Daily Broadside | Robert DeNiro Barely More Cogent Than Biden During NYC Rant

For most of my life I never paid much attention to actor Robert De Niro. As an actor, he belongs in the ranks of top-tier performers like Al Paccino, Jack Nicholson, Denzel Washington, Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Oldman.

But Robert De Niro lost his mind when Trump was elected and still hasn’t recovered. It’s always puzzled me. If one wanted a case study of TDS, rage junkie De Niro is it.

Following Biden’s embrace of one-hit wonder Mark Hamill four weeks ago, his campaign arranges a “press conference” featuring De Niro outside the court where Trump’s trial is taking place.

And he shows up with a mask. A mask!

That’s so 2020.

So what drives De Niro’s contempt for Trump? He’s short on specifics but long on speculation.

De Niro, 80, has already narrated ads for the Biden campaign, and told reporters Tuesday that Trump “wants to sow total chaos” and “destroy not only the city” before expanding his argument to say “eventually he could destroy the whole world.”

“I don’t mean to scare you. No, wait, maybe I do mean to scare you,” he said at one point. “If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted.

“And elections. Forget about it. That’s over. That’s done. If he gets in. I can tell you right now. He will never leave. He will never leave. You know that. He will never leave.”

Trump will sow total chaos, destroy the city, destroy the country, destroy the whole world, take away our freedoms, and will never leave.

Sowing total chaos? Like admitting tens of millions of foreigners into the country illegally? Like confusing children about their “gender”? Like letting thieves and homicidal maniacs back on the streets with no cash bail after they commit crime?

Destroy the city? Like Democrat governors did in New York, Los Angeles, Detroit and Chicago? Or like in East Palestine, Ohio, where a train derailment resulted in a toxic chemical spill that Biden could care less about?

Destroy the country? Like destroying businesses during Covid? Like shutting down coal? Shutting down the Keystone pipeline?

Destroy the world? Like in Ukraine, Afghanistan and Israel?

Take away our freedoms? Like censoring topics on Twitter/X? Like putting hundreds of patriots in jail indefinitely without due process over nothing more than walking through the Capitol when invited in by the Capitol police? Like mandating masks and like Biden telling us he’s losing patience with those of us who refused the “vaccines”?

Never leave? Like when Biden and his gang steal the election later this year?

There’s only two options here: he either believes his hype or he doesn’t, and I’m inclined to think he believes it.

It’s fascinating and infuriating, but not impossible to believe that he’s serious.

It’s delusional. It’s exactly the kind of things that conservatives would say about Biden, but we’ve got evidence to back up our assertions that De Niro and his constituency have to ignore.

When Trump goes after the Deep State and the grifting rulers, that’s “sowing total chaos.” That’s upsetting the elites like De Niro, who like their place above the “clowns” that he makes room for. Yes, he actually said that.

It’s so weird.

If you have the stomach for it, you can watch the whole thing here:

De Niro’s fragile ego takes a hit when counter-protestors call him “washed up” and a “mook.” I had to look up what a mook was: a foolish, insignificant, or contemptible person. You know, the very thing that De Niro accuses Trump of being.

But he couldn’t take it when it was dished out.

Reality bites when you’re not acting.