Daily Broadside | Fake News CNN Proudly Owns Border Crisis and $3 Gas

Daily Verse | 2 Kings 5:15
Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.”

It’s Thursday and while you were minding your business and taking care of your loved ones, the ground beneath your feet continued to move. It may not look a lot different today but, believe me, it’s different than yesterday.

It’s particularly different when it comes to the legacy media and, specifically, when it comes to CNN. I’ve made no secret of my disdain for the legacy media outlets like MSNBCNNDNC+. They’re basically mouth organs for the anti-American Democrat party. Glenn Reynolds and his company of writers over at Instapundit often say things like, “Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense.”

Except at CNN, you can’t think of them as Democrat party operatives, but as members of the Ministry of Truth in America; more like Pravda, the former official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It’s no secret that CNN and other left-wing “news” outlets are biased in favor of the Democrats, but it wasn’t until this last week that they actually admitted what they are: a propaganda publishing house.

You may remember we recently covered that: “The term for people who lobby for Democrat policies in this clumsy of a manner is ‘Democrat activists in the propaganda field,’ certainly not reporters, or journalists. They need to be treated as what they are. It’s time to stop acting like these political activists are professionals who do honest journalism” (Mollie Hemingway).

In the latest Project Veritas sting video, CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester admits that CNN uses “propaganda” to help the Democrats.

“Look what we did, we got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out,” Chester says. “I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that.” He then admits that CNN made up a story about Trump’s health. “[His] hand was shaking or whatever, I think. We brought in so many medical people to tell a story that was all speculation … we were creating a story there that we didn’t know anything about. That’s what—I think that’s propaganda,” he says—and then shrugs off his admission.

“I think that’s propaganda.”

Yeah, I think that’s propaganda, too. Here’s how Merriam-Webster defines the word propaganda: “the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.” Hmm. Does that fit? CNN says they worked to harm president Donald J. Trump while propping up a “young geriatric” Biden to get Trump out.

Rumor? Check. Helping a cause? Check. Injuring a person? Check.

I think that’s propaganda.

In a second video, Project Veritas revealed the same junior commie talking about how CNN is trying to destroy Rep. Matt Gaetz. Here Chester admits CNN has an agenda and is intentionally trying to hurt Gaetz.

“If the agenda, say, is to like get, like Matt Gaetz right now—he’s like this Republican. He’s a problem for the Democratic Party because he’s so conservative and he can cause a lot of hiccups in the passing of laws and whatnot. So, it would be great for the Democratic Party to get him out. So we’re going to keep running those stories to keep hurting him. and make it so that it can’t be buried, and like just settled outside of court and just like, you know, if we keep pushing that, it’s helping us.”

Rumor? Check. Helping a cause? Check. Injuring a person? Check.

I think that’s propaganda.

When our Founders guaranteed “freedom of the press” in the First Amendment, what they meant was the right to publish apart from government approval. They intended to prohibit “Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.” And by “press” they literally meant the printing press.

What they did not mean was “journalism” or “newspapers” or “mainstream media”—and certainly not “CNN.”

The establishment media “press” of today has arrogated to itself a freedom belonging to all Americans and has used that theft to elevate itself to constitutionally protected status. The implications of this error are profound: those preening and self-righteous media elitists have no more rights or privileges under the Constitution than any other citizen and merit no special consideration from any other American, including elected officials. The same crowd which perpetrates fake news on us has perpetuated a fake meme about their own existence. It’s not quite stolen valor, but it’s at least stolen position, authority and reputation.

Here we have a member of the “establishment media press” which now openly admits that it has a viewpoint, an agenda, and a willingness to publish disinformation in pursuit of both. It probably also believes that it has “constitutionally protected status.”

“Look what we did, we got Trump out,” says Charlie Chester. Yeah, look what you did: Millions of illegal aliens crossing the border, kids being separated from parents, sex trafficking, paying $3.00/gal at the pump, and a brainless puppet occupying the White House—all courtesy of CNN!

CNN is an enemy of the people and should be treated like one.

Say, does anybody know if there’s a regulatory body that’s responsible for implementing and enforcing America’s communications law and regulations? A federal commission or agency, perhaps?



Trump was more right than we knew when he called CNN “Fake News.” Even CNN admits as much. Equally pathetic is that CNN has billed itself as “The World’s Most Trusted Name in News.” That’s propaganda if I’ve ever heard it.

Daily Broadside | One Year In and the Media is Still Garbage

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 4:20
The people of Judah and Israel were as numerous as the sand on
the seashore; they ate, they drank and they were happy.

It’s Wednesday and a small celebration. I started this blog just over a year ago on April 1, 2020. It’s been a year of learning as I developed content and tried to find a rhythm that suited me—and you, the reader. My “Daily Broadside” has become the spine of the blog that gets sent to more than 200 subscribers every Monday through Friday at 5:00 AM.

A big thank you to you subscribers for signing up and supporting this venture. I do no advertising so I assume most of the growth is due to word-of-mouth from fans of this blog.

I have some ideas of how to keep evolving the blog and I’ll be experimenting this next year with changes that will hopefully keep you engaged and build a larger audience. If you have friends who you think would like what we discuss here, I’d be grateful if you’d share the site with them and encourage them to subscribe. When you share it means a lot to me, especially these days when cancel culture is a thing and Constitutional conservatives who follow Christ are shouted down for refusing to follow the herd.

I don’t expect everyone who reads this blog to agree with everything I write, but I do hope there’s a lot of like-minded people gathering here to consider what’s happening to our country politically and culturally and where faith in God fits in. And I’ll bet that there are a lot more out there. Let them know there’s a place that is making the effort to represent their view too.

The other thing to note is that if you’re reading through the Bible with me this year, we’re now 25 percent of the way through. Keep going! You can download a copy of the plan below if you’d like to join us.

All I want to do with this morning’s Broadside is reinforce what I’ve repeatedly said here and on social media. The legacy media is garbage—absolute garbage. There are plenty of examples out there and I’ve offered many in the past. What I want you to see is a couple of quotes from Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at The Federalist, who wrote a terrific piece on March 31 called, “It’s Important To Be Honest About What Today’s Media Actually Are.”

In it she examines Resident Biden’s “press conference,” which was really a staged and carefully managed public Q&A with pre-determined questioners and written answers for the cognitively disabled man at the podium. Hemingway writes, “Biden had his own struggles in the slow and painful press conference, repeatedly having to read off notecards to get through the few mild foreign policy topics, and occasionally getting lost in ‘rhetorical cul-de-sacs,’ as Fox News’ Bret Baier kindly put it. But somehow it was the media performance that stood out as particularly cringe-inducing.”

After carefully analyzing the presser and showing how unprofessional the “journalists” were, she offers a couple of paragraphs (below, with my emphasis) that I think sum up what is increasingly obvious about “journalists” these days.

The term for people who lobby for Democrat policies in this clumsy of a manner is “Democrat activists in the propaganda field,” certainly not reporters, or journalists. They need to be treated as what they are.

It’s time to stop acting like these political activists are professionals who do honest journalism. Continuing that pretense is not doing a favor to the public. It’s not true. With very few exceptions, these people are not there to do journalism, and we need to be honest about that with the public. Not everyone is as bad as everyone else, but nearly the entire press corps is somewhere on the Democrat activist scale, from lefty to fringe, from shrewd to clumsy and clownish.

So what do we do? We stop giving them our time, attention and money.

They need to be treated as what they are. So for the love of all that’s holy, stop calling them the “mainstream media” when they are anything but mainstream, with views far to the left of the average American, and they’re not media but propagandists and political activists. If you hear anybody else refer to the “mainstream media,” rhetorically slap that 1980s term out of their mouth.

Average Americans need to stop reading and watching the corrupt corporate media. They should immediately stop subscribing to them, stop advertising with them, and stop paying attention to them. Reporters at these outlets quite obviously hate many Americans and the values they hold, and it’s time most Americans realized that and acted appropriately in response.

Don’t just take it from me—Hemingway and others who are a lot smarter than I am and get paid to write opinions say the same thing. One of the first I read was Glenn Reynolds over at Instapundit, who often remarks, “Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines and you won’t go far wrong.”

I’ve learned that is true and so should you.