Daily Broadside | The Children Running Things Have Made the World Less Safe

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 12:1b
Why does the way of the wicked prosper?
Why do all the faithless live at ease?

It’s Wednesday and we’ve crested the bell curve for the week. True story: I’ve landed in an airplane one time less than I’ve taken off in one.

The more I read about the train wreck of a dumpster fire in Afghanistan the more livid I become. I’m sad, yes, over the tragedy and what it means for the men, women and children who are not the Taliban, but I’m more angry than sad about it by a factor of, oh, 100. And the group I’m angry with are the insipid clowns who have caused the disgraceful debacle in Afghanistan.

They’re like small children playing with dollhouses and toy cars, zooming along in their imaginations but totally clueless about how life works in reality. Resident Moonbeam blamed and deflected with a defiant tone during his ten minute explainer on Monday, just like a toddler who has been told to turn off the TV and get ready for dinner. These people are buffoons and idiots who lie for a living because reality doesn’t — and can’t — match their utopian fantasies.

You think I’m making this up? Here’s a transcript of Joey 39 Flavors contradicting his own intelligence services.

But Dementia Joe had a plan, a perfectly “careful and thought-out plan,” according to Chuck Schumer, the useless anti-American majority leader in the Senate, talking to CNN’s John Berman on April 14:

I think President Biden has come up with a careful and thought-out plan. Look, John, the president doesn’t want endless wars. I don’t want endless wars. And neither do the American people. And it’s refreshing to have a thought-out plan with a set timetable instead of the president waking up one morning, getting out of bed and saying what just pops into his head and then the generals having walked it back. So I think this is a careful, thought-out plan.

Maybe Chuck sincerely thought it was a careful and thought-out plan. But if he did, he was spectacularly wrong. If he didn’t, he’s a liar. Either way, Chuck Schumer’s a joker.

How about Secretary of State Antony Blinken just four days ago?

“Remember, this is not Saigon,” Blinken told CNN, referring to the fall of Saigon in 1975 at the end of the Vietnam War. “We went to Afghanistan 20 years ago with one mission, and that mission was to deal with the folks who attacked us on 9/11 – and we have succeeded in that mission.”

Sure, we didn’t “win” in Vietnam, but can you call it a “win” in Afghanistan? And why was there an urgent need to destroy documents and the scramble to evacuate our diplomats? Prevaricator.

Then there’s General Millie Vanillie who is fabulously woke, but who just wrecked all the work we did in Afghanistan:

The same month – since when the Taleban’s lightning offensive has surprised many US military officials – the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, General Mark Milley, also rejected comparisons to the desperate exit from Saigon.

“I do not see that unfolding,” Gen Milley said. “I may be wrong, who knows, you can’t predict the future, but I don’t see Saigon 1975 in Afghanistan. The Taleban (forces) just aren’t the North Vietnamese Army. It’s not that kind of situation.”

Got that? He did not “see that unfolding.” Oh, really? What did he see then, Afghans holding hands and singing us out of the country? How the hell does that man still have a job? Maybe instead of pushing CRT and chasing phantom terrorists among Normal Americans, he should have been studying the situation on the ground in Afghanistan.

Finally, there’s the wicked witch of the West, San Fran Nan:

In her full statement, she again emphasized Joey Fudge Chunk’s sensational planning: “Once again, I want to acknowledge the clarity of purpose of [alleged] President Biden’s statement and the wisdom of his actions.”

Yeah, Nancy? Tell that to Barack Hussein Obama, who told us not to “underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” I’m no fan of Obama, but at least he had Biden dead to rights on that count.

And don’t forget Circle Back Psaki believing that the plan is so wonderful they can’t guarantee that the 11,000 American citizens and 30,000 Afghan nationals who aided the U.S. efforts will get out safely.

Not to mention the “fair amount” of weapons the US left in Afghanistan are in the possession of the Taliban and won’t be returned to us.

Oh, and the terrorists coming across our southern border.

Oh also, the dolt Senator John Cornyn who tweeted “the number of US troops stationed in South Korea, Germany, Japan, China’s Taiwan and on the African continent to show how the number of US soldiers has dwindled in Afghanistan. But in the process, Cornyn revealed the shocking news that there are 30,000 US troops on China’s Taiwan island.” Now China has cause to go to war on Taiwan.

And China is wasting no time in threatening Taiwan.

Oh, and almost forgot, “Iran has accelerated its enrichment of uranium to near weapons-grade” because, Biden!

At least the tweets are nice now. Joey Vanilla Bean is restoring our norms, everybody!

Steven Hayward rants about our national humiliation.

Taxpayers should be furious not just about the profligate waste and extravagance of such an establishment, but at the bottomless idiocy of a class of credentialled people who think that the answer to every foreign problem is to spend absurd amounts of money, hire endless case officers and private contractors/consultants, outreach coordinators to tweet out rainbow flag celebrations, issue endless white papers analyzing the situation that bear little or no relation to reality, and an apparatus that has proven unable to process visas for the Afghans who worked for us, let alone have a plan for evacuating Americans. Despite Biden’s pathetic defense of the outcome, he ought to be furious with the whole upper echelon of our military-diplomatic complex. There ought to be mass firings. Of course, we all know that no one will be fired, and no senior person in this apparatus of disaster will have the honor to resign.

Again, these people are fundamentally unserious and they have just made the world a lot less safe; like, significantly unsafe. Not just in the Middle East, but in America. They have no business being on the operational side of the power they wield.

Anyone who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 owns this abject disgrace. They own our decimated economy, our lawless open border, the spiraling inflation, the expensive gasoline, the terrorist threats that now exist — they own it all. Trump had made us strong again, but they gave half of America the finger based on lies from the Deep State amplified by the Democrat-Media Complex, and now we all live with the consequences of their sanctimonious high-school hissy fit.

If there’s even a sliver of a silver lining in all of this — and that’s a very big “if” — it’s that everybody, including the cultural Marxists, just got hit upside the head with the real-world consequences of having Joseph Robinette Biden and his mob of junior commies in charge.

You can’t deny that he and his crew have screwed up royally. Everybody and their mother is pointing it out.

But it won’t change anything, guaranteed.

If it were up to me, I’d throw every last one of the Democrats — and a fair number of Republicans — out of their cushy office chairs paid for with my taxes. Washington needs to be torn down, salted over and rebuilt the way our Founders first did it — with truly wise men.

Daily Broadside | Papers, Please: A Visit From the Vaccine People

Daily Verse | Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.

Happy Tuesday my friends. The mosh pit that is America continues thrashing to the irrational noise that is our progressive disease. Everywhere you look there is anger, envy, resentment, bitterness, hostility, pride and hopelessness masquerading as righteousness. What little remains of the original American culture that used to bind us together feels isolated in little pockets away from where the music is loudest.

In the latest instance of cultural regression and the invasive creep that has become the rule of the Left, we’ve been told by the current administration that we’re going to receive a personal visit from a government minder representative who will attempt to get us vaccinated if we haven’t been by “sharing information” and dispelling “some of those rumors you’ve heard.”

Starting from the top, Resident Biden announced the campaign last Tuesday, saying that “we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and often times door-to-door — literally knocking on doors to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus.”

The administration fell short of its goal of having 70% of adults receiving at least one COVID-19 vaccination shot by July 4.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki previewed the Resident’s announcement.

The administration has tried to blunt criticism by telling us that the door-knockers will be local grassroots organizations and that the federal government doesn’t have a list of who is or is not vaccinated and that the vaccine isn’t mandatory. Still, this is authoritarian creep and a significant invasion of privacy.

For starters, it’s nobody’s business whether or not I’ve gotten the vaccine. I make that decision for myself. My medical history is private and no stranger showing up at my door has the right to know about it, much less ask about it.

That didn’t stop far-Left extremist Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra from telling us it is “absolutely” the government’s business to know if you’re vaccinated.

There is so much wrong with that statement, starting with his reason for why the government has the right to know who is or is not vaccinated — because the government “has spent trillions of dollars to keep Americans alive.” The government has spent trillions of dollars on delivering my mail, too, but they don’t have the right to know what’s in it just because they’ve spent trillions of dollars on getting it to me.

The amount of money they spend doesn’t invalidate my natural rights. I am a private citizen and a free man. I have the right to privacy and to be free from government interference. I am free to choose to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated and it’s none of their business whether I am or not.

Also, since when is the government concerned about spending money on lost causes?

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) gets it:

Interestingly, “As the Biden administration is ‘rethinking’ the coronavirus from China, a July poll indicates 57 percent of Americans believe they have less personal freedom today than before the coronavirus pandemic.” No kidding.

How will the government, or grass roots activists, know if someone is vaccinated or not unless they ask?

The stated goal is “to get people vaccinated” and the gubmint believes it is their business to know whether or not you are vaccinated. This, again, is creeping authoritarianism.

It’s only a short step from this to “Do you haff your papers?”