Daily Broadside | Another Celebrity Pastor Gets Caught in Sin and Resigns

A disappointing report to end the week.

Dr. Tony Evans, 74, resigned as the lead pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas on Sunday, breaking the news to his followers in a statement on the church’s website.

“The foundation of our ministry has always been our commitment to the Word of God as the absolute supreme standard of truth to which we are to conform our lives. When we fall short of that standard due to sin, we are required to repent and restore our relationship with God,” Evans wrote in his statement.

The only thing I would add to that is that we are to repent and confess our sin. I’m not saying that he’s neglecting to confess (the next part of the statement is a confession of sorts), but it’s clear from the scriptures that confession is an active part of dealing with sin.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 (NIV)

“A number of years ago, I fell short of that standard,” Evans said. “I am, therefore, required to apply the same biblical standard of repentance and restoration to myself that I have applied to others.”

Evans, the former chaplain for both the Dallas Cowboys and the Mavericks, stated he “committed no crime” but “did not use righteous judgment in my actions.”

We don’t have to know what Evans did in order to appreciate his confession and his willingness to submit to a process of restoration.

“In light of this, I am stepping away from my pastoral duties and am submitting to a healing and restoration process established by the elders,” Evans wrote. “This will afford me a needed time of spiritual recovery and healing.”

It always comes as a bit of a shock when a well-known spiritual leader is caught in some sin. I’m not sure why we’re appalled or surprised. These men (they’re mainly men) are human and subject to the temptations all of us are exposed to. Even Jesus Himself was tempted (Hebrews 4:15) but was without sin.

Still, it’s sad to see another high profile Christian leader / celebrity get taken off the field because the impact he’s had reaches far and wide:

Evans is a prolific author, having published more than 150 books, booklets and Bible studies, according to his website. Some of his most popular books include Oneness Embraced and The Kingdom Agenda.

Evans also hosts a daily radio show called “The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans” that his website says is broadcast on more than 2,000 radio stations in over 130 countries.

His media presence has been amplified by his teaching and broadcast ministry called The Urban Alternative. The ministry was formed in 1981 when Evans’ wife Lois began fulfilling requests for his sermons that were broadcast by Houston and Dallas radio stations.

In 2017, Evans launched the Tony Evans Training Center, an online learning platform that offers seminary-style courses to more than 2,000 students, his website says.

Don’t be surprised if Christian radio stations that broadcast his daily show or his sermons begin to drop their association with him. Publishers may hesitate to print new books or republish old ones. Students may not want to be associated with the Tony Evans Training Center. The Christian buying public may refuse to purchase his products at the same rate they have been.

Hopefully his admission will limit the damage to his “brand” and, more importantly, to the name of Jesus.

Have a good weekend.