The Broadside | No, We Are Not a Nation of Immigrants

One of my pet peeves—hmm, correction—one of my deeply held frustrations with the ruling class has been their refusal to address the invasion over our southern border for decades. It’s not just been the Democrats, although they have exacerbated the problem through their anti-American hostility, while the Republicans just ignored the problem.

Fortunately, President Donald J. Trump, who just won his third election and has been sworn into office for the second time, is wasting no time in closing the border and deporting illegal aliens at a record pace.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, taking directions from President Donald Trump’s border czar Tom Homan, have arrested over 2,500 illegal immigrants since Trump was sworn into office last Monday.

One of the arguments made by Dilutionists (those who want to dilute the unity of American culture by importing unvetted hordes of third-world welfare cases into the country) is the “but, we’re a nation of immigrants.” In fact, Vice-President J.D. Vance faced off with Margaret Brennan, the propagandist of “Face the Nation” on CBS Sunday morning.

At 3:57 in the video below (cued to that time), after JD Vance says he doesn’t know why we’d allow a person born to parents living temporarily in the US to be automatically conferred US citizenship since there’s no other nation that does that, Brennan replies, “Well, this is a country founded by immigrants,” and gives him a wry “gotcha” smile.

His response wiped the smile off her face. “Just because we were founded by immigrants doesn’t mean that 240 years later, we have to have the dumbest immigration policy in the world.”

Exactly. We were founded by some immigrants. So?

In a terrific article at The Federalist, Brianna Lyman dismantles that argument.

Britain began establishing the 13 original colonies in the early 1600’s. Over the next century or so, hundreds of thousands of Brits moved to the British colonies that were established by settlersnot immigrants. There was no “nation” being immigrated to by the first settlers. The Brits didn’t come to America to join a pre-existing country. It was just land. There were no laws, borders, maps, or written language. The British settlers came to uncharted land to establish colonies under British rule. They were entrepreneurs building this nation from scratch, not immigrants joining a pre-existing nation.


America was never just a multicultural experiment that began with and requires an endless influx of immigrants (both legal and illegal) to sustain itself. The settlers were not a hodge-podge of random cultures and religions and languages and customs. America was founded by Anglo Protestants who pulled ideas of liberty and independence from Anglo-liberalism, which grounded itself in the idea of equality, freedom, and government controlled by the people (it was most commonly associated with thinkers like John Locke). These settlers forged a new nation, instituted customs, traditions, and a national identity.

And our Founders understood the importance of a national identity, with Thomas Jefferson writing in 1776 that while he is “for extending the right of suffrage (or in other words the right of a citizen) to all who had a permanent intention of living in the country … Whoever intends to live in a country must wish that country well, and has a natural right of assisting in the preservation of it.”

In simpler terms, assimilation was a requirement of anyone coming to America.

But what exactly is to be preserved or assimilated into if the left is correct in that America was “founded” by immigrants and therefore is just a nation of immigrants? Such a premise presupposes that we are merely an ever-changing mixture of the dominant immigrant groups at any point in time.

Most helpful is Lyman’s distinction between “settlers” and “immigrants.” Immigrants are traveling to an established nation; settlers are traveling to an unsettled land to establish a nation. Immigrants are expected to assimilate into the nation they’re joining, not act like settlers establishing their own distinct culture within the host nation.

Yes, foreigners emigrated to the United States after it had become an established nation, and they still do today. But it should be controlled immigration that protects our unique American culture and values, not an uncontrolled mass invasion of third-world peasants and criminals who burden our nation with the cost of their presence and destroy cultural cohesion.

Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s 27-year-old press secretary, held her first press briefing yesterday and addressed this administration’s attitude toward illegals.

White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt was taking questions during her first press briefing since President Donald Trump returned to the White House last week when she was asked about the mass arrests.

“The 3,500 arrests that ICE (U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement) has made so far since President Trump came back into office. Can you just tell us the numbers? How many have a criminal record versus those who are just in the country illegally,” one reporter asked.

“All of them, because they illegally broke our nation’s laws, and therefore, they are criminals as far as this administration goes,” Leavitt replied. “I know the last administration didn’t see it that way. So it’s a big culture shift in our nation to view someone who breaks our immigration laws as a criminal, but that’s exactly what they are.”

The reporter then asked if they all have criminal records.

“If they broke our nation’s laws, yes, they are a criminal,” Leavitt said.

More like that, please.

For another great article on immigration from The Federalist, read, “Birthright Citizenship Is A Pernicious Lie That’s Destroying America” by John Daniel Davidson.

The Broadside | Democrats Try Protecting Their Invasion Investment

As if we didn’t know that Democrats are importing millions of foreigners to create a new class of peasants and criminals who will vote to keep them in power in exchange for handouts funded by the middle class (until they die off or are executed during the eventual purge), the anti-American party made its intentions abundantly clear this week as they whip opposition to a Republican-sponsored bill that will require voters provide proof of citizenship to cast ballots in federal elections.

Republicans are pushing the passage of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, otherwise known as the SAVE Act, which would amend the National Voter Registration Act, and require states to obtain proof of citizenship from voters for federal elections, as well as purge noncitizens from voter rolls. 

Democratic leadership is urging its House members to vote against the bill in the lead-up to the vote, saying it would place “an extreme burden [on] countless Americans” in order to vote.

Anyone want to guess what that “extreme burden” is? Anyone? Bueller? The article doesn’t say what it is, but it isn’t hard to guess. Democrats use ambiguous terms and emotional language without any detail such as “extreme” and “burden” and “countless” to drive fear and moral outrage.

But we can guess what the problem is because here’s what the bill would require:

[House speaker Mike Johnson] detailed in the X thread that, if passed, the law would: require “state election officials to ask about citizenship before providing voter registration forms”; require “an individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections”; allow “state officials to accept a wide variety of documents that will make it easy for CITIZENS to register to vote in federal elections”; provide “states with access to federal agency databases so they can remove noncitizens from voter rolls and confirm citizenship for individuals lacking proof of citizenship,” among other directives. 

Under the legislation, voters would be required to provide proof of citizenship via IDs and documentation such as a passport, a government-issued photo ID showing proof the individual was born in the U.S., military IDs, or a valid photo ID as well as documentation showing proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, the legislation states. 

Democrats don’t want their new voter base to have to provide documentation like photo IDs, passports or birth certificates. Remember, these are “undocumented migrants.” How can they vote if we demand that they provide proof of citizenship?

And why would the hard Leftists oppose such measures if that’s not what the problem is? The vast majority of Americans have “government-issued” photo IDs because of the surveillance state we live in. Who are these “countless Americans” they refer to as being extremely burdened?

Elon Musk waded into the battle on X.

Yep. We’re not stupid. We know exactly what they’re doing.

And patriotic Americans are waking up to it.

Daily Broadside | If I Wanted to Live in a Foreign Country, I Would Have Moved To One

One of the things that I’ve said to myself and to people I trust is that I don’t recognize my country anymore. What I mean by that is not just the clear political shift to a socialist, Marxist, authoritarian ruling class, which is defintitely part of it, but also that I see it and experience it in my daily routines, like when I go to the store or to the post office or to the dentist or to a restaurant.

Or when I call number and am told in both English and Spanish which numbers to press.

I came across this article by Peter J. Sandys at American Thinker. A good part of what he wrote resonated so strongly with me that I wanted to share it with you to see what you think. Does it capture what you’re feeling?

For years, the same feeling has haunted the native populations of the Western world: a strange and pervasive sense of dispossession. Anyone walking down the streets of Western cities will not recognize them by their “modern atmosphere” or milieu. Anyone looking at the television screens or listening to the news will not appreciate the strange, politically correct, alien language. Glancing at billboards, watching TV series, soccer games, movies, plays, reading children’s school books, taking the subway, going to train stations and airports, waiting for a daughter or son after school, anyone feels like he or she is no longer in the country they used to know. Accompanying one’s mother to the hospital emergency room, standing in line at the post office or employment office, sitting at a police station or in a courtroom, anyone feels like they are no longer in the country they used to call “home.”

You remember the country you knew as a child, the one your parents and grandparents described. You remember the land you find in films or books, say, the United States, that is both casual and brilliant, literary and scientific, intelligent and original. You remember the land you are desperately looking for everywhere and compare every country to it without ever knowing—the country you hold dear—and that is about to disappear.

You have not moved but feel like you are no longer at home. You have not left your country, but it feels like your country has left you. You feel like a foreigner and outsider in your home—internally banished. For a long time, you believed you were the only one who sees, hears, thinks, and fears that way; you were afraid to say it and ashamed of your impressions and thoughts.

Yes! That’s exactly how I feel, with the exception of the last clause — I’m not at all ashamed of my impressions or thoughts, but I know they are not welcomed. If I said so, I’d immediately be judged as being racist or jingoistic or xenophobic or a white supremacist.

Yet, here I am, saying something.

For a long time, you did not dare to say what you saw, and most importantly, you did not dare to understand what you saw. And then you told your wife, husband, children, friends, colleagues, and neighbors, and then you realized that everyone shared your sense of dispossession. America was no longer America, and everyone had noticed; Britain was no longer Britain, and everybody had observed it. France was no more France, and all had recognized it; Germany was no more Germany, and people had realized it. Europe was no longer Europe, and everyone had seen it.

Of course, they despised you for noticing. The powerful, the establishment, the do-gooders, the journalists, the politicians, the academics, the sociologists, the elite universities, and the religious authorities told you that it was all a delusion, that it was all wrong, that you were all bad. But in time, you understood that they did the deluding; they got it all wrong and harmed you.

We’re not supposed to notice and we’re shamed with the lies above if we do.

I went to my local grocery store the other day and walked in with at least two other people who were speaking to one another in another language I didn’t recognize. I go to my local big box store and the majority of people I’m shopping with are not white. I drive down the streets in my local community and I now regularly see vehicles boasting a large Mexican flag covering the hood, driven by foreigners.

That’s a fact, not a judgement.

The open borders extremists have won. The anti-Americans have won. The globalists have won. The cultural Marxists have won.

The unique American culture that made America strong has all but disappeared. I grieve that.

And I’m angry that Democrats and their weak siblings, the Republicans, did it. Intentionally.

It goes all the way back to Ted Kennedy and the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965. You know what he said when he was promoting its passage?

“The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants,” lead supporter Sen. Edward “Ted” Kennedy (D-Mass.) told the Senate during debate. “It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”



Just like the Left today, everything they said was a lie.

So, we reap the whirlwind set in motion by the Hart-Celler Act (so named after its two sponsors). Here’s what the act changed:

Quotas based on nation of origin were abolished. For the first time since the National Origins Quota system went into effect in 1921, national origin was no longer a barrier to immigration. “With the end of preferences for northern and western Europeans, immigrants were selected based on individual merit rather than race or national origin,” Chin says. “Accordingly, there were many more immigrants from Asia, Africa and other parts of the world which had traditionally been discriminated against.” The act also established new immigration policies that looked at reuniting families and giving priority to skilled laborers and professionals.

Hey, how’s that “individual merit” going with today’s 15,000 per day crossing the border?

It restricted immigration from Mexico and Central and South America. According to Chin, there were no numerical limitations on immigration until 1921, but Western Hemisphere immigration had been exempt. “Based on the Monroe Doctrine—and the desire for the free flow of labor, especially agricultural labor—there had been no cap under the National Origins Quota System,” he says. “The 1965 act established a cap on Western Hemisphere immigration for the first time. It also followed on the unwise elimination of the [guest worker] Bracero Program in 1964. These decisions disrupted traditional patterns of labor movement and agricultural production in the United States in ways we are still grappling with.”


It changed immigration demographics and increased immigrant numbers. According to a report by the Pew Research Center, in 1965, 84 percent of the U.S. population consisted of non-Hispanic whites; in 2015, that number was 62 percent. “Without any post-1965 immigration, the nation’s racial and ethnic composition would be very different today: 75 percent white, 14 percent black, 8 percent Hispanic and less than 1 percent Asian,” the report finds.

As Kennedy said, “It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society.” Not even noticeable. Barely perceptible.

I’ve soured some on Ann Coulter, but she’s still one of the sharpest minds when it comes to “immigration.” From her book, ¡Adios, America!:

It was Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act that snuffed out the generous quotas for immigrants from the countries that had traditionally populated America—England, Ireland, and Germany—and added “family reunification” policies, allowing recent immigrants to bring in their relatives, and those relatives to being in their relatives, until entire Somali villages have relocated to Minneapolis and Muslim cab drivers are refusing to transport passengers with dogs or alcohol.

Kennedy knew what he was doing, and it was for nefarious purposes: to import Democrat voters. There’s really no other reason to do it.

Progressives destroyed what was the most productive, brilliant, benevolent country in the world. But the end hasn’t come, yet. They will preside over the third-world hellhole they created, and then they will be consumed by it.

If there’s any silver lining here, it’s that I’m unlikely to be around to see it when it happens. But I grieve for my children and for their children. They will never experience a homogenous culture.

Daily Broadside | Get Ready for Another Surge of the Foreign Invaders

Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 26:20
“Now do not let my blood fall to the ground far from the presence of the Lord.”

Friday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 27-31
Saturday’s Reading: 2 Samuel 1-4

Finally Friday and the close of another week. But the intentional destruction of America continues apace as the mob with their hands on the levers of authority prepare to let in another 170,000 foreigners across our southern border as Trump’s “Title 42” is allowed to expire.

Title 42 was enacted by Trump to expedite the deportation of illegal aliens as protection against the Chinese Lung Pox. Resident Brandon has never fully enforced Title 42 even though the courts ruled that he must multiple times. Now we’re looking at a surge across the “border” (why even use that term?)—as foreigners await the moment the act, which must be renewed by Congress every two months, expires and they know they can’t be immediately expelled. It’s one less obstacle to gaining access and remaining in this country.

U.S. intelligence officials are privately bracing for a massive influx of more than 170,000 migrants at the Mexico border if COVID-era policies that allow instant expulsions during the public health emergency are ended, sources with direct knowledge of the discussions tell Axios.


Why it matters: Border officials have used Title 42 more than 1 million times to rapidly expel migrants at the southern border without hearing asylum claims. But the Trump-era order wasn’t set up to be permanent, and senior Biden officials are preparing for its end as the virus is brought under control.

In case you’re just joining us, these aren’t “asylum” seekers. These are people who don’t like where they’re living and have heard that they can enter the United States with no objection—they have to be given a hearing—and then they can just melt away into the interior or be transported by the government under the cover of night to almost anywhere in the country where they will become a drain on our economy, our medical system, our educational system and turn a once Anglo-Saxon, Christian majority country into a Third World country because “racism” and “fairness” or something.

The U.S. could be turned into a Third World country, that is, if there is room for a United States in Biden’s new world order at all. Biden’s handlers have effectively erased the Southern border and as a result, illegals are streaming in at a rapid clip. Even the New York Times admitted last October that “migrants were encountered 1.7 million times in the last 12 months, the highest number of illegal crossings recorded since at least 1960.”

A new record could be set in 2022, as the UK’s Daily Mail reported last week that “more than 170,000 migrants are waiting on the Mexican-side of the U.S.-Mexico border to cross and claim asylum” once the Biden administration trashes, as it is expected to do, Title 42, a Trump-era provision that allowed illegal migrants to be expelled during the COVID-19 hysteria.

A country without borders is no country at all. Are Biden’s handlers impossibly stupid and unaware of this fact or fully aware of it and determinedly setting out to render the U.S. borderless? A borderless U.S. fits in well with Leftists’ commitment to their idols of “diversity” and “multiculturalism”; it may even be, in their twisted analysis, an attempt to ensure international peace by making every place pretty much like every other place (and all equally squalid, dirty, and dangerous), so that wars of conquest have no purpose.

It’s a silly and ultimately suicidal utopian vision, but what else makes sense of what Biden’s handlers are doing to border security? Once one sees it all as part of Joe’s new world order, it begins to make sense. In any case, one thing is certain: if Biden’s handlers succeed in implementing their ridiculous and dangerous vision, their new world order won’t even last as long as Poppy Bush’s.

Don’t look at these people as “illegal immigrants” or, as the current administration calls them, “migrants.” This is a foreign invasion incited by the cultural Marxists that infect the Democrat Party to permanently alter what was once the greatest country in the world. But that country, as it existed in the minds of the Founders and as it existed for nearly 200 years, no longer exists. Not really.

They’re just locking in their gains.

Sure, not all of our freedoms have been stripped away, yet. But the government, social media, the mainstream media, our educational system, our judicial system, our law-making bodies and the entertainment industry are all conspiring to strangle dissenting opinions or, if you will, any alternative worldview, to their own. And they’ve been very effective.

The anti-fascist fascists have the upper hand, and it will take a massive movement of the Normals to expel them from society. Everything is against an historical, traditional and conservative scheme and there’s no easy road back (or forward).

When that time comes, as it eventually will, what will you do?

Have a good weekend.

Morning Links | 24 Apr 20

Friday! The weeks of lock down are flying by like a bat out of … China! But not to worry, the government has drawn a bead on the Kung Pow Sicken and is ready to let you go back to work—in June (at least in Illinois, where I live). That way they can be sure the Coronavirus is dead and have it vote Democrat in November!

More seriously, Osama bin Laden wanted to assassinate president Obama because Joe Biden was ‘totally unprepared’ for the presidency; job losses reach 26.4 million due to the lock down; a possible reason why Trump hasn’t done more about fixing illegal immigration; and Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer is under fire for awarding—then terminating—a coronavirus-related contract for collecting sensitive health data to her former campaign consultants.

In the meme time, I’ve got some hilarious images to lift your spirits in our Friday Follies at the final link.


Happy Hump Day! It’s week six of the Peking Lung Pox and there are some encouraging signs that some of the country might emerge soon from the lock down. Wu Hu!

Your links today include an article from Harvard Magazine examining the so-called “risks for children—and society—in homeschooling.” If the cover illustration is any indication—and it is—you won’t be surprised to learn that the answer is government regulation. In other news, Trump suspends immigration to the U.S. for 60 days; Nancy Pelosi steps on a rake full of ice cream; China may be preparing for total war; and Kevin D. Williamson gives his perspective on recent judicial appointments in Washington State.