The Broadside | Democrats Try Protecting Their Invasion Investment

As if we didn’t know that Democrats are importing millions of foreigners to create a new class of peasants and criminals who will vote to keep them in power in exchange for handouts funded by the middle class (until they die off or are executed during the eventual purge), the anti-American party made its intentions abundantly clear this week as they whip opposition to a Republican-sponsored bill that will require voters provide proof of citizenship to cast ballots in federal elections.

Republicans are pushing the passage of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, otherwise known as the SAVE Act, which would amend the National Voter Registration Act, and require states to obtain proof of citizenship from voters for federal elections, as well as purge noncitizens from voter rolls. 

Democratic leadership is urging its House members to vote against the bill in the lead-up to the vote, saying it would place “an extreme burden [on] countless Americans” in order to vote.

Anyone want to guess what that “extreme burden” is? Anyone? Bueller? The article doesn’t say what it is, but it isn’t hard to guess. Democrats use ambiguous terms and emotional language without any detail such as “extreme” and “burden” and “countless” to drive fear and moral outrage.

But we can guess what the problem is because here’s what the bill would require:

[House speaker Mike Johnson] detailed in the X thread that, if passed, the law would: require “state election officials to ask about citizenship before providing voter registration forms”; require “an individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections”; allow “state officials to accept a wide variety of documents that will make it easy for CITIZENS to register to vote in federal elections”; provide “states with access to federal agency databases so they can remove noncitizens from voter rolls and confirm citizenship for individuals lacking proof of citizenship,” among other directives. 

Under the legislation, voters would be required to provide proof of citizenship via IDs and documentation such as a passport, a government-issued photo ID showing proof the individual was born in the U.S., military IDs, or a valid photo ID as well as documentation showing proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, the legislation states. 

Democrats don’t want their new voter base to have to provide documentation like photo IDs, passports or birth certificates. Remember, these are “undocumented migrants.” How can they vote if we demand that they provide proof of citizenship?

And why would the hard Leftists oppose such measures if that’s not what the problem is? The vast majority of Americans have “government-issued” photo IDs because of the surveillance state we live in. Who are these “countless Americans” they refer to as being extremely burdened?

Elon Musk waded into the battle on X.

Yep. We’re not stupid. We know exactly what they’re doing.

And patriotic Americans are waking up to it.

Daily Broadside | The Democrats Have Cheated, Are Cheating, And Will Cheat Again This November

A belated Happy Father’s Day to those readers who are blessed with children. I had a nice day with the Mrs. and a couple of the littles.

So conservatives and other Normals have held that the 2020 election was stolen, that the Democrats rigged the voting and that thousands of ballots were invalid. We later discovered that the election was “fortified” by “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” Read: to prevent the people’s choice from becoming president. We saw the trucks pull up and unload boxes of ballots; we saw Democrats kick out poll watchers of the opposition party; we saw ballot collection boxes being stuffed.

And now in states like Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, the truth is starting to come out and people are starting to be prosecuted for voting irregularities. Here’s just one example of what is being found and reported:

The truth is, we were right. The 2020 election was a fraud and we ended up with a withered, mean old man who can barely function on his own and is implementing policies that are destroying the United States of America, the worst of which is allowing the flood of unvetted foreigners over the southern border.

Besides the terrorists who have been invited in by the Biden crime family and junta, we now learn that the child-sniffing fabulist is getting ready to unilaterally grant amnesty to some 1.1 million foreigners illegally living in the U.S.

President Biden has hinted that more liberal moves on immigration could be coming in the weeks ahead, and reports suggest that, in response to left-wing pressure on the issue, he is considering a deportation shield for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants already in the U.S.


“Today, I have spoken about what we need to do to secure the border.  In the weeks ahead — and I mean the weeks ahead — I will speak to how we can make our immigration system more fair and more just,” he said on Tuesday.

Multiple outlets have since reported that the White House is considering a “parole in place” move to apply for illegal immigrant spouses of U.S. citizens. Parole in place is already being used in one year increments for family members of U.S. military members and protects them from deportation and grants them a work permit. The New York Times reported that the program for spouses could include the ability for some spouses to gain a pathway to citizenship, but those details are still not clear.

This is just a step closer to what the Democrats really want with the open border: new Democrat voters who can provide a voter-proof majority to keep the anti-American Marxists perpetually in power. And now we find that these foreigners who have crashed our border and live illegally among us have been being given voter registration forms across the U.S.

Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives to call for swift federal action to stop the handouts.

Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.

There is currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of US citizenship, though it is illegal to falsely claim one is a citizen or for a non-citizen to cast a ballot in a federal election.

But millions of migrants with humanitarian parole, refugee or asylum status are eligible for benefits that would bring them to the offices where voter registration takes place.

See how this works? In case it isn’t obvious enough … the Biden junta leaves the border open and anyone from anywhere in the world can just walk in (or, in hundreds of thousands of cases, are deliberately flown in by the junta). Once here, they are given a voter registration form which is illegal to fill out if you’re a non-citizen. However, the junta will figure out a way to grant you amnesty, and perhaps citizenship, and voilà, you’re now a voting member of this late republic.

I’m not sure why they bother, because the Democrats find ways to cheat. Ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, rigging the voting machines to transfer votes. They just need the millions of new voters to make it impossible for the opposition to win, to keep the margin of victory out of reach for conservatives, Normals, and other like-minded patriots and true Americans.

My advice: vote this fall to keep it close and pray that enough Democrats and Independents defect to Trump that even with cheating, the Dems can’t overcome the margin of victory.

Daily Broadside | However Much You Despise This Administration, It’s Not Enough

The latest gaslighting project to smear Trump just dropped from the Biden administration junta.

Terrible, right!?! Trump called immigrants “ANIMALS”!

Except he didn’t.

Here’s what he actually said.

Dems love to change the focus to the FEEEEELings of the animals who committed these crimes. They want to nitpick words and insults while ignoring the murder of innocent Americans by the criminals allowed to be in this country as a result of the anti-American policies the Dems design, implement and support.

CNN of course picked up and amplified the lie.

Don’t let them change the subject. Keep the focus on the blood that they have on their hands.

Daily Broadside | Your Citizenship No Longer Means What You Think

I’m going to extend yesterday’s rant about the criminal illegal aliens who are infecting our society with death and destruction at the invitation of B. Hussein Obama’s sock puppet, Brandon, fronting Obama’s third term and applying for a fourth. My thesis is that those currently in power are driven by all kinds of lust, including the lust for power, the lust for riches, and the lust for prestige. Their means is social upheaval with the goal of overthrowing our constitutional republic by any means necessary, and they don’t care who or what gets destroyed in the process.

How else do you explain things like the following?

Dressed in a pristine dark blue uniform, Ernesto Moron raised his right hand and swore to defend the constitution of a state he wasn’t born in but that he has called home for more than two decades. 

That December afternoon, the 26-year-old Mexican-born man became the first officer hired by the UC Davis Police Department under a 1-year-old California law that repealed the U.S. citizenship requirement to become a peace officer in the state.

“I was always told to be afraid of police officers because I would get deported,” Moron recently told CalMatters. “Now I want to help this community and help other people that are in my same shoes.” 

Before  the law took effect, California, like most states, had required its peace officers to be U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents who have applied for citizenship. 

So now we’re hiring non-citizens who haven’t taken an oath of citizenship and GIVING THEM A GUN to replace police officers that were scared off the job during the halcyon days of DEFUND THE POLICE?

Same is true in Illinois, but it’s not just DACA recipients, it’s any non-citizen who is allowed to work in the U.S. under federal law.

The measure—House Bill 3751—successfully passed the Democratic-controlled state House and the state Senate before being signed into law by the Democratic governor last week. The bill, which will come into force on January 1, 2024, allows eligible immigrants who are not in possession of U.S. citizenship to join law enforcement in Illinois—something that federal laws currently forbid.

So you, an American citizen, born and raised here, could be arrested by a foreigner who’s living here and is “eligible” to work for a law enforcement agency.

Then there’s this new incentive for illegal aliens to jump the border.

Undocumented immigrants in California could have a new path to homeownership
February 29, 2024 By Karen Garcia

Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno) introduced Assembly Bill 1840 last month to expand the eligibility requirement for a state loan program to clarify that loans for first-time buyers are available to undocumented immigrants.

The California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loans program that launched last March by the California Housing Finance Agency offered qualified first-time home buyers with a loan worth up to 20% of the purchase price of a house or condominium. The loans don’t accrue interest or require monthly payments. Instead, when the mortgage is refinanced or the house is sold again, the borrower pays back the original amount of the loan plus 20% of the increase in the home’s value.

“Undocumented immigrants.” Let me parse that for you: trespassers, border jumpers, illegal aliens, foreign invaders. They’re here without legal standing.

The current administration is going to take that euphemism and twist it even further from what it truly is: “undocumented immigrants” are now being referred to as “newcomers.”

[So-called] President Joe Biden’s White House has begun referring to border crossers and illegal aliens as “newcomers and “people who are in the country” — a terminology distinction that conflicts with federal immigration law.

On Thursday — while promoting a Senate bill to preserve his catch and release network at the United States-Mexico border — Biden’s White House made a passing reference to border crossers and illegal aliens, calling them “newcomers” to the U.S.

The White House fact sheet on the Senate bill reads:

The bill also includes $1.4 billion for cities and states who are providing critical services to newcomers, and would expedite work permits for people who are in the country and qualify. [Emphasis added]

Earlier this month, in a similar press release on the Senate bill, Biden’s White House touted billions that the legislation would provide to cities and states accepting these so-called “newcomers.”

It’s like a church or your monthly town hall board meeting: Any “newcomers” here? It completely does away with any distinction between an American citizen and a foreigner who is here illegally.

In essence, it empties the notion of “citizenship” of any meaning, as do all of these other conveniences and opportunities being offered to illegal aliens. And it pokes American citizens in the eye, essentially telling them that their citizenship is worthless. You’re no better than a foreigner who’s squatting here because we’re giving them the same privileges you have.

Finally, there’s this from New York:

In [so-called] President Joe Biden’s America, illegal migrants get a five-star treatment while law-abiding U.S. citizens take a back seat. 

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.) is trying to fast-track her plans of getting illegal aliens at the front of the line for government jobs. 

New York would be the first state in the nation to make it easier for asylum-seekers with work authorization to obtain government jobs. Hochul told Politico that she is “anxious to get this moving quickly.” 

The Democrat’s administration is easing requirements for such jobs as, English language proficiency, education qualifications, and certification for more than 4,000 state government jobs. The long-standing requirement of needing to take the civil service exam and have a high school diploma for applicants to be considered has also been eliminated. 

The goal of the proposal is to get illegal aliens into state jobs faster once they get approved work permits.

Do you realize what’s happening? You’re literally being replaced. Our rulers are beginning to staff government and law enforcement — two agencies with a monopoly on power — with NON-CITIZENS, meaning FOREIGNERS, and making it easy for them to purchase homes in your neighborhoods.

How do you think that’s going to work out? Do you think they have any sense of or commitment to what we would consider American justice and responsibility? Do you really think that non-Americans give a rat’s patootie about you and your appeal to American law?

Why would they?

The progressives, leftists, Democrats, and cultural Marxists hate you and are doing their best to upend traditional, historical American culture and society. And they’re doing it, with lots more to come.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | What Dirt Does the Deep State Have on Amy Coney Barrett?

Some “””conservative.”””

The Supreme Court voted 5–4 vote to allow U.S. Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire that was set up along the U.S.–Mexico border by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, while a legal challenge plays out.

In a brief order, the high court vacated a ruling issued in mid-December 2023 by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh voted to deny the application to vacate that lower court injunction, which would have prevented Border Patrol agents from removing the barrier.

Chief Justice John Roberts, along with Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor, sided with the Biden administration. No one provided an explanation for their vote.

Roberts is completely unreliable and blows with the wind of political opinion. Coney Barrett, hailed as a rock-solid Catholic conservative, is proving to be a huge disappointment and just as unreliable.

With an invasion of massive proportions, she says it’s just dandy for the federal government to remove razor wire barriers to allow foreigners unimpeded access to the country. If we were processing the illegals and deporting them or testing their claims of hardship, that would be one thing, but we’re in the middle of a full on invasion that is being facilitated by the United States governement.

We’re under occupation by a ruling class that has no interest in enforcing the law.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton isn’t giving up yet, promising “that ‘the fight is not over’ after the Supreme Court granted an emergency appeal by the Biden administration to allow Border Patrol agents to resume cutting razor wire set up by Texas at the southern border.”

“The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America,” Paxton said in a statement to Fox News Digital. 

“The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep American citizens safe,” he said. “This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty.”

Since when is a State not allowed to secure its borders? When is it not allowed to protect its citizens? In what way does “federal” law trump “state” law?

If you recall, the first Civil War got started as a dispute over States’ rights. Could this be the flashpoint that starts a new clash? Citizens have had enough too:

After what the Deep State has put us through with its lying and destruction of evidence while sentencing ordinary Americans to lengthy jail terms over January 6, I’m surprised and pleased that there are still Americans willing to confront the government. But how much you want to bet that anyone who shows up will be photographed, identified, hunted down, arrested, detained indefinitely and then tried and sentenced for treason and sedition in opposing the government’s will?

Once Trump is the nominee, we have to put aside all bickering and close ranks behind him. If Trump is not elected, we face the destruction of our republic and the banishing if not outright national cleansing of conservatives and Christians. There is no room for error.

Politics has become a brawl. We need a fighter. Trump is our last best hope.