Daily Broadside | Our Fake American Leader Now Has Blood On His Hands

Along with those who fortified the 2020 election, who also have blood on their hands.

Three American service members were killed early on Jan. 28 in a drone attack on a small U.S. base in Jordan, the Biden administration said in a statement. At least two dozen other troops were injured in the incident, U.S. officials said.

They were the first U.S. fatalities after months of strikes by Iranian-backed groups against American forces across the Middle East since the start of the Israel–Hamas conflict in Gaza, the White House and military officials confirmed. President Joe Biden vowed to hold the perpetrators to account; so far, no organization or government has claimed responsibility.

“Today, America’s heart is heavy,” the president said in a Jan. 28 statement. “Last night, three U.S. service members were killed—and many wounded—during an unmanned aerial drone attack on our forces stationed in northeast Jordan near the Syria border.”

U.S. officials are still working to conclusively identify the precise group responsible for the attack but have assessed that one of several Iranian-backed groups is responsible.

This loss of life is a direct result of Joe Biden’s intentional, strategic and treasonous subversion of our military fitness and his feckless priorities.

Under President Donald J. Trump, there were no new wars and our enemies understood that if they crossed us, Trump would deal severely with them. Under Brandon we abandoned Afghanistan and gave our enemies $81 billion in war machines, Russia attacked Ukraine, China has openly threatened Taiwan, North Korea has started lobbing missiles from both coasts, and Iran proxy Hamas savagely attacked Israel.

All because Trump said “pu**y.”

Well, not really. All because Trump is a viable threat to the oligarchy’s rule.

But I digress.

We’ve lost three soldiers and have 27 other casualties as a direct result of Brandon’s fake Americanism. What do you suppose our response will be? “President” Mush-for-Brains is in league with the Iranians and is allowing them to develop nuclear weapons to change the balance of power in the Middle East, something that has B. Hussein Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

President Biden’s statement accused “radical” groups backed by Iran operating in Iraq and Syria for the attacks, saying the United States “will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing,” without providing more details.

Here’s what he’ll do: he will send a couple of missiles into Iran or find a proxy somewhere to be the scapegoat. Whatever Brandon does, Iran will lose very little sleep over it and will instead use our response to gin up the radicals’ hatred with demonstrations and threats of violence.

And then, maybe, those single men of military fighting age from the Middle East who have crossed our southern border unmolested will “hold those responsible to account at a time and in a manner” of their own choosing.

Like on a train, a plane, or in a car in the center of Times Square.

Daily Broadside | Don’t Be Fooled. The Palestinians Aren’t Innocent Bystanders

While Israel continues to pound Gaza into submission and to exterminate the Hamas terrorists, the world continues to condemn the “excessive” civilian casualties.

Macron criticises ‘excessive’ civilian casualties in call with Netanyahu

The president of France criticised the “excessive number” of civilian casualties in Israel’s military operation during a phone call with Benjamin Netanyahu.

While reiterating Israel’s “right to defend itself”, Emmanuel Macron told Mr Netanyahu there was an “absolute need to distinguish terrorists from the population and to provide effective protection for civilians”, according to a summary of the conversation.

Mr Macron also reiterated “the importance of establishing an immediate humanitarian truce leading to a ceasefire”.

It is not the first time the French president has made comments of this nature, having called on Israel to stop bombing Gaza earlier this month and saying he hoped the US and the UK would join him in appealing for a ceasefire.

How does one measure “excessive”? Does Macron have a number in mind? Is it purely mathematical? In our world of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE), is it a life for a life? Or does it include the goal of eradicating the existential terrorist threat presented by Hamas and its groupies in Gaza? When the terrorists build tunnels under hospitals and arranges to protect itself behind civilian human shields, does that somehow make those civilians off limits?

Besides, what do you say when 90 percent of the “civilians” support Hamas and its goals?

A new opinion poll released by the Ramallah-based Arab World for Research & Development (AWRAD) revealed that the vast majority of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip support jihadist terrorism, and that Palestinians overwhelmingly approve of the October 7 slaughter in southern Israel that was carried out by Hamas.

The Palestinians support the most ferocious jihadi terrorist groups while having nothing but contempt for the United States and even Arab countries that had previously attempted to assist them.

The Al Qassam Brigades, which is supported by 89% of respondents, is the militant arm of Hamas. They are known for carrying out suicide bombing missions and terrorist attacks on civilians.

Islamic Jihad (known in the West as Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or PIJ), the second most popular group with 84% approval, is a terrorist organization that operates in Gaza and Lebanon. Their operations also include suicide attacks and indiscriminate violence against civilians.

The Al Aqsa Brigades, which, like the two aforementioned groups, is best known for its suicide attacks, receives an 80% approval rating. They operate mostly in the West Bank.

Hamas comes in fourth place with 76%. In all likelihood, Hamas is taking a back seat to the above groups because they are not committed to enough carnage against Israelis and the greater Western world.

As Jordan Schachtel goes on to note, this poll is not an aberration, but quite in line with other surveys that show a lifetime of radicalization and hatred of Israel and the United States.

If you think “these poor innocent civilians” you’re gravely mistaken. They fully support what Hamas stands for, even if Hamas isn’t as vicious in their terrorism as, say, the Al Qassam Brigades.

I fully recognize that, even if the majority of the civilian population supports Hamas and the atrocities of October 7, that does not qualify them as combatants, per se. However, it puts the lie to the terror apologists who cry about all the “innocent” women and children and grandparents. These are not pure as the driven snow, peace-loving people who just happen to live in a semi-state run by terrorists. They not only voted to put Hamas in power, they support their campaign of terror against the Israeli state.

Unfortunately, that puts them at risk as “collateral damage,” as the war statisticians put it. As General William Tecumseh Sherman put it, “War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.”

To that I would add, Don’t want none? Don’t start none.

Daily Broadside | Incisive Analysis About ME Conflict with “Tucker on X”

A short post this morning as I am running behind on some other priorities. Nonetheless, I can’t recommend strongly enough that you take some time to listen to Tucker’s conversation with Col. Douglas Macgregor about the situation in the Middle East and its threat to the U.S. He covers how this conflict will likely become not just a regional war but a World War, our economic and military weakness, and how our open southern border has placed us at tremendous risk.