 2007-2009.

There’s probably more examples, but you get the idea. Instead of holding high standards because that’s where safety, innovation and progress reside, we dumb everything down because some Karen doesn’t like being “left behind.” As a result, we end up being a nation of withered intellects:

Ironically, despite the United States having the second-best education system globally, it consistently scores lower than many other countries in benchmarks such as math and science. According to the Business Insider report in 2018, its education ranking was 38th in math scores and 24th in science. The United States’ education rankings have been falling by international standards over the past three decades, as the government has decreased education funding by 3%. Still, other countries have increased their education funding.

The other thing that is happening as a result of our woke institutions is that people are taking education into their own hands.

The number of students being homeschooled has nearly doubled since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Home Education Research Institutes estimates about 5 million students were homeschooling in March 2021. In 2020, that number sat at 2.6 million.

“Interest has exploded,” said Christopher Chin, the president of Homeschool Louisiana, a faith-based support group for homeschooling families.

Chin said he’d expect this trend to continue even after the pandemic.

If the schools aren’t going to hold up standards in writing, reading and math, then pull your kids out. That way you can teach them what they need to know and keep the government’s grubby mitts off them, too.

“We don’t have to worry about the politics or circumstances of the virus,” Josh Miller said. “We can do what’s best for our kids’ education, and then you add in the curriculum that we’re not even in agreeance with and this is an obvious alternative.”

If you’re wondering what you can do to combat the cultural Marxism that has taken over school boards across the country and the idiocy they’re trying to ram down your children’s throats, seriously consider homeschooling or putting your kids in a private, Christian school.

The only warning I’ll offer is that homeschooling challenges the government’s power over your kids, so be prepared to see the junior commies try to regulate or outlaw homeschooling altogether. You won’t be allowed to contradict the official doctrine.

Train up a child in the way he should go;
    even when he is old he will not depart from it.

— Proverbs 22:6

Have a good weekend.