The Broadside | Self-Confessed “Old Guy,” “Knucklehead” and “Friend of School Shooters” Invokes “Politics of Joy” While Losing VP Debate to 2028 Presidential Candidate JD Vance

I watched the vice-presidential debate last night and live-blogged for this morning. It was mostly civil, and they both tried to be kind and courteous. It did get contentious at times, especially with the discussion of January 6, which Democrats keep coming back to because it’s all they have.

I’m thinking the J6 schtick is getting old. As JDV said, Trump told the crowds to “protest peacefully” on Jan 6, and he left office peacefully on Jan 20. So give it up already. We all know that Brandon “””won””” because the Democrats cheated, but we’ve managed to keep our anger in check and work with the hand we were dealt. Hopefully that will all be resolved on November 5.

They both had practiced answers along with favorite buzz words: JDV’s was “common sense.” Tim Walz’s was “adjudicated.”

Nora O’Donnell and Margarat Brennan of CBS “””News””” were biased moderators (both are left-wing activists). The framing of questions was hostile toward Vance (obviously) and friendly toward Walz.

As you can tell from my title, I think Vance won the debate. But BLOT: nobody is going to be convinced to change candidates. I think it raised JD Vance’s political capital in the eyes of Republicans and Independents (maybe even some Democrats). He handled himself very well and came across as cool, calm and collected. I was persuaded that he’s presidential material.

Tim Walz, not so much.

BMOT (Bottom Meme on Top):

They sparred on multiple topics that are of importance to Americans, but they started with the conflict in the Middle East. The question was “would you support a pre-emptive strike on Iran?” Vance said it was up to Israel and we should support our allies. Walz didn’t commit and pivoted to blaming Trump—Trump, who negotiated the Abraham Accords—for the problems with Iran.

Closer to home, they talked about “climate change” in the wake of Hurricane Helene. Vance said he’s for clean air and clean water. To support that bring everything back to America instead of relying on China or other polluters. I thought that was a good answer. Walz brought up that Trump said climate change is a hoax. Well, Tim, it is. But he’s a true believer. Walz said that America is “producing more natural gas and oil than we ever have.” I don’t think that’s true, especially oil production. Harris-Biden has drained our strategic reserves and gas prices are at least double what they were under Trump.

When they turned to the illegal alien invasion through our southern border—oh, sorry, they said “migrants”—the “””moderators””” asked Vance if under the mass deportation plan Trump is said to have would he separate parents who are here illegally from their children born in the states? Vance deftly pointed out that the DOJ already have 320,000 children they’ve effectively lost because of Harris’s border policies, including the 94 executive orders that were signed on Brandon’s first day as Resident.

In a discussion about “reproductive rights” the “””moderators””” asked Walz if abortion in the ninth month is okay because he signed into law a policy that says it is. Walz pivots to raise the boogeyman of “Project 2025” that Trump has disavowed many times to put Vance on the defensive. Vance says that the GOP has to “win back the trust” of Americans on this issue. I didn’t like his dodge on this because it sounds like it leaves wiggle room. What are you going to do to “win” trust? Either you’re going to protect life or you’re not and I’d prefer someone who just puts it out there. Both Trump and Vance seem to have gone soft on opposition to abortion. Heck, Walz said that it’s a “woman’s right to choose. Mind your own business.” Let’s be that direct back.

The one thing that I resented about the debate was the unspoken assumption that government is the source of solutions for Americans. This was true in the discussions about healthcare (the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and medications), homebuilding (the government should not be involved in building homes on federal land), and childcare (which the “””moderators””” described as a “crisis”—everything is a “crisis” for these people).

GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY PRIVATE HEALTH DECISIONS as the abortionists are so fond of saying. Ever since Obamacare was passed healthcare has spiked and become nearly unaffordable. It’s outrageous. And why should employers be forced to provide paid leave for new mothers and fathers? It’s a nice benefit, but the problem is that families can’t afford to live without two incomes. Walz mouths some commie platitudes like “an economy that works for all” which means equal outcomes for everybody.

Yep, pretty soon the government controls everything (we’re not that far away, guys).

Walz shot himself in the foot multiple times. Trying to be self-effacing, he says, “I’m a knucklehead at times” in response to a question about leadership qualities. Not exactly a confidence builder for anyone listening who’s trying to decide if you should be a heartbeat away from the top spot. Then, in a segment about guns, he says, “I’ve become friends with school shooters.” Nothing like cozying up to some of the most mentally unstable and violent criminals in our current culture.

Walz lionized John McCain for “saving” Obamacare (conservatives loathe McCain for doing that), praised Mike Pence for his performance on J6 (another RINO), and included Dick Cheney (fake conservative) in his hilarious “coalition” that Harris has pulled together: Cheney, Bernie Sanders and Taylor Swift.

He actually named Taylor Swift! LOL

JD Vance wrapped up nicely with a closing statement that included this: Harris has said what she will do “Day One.” Well, “Day One” was 1400 days ago. She’s had three and a half years to do these things. We have the greatest country in the world, but you can’t achieve your dreams with the broken leadership in Washington, D.C.

As far as I know, that’s the last debate before the election. Get out there and vote. If you’re a believer, vote and pray. This is a critical election.