Daily Broadside | Only One Vision Can Prevail At A Time

Daily Verse | Song of Songs 8:7
Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.

Friday’s Reading: Isaiah 1-4
Saturday’s Reading: Isaiah 5-8

It’s Friday—and Sunday’s comin’! Every Friday is a good reminder that the resurrection is coming and will defeat all evil and death. We need that more than ever in the world we currently live in.

There’s no doubt in my mind that the Democrats, and their enablers in the unaccountable alphabet agencies, the media, and our once-noble institutions, are working methodically to bring about the “fundamental transformation” of America that the Lightbringer, Barack Hussein Obama, introduced us to in 2008.

The conditions for that transformation were seeded in the first half of the 1900s when the Marxist Frankfurt School joined Columbia University in New York City in 1935. From there, they spread the philosophy of “critical theory” throughout the U.S. and poisoned generations of young Americans with their “long walk through the institutions.”

Unfortunately, our present-day society is reaping the whirlwind that men like Max Horkheimer, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse sowed. And it’s not the commies in the country that have the most to lose — it’s normal Americans who love what America used to stand for.

We don’t really have two political parties; we have the Uniparty, which is made up of Democrats and Democrats-Light. One only has to look at what’s happening in the “sacred halls” of Congress (*spit*) where 47 Republicans joined with all of the Democrats to pass the Respect for Marriage Act, 267-157.

That “act” is meant to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act—signed into law by president Bill Clinton with bipartisan support in 1996 that recognized marriage as “a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife”—in order to prevent the Supreme Court from reversing Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that made same-sex marriage a constitutional right.

Or look at the 50-50 Senate, where they passed an ever-more intrusive gun bill by 65-33. So much for protecting legal gun owners and respecting our Second Amendment rights.

Democrats, as a class, no longer respect the U.S. Constitution (if ever they did) and think of it as an outdated, living document into which their post-modern preferences can be read. Or that it is an obstacle to be surmounted on the way to their idea of “utopia.” Maddeningly, it seems like many Republicans are right there with them.

One of the most wickedly dangerous things Obama did while president was to replace nearly 200 generals, colonels and flag officers in the U.S. military over five years with men and women who supported his socialist views in an unprecedented purge. Our military is now an experiment in fusing woke philosophy with an institution that was designed to kill people and break stuff. Most of us know how that will turn out. While the Chinese are developing warriors, we’re designing flight suits for pregnant women womyn. That should go well.

We were locked down for almost two years and hundreds, if not thousands, of small businesses were destroyed.

Our elections are now suspect. After 2020, can anyone say that they trust our elections to be fair and free from corruption? I can’t.

We have a two-tiered system of justice that breaks the social contract we grew up with. A “nation of laws” that no longer treats all citizens impartially without regard to rank, status or power can no longer be considered just.

The current administration is deliberately killing our energy sector in pursuit of some mythical green salvation story that’s all based on a lie, while we have enough oil lying beneath our feet to power us for the next 400 years.

Inflation is stressing middle America. Eggs are $3 a dozen. Gas is $5 a gallon. All this while the Speaker of the House’s husband is getting rich off insider information that the rest of us don’t have access to.

None of this is the result of a ruling class that is looking out for the people’s interests. It’s all deliberately destructive.

This is a cultural problem because, just like the “long march” took decades to complete, we can’t reverse what has happened on whim. It’s now part of our national character. That can’t be weeded out except over a couple of generations.

I don’t know what the final act is going to be in this ongoing drama. We might see some more power shifting back and forth between “normies” and the domestic enemies of We the People. But the Left is relentless and holds the heights and therefore the advantage, at the moment.

We’re in an existential battle for our survival as a country and as a people. Only one vision of the future can survive, not the two mutually exclusive ones that are currently competing for supremacy.

Which will it be?

Have a good weekend.