The House of Representatives passed a major antisemitism bill on Wednesday, which would crack down on antisemitism on college campuses as protests rage nationwide.
The bill, introduced by New York Republican Rep. Mike Lawler passed in a bipartisan 320-91 vote, per The Hill, and will now go to the Senate. The legislation was opposed by 21 Republicans, and 70 Democrats.
The legislation seeks to make the Department of Education adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism when enforcing the 1964 Civil Rights Act on college campuses.
The bipartisan legislation is called the “Antisemitism Awareness Act.” But there are a lot of problems with the law as written, including the fact that the definition is not even included in legislation, but outsourced to an international body that has no legal standing to tell us what we can or cannot say. Matt Walsh makes this point in his blog post on Thursday.
Why the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” is one of the worst pieces of legislation ever conceived
In addition, the legislation just passed by the House with the majority of Republican and Democrats supporting it, says that the examples given by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance are also to be considered part of this law.
Do you know what one of the “examples” of antisemitism is given by the IHRA?
Personally, I believe that all of us, Jew and Gentile, killed Jesus, but this is insane. If I were to stand up in a church and read John 19:7, I could conceivably be arrested under this “hate speech” law.
The Jewish leaders insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.”
I detest antisemitism, but this bill is unconstitutional on its face. It also directly attacks the First Amendment which protects all speech, including speech we find detestable.
Not only that, but what if the IHRA decides to change their definition of antisemitism? Or to add examples that target the Christian church even more directly? Worse, does the U.S. law automatically get updated with the revised definition and examples? Is it a “living and breathing” bill that can change based on the whims of people in other countries, including Israel?
We should all oppose this bill, like Thomas Massie, who posted a thread worth reading on X.
🧵 Today the House will vote on a bill to define antisemitism with the intent to increase prosecutions of activity on campuses.
The bill has a problem beyond violating the 1st Amdt:
The definition of antisemitism appears no where in the bill!
We are living in very dangerous times, my friends, because we have a bunch of morons running the country who have no understanding of the First Amendment or of the constitution they swore to protect, defend, and uphold.
Tucker Carlson showed up on Twitter at 8:00 PM ET (heh heh) with an unannounced monologue last night that already had more views than his show on Fox ever got (averaged 3.2 million viewers) an hour after he posted it.
His topic was the “unbelievably stupid debates” we see on television, which are irrelevant and forgettable. Yet, he says, almost none of them concern really big topics like war, emerging science, demographic changes, civil liberties and corporate power, among them. His accusation: both political parties and their donors collude to shut down any discussion about those big topics because they aren’t in their best interests.
His conclusion: the United States is a one-party system.
His hope: our current moment is too ridiculous to last.
When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time the liars, who’ve been trying to silence them, shrink, and they become weaker. That’s the iron law of the universe: true things prevail.
This is a theme that he offered at the Heritage Foundation on Friday, the last night of his show (unbeknownst to him at the time).
The second you decide to tell the truth about something, you are filled with this — I don’t want to get supernatural on you — but you are filled with this power from somewhere else. Try it! Tell the truth about something. You feel it every day. The more you tell the truth, the stronger you become. That’s completely real. It’s measurable in the way that you feel.
I understand what he’s describing. I think it’s that sense of relief once you stop pretending that something is true that isn’t. If you hold a lie as the truth, it creates a tension within you. Once you admit the truth, that tension is released. That “power” you feel is the freedom the truth brings.
As Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). That’s admittedly a bit of misapplication, but the principle, “the truth will set you free,” remains.
Carlson’s speech is interesting for another reason — it may be why he was fired from Fox. Here’s Matt Walsh’s take.
You can find the Vanity Fair article Walsh refers to here.
Of course, Carlson’s 8:00 PM slot at Fox News has already grown cold and thousands of viewers have canceled their Fox Nation subscriptions.
Fox must’ve thought their audience was so loyal to their brand that they could survive firing the most powerful conservative voice in cable news — in all of journalism, really. As I said on Tuesday, I’m guessing it will be a Bud Light moment, and a real head-scratcher at that.
But Carlson will be back and I hope he’ll hammer home the truth even more powerfully.
We don’t know a lot more about Audrey Hale, the young mentally-ill woman who shot dead three 9-year-olds and three 60-year-olds at a Christian school yesterday. But we’re learning a lot more about the trans community and their allies, of which she was a part.
Our noble media (*spit*) are blaming Republicans and Christians for what happened and spinning the story to make “trans” people the victims or to make the story about guns.
Forget that Audrey slaughtered six innocent people, including the three children. Instead, lecture those you despise with “Hate has consequences.” What are you implying, Trans Resistance Network? Seems to me the only one with “hate” around here is Audrey Hale.
And maybe you.
“Many transgender people deal with anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, and PTSD from the near-constant drum beat of anti-trans hate, lack of acceptance from family members and certain religious institutions, denial of our existence, and calls for de-transition and forced conversion,” TRN claimed.
“Anti-trans hate”? “Denial of … existence”? “Forced conversion”? You’d think the whole country was out hunting these people like fox hounds.
Matt Walsh addressed the shooting on his show yesterday.
Here’s a few paragraphs that I found helpful.
The transactivists are assured that, somehow, those who disagree with them are a threat to their very lives. Just by disagreeing. That those who do not affirm their self-identity are engaging in violence, simply by not affirming. That the refusal to affirm is essentially an act of murder, okay, because you’re murdering me by not affirming my self-identity, because my self-identity is the only identity that matters, and if you make me question my self-identity then you are basically killing me.
That’s the logic. And it is a logic that gives a green light to carry out atrocities. It is intended to do that. That is how it is intended. Let’s stop beating around the bush and pretending otherwise. This is what they want.
Every time someone, someone in the media, someone in D.C., anyone else, points at Christians, at conservatives, at any of us, and says, “They want genocide!” what they’re really saying is, “Deal with them! Shut them down! Silence them! Take them out!” That’s how the words are interpreted. How else could they be interpreted?! After all, if somebody was really carrying out a genocide, then violence would be the appropriate response.
Nobody I know wants to be targeted by transactivists for refusing to “affirm” a transsexual’s “identity.” But for most Christians, this poses a problem because it is clear that a person who is confused about whether they are a female or a male has some psychological issues. We don’t “affirm” someone who makes irrational claims. We get them help.
As believers, we also let them know that God loves them, right where they’re at, but we don’t let them stay in that confused state. We get them help. They need healing.
It’s a tough needle to thread.
This is the evil that we are up against. And evil is the point, here. Because, y’know, no matter who’s responsible for the latest burst of demonic evil, what lies at the root is the reality of human evil and a society that fosters this evil, and fertilizes it, to help it grow.
I think this is an important point. It’s not just that the people in charge are cultural Marxists; it’s not just that they celebrate the crazy over honoring historic and traditional norms; it’s that they encourage what is evil, what goes against “Nature and Nature’s God.” Our institutions, our politics, our universities, our entertainment, our mainstream heroes, are fostering evil.
We’ve become an evil empire. And why?
Whether it’s a trans person or anyone else carrying out the latest mass murder, the root is always a culture in a state of spiritual and moral decay. We’ve become a country filled with numb, detached, empty, desensitized people with no sense of underlying purpose.
Again, I’m brought back to John Adams’s statement because it so clearly underscores why things are off the rails in our country.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” — John Adams, Letter to the Militia of Massachusetts, 11 October 1798
While there are exceptions, especially in our churches (but not always), the institutions that drive culture are no longer populated by “a moral and religious People.” And, therefore, says Adams, the Constitution they created is “wholly inadequate” to govern us.
Guns aren’t the issue. We’ve had guns for hundreds of years but it’s only been recently that “guns” have become a problem — that comes in the wake of a society that has forsaken God and actively fosters evil.
And that evil will go after the only thing standing in it’s way: Christians.
Daily Verse | Job 40:8 “Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?”
Wednesday’s Reading: Job 41-42
Wednesday and a couple of nights ago we watched “What is a Woman?” starring author Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire. Bottom line on top: watch it.
In an age of progressive sexual insanity, Walsh sets out to ask experts, activists, and regular people on the street, “What is a woman?” You won’t be surprised to hear that most of them have no idea how to answer the question. Not only do they not know how to answer the question, a few of them threaten to end the interview—and one eventually does.
My wife and I sat there, astonished, at just how inverted (at least part of) our culture has become. It is so upside-down.
Like, Sodom and Gomorrah upside-down.
Then the Lord said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.” (Genesis 18:20-21)
Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” (Genesis 19:4-5)
Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. (Genesis 19:24-25)
In their sit-down, she says kids are ready for ‘medical affirmation when they ask for it’ – even if it’s before they have reached puberty.
‘Medical affirmation begins when the patient says they’re ready for it.
‘That could be a kiddo who is just starting puberty and they’re panicking because they’re just getting breast buds, or their penis is getting bigger and busier and they’re worried about all kinds of masculine changes,’ the doctor said.
That is when she says doctors can safely prescribe puberty blockers, claiming they are ‘completely reversible’ and ‘don’t have permanent effects.’
‘[They are] wonderful because we can put that pause on puberty, just like you’re listening to music.
‘You put the pause on and puberty would go right back to where it was, the next note in the song, just delay that period of time.’
Dr. Forcier also told him that his sperm doesn’t make him male and that an objective truth does not exist.
‘Whose truth are we talking about?’ she said.
‘The same truth that says we’re sitting in this room right now you and I,’ Walsh replied.
She shot back: ‘No, you’re not listening.’
Walsh pushed back: ‘If I see a chicken laying eggs and I say that’s a female chicken, did I assign female? Or am I just observing a physical reality that’s happening?’
The doctor, rejecting his argument, said: ‘Does a chicken have gender identity? Does a chicken cry? Does a chicken commit suicide? A chicken has an assigned gender but a chicken doesn’t have gender identity.’
She also said it’s only an assumption that a chicken laying eggs is female.
Among the puberty blockers that are used is Lupron, which can also be used to treat endometriosis and prostate cancer.
It has been used in the past to chemically castrate sex offenders.
Fortunately, Walsh also interviewed a Dr. Miriam Grossman, who “spoke of the dangers of prescribing kids with the drugs too early and said she’d spoken to the mother of a teenage trans girl who now has osteoporosis.” Osteoporosis is an old person’s disease.
‘How can they be removing the healthy breasts of 15-year-old girls? How can they be sterilizing kids? How can this whole thing be happening, Matt?’ she said.
I kept asking the same question throughout the documentary: “How is this possible?” It was all so absurd.
It wasn’t until Walsh flew to Africa that there was finally some relief. There, he met with tribal leaders and asked them some of the same questions he was asking in the United States.
“If you want to become a lady but you’re a man, you have something wrong in your family. Something wrong in you.” Right.
It feels so weird to have to look for some semblance of normalcy in a third-world country instead of one of the most advanced countries in history. But those tribesmen are who I identified with—not the “experts” that Walsh interviewed.
The trans-cult is truly troubling because they’re denying biological reality in favor of “feelings” or “perceptions” or “my truth.” It is irrational, meaning not logical or reasonable, detached from what is, in fact, true. And the worst part of it is that those who subscribe to such irrationality expect you to affirm their delusional views.
Some of the “experts” that Walsh interviewed got very testy or talked in circular arguments when he pushed on their assumptions. One in particular, a University of Tennessee women’s studies professor, said it was “transphobic, rude and condescending” to seek objective truth rather than accepting what people tell you.
When Walsh asked him to define what a woman is, the same professor answered, “A person who identifies as a woman.”
Walsh: “But what are they identifying as?”
Professor: “As a woman.”
Walsh: “What is that?”
Professor: “As a woman.”
A woman is a … woman. That’s the definition.
And these are the people teaching our children.
These are the people grooming our children.
These are the people abusing our children.
The Left has pushed for a utopian future, but we’re well onto the leading edge of a creeping dystopian nightmare.
“What is a Woman?” is a swift kick to the shins. As we sit in our suburban homes and attend our suburban churches, there is an evil rot saturating every facet of our society that is being ignored. At what point will sane men and women mount a counter-offensive?
Should you watch the movie? Yes, and encourage others to do the same.