Daily Broadside | Texas Can Arrest Illegals But Illinois Judge Rules Illegals Can Carry Guns

Sorry I missed yesterday. Went to bed early with a headache.

Tuesday was Illinois’ primary voting day, so the missus and I carried out our civic duty. I was disappointed in the turnout … our voting precinct location was super quiet around 5:30 PM. I suppose there could have been more voters that came after work, but there was no line, no wait while we were there.


I guess if the result is a foregone conclusion, voters aren’t motivated to show up. I vote as a matter of principle. Exercise your right to vote, just like you exercise your muscles.

Two really interesting developments concerning illegal aliens flooding our country. First, the US Supreme Court rescinded its stay on a Texas law that provides for the arrest and deportation of illegal aliens.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday lifted its freeze of a Texas immigration law which allows state and local law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants and empowers state judges to deport them.

The Court’s six conservative justices dismissed the Biden administration’s emergency appeal, allowing the law to remain in effect while the issue is adjudicated by lower courts. The majority did not explain its reasoning, as is typical, but Justice Amy Coney Barrett, joined by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, issued a concurring opinion explaining that Texas should be allowed to enforce its law until a lower court definitively strikes it down.

Note that the case has not been decided yet. This ruling was about whether the Texas law can continue to operate while the case is decided. It can, which means that Texas will begin to enforce its new law against illegal immigration.


Second, an astonishing ruling from a federal judge appointed by Obammy in (*ahem*) Illinois gives illegal immigrants the right to carry guns. I repeat: foreigners who are in this country illegally, who have no business being here, are allowed to carry.

A federal judge in Illinois has found that the Constitution protects the gun rights of noncitizens who enter the United States illegally.

U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman on Friday ruled that a federal prohibition on illegal immigrants owning firearms is unconstitutional as applied to defendant Heriberto Carbajal-Flores. The court found that while the federal ban is “facially constitutional,” there is no historical tradition of firearm regulation that permits the government to deprive a noncitizen who has never been convicted of a violent crime from exercising his Second Amendment rights.

“The noncitizen possession statute … violates the Second Amendment as applied to Carbajal-Flores,” the judge wrote. “Thus, the Court grants Carbajal-Flores’ motion to dismiss.”

Coleman, a President Obama appointee, cited the landmark Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022), which established a new standard to determine whether a law violates the Second Amendment. Since Bruen, a multitude of federal and state gun control measures have been challenged in courts with mixed results. 

The “new standard” referred to is that the government must show that each regulation “is consistent with this nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.” This gets a little complicated, because there is federal law that prohibits noncitizens who are illegally here from possessing a firearm.

Carbajal-Flores is an illegal immigrant who, on June 1, 2020, was found to be in possession of a handgun in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago. He was subsequently charged with violating a federal law that prohibits any noncitizen who is not legally authorized to be in the U.S. from “possess[ing] in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.” 

In an April 2022 decision, Coleman denied Carbajal-Flores’ first motion to dismiss his indictment, finding that the ban was constitutional. However, Carbajal-Flores asked the court to reconsider that ruling following the Supreme Court’s decision in Bruen and appellate decisions in the Third and Seventh circuits that considered whether people convicted of nonviolent crimes can be prohibited from possessing firearms.

Basically, the foreigner here illegally is challenging what he and his lawyers consider a conflict between the federal law prohibiting possession of a gun, and the “new standard” that SCOTUS created to determine whether a law violates the Second Amendment.

I am not a lawyer and I don’t play one on TV, so while this decision makes no sense to me on the surface, there are likely legal subtleties that are playing out under the surface.

For instance, how is someone who is violating our law with their very presence here somehow covered by the US Constitution, which was written by and for US citizens?

If illegals can carry guns, what does that mean for the 10 million illegals that have poured over our southern border over the last three years of the treacherous Brandon administration?

The article didn’t say whether Carbajal-Flores had concealed-carry license. If he didn’t, why do Illinois citizens have to have one? If he did, how did he get one if he’s an illegal alien?

From my go-to newspaper, The Epoch Times:

The ruling drew a range of reactions from people in the legal community.

“Supreme Court has said the ‘people’ are members of the political community,” Larry Keane, a lawyer for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, wrote on X. “Illegal aliens in US are not part of the political community and thus do not have 2A rights.”

Kostas Moros, a lawyer who represents the California Rifle and Pistol Association, said that he also saw the issue that way.

“Bruen asks for a historical tradition of modern regulation that justifies the modern law, and one plainly exists here,” he wrote, noting that groups that have been disarmed in the past, including loyalists, have the common thread of being “outside of the political community.”

What gobsmacks me is that the judge considers the new standard to overrule the clear language of the federal law prohibiting possession by illegals. We have a group of activist judges who are making novel rulings that violate the letter and the spirit of the law.

This ruling is particularly troubling because of news like this:

The leader of a notorious street gang that has been terrorizing business owners and residents in Colombia’s capital was arrested earlier this week in Texas, where he was seeking asylum.

Venezuelan national Aderbiss Pirela was taken into custody by federal and local agents in New Braunfels, outside San Antonio, on Tuesday, Homeland Securities Investigations confirmed Wednesday. 

Pirela, according to Colombian authorities, is the second-in-command of ‘Los Satanás,’ and was one of the seven most wanted murderers in Bogotá. 

My recommendation is that you haven’t yet, arm yourself and buy ammo—lots of ammo.

And don’t forget that the muttonhead and his cabal in the White House are the ones who have done this to us.

Daily Broadside | Illegal Aliens Will Be Counted in the Census and Swing Power to the Democrats

I wrote Friday about an outrageous and frankly, illegal, criminal scheme that the Democrats are engaged in: flying illegal foreigners directly into the United States of America and depositing them in 43 different cities. Some 320,000 illegals, who have no legal right to enter the United States, have been secretly flown in by the Democrats since late 2022.

Here’s why they’re doing it, and you should be outraged.

Most Americans do not know that the US census currently counts, for purposes of voting power, all people in a district, regardless of citizenship! Senate Democrats just voted unanimously to defeat an amendment that would have stopped counting illegals for congressional seat apportionment and electoral college (presidential) votes. Since illegals are mostly in Democrat states, both the House and the Presidential vote are shifted ~5% to the left, which is enough to change the entire balance of power! This is a major reason why the Biden administration is ushering in record levels of illegals and doing so few deportations.

Democrat traitors are making a power grab that will give them permanent electoral power. This is how Tucker Carlson describes the scheme:

  • Fact 1: 22 million illegal aliens in the US (I personally think it’s much, much higher).
  • Fact 2: Democrats are calling for the legalization of all illegals in the country with citizenship voting rights.
  • Fact 3: The overwhelming majority of first time immigrant voters vote Democrat.
  • Fact 4: The largest margin in US presidential history was 17 million votes.

In other words, historically conservative, traditional Americans will be subject to the Democrats’ radical policies, as we already are in much of the country. But it will get worse: we will be dispossessed of anything resembling our current freedoms, rights and citizenship if we oppose our rulers.

What we are experiencing is a silent coup d’état or a silent putsch, an overthrow of the current structure of governmental power, largely out of sight, and it is being executed by literal traitors in our government.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

Winston churchill

I’m afraid we’re past the first two and quickly moving through the third. Trump, should he win in November, may grant us a moment’s relief, but we are looking at perhaps being confronted with that last option.

Daily Broadside | White House Occupant Secretly Flying Illegal Aliens Directly Into US From Foreign Countries

A word about last night’s “State of the Union” address. I didn’t watch it due to a prior commitment. But everything I’ve read about it fits Biden’s MO. Todd Starnes labeled it a “rage speech.” Biden blamed everyone but himself for the sorry state of our disunion. He lashed out at Republicans. He threatened to make abortion rights the law of the land. He lied about how many jobs he’s created. He lied about how much of deficit cutter he is. He lied about Republicans wanting to cut Social Security. He lied about the SCOTUS Dobbs decision paving the way for Alabama’s state supreme court decision on in vitro fertilization. He flubbed Laken Riley’s name.

If that charade wasn’t enough to fry your bacon, I promised you a post that would. Here it is:

Brandon — the Dimwit in Diapers, the Geriatric Jerk, the head of the Biden Crime Family — is known for blaming Republicans, the State of Texas, a broken “system,” a lack of money, and President-in-Exile Donald Trump, for his “inability” to “fix” the southern “border” crisis.

All are lies, of course.

On his first day in office, Roomba Joe targeted Trump’s immigration policies for reversals, including reissuing protections established under DACA, stopping the $16 billion wall and rolling back immigration enforcement. In his first year in office, “[o]f Biden’s 296 immigration actions, 89 […] reversed or started to undo Trump policies, making clear the administration is doing more than unraveling his predecessor’s policies.”

More than 10 million foreigners have illegally infiltrated the United States since the Meatpuppet was installed in the White House as the result of a fixed election. Worse, it’s not that our border is overwhelmed by the sheer number of foreigners illegally walking, climbing, crawling, or scaling their way into the country, although it is. It’s that the miscreant in the oval office is making it as easy as possible for foreigners to skirt laws by flying them directly from their countries of origin to the city of their choice in the United States.

Efforts by open-border Democrats to blame the growing big-city migrant crisis on Texas and its program of busing illegal immigrants north are being upstaged by a new investigation showing that [so-called] President Joe Biden has secretly flown hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Latin American airports to 43 U.S. cities.

The unusual program, kept from the public, involved at least 320,000 illegal immigrants the administration admits are “inadmissible” immigrants, far more than previously reported.

Despite facing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from the Center for Immigration Studies, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has refused to identify the 43 airports it is dumping immigrants at after direct flights from Latin America.

Do you understand what’s happening? This is CRIMINAL CONDUCT. Biden and his administration are engaged in a criminal enterprise of flooding our country with foreigners who have no business whatsoever being here.

“The program at the center of the FOIA litigation is perhaps the most enigmatic and least-known of the Biden administration’s uses of the CBP One cellphone scheduling app, even though it is responsible for almost invisibly importing by air 320,000 aliens with no legal right to enter the United States since it got underway in late 2022,” said Todd Bensman, the report’s author.

“Under these legally dubious parole programs, aliens who cannot legally enter the country use the CBP One app to apply for travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release from those airports. The parole program allows for two-year periods of legal status during which adults are eligible for work authorization,” he wrote.

In just 2023 they flew 320,000 illegals into the U.S. But that’s not all.

The direct flight program is in addition to another one that gives CBP One users a green light into the U.S. That program, the report said, “has brought in another 420,000 immigrants from nearly 100 nations from May 2021 through December 2023.”

These criminal executives are subverting law and order, the social contract, and the U.S. Constitution. They’re acting like a cartel engaged in human smuggling. This isn’t just an impeachable offence; it’s treason.

Coming to the United States involves a long, difficult, strenuous, expensive and dangerous journey for most aliens. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans provide natural barriers on either end of the country, with the Atlantic wrapping around the southeast into the Gulf of Mexico. The only border we have on the south is with Mexico, which does nothing to prevent illegals from walking up through their country to our border.

And now we have a chief executive who was sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution from its enemies—both foreign and domestic—abusing the power of his office to carry out an unconstitutional, oath-breaking attack on the citizens he was sworn to protect.

He should be arrested, tried and sentenced to life in prison (or worse), along with the other criminals in his administration.

How long will we stand this assault on our country?

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Your Citizenship No Longer Means What You Think

I’m going to extend yesterday’s rant about the criminal illegal aliens who are infecting our society with death and destruction at the invitation of B. Hussein Obama’s sock puppet, Brandon, fronting Obama’s third term and applying for a fourth. My thesis is that those currently in power are driven by all kinds of lust, including the lust for power, the lust for riches, and the lust for prestige. Their means is social upheaval with the goal of overthrowing our constitutional republic by any means necessary, and they don’t care who or what gets destroyed in the process.

How else do you explain things like the following?

Dressed in a pristine dark blue uniform, Ernesto Moron raised his right hand and swore to defend the constitution of a state he wasn’t born in but that he has called home for more than two decades. 

That December afternoon, the 26-year-old Mexican-born man became the first officer hired by the UC Davis Police Department under a 1-year-old California law that repealed the U.S. citizenship requirement to become a peace officer in the state.

“I was always told to be afraid of police officers because I would get deported,” Moron recently told CalMatters. “Now I want to help this community and help other people that are in my same shoes.” 

Before  the law took effect, California, like most states, had required its peace officers to be U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents who have applied for citizenship. 

So now we’re hiring non-citizens who haven’t taken an oath of citizenship and GIVING THEM A GUN to replace police officers that were scared off the job during the halcyon days of DEFUND THE POLICE?

Same is true in Illinois, but it’s not just DACA recipients, it’s any non-citizen who is allowed to work in the U.S. under federal law.

The measure—House Bill 3751—successfully passed the Democratic-controlled state House and the state Senate before being signed into law by the Democratic governor last week. The bill, which will come into force on January 1, 2024, allows eligible immigrants who are not in possession of U.S. citizenship to join law enforcement in Illinois—something that federal laws currently forbid.

So you, an American citizen, born and raised here, could be arrested by a foreigner who’s living here and is “eligible” to work for a law enforcement agency.

Then there’s this new incentive for illegal aliens to jump the border.

Undocumented immigrants in California could have a new path to homeownership
February 29, 2024 By Karen Garcia

Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno) introduced Assembly Bill 1840 last month to expand the eligibility requirement for a state loan program to clarify that loans for first-time buyers are available to undocumented immigrants.

The California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loans program that launched last March by the California Housing Finance Agency offered qualified first-time home buyers with a loan worth up to 20% of the purchase price of a house or condominium. The loans don’t accrue interest or require monthly payments. Instead, when the mortgage is refinanced or the house is sold again, the borrower pays back the original amount of the loan plus 20% of the increase in the home’s value.

“Undocumented immigrants.” Let me parse that for you: trespassers, border jumpers, illegal aliens, foreign invaders. They’re here without legal standing.

The current administration is going to take that euphemism and twist it even further from what it truly is: “undocumented immigrants” are now being referred to as “newcomers.”

[So-called] President Joe Biden’s White House has begun referring to border crossers and illegal aliens as “newcomers and “people who are in the country” — a terminology distinction that conflicts with federal immigration law.

On Thursday — while promoting a Senate bill to preserve his catch and release network at the United States-Mexico border — Biden’s White House made a passing reference to border crossers and illegal aliens, calling them “newcomers” to the U.S.

The White House fact sheet on the Senate bill reads:

The bill also includes $1.4 billion for cities and states who are providing critical services to newcomers, and would expedite work permits for people who are in the country and qualify. [Emphasis added]

Earlier this month, in a similar press release on the Senate bill, Biden’s White House touted billions that the legislation would provide to cities and states accepting these so-called “newcomers.”

It’s like a church or your monthly town hall board meeting: Any “newcomers” here? It completely does away with any distinction between an American citizen and a foreigner who is here illegally.

In essence, it empties the notion of “citizenship” of any meaning, as do all of these other conveniences and opportunities being offered to illegal aliens. And it pokes American citizens in the eye, essentially telling them that their citizenship is worthless. You’re no better than a foreigner who’s squatting here because we’re giving them the same privileges you have.

Finally, there’s this from New York:

In [so-called] President Joe Biden’s America, illegal migrants get a five-star treatment while law-abiding U.S. citizens take a back seat. 

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.) is trying to fast-track her plans of getting illegal aliens at the front of the line for government jobs. 

New York would be the first state in the nation to make it easier for asylum-seekers with work authorization to obtain government jobs. Hochul told Politico that she is “anxious to get this moving quickly.” 

The Democrat’s administration is easing requirements for such jobs as, English language proficiency, education qualifications, and certification for more than 4,000 state government jobs. The long-standing requirement of needing to take the civil service exam and have a high school diploma for applicants to be considered has also been eliminated. 

The goal of the proposal is to get illegal aliens into state jobs faster once they get approved work permits.

Do you realize what’s happening? You’re literally being replaced. Our rulers are beginning to staff government and law enforcement — two agencies with a monopoly on power — with NON-CITIZENS, meaning FOREIGNERS, and making it easy for them to purchase homes in your neighborhoods.

How do you think that’s going to work out? Do you think they have any sense of or commitment to what we would consider American justice and responsibility? Do you really think that non-Americans give a rat’s patootie about you and your appeal to American law?

Why would they?

The progressives, leftists, Democrats, and cultural Marxists hate you and are doing their best to upend traditional, historical American culture and society. And they’re doing it, with lots more to come.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | The “Democratic” Party Should be Outlawed

The party of Democrats should be outlawed in America. It’s called the Democratic Party, but there’s nothing remotely “democratic” about them. Like everything else they tell you, it’s a lie.

There are a lot of reasons to abolish the Democrats as a political entity in the U.S., not least of which is their support for and active facilitation of a foreign invasion over our southern border. A number of foreigners larger than the populations of 36 US states has illegally poured over our border since the pathetic imbecile in the White House was installed by anti-American Leftists in 2020.

Have you noticed the crimes being committed by these illegal foreigners yearning to breathe free health care, free transportation to anywhere in the United States, free driver’s licenses, free housing, free legal defense, and a “free” $10,000 debit card or some other amount on a voucher? I was going to list them myself, but I came across this commentary by Kevin Downey Jr. over at PJ Media, and he not only gives a similar (and more complete) list, but he also steals some of my thunder because I was going to write about my interactions about illegal immigrants with progressive Christians on social media who do exactly what he describes.

First, here’s Downey’s list of the latest offenses that these criminal aliens have perpetrated on American citizens and their families. He starts with, “12 illegal immigrants tied up and gang-raped three young girls, the youngest of whom was only 11 years old, in the rural town of Bemidji, MN,” then lists the other recent atrocities.

  • This illegal immigrant was arrested and released just in time to sexually assault a 14-year-old girl in Virginia
  • This convicted sex offender raped a girl under 14 years old
  • Georgia nursing student Laken Riley had her skull disfigured by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. Various Marxist news sites “forgot” to mention he is here illegally
  • A Honduran “cultural enricher” was arrested for raping a 14-year-old girl and stabbing a man during an armed robbery
  • An animal from El Salvador — who faced deportation but somehow remained in the U.S. — shot and killed a two-year-old toddler and was finally arrested. His buddy was arrested and released twice, and the sanctuary utopia of Montgomery County, MD refused to hand him over to I.C.E.

As Trump said, “They’re not sending their best.” But we knew that, didn’t we? That’s kind of the point. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Violent crime was a crisis in Venezuela as recently as 2019, but their crime rate has dropped like a rock. Guess where all those criminals have gone?

All to create chaos in what used to be the most peaceful country in the world, so that the elites can clamp down on us with the power of the state.

Here’s the thunder-stealing part.

A Marxist will read a story about children being raped by illegal immigrants and say something useless like, “We already have plenty of American child rapists, and studies show illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than Americans, anyway.” Then they’ll call you a bigot.

I am part of the “one is too many” crowd, and we are long past “one” victim. Ironically, women, whom the left pretends to hold dear, are ignored by the Pravda press after they are raped or murdered. Call them “inconvenient truths.” Ditto kids.

I’ve had a conversation on social media that went exactly like that. Exactly.

Nearly word-for-word.

With a “Christian” no less.

It absolutely boggles my mind that any American (much less a “Christian”) can dismiss the criminal violence — not to mention the mere criminal presence — of foreigners who are here illegally. The simple logic is that if the border were secure, these four girls, and many others like them, would still be alive.

But Americans are beginning to show that they’ve had enough.

A recent Monmouth University poll reveals that a majority of Americans now support the construction of a southern border wall, with 61% viewing illegal immigration as a ‘very serious problem’. This marks a significant shift in public opinion compared to previous years, reflecting growing concerns over immigration policies under President Biden’s administration.

Key Details:

  • The Monmouth University survey found that 53% of respondents favor building a border barrier, a significant increase from 35% in September 2017.
  • 61% of Americans view illegal immigration as a ‘very serious problem’, with a majority of Republicans (91%) and independents (58%) agreeing with this sentiment.
  • Despite the growing support for a border wall, Democratic support for the policy has fallen 14 percentage points in the past nine years.

Enjoy your extra day today under the rule of the anti-American progressives in the Washington.

Daily Broadside | 10 Million Foreigners Have Illegally Entered the U.S. Since January 2021

Wasn’t it great being America? I remember it like it was yesterday.

Nearly 7.3 million migrants have illegally crossed the southwest border under President Biden’s watch, a number greater than the population of 36 individual states, a Fox News analysis finds.

That figure comes from US Customs and Border Protection, which has already reported 961,537 border encounters in the current fiscal year, which runs from October through September.

If the current pace of illegal immigration does not slow down, fiscal year 2024 will break last year’s record of 2,475,669 southwest border encounters — a number that by itself exceeds the population of New Mexico, a border state. 

The total number of southwest land border encounters since Biden assumed office in 2021 is 7,298,486, CBP data shows. 

And where does the 10,000,000 number come from? The “gotaways.”

And the total does not include an estimated additional 1.8 million known “gotaways” who evaded law enforcement, which would make it bigger than New York. 

Taken together, nearly 10 million migrants have crossed into the US illegally during the Biden administration, a record Biden’s critics assert could only be achieved by intentionally refusing to enforce the law. 

Ya think?

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., is an incompetent, arrogant, outrageous, treasonous, and intentionally subversive of American sovereignty and law. This appalling dereliction of duty should rightfully have him impeached and thrown out of office.

But he poses like his hands are tied and tries to blame Republicans for the open borders, when he in fact is the author of the situtation. Now he says he’s considering taking action without Congress, which implies that he’s going to be the hero.

But he has all the authority he needs already. This subversion isn’t without purpose. Why do you think the Democrats are doing this?

They’re doing it to replace white, middle class Americans as the majority. They’re importing voters, even if they have to do it illegally — and they are. They’re importing a class of people who have no interest in being “American” but who will gladly take the handouts that the government will give them. And those 10 million “black and brown bodies” will reproduce offspring quickly, creating anchor babies, and before you know it, those 10 million will be 20 or 30 million as chain migration takes hold.

Welcome to the third world.

Unfortunately, we no longer live in a nation of laws that are carried out impartially by men of integrity and honor. We are subject instead to a fusion of politicians and business titans that imposes its will on us through an abuse of the law, applied to the oligarchy’s enemies.

Brandon is merely a figurehead. He isn’t smart enough to be this dastardly; but he is petty and contemptible enough to do what his masters direct him to do.

The best thing that could happen is that he is removed from office this November. Good luck.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | We’re Going to See If Texas Stands Tall

This statement has a feel similar to the Declaration of Independence ennumerating the “long train of abuses and usurpations” endured by the American people.

January 24, 2024

The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States. The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now. President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them. The result is that he has smashed records for illegal immigration.

Despite having been put on notice in a series of letters–one of which I delivered to him by hand–President Biden has ignored Texas’s demand that he perform his constitutional duties.

* President Biden has violated his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress. Instead of prosecuting immigrants for the federal crime of illegal entry, President Biden has sent his lawyers into federal courts to sue Texas for taking action to secure the border.

* President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The effect is to illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States.

* By wasting taxpayer dollars to tear open Texas’s border security infrastructure, President Biden has enticed illegal immigrants away from the 28 legal entry points along this State’s southern border– bridges where nobody drowns–and into the dangerous waters of the Rio Grande.

Under President Biden’s lawless border policies, more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border in just 3 years. That is more than the population of 33 different States in this country. This illegal refusal to protect the States has inflicted unprecedented harm on the People all across the United States.

James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the other visionaries who wrote the U.S. Constitution foresaw that States should not be left to the mercy of a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border. That is why the Framers included both Article IV, sec. 4, which promises that the federal government “shall protect each [State] against invasion,” and Article I, sec 10, Clause 3, which acknowledges “the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.” Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387, 419 (2012) (Scalia, J., dissenting).

The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, sec. 4 has triggered Article I, sec. 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, sec. 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are acting on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the Texas border.

Greg Abbott
Governor of Texas

This is a showdown, the SCOTUS decision the other day notwithstanding.

Oh, but they are doing something.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday said he will add more razor wire at the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent more illegal immigrants from entering the United States, coming after the U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration and allowed federal agents to cut the wire.

“We are adding more razor wire as we speak right now to make sure that we are doing even more to secure the border,” the Texas Republican said in an interview Thursday with Bloomberg TV.

The governor said his state has the authority to defy the U.S. government under the U.S. Constitution because its authors—the Founding Fathers—believed that “there would be times when the federal government does not do its job and states have a right of self-defense.”

In fact, Abbott taking charge and leading the way has inspired 25 other states to support his effort. With Texas, that makes it a MAJORITY of states opposing Brandon’s open border. How’s that for “muh’ democracy”?

It’s a confrontation between two power centers — the state v. the federal government. This is how our first civil war started. A second may be churning under the surface as the two sides square off.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | What Dirt Does the Deep State Have on Amy Coney Barrett?

Some “””conservative.”””

The Supreme Court voted 5–4 vote to allow U.S. Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire that was set up along the U.S.–Mexico border by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, while a legal challenge plays out.

In a brief order, the high court vacated a ruling issued in mid-December 2023 by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh voted to deny the application to vacate that lower court injunction, which would have prevented Border Patrol agents from removing the barrier.

Chief Justice John Roberts, along with Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor, sided with the Biden administration. No one provided an explanation for their vote.

Roberts is completely unreliable and blows with the wind of political opinion. Coney Barrett, hailed as a rock-solid Catholic conservative, is proving to be a huge disappointment and just as unreliable.

With an invasion of massive proportions, she says it’s just dandy for the federal government to remove razor wire barriers to allow foreigners unimpeded access to the country. If we were processing the illegals and deporting them or testing their claims of hardship, that would be one thing, but we’re in the middle of a full on invasion that is being facilitated by the United States governement.

We’re under occupation by a ruling class that has no interest in enforcing the law.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton isn’t giving up yet, promising “that ‘the fight is not over’ after the Supreme Court granted an emergency appeal by the Biden administration to allow Border Patrol agents to resume cutting razor wire set up by Texas at the southern border.”

“The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America,” Paxton said in a statement to Fox News Digital. 

“The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep American citizens safe,” he said. “This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty.”

Since when is a State not allowed to secure its borders? When is it not allowed to protect its citizens? In what way does “federal” law trump “state” law?

If you recall, the first Civil War got started as a dispute over States’ rights. Could this be the flashpoint that starts a new clash? Citizens have had enough too:


After what the Deep State has put us through with its lying and destruction of evidence while sentencing ordinary Americans to lengthy jail terms over January 6, I’m surprised and pleased that there are still Americans willing to confront the government. But how much you want to bet that anyone who shows up will be photographed, identified, hunted down, arrested, detained indefinitely and then tried and sentenced for treason and sedition in opposing the government’s will?

Once Trump is the nominee, we have to put aside all bickering and close ranks behind him. If Trump is not elected, we face the destruction of our republic and the banishing if not outright national cleansing of conservatives and Christians. There is no room for error.

Politics has become a brawl. We need a fighter. Trump is our last best hope.

Daily Broadside | I Live In A Foreign Country Now

Oh sure, we still mostly speak English and I don’t have any problem driving on the right side of the road, and I can still go out to a restaurant and understand the waitress. But it’s obvious to anyone who’s paying attention that the America of the last generation is gone. You may think that I’m being overly dramatic, but I assure you—it’s gone.

We are being overrun by foreigners, an act that is being enabled by an elite ruling class that hates America and is comfortably ensconced in their positions of power, prestige and wealth, far away from the effects of their ruinous decisions that are wreaking havoc on the rest of us.

2K migrants evacuated from Floyd Bennett Field ahead of storm: officials

BROOKLYN, N.Y. (PIX11) — Thousands of migrants were evacuated from Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn to ride out a potential rainstorm on Tuesday night, officials said.

Approximately 2.000 migrants were moved from Floyd Bennett Field in Flatbush to James Madison High School on Tuesday afternoon, according to the Office of Emergency Management. Roughly 40 Department of Education buses were in the evacuation, according to the OEM.

The asylum seekers spent the night in the school’s gymnasium before returning to Floyd Bennett Field on Wednesday morning, officials said. The field began housing about 2,000 migrants last year.

Officials said the move comes over concerns of high winds and flooding that are expected to hit the area.

The health and safety of migrants in our care is always a top priority, which is why we are currently overseeing the relocation of 1,900 guests from the humanitarian emergency response and relief center at Floyd Bennett Field due to an updated forecast with increased wind speeds estimated to be at over 70 MPH tonight,” a City Hall spokesperson said in a statement.

A strong storm system moved through the area later Tuesday, bringing heavy rain and damaging winds to portions of the tri-state area.

I notice the article doesn’t say anything about the 3,000 students at James Madison High School. Aren’t Tuesday and Wednesday school days?

Students at a Brooklyn high school were kicked out of the classroom to make room for nearly 2,000 migrants who were evacuated from a controversial tent shelter due to a monster storm closing in on the Big Apple.

The city made the move amid concerns that a massive migrant tent at Floyd Bennett Field would collapse from torrential rains and gusting winds — packing them instead into the second-floor gym at James Madison High School five miles away. 

The school’s neighbors were not keen on the last-minute decision.

“This is f—ed up,” said a local resident who identified himself only as Rob. “It’s a litmus test. They are using a storm, a legitimate situation, where they are testing this out. I guarantee you they’ll be here for the entire summer.

“There’s 1,900 people getting thrown into my neighborhood, half a block from where I live and we don’t know who they are,” he said.

“They’re not vetted. A lot of them have criminal records and backgrounds and we don’t even know.”

Sounds like “Rob” is a raging racist xenophobe! Doesn’t he know that “the health and safety of migrants in our care is always a top priority”? Foreigners are being prioritized over native citizens, “Rob.”

Plus, learning remotely worked so well during the Covid lockdowns!

One irate mom even went off on the migrants as they pulled up in a line of school buses in the pouring rain shortly before 6 p.m.

“How do you feel? Does it feel good?” the woman, who only identified herself as Michelle, screamed at the buses.

“How does it feel that you kicked all the kids out of school tomorrow? Does it feel good? I hope you feel good. I hope you will sleep very well tonight!”

Said a local man, “How do you feel stealing American tax money?”

Whoa! So much white supremacy and hatred of brown and black bodies!

Getting the children who were in that field into a shelter that offered more protection is basic human decency, but this is a great example of how our ruling class is burdening us, the American citizens, with the influx of foreign nationals.

If there weren’t 3.8 MILLION foreigners illegally waltzing into our country since Bradon illegitmately took office, this wouldn’t be a problem.

One of my readers commented yesterday on my article about the Xfinity bill I posted two days ago:

Our grandson’s middle school in Elmhurst has decided this year to make English as a second language. They let the principal (who had been there for years and everyone loved) go because she didn’t speak Spanish and brought in a new person who does. At our Granddaughter’s 8th grade graduation in May (from the same middle school) over half the class was Hispanic. They bus kids in from lower income areas so they can please the diversity squad. The liberals in town love it. Sara said there were fights everyday mostly among the Hispanic girls. Makes me very, very sad that this is what we’ve come to.

My response:

Dave Olsson says:
January 10, 2024 at 2:28 pm Edit

Your grandson and granddaughter will grow up in a foreign country. Not that they will move to one, but one will be force-fit onto this one.

I should have said they will live in a foreign country but, whatever, I’m not kidding.

The majority of Americans will not be white by 2045, according to data that highlights the US’ increasingly diverse population.

An analysis of census data by the think-tank Brookings Institution estimates that white people will comprise less than 50 percent of the US population for the first time in history in little over two decades.

The majority of the population will be made up of minority ethnicities: 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations, the analysis claims.

What could possibly be driving this monumental shift?

The shrinking white population can be explained both by higher levels of immigration among people in working age, as well as an influx of immigrant women of childbearing age.

Following a dip during the Covid pandemic, immigration through the southern border is up. The US Border Patrol reported more than 1.6 million encounters with migrants along the border with Mexico in the 2021 fiscal year, more than quadruple the number of the prior fiscal year and the highest annual total on record. 

By 2060, the census projects whites will comprise only 36 percent of the under-18 population, with Hispanics accounting for 32 percent.

You don’t say.

You. Don’t. Say.

I could handle this if the change was coming because of legal immigration. But this is an intentional sabotage of the white American majority with a plan to make all of these foreigners Democrat voters.

But Mr. Chairman, that’s the whole point. This is what’s going on, folks, at home. If you’re trying to figure this out, if you’re scratching your heads, you’ve seen the video, you see droves of people, 2.4 million people coming over the border illegally, the president allowing, the Democrats in charge of Congress are allowing it, the deal is they’re going to turn them into voters. You just heard it. They don’t have any problem with that. They celebrate it. Here’s the deal. We have a problem with it. The Constitution has a problem with it. American elections should be decided by American citizens.

That’s it. That’s what this is about. That’s why we’re jumping up and down and screaming, my friends on the video who are commenting about this. That’s why we’re so upset, because our constituents are frightened that we are losing our country. We’re losing our security, we’re losing our sovereignty, because we’re going to allow people from 160 different countries around the world to come in here and decide our elections. That’s it. Here it is on record. You all heard it.”

If you’re white, you’re not allowed to have a country of your own because you’re a hateful colonizer, bigot! Only black and brown bodies are allowed to colonize now.

Welcome to North Central America.

Daily Broadside | A Recent Mailer Tells Me All I Need to Know About Immigration

We continue to be overrun by an invasion of foreigners who aren’t coming here because they want to be part of the Great American Experiment.

Aside from tax cuts and a tireless bloodlust for forever wars, there’s one thing Republicans of the bygone Bush era never tire of — the mass importing of destitute foreigners who neocons swear are nothing less than patriotic Americans at heart, just itching for a chance to make a meaningful contribution to a country they so dearly love.

It’s beyond childish. What we’ve learned over the course of decades, but particularly in recent months, is that a substantial portion, if not the vast majority of Central and South American migrants thrusting themselves into U.S. taxpayer care is that they view this country as little more than an apartment upgrade.

They’ve switched neighborhoods, not lifestyles.

The problem of immigration has been going on for decades but, with the current junta in power, it’s being exacerbated beyond what anyone would have dreamed. You may have noticed that neither the Democrats NOR THE REPUBLICANS have made any serious attempt at stanching the flow of illegals. Where are the bills to overhaul our immigration system? Where are the calls to immediately close our borders to any trespassers?

Their collaboration on illegal immigration is a perfect example of the Uniparty, which exists to keep its members in power.

With that in mind, take a look at the piece of mail I received this past week from Xfinity, the Internet provider who connects me to this blog. They want to get more of their customers to join their mobile services.

Notice anything about it that might present an issue for me?

I don’t speak Spanish. I mean, un poco, but only the bit I learned in seventh grade Spanish class, like “arroz con pollo.” Other than that, this bulk advertisement is mostly indecipherable to me. Fortunately for me, Xfinity included an English version of the advertisement on the other side.

Let me point out a couple of more things about this mailer, and then explain why I’m making this an issue. First, when I took the mailer out of the envelope, it was folded so that the Spanish language side was up.

Normally I get advertisements in English. If there’s another language, it’s treated as secondary, as a translation of the primary language, usually on the back. This was reversed.

At first I thought it was a mistake. But, no, it was intentional.

You know how I know? Because my name and address are printed on the Spanish language side of the advertisement. You know how else I know? Because the envelope in which the advertisement was delivered is also printed with a promo in Spanish on the envelope:

I also know that this was intentional because Xfinity cannot know who reads English and who reads Spanish and who reads both. That’s why Xfinity included both English and Spanish versions. It’s not like my name was accidently added to the “Spanish-speakers” mail file.

And it can’t be that Xfinity is just throwing thousands of mailers to the wind and hoping to catch some new customers. The fine print says that the offer is for, “Existing Xfinity customers with a plan that has been active more than 90 days only.”

Xfinity is clearly not assuming English as the primary language. So here’s my question: why did Xfinity choose to bulk mail an advertisement to who-knows-how-many customers that is clearly targeting Spanish-speaking people?

I can only think of three reasons:

  1. My region is now majority Central American and I’m a minority. That would be news to me but, given the open border over the last three years, unsurprising.
  2. Xfinity has gone woke and they are now prioritizing “brown and black bodies” over white ones, no matter the racial make up of my region. How racist of them.
  3. Spanish-speakers have more money to spend than I do.

Maybe it’s a combination of all three. Whatever the strategy, it underscores the changing demographics of the United States, and that’s why I’m calling your attention to it.

The United States was founded as an English-speaking nation. Even as we grew in size and population, we remained a largely European-immigrant, English-speaking country. When other immigrants arrived, they either had to know English or learn English to thrive in their new home. We didn’t cater to every newcomer and print foreign languages on our signs or our products. If you wanted to “be an American,” you learned the primary language of your adopted home.

But the cultural Marxists and anti-Americans don’t want us to be a homogenus nation that is bound together by a common language or creed. They tell us that being “American” is racist and full of white supremacy. When anyone has tried to pass legislation that would make English the official language of the United States, it is often opposed,

“as a veiled attempt to promote racism and bigotry, rather than an attempt to unify a country. They argue that English-only legislation creates a negative image of non-English speakers, and increases intolerance and hostility toward cultural diversity.”

Ah, yes. Cultural diversity, the Marxist trope that for us to be a moral force for good in this world, we have to be “diverse.” Nothing says unity so clearly as diversity does.

Efforts to make English the official language of the US have been going on for decades. As recently as March 2023, U.S. Senators Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and JD Vance (R-OH) introduced a bill to to establish English as the official language of the United States. The bill is intended:

To declare English as the official language of the United States, to establish a uniform English language rule for naturalization, and to avoid mis-constructions of the English language texts of the laws of the United States, pursuant to Congress’ powers to provide for the general welfare of the United States and to establish a uniform rule of naturalization under article I, section 8, of the Constitution.

But have you heard that such a bill was being considered? You haven’t?

You don’t say.

I guess Mitch McConnell is too busy keeping his pals in Ukraine swimming in cash, squashing true conservative candidates at the polls, and bankrupting the country to worry about a little ol’ thing like national unity.

Getting that Xfinity bill in the mail surprised me because it’s direct evidence that I’m being displaced. I have to flip the page to get a translation, not the immigrant, because it’s not written with me in mind. I’m secondary.

That’s the goal of progressives—and the fact that they’re succeeding makes me a little sad and a little angry.