The Broadside | Gross Incompetence or Intentional Malfeasance. Either Way, It’s Not Good

I’m still neck deep in a couple of projects so posting will be light this week, and maybe next. But after the assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump and what’s coming to light about the entire situation, I have to jump in.

The more information we get, the worse it becomes. We’re talking either gross incompetence or intentional malfeasance. Either way, heads should be rolling and both parties should be demanding answers. Of course, the anti-American leftists, the Democrats, after a momentary denunciation of violence, have returned to doing what they do best: criticizing anything and everything, including the oversized bandage on Trump’s wounded ear.

I have nothing good to say about any of them so, as my parents taught me, I won’t say anything at all.

But I will go loud and long about the absolute $#!+show that led up to and followed on from those five shots the 20-year-old would-be assassin squeezed off, killing one man, wounding two others, and narrowly missing the skull of president Trump.

How is this even possible?!

Crooks’s parents warned police he was missing and they were worried about what he was up to hours before the shooting.

The would be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was noticed as a “person of interest” hours before Trump took the stage.

He was seen using a rangefinder, a device to zero in the sights on a gun. He had a backpack.

There’s video of Crooks casing the area and looking up at the buildings over an hour before the shooting.

Law enforcement observed Crooks for 30 minutes prior to the attempted assassination.

Law enforcement even took a picture of Crooks before the shooting.

Video shows Crooks was seen climbing on the roof with a gun, positioning himself. Rally goers shouted for police but were ignored.

One police officer peeked over the edge of the roof where Crooks was aiming. Crooks turned his gun toward the officer and the officer immediately dropped off to protect himself. He and the officer holding him up on a ladder alerted others that an armed individual was on the roof moments before Trump was shot.

There were LEOs and / or countersnipers in the same building that Crooks was perched on.

A sniper protecting the president had Crooks “in glass” (watching him through a rifle scope) prior to shots being fired.

The Secret Service was aware of the potential threat 10 minutes before Donald Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania but let Trump go on stage anyway.

Once the shots were fired, Secret Service agents immediately returned fire and killed the shooter. WHY DID THEY WAIT UNTIL HE HAD FIRED? None of that makes any sense.

In my opinion, the team of SS agents looked like a bunch of Keystone Kops. They were yelling “what are we doing?!” and one female officer couldn’t even holster her gun. Watch the video in the embedded X post by Michael Yon and look at how lost they look and how uncoordinated their movements are. None of them were in sync:

There aren’t really many choices here. Sean Davis lists four:

For now, I’m on option (2) but wondering how plausible (3) is. What got me to (2) is the obvious lie that a “sloped roof” was too dangerous for agents according to Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.

Finally, remember this from two weeks ago?