Daily Broadside | Don’t Look Now, But All Signs Point to A November Blow Out

Daily Verse | Psalm 2:12
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

Friday’s Reading: Psalms 7-12
Saturday’s Reading: Psalms 13-18

Friday and the close of another week, a week that saw a serious threat on the life of a Supreme Court Justice, our senior executive (emphasis on senior) “joking” that all Republicans need to go to jail as his brain goes on the fritz, the “paused” Ministry of Truth (Disinformation Governance Board) outed as a vehicle to monitor and restrict the free speech of American citizens, an actor I admired somehow gains the White House podium and gives a moving but, ultimately, lousy speech on gun control, Brandon is heckled at the Americas neighborhood conference as several countries skip it, we’ve got a new and improved caravan of 15,000 aliens moving up through Mexico demanding to be let in, and the desperate Democrat’s January 6 committee began televising their show trial in the hopes of driving a great turnout in November.

Scam likely!

But underneath all the scamming going on for the cameras, the numbers tell the story. Resident Brandon who represents the Democrats, is on the skids and can’t seem to stop. According to RedState, “he’s already lower [in the polls] than all modern presidents who held the office.”

Here’s a look at how the Chucklehead in Chief is doing.

According to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll, the “most votes in history” have evaporated.

Joe Biden’s approval ratings for his handling of these key issues are all well underwater, suggesting trouble for the president and Democratic candidates ahead of the midterm. Only 37% approve of Biden’s handling of the economic recovery, and even fewer approve of his handling of inflation (28%) and gas prices (27%).

81 million votes just … gone. Where did they all go?

Scam likely!

In an April ABC News/Ipsos poll, there was a 20-point gap between Republicans and Democrats in enthusiasm to vote this November, with 55% percent of Republicans saying they were very enthusiastic about voting compared to 35% of Democrats. That gap has narrowed somewhat in this poll, but Republicans still enjoy a significant advantage with 57% saying they are enthusiastic about voting compared to 44% of Democrats.

You know why Republicans are so enthusiastic? Because conservatives are SANE.

Even CNN is admitting the reality of Brandon’s disastrous Residency.

“On inflation, it’s 28 percent; with 68 percent disapproving. That is a very, very, very, very, very bad number,” Enten explained, when Americans say that the most urgent issue to them is inflation, at 33 percent–far and away outpacing abortion. So, if Democrats thought that pro-abortion anger was going to win it for them, they might need to think again.

How about the new Quinnipiac poll?

“College-educated whites.” LOL. How much you want to bet that the majority of those are wine moms living the vida loca and demanding to see the manager?

Worse still for Democrats, Republicans lead them by 3 percentage points among Hispanics. As Giancarlo Sopo tweeted, “THIS is why Democrats are buying Hispanic radio stations. They’re terrified.”

When it comes to winning control of Congress, 46% prefer Republicans while 41% prefer Democrats.

Back to RedState:

In new Zogby polls, he’s also lost a lot of ground with young people, suburbanites, women, minorities (especially Hispanics), and union members. I’m not sure who is left after that for Democrats. Biden is now underwater in Hispanic approval, with 45 percent disapproval and 44 percent approval. The reason why? Just 27 percent think the country is heading in the right direction.

Only Brandon thinks the country is heading in the right direction.

Morning Consult, which skews Democrat, has some new numbers.

Here’s what they conclude:

  • The latest survey found that 58% of voters disapprove of Biden’s job performance and 39% approve. It marks the 46th president’s lowest approval rating and highest disapproval rating in 62 weekly surveys conducted since he took office in January 2021.
  • For comparison, Biden’s latest numbers are worse than Donald Trump’s were at this time four years ago, when 45% approved and 52% disapproved of the former president. Biden’s popularity, or lack thereof, mirrors Trump’s standing in June 2020, when the nation was grappling with the twin crises of the pandemic and the response to the murder of George Floyd.
  • Republicans are far more strident in their disdain for Biden than Democrats are in their support: 80% of GOP voters “strongly disapprove” of Biden’s job handling, compared with 37% of Democrats who “strongly approve” of it.

John Carney says Brandon has lost Democrats on the economy.

… The economy grew at a pace of 4.1 percent in the final three months of 2020, faster than expected and much better than it had earlier in the year. By any objective measure, the economy was getting better—but Democrats were in deep denial about that fact.

This flipped once Biden took office. In March of 2021, sixty-seven percent of Democrats said the economy was getting better, and just 11 percent said it was getting worse, according to the Civiqs tracking poll.

This shift was particularly striking given the actual trajectory of the economy. By the first quarter of 2022, real GDP growth actually turned negative. Real wages declined despite unemployment returning to the pre-pandemic Trump-era lows. The economy was recovering to an objectively worse state than we had experienced before the pandemic.

This fantasy of an economic boom could not last—and it did not. The most recent Civiqs tracking poll shows 41 percent of Democrats saying the economy is getting worse, and just 24 percent say it is getting better.

Biden has lost the Democrats when it comes to the economy.

Well, except the college-educated white women who think things are fab.

Brandon is tanking and has been for months. He’s an incompetent buffoon who only pretends to be in charge. Scam not only likely, but provable.

This should all be good news for Republicans, conservatives and anyone else who is normal. Unfortunately, we’ve learned that we can’t count on that to be reflected at the polls, what with “an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans” that came together “to protect the [2020] election.”

My hope is that if the motivation to vote is high, and some of the loopholes used to “fortify” the election have been zipped shut, we might see a true reflection of the will of the people. As Hugh Hewitt once observed, “If it’s not close, they can’t cheat.

This could be a wave election but, to be honest, I can’t be optimistic about the outcome until the voting booths close and we see what the polls have been telling us reflected in the results. That’s how much damage the Democrats, anarchists, antifa, progressives and anti-American Leftists have done to our representative republic.

Fortunately, God still sits enthroned in the heavens and laughs at the efforts of kings and presidents and prime ministers and billionaires to take power while shaking their puny fists at the King of kings.

Why do the nations conspire
    and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth rise up
    and the rulers band together
    against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
“Let us break their chains
    and throw off their shackles.”

The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
    the Lord scoffs at them.
He rebukes them in his anger
    and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
“I have installed my king
    on Zion, my holy mountain.”

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | These Colors Don’t Run (Unless You’re a Democrat)

Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 3:19
The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground.

Friday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 4-8
Saturday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 9-12

Friday and the close of the week. For those of you with Irish blood, I hope your Thursday was happy and green for St. Paddy’s Day.

A few days ago a Quinnipiac University poll reported that if Americans found themselves in the same position as the Ukrainians—under military attack by a foreign adversary—“only 55 percent said that they would stay and fight for this country.”

As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country? A majority (55 percent) say they would stay and fight, while 38 percent say they would leave the country. Republicans say 68 – 25 percent and independents say 57 – 36 percent they would stay and fight, while Democrats say 52 – 40 percent they would leave the country.

Only 55 percent said they’d stay and fight? Wut?

More than half of Democrats would leave the country, which is surprising; I would have guessed that number to be between 60 – 70 percent. Still, that’s understandable for a group that associates with a criminal political party that hates the United States.

Shockingly, more than half of Democrats (52%) said they would cut and run if the U.S. homeland were invaded. We aren’t talking about women and children, or even some cadre of pacifists and conscientious objectors. This is most Democrats saying they’d rather leave America than defend it. Only a pathetic 40% said they would stick around.

Republicans did better. More than two-thirds (68%) said they would stand their ground. This could be a reflection of the partisan skew in the nation’s distribution of small arms. But 1 in 4 Republicans said they’d flee—not exactly the don’t-tread-on-me spirit I was expecting.

Seriously, where are the patriots?

What in the hell has happened to this country? One can hardly imagine Americans of yesteryear exhibiting such high levels of yellow-bellyism. Where have all the Minutemen gone? The Molly Pitchers? The Audie Murphys? The Todd Beamers?

Here’s the breakdown of the results:

A couple of observations about the demographics. First, 58% of whites with a college degree would not stay and fight. That’s worse than the 52% of Dems who would flee.

Second, two-thirds of those in the 50-64 age group would stay and fight. That’s likely because they still have the stirrings of a patriotism that has been slowly driven out of our children over the last few generations. The 18-34 demographic has the highest number of those who would run. Aligns with the immaturity and outright mental warp of those generations.

Third, it’s a revelation, but perhaps unsurprising, that black Americans have the lowest number of those who would stay and fight (38%) and the highest number of those who would leave the country (59%). Why stay to fight for a country you are told is racist to the core? You might even cheer its destruction.

Even more surprising is that Hispanics are the second-highest group who say they would fight (61%). Would love to know the demographic make-up of the 1,374 U.S. adults polled.

None of this instills confidence in our ability to defend ourselves against a foreign military assault on our homeland.

Jonathan Turley writes in response to the poll:

The poll shows a crisis of faith within the Democratic party, but also our country at large. People have lost faith in our common article of faith in the Constitution. That did not occur over night. There have been unrelenting attacks on our institutions and core values for years that ignore our countervailing successes. We have gone through terrible periods and faced terrible institutions and practices from slavery to segregation. However, we faced them as a people united in a common faith captured in the Declaration of Independence:

Many years ago as I watched the divisions in this country widen, I realized that we no longer had common interests. When we divide into tribes that are set against each other—women against men, religious against irreligious, rich against poor, black against white, homosexual against straight, citizens against illegals, socialists against capitalists, constitutionalists against Marxists—we lose the broader principles and culture that bind us together.

Who wants to fight for the Karens that despise you? Who wants to fight on behalf of the bitter clingers and deplorables? Will you really defend my right to say what I want when you think that what I say is “literally violence”? Who the heck wants to go to war to protect the soy boys and antifa anarchists?

What’s amazing is that 45 percent of Americans don’t even have the guts to defend hearth and home. They would literally abandon their home to preserve their life. Turley again:

If you are not willing to defend this country, citizenship becomes a status of convenience; an opportunistic association that can be shed as easily as it is acquired. It is a commitment that extends little beyond annual tax obligations.


I’m part of the 50-64 demo and, you’ll not be surprised to learn, I would stay and fight. And I know others who would stand and fight. But will it be enough?

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Resident Biden’s “81 Million” (LOL) Voters Are All Turning On Him Now

Daily Verse | Romans 5:19
For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.

Friday’s Reading: Romans 6-8

Hello and thanks for joining me this morning on the Broadside. I think that most home foyers are under-utilized.

It’s Friday and I wanted to get at least one more post out there before the weekend. Not sure if you noticed but Resident Joe Brandon’s poll numbers are cratering, even among the hard left progressive pollsters like The Washington Post which recently conducted a poll with ABC News.

In a sharply divided country, Biden began his presidency with a slight majority approving of his performance, but his standing has steadily dropped since midsummer. His overall approval rating now stands at 41 percent, with 53 percent saying they disapprove. Those who say they strongly disapprove of the way he has handled his job represent 44 percent of adults. Strong disapproval peaks at 80 percent among Republicans, though 45 percent of independents strongly disapprove of Biden’s performance, as do 48 percent of suburbanites and 44 percent of White college graduates. Biden’s overall approval rating is down from 50 percent in June and 44 percent in September, although his current standing is not statistically different from two months ago.

Biden’s popularity also has slumped among his own base. In June, 94 percent of Democrats approved of the way he was handling his job compared with 3 percent who disapproved. Today, 80 percent of Democrats are positive and 16 percent are negative. Barely 4 in 10 Democrats strongly approve of Biden today, down from about 7 in 10 who did so in June.

Over at Politico, they conducted their own poll on Biden’s mental and physical health with Morning Consult and found that,

Voters have increasing doubts about the health and mental fitness of President Joe Biden, the oldest man ever sworn into the White House, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Only 40 percent of voters surveyed agreed with the statement that Biden “is in good health,” while 50 percent disagreed. That 10-percentage-point gap — outside the poll’s margin of error — represents a massive 29-point shift since October 2020, when Morning Consult last surveyed the question and found voters believed Biden was in good health by a 19-point margin.

In West Virginia, MBE Research found that the Mountain State disapproves of Resident Biden by a margin of 33 percent.

Significantly more West Virginia voters disapprove (65%) of the job Joe Biden is doing as President of the United States than those who approve (32%). Conversely, the Republican Governor of the State, Jim Justice, enjoys a 68% job approval rating compared to 28% who disapprove. Interestingly, United States Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat, has an overall job approval rating of 60% compared to 37% who disapprove despite the President Biden’s relative unpopularity among Mountain State voters.

A survey released by the National Republican Congressional Committee on Tuesday also claimed some eye-popping numbers.

  • Among these economy-focused voters, a generic Republican leads a generic Democrat by a 2:1 margin (58%-29%).
  • When it comes to border security, Republicans hold an astonishing 83-point advantage, 87% Republican to 4% Democrat.
  • President Biden’s job approval is 42% among voters in battleground districts, while a 52% majority disapprove of the job he is doing.
  • Just 20% of voters strongly approve of Joe Biden, while more than double that amount (43%) strongly disapprove.

Finally, take a look at the poll published yesterday by the left-wing Quinnipiac.

You know why? In the same poll, 52 percent of Americans say Democrats have moved too far left while only 35 percent say the Republicans have moved too far to the right. As I’ve hammered home here and in other places, the Democrats are a criminal organization masquerading as a political party — and Americans are starting to wake up.

Other findings that are interesting:

The Politico/Morning Consult poll found that “Biden is losing support among the most loyal Democratic segment of the electorate: Black voters. Not only does polling show it, Newhouse said — so did a recent focus group of Black voters in a Southern state who were interviewed to discuss policy issues.”

In the Post/ABC polling they found that, “the poll’s most striking feature is the generic Congressional question: if the election for the U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for (or lean toward) the Republican or the Democratic candidate? Among registered voters, the GOP has a stunning ten-point lead, 51% to 41%. That is the widest pro-GOP margin since WaPo/ABC began asking the question 40 years ago.

Independents are regretting their vote for Joey Sugar Cone: “The Post-ABC poll also showcases Americans’ current pessimism: Despite a mix of economic signals — falling unemployment and rising prices —70 percent rate the economy negatively, including 38 percent who say it is in “poor” condition. About half of Americans overall and political independents blame Biden for fast-rising inflation, and more than 6 in 10 Americans say he has not accomplished much after 10 months in office, including 71 percent of independents…” In the Quinnipiac poll, Independent voters want the GOP to control the House (41-31 percent) and the Senate (44-34 percent).

Here is where an appropriate comment is, “this is looking great — but don’t get cocky.” There’s still a year to go until the 2022 midterm elections and a lot can happen in that time. But the sentiment of the country is trending more conservative, which bodes well if Biden and his junta continue to kill the economy, fixate on forcing vax mandates, keep the millions of illegal aliens invading our country and keep propping up an incompetent, racist grifter as “leader” of the free world.

We can all see and feel the repercussions of the foolish national vote that installed this morally vacuous moron and his equally idiotic clown car of an administration. You regret your vote? Good for you. Maybe in twelve months you can help fix what you imposed on us.

I still shake my head that there were enough people who voted for Biden to make it close enough to steal. Anyone paying attention knew what we were in for with him — yet here we are.
