Daily Broadside | The Ugly Truth About Speaker Pelosi

Daily Verse | Romans 11:25-26
Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.

Monday’s Reading: Romans 12-16

Last week Nancy Pelosi announced that she will not seek re-election to leadership among the Democrat caucus. She’s led the Dems since 2003 and was the first female Speaker in U.S. history. She held the gavel from 2007-2011 and then again from 2019 until now.

“And with great confidence in our caucus, I will not seek reelection to Democratic leadership in the next Congress,” she said. “For me, the hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect, and I’m grateful that so many are ready and willing to shoulder this awesome responsibility.”

While she’s achieved some historic accomplishments, I say “good riddance.” The defining moment of her “leadership” for me came during Trump’s 2020 State of the Union speech, when she methodically ripped up her copy of his speech while still on the podium after Trump had concluded his speech.

In that moment she disgraced her position of power and allowed whatever personal animus she had toward Trump to express itself publicly. Instead of the decorum the office deserved, she used the occasion to deliver a moment of ugly disrespect to both Trump and the millions of Americans who supported him.

It was childish, boorish and beneath the dignity of her office. It was also par for the course. She led two highly politicized efforts to oust him via impeachment, both of which failed. Her intent to smear him was evident when she said, “He just got impeached. He’ll be impeached for ever. No matter what the Senate does. He’s impeached for ever because he violated our constitution.”

Whatever personal vendetta she had, she had no right to use the political power she was entrusted with to persecute Trump.

Lots of people praise Pelosi for her tenure as speaker. I don’t. She was and is a disgraceful partisan hack who did more damage to the American political institution than any speaker before her.

She deserved to be gone long before now.

Good riddance.

Daily Broadside | No One But Dems Think Brandon’s SOTU Speech Was Honest

Daily Verse | Deuteronomy 32:47
They are not just idle words for you—they are your life.

Thursday’s Reading: Joshua 1-5

Thursday and Resident Brandon’s State of the Union speech is being panned all over the internet. I’ve written before that Democrats lie all the time. I used to do a “Democrats Lie Daily” post on Facebook and was never at a loss for content. They lie, they obfuscate, they redirect, they avoid, they ignore. And Brandon did that in spades on Tuesday night, well beyond what I wrote about yesterday.

From Issues & Insights: Joe Can’t Change the Subject, So His SOTU Leaves Us Wishing to Change the President.

And it’s another time-honored tradition, this of crisis communications, that when you can’t change the facts, you change the subject.

There’s one problem: the facts of Slumpy Joe’s failures loom so large that even larding 11 minutes of characteristically stumbling (Putin will “never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people”) dime-store Churchill at his oration’s opening could only delay the moment of reckoning.

From The Federalist: 17 Absurd Lies Biden Told During His State Of The Union Speech. Here’s a couple of them.

Biden told Americans, “I will be honest with you, as I’ve always promised,” but The Federalist’s regularly updated lie tracker proves that claim is far from the truth.


Biden touted the rising U.S. job record as one of the highlights of his first year in office but failed to mention that the only reason the job rate is growing is that millions of people are returning to work after tyrannical bureaucrats shut down the economy for months in the name of stopping the spread of a virus.


Biden claimed that the solution to inflation is for businesses to “lower your costs, not your wages,” but anyone with a brain knows that in order to stay open, companies must raise their prices to pay for increasingly expensive goods. If businesses are forced to raise their wages, they will also raise prices for consumers who have to bear the burden or suffer the consequences of understaffing.

From The Patriot Post: SOTU 2022: Fact-Checking Biden’s Big Obfuscations and Lies.

Upon entering the room, Biden handed Speaker Nancy Pelosi the official copy of his remarks. She did not tear up the pages, one by one, as she did Donald Trump’s last SOTU remarks in 2020, when the state of our union was great. However, tearing up Biden’s speech would have been the best thing she could have done for her party’s midterm prospects. (BTW, our criminal complaint against Pelosi for tearing up that official document is still pending.)

From Based Politics: 3 Big Falsehoods in President Biden’s State of the Union Address. Here’s one:

During the State of the Union address, President Biden repeated his false claims that his agenda only involves increasing taxes on the rich.

“Under my plan, nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes,” he said. “Nobody.”

This is completely false. Since taking office, Biden has put forward multiple tax proposals that would increase taxes on Americans earning less than $400,000.

These include a new tax on nicotine products which would hurt poorer Americans hardest, increased corporate taxes which workers would bear through lower wages, and more. Even liberal-leaning think tanks and analysts have acknowledged that Biden’s pledge simply isn’t true—and parroting it yet again at the State of the Union doesn’t change this.

From The National Interest: Biden Didn’t Mention Social Security During the State of the Union.

Another indication that the federal government isn’t prioritizing the health of Social Security? It was not mentioned in President Biden’s State of the Union address Tuesday night.


The president did announce plans in December to improve Social Security’s online services, and while Biden touted various achievements of his administration’s first year, that was not among the ones mentioned. 

And one more from The Daily Wire: ‘F***ing Pandering 101, Full Of S***’: Border Patrol Agents React To Biden’s State Of The Union Immigration Claims. (Hey, I report, you decide.)

Former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf tweeted, “That mention of border and immigration security was lip service. Nothing more. No vision, no strategy. Just a wish list and another hollow push for immigration reform legislation. I think the President may have forgotten he has authority to fix the crisis NOW.”

As I wrote yesterday, the speech was focus-group tested and polled to get it just right. As Samuel Goldman put it:

The purpose of the speech was to bring independents who lean Democrat to their side in November. Centrist talk about bringing manufacturing home and cutting taxes and “fixing” the border are meant to alleviate the anxieties of the leaners or those who are ready to leave the Democrat party after getting red-pilled.

But we’ve seen enough to know what we’ve got. His speech will change nothing.