Daily Verse | 2 Samuel 24:24
“I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.”
It’s Monday, the day after Easter Sunday. The news out of Jerusalem was indeed good, and Jesus spent the next forty days interacting with his apostles, giving many “convincing proofs” that he was alive (Acts 1:3). His presence should be a great comfort to us who believe, as the destruction of our country continues apace without any sign of human or divine intervention on its way.
Let’s check in on what’s been happening in the last week.
Dementia Joe, the figurehead of the junta that was put in charge by our domestic enemies, continues to weakly read his scripted nonsense and issue directives that are aimed at undermining government of, by and for The People. While we were reminding ourselves last week that Jesus Christ is King and that one day all of His enemies will be put under His feet, the anti-Americans in Washington, D.C. were putting We, The People, under the feet of our international enemies, including Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
PJ Media’s Richard Fernandez:
While Biden-Harris sees itself as “back” in charge, recent Great Power challenges treat them as a fading, decadent relic. At a top-level diplomatic meeting in Alaska, the Chinese envoy said: “The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength” according to the New York Times.
The disparity is more than one of mere perception that can be fixed by good coverage in the press and social media. Great Power attitudes are not driven by articles in the NYT and the Wapo but by cold-eyed projections of their rival’s capability. America’s foes have extrapolated the Biden-Harris trend of open borders, high taxes, patronage giveaways and unlimited government spending and concluded they can take the ruin that remains. They may be mistaken but that is apparently their judgment.
Mm-K. So international relations isn’t the Biden crime family’s strong suit. How’s it going domestically? Let’s start with “immigration.” It seems Resident Biden is allowing illegal aliens to invade our soil without restraint, including a record number of children.
The number of migrants at the U.S. southern border spiked to 171,000 in March after 100,000 were apprehended in February. More concerning, a record number of unaccompanied children arrived at the border, overwhelming authorities who can’t handle the influx as it is. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) says that 18,800 children were taken into custody in March. The highest number of migrant children showing up at the border unaccompanied during the 2019 border crisis was 11,861. March’s apprehensions of children were an all-time record.
And guess how they’re getting here. Did you see this one?
Here’s how enemy of The People The Washington Post headlined the story:

I wish I could access the whole article, but I refuse to financially support this deranged Democrat front group, which is killing “Democracy” in broad daylight. I’m sure it would be enlightening, though, because they’d have to explain how two grown men dropping two toddlers over the wall are a “reminder” of the “dangers” “migrants” face.
Do they mean the dangers the two human traffickers face? Apart from one maybe losing his balance, it didn’t look like they were in too much trouble. I mean, I suppose he could’ve twisted an ankle jumping down off the top of the wall. But, no, after dropping the kids like sacks of potatoes, they literally ran back into Mexico.
Or do they mean the dangers small children face, like being abandoned by their parents, dropped over a wall by two coyotes, and left to fend for themselves against the real, fur-coated coyotes? Or maybe they mean the wall itself being a “danger” to illegals wanting to illegally enter the United States because they’re “forced” to do inhumane $#!+ like that?
I’m old enough to remember when we elected a president who eliminated the incentives for illegals to cross the border illegally. But at least there’s no more mean tweets with the new guy, right? Only 3- and 5-year-old girls being tossed over a wall without any adult or civilization nearby. Truly, the people who would do that to little kids are exactly the kind I want flooding into my country.
Well, maybe let’s get closer to home with a look at sports. Baseball enthusiast Joseph Robinette Biden enthusiastically supports Major League Baseball moving this year’s All-Star Game out of Georgia because “racism.”
“This is Jim Crow on steroids, what they’re doing in Georgia and 40 other states.” — Resident Joe Biden
You know it’s a sham when they accuse conservatives and Republicans (I do not repeat myself) of racism for drafting an election integrity law. Caving to the woke mob and further shredding “American’s favorite pastime,” MLB commissar Robert D. Manfred, Jr. said, “I have decided that the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year’s All-Star Game and MLB Draft.”
“Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box,” Manfred said. “In 2020, MLB became the first professional sports league to join the non-partisan Civic Alliance to help build a future in which everyone participates in shaping the United States. We proudly used our platform to encourage baseball fans and communities throughout our country to perform their civic duty and actively participate in the voting process. Fair access to voting continues to have our game’s unwavering support.”
Weird. The new legislation doesn’t restrict anyone’s access to the ballot box, unless you talking about unverified voters being “restricted.” Nor does it undermine “voting rights for all Americans.” The ankle biters are teed off that the new law requires voters to show an ID. But the Left and MLB (apparently one and the same now) claim this somehow disenfranchises black voters—which studies prove doesn’t happen. Probably those same black voters who have to show an ID when they pick up their ballgame tickets from Will Call.
Finally, a Capitol Hill Police Officer was killed after alleged jihadist Noah Green intentionally rammed his car into officers, jumped out with a knife, and was shot dead. The progressive twitterati immediately assumed it was a white Trump supporter with a gun.
But nope—Green was black and a follower of the ‘Nation of Islam’ and its leader, Louis Farrakhan. He had “recently posted on his Facebook account, which has now been taken down by the social media network, that he had been unemployed and facing fear, hunger, and loss of wealth. The messages were captured by the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadist media and tracks online activity.”
If it had been a white male Trump supporter with a knife, we’d be back to total Capitol lockdown with Nancy Pelosi swaying before the media, Chuck Schumer looking over his glasses and down his nose at us and John Brennan fantasizing about how Normals were just like “the insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas.”
Meanwhile, Muslims with “mental problems” are shooting up grocery stores and attacking the Capitol but the media is like, “Hey, Georgia is raaaaaaasist!”
Not going so well, is it Joe? I’d give your illegal “administration” a big, fat F for its massive failures so far.
Here’s the real deal, fellow Americans. We’re being sold out by a cadre of evil anti-Americans who are only interested in maintaining and keeping power so that they are eaten last. They only way out of this mess is for every red-blooded American patriot in every locale to start resisting and protesting and ousting the woke folk who are in power in their villages, towns, cities, counties and states.
Unless you’re waiting for the Second Coming of Christ, don’t expect some other “savior” to lead the way out. It’s going to have to be every man and woman who loves this country getting involved. Do it now—for yourselves and for your children and for your children’s children.