Daily Broadside | The House of Mouse is a Sleazy Trap for Children

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 11:6
So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done.

Thursday’s Reading: 1 Kings 12-14

Thursday and the Pied Pipers of the Deranged Left continue forcing on our country their latest insanity and insisting that we all skip along behind them lest they shout “racist!” or “transphobe!” at us and cancel our very lives.

We’re all aware of the woke Lefties who run Disney Corp. and who were recently found to be actively and intentionally promoting the LGBTQUERTY+ sexual deviance in their products—products that are primarily aimed at young children.

When Rufo, who’s done a yeoman’s work on this issue, got pushback from fake conservative publication The Bulwark, he brought the receipts.

At the same time, there’s an effort in our public schools to … how to say it? … GROOM our children into the perverted world of deviant sex. To show you how far it’s gotten, here’s a report on a Denver middle school that has created a “trans closet.” What’s a trans closet, you ask?

The closets are specifically designed for students to hide their clothing from their parents, and the school is facilitating that deception (and charging the parents for it through their property taxes). But if you thought that these closets are just filled with clothes, there are more pernicious things inside like breast binders and instructions on how to tuck your penis. (One closet I found offered tutoring in this area, but it was not in a school but in a church—which is equally inexplicable.) Both of these practices, binding and tucking, are extremely damaging to the body and can cause lifelong injury. All of this is paid for by your tax dollars, housed in a school you paid for, and causing harm to your kids by usurping parental authority and encouraging children to lie to you and trust agents of the state—whose salaries you also pay. Don’t forget, these are the same schools that won’t give your kid an Advil without your written permission. Are we having fun yet?

This is in a middle school, my friends, with children about ages 11-15, depending on which grades are handled by which schools (sixth grade for me was still in elementary school).

I’m with Allie Beth Stuckey:

And now there’s a war of words over the word “groomer.” You may remember that there was a popular social media meme of the words “OK, boomer” that dismissed the attitudes associated with baby boomers. Some on the Right have adopted a reworked version of the phrase: “OK, groomer.”

The idea of grooming a child has always been connected to pedophilia, and now fake conservative and NeverTrump liberal Christian David French is whining about the nuances of the term “groomer” and how anybody using it is guilty of “pure malice” that’s “incredibly dangerous.”

Really, pastor French? You’re gonna slap a Christian camp horror show on us while we’ve got pink-haired teachers with nose rings out in the field who pledge to chat up our children as young as five-years-old about their sexual preferences and identity and ALL YOU’RE CONCERNED ABOUT IS THAT THE WORD “GROOMER” MIGHT NOT BE TECHNICALLY ACCURATE?

What a putz.

This woman, who detransitioned, gets it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again now: the only thing these large corporations understand is the bottom line. If their earnings tank, heads roll and extremes are reeled back in.

Not only that, nobody NEEDS Disney. You do realize that, don’t you? Disney is a discretionary spend. No one “needs” to visit the Magic Kingdom. No one “needs” to purchase the latest Disney DVD. No one “needs” a Disney plush toy.

Disney is not life; only Jesus is that.

I think it’s hard for some parents to let go of the idealized family vacation to the Magic Kingdom, maybe because they went as a kid and they want their kids to have the same experience. But the House of Mouse isn’t what it used to be. If you don’t believe me, scroll through Rufo’s Twitter account and look at all the ex-Disney employees who have been prosecuted for being child sex predators, plus all the reporting that CNN (¡CNN!) did on that subject.

I personally think that our culture, which is so immersed in entertainment, could use a good detoxification so that we would all know that there’s more to life than sitting slack-jawed and passive in front of the screen, even if it is Disney.

Do it for the children.