Begin with the end in mind

The bit of common sense making up my headline can be applied to every project, proposal or plan ever created. If you’re going to undertake something worth your time and effort, it’s most efficient if you have an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish and why you think it’s necessary.

Of course, not everyone applies that dictum to what they do, which is why countless efforts fail and Stephen R. Covey made a fortune selling it.

I mention this because I’m launching today without much fanfare but with a specific end in mind: becoming part of our national conversation about culture and politics.

There are plenty of people who already occupy that space with trenchant—and often witty—insight (see some of them in my Frequent Haunts list, right). But there are two reasons I want to contribute:

  1. I have a point of view that I think is under-represented in the national conversation. As a politically conservative evangelical Christian, not only is my point of view unappreciated by the culture at large, but the loudest voices seem to be openly hostile to such a viewpoint.
  2. I believe that whether or not my voice is “winning” in the marketplace of ideas, more citizens like me need to speak up. I’m nobody special; just a guy with a love of God and country who has a keyboard and an Internet connection. But there’s a lot of us out here and we need to be heard.

Over the years I’ve learned to be candid about what I think. Some people like it, some people don’t. For me, it’s too much work to make sure everybody’s happy. What you read here is one guy’s take on our shared American life as one nation, under God.

You’re welcome to tag along—and I hope you do. Bookmark this site, tell a friend or two, and share content you think is worth knowing about.