Daily Broadside | Not All Transgenders Are Killers But Those That Are Share Similar Traits

There are a lot of significant political developments happening across the U.S. and it’s hard to choose what to focus on. Today I want to highlight something that has faded from the headlines but which is important to know because it doesn’t align with the official (Leftist) narrative that our betters want us to believe.

Newly leaked pages from the Nashville school shooter’s journal depict a profoundly disturbed young woman with intense daddy issues.

Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who identified as a trans male, targeted the Christian Covenant School on March 27, 2023, killing three children and three members of the school’s staff before being shot dead by responding officers.

Even though police shot the suspect dead inside the school, the FBI has repeatedly refused to release Hale’s writings, arguing that doing so “could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”

The FBI has been dragging its feet because of, in the hackneyed expression, “ongoing investigations.” Yeh, the girl was shot dead by police after she rampaged through the Christian school killing indiscriminately and they’ve needed to “investigate” for more than a year.

The partisan FBI colludes with the Left and expects us to respect it as a non-partisan institution.

On the next page, Hale focused on her “Dad problems,” complaining that he always turns “the other way” like she’s not there.

“I hate when my dad loves on the cats; not me. FAGGOT!!!” she wrote. “He never once loved on me for years, maybe like ever (as a child maybe)”.

Psychologists have found that people with “daddy issues” tend to have pathological “dark triad” traits.

The term “dark triad” refers to “a trio of negative personality traits—narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy—which share some common malevolent features.”

In her diary, Hale said that she hated her father’s “old cranky-man existence,” and wished death upon all men like him.

“All cranky, good-for-nothing, mentally ill men SHOULD DIE,” she wrote. The’re [sic] all useless pieces of sh-t

Waste of life, waste of time

Waste of human population.

Dad just takes up space for all I know

dried out + hollow

says negative shit all the time, like

“one. He’s a loser”

“I hate movies like this”

“I don’t care”

Well guess what?





Dad is not real.

Everything hurts.

She had severe “daddy” issues. I would never rush to blame her father, since there are two sides to every story and we’re only hers. But it’s clear that she was deeply angry with her dad.

I won’t reproduce the entire article here, but there’s plenty of more disturbing expressions of self-hatred and hatred of those around her.

Other sexually-confused shooters like Hale share similarly sad pasts.

Anderson Lee Aldrich killed five patrons at a Colorado Springs gay nightclub in November 2022. Reports in part said, Aldrich is “nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.” Further,

The suspect’s father is a mixed martial arts fighter and pornography performer with an extensive criminal history, including convictions for battery against the alleged shooter’s mother, Laura Voepel, both before and after the suspect was born, state and federal court records show.


Aldrich’s request for a name change came months after Aldrich was apparently targeted by online bullying. A website posting from June 2015 that attacked a teen named Nick Brink suggests they may have been bullied in high school. The post included photos similar to ones of the shooting suspect and ridiculed Brink over their weight, lack of money and what it said was an interest in Chinese cartoons.

Alec McKinney and Devon Erickson both tried to commit mass murder at STEM School Highlands Ranch south of Denver in May 2019. Devon killed one student, but McKinney was thought to be the ringleader. Reports said,

Lawyers for the second suspect in the Colorado school shooting, Maya McKinney, who is listed in court records as a female, asked the court to use the pronoun “he.”

The 16-year-old McKinney is transgender and was transitioning from female to male at the time of Tuesday’s shooting at the STEM School Highlands Ranch in Highlands Ranch, Colo., that left one student dead and eight others wounded. McKinney reportedly identifies as a male and goes by the name Alec.


Almost a dozen witnesses have testified the past three days — all called by defense attorneys. Psychologists, counselors, family members, family friends all say McKinney showed signs of trouble early — though no one specifically say he exhibited signs of homicidal behavior. 

They paint a picture of a child who was sexually abused and neglected. McKinney began cutting himself when he was 13 year-old and snuck booze. He asked for help several times and was hospitalized more than once.

McKinney’s father, Jose Quintana, was a coyote, leading undocumented immigrants from Mexico, and a drug mule. He also beat McKinney’s mother regularly, often in front of their children, according to testimony. 

Then there’s Snochia Moseley, a black transgender who shot and killed four people outside a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland on September 20, 2018. Again,

Police said the shooter was Snochia Moseley, a 26 year old who they identified as female. A friend told the Washington Post that Moseley had suffered from bipolar disorder and depression, which they linked to feelings of rejection when Moseley had first come out as gay and later transgender.

The friend said Moseley had begun receiving hormone therapy a year prior to the incident, and planned to undergo gender-reassignment surgery, but had been struggling with the transition.

And more:

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler told news reporters Friday that the suspect, 26-year-old Snochia Moseley of Baltimore County, had been diagnosed with a mental illness in 2016. “That’s as far as I’ll go with it,” he said, declining to give any more details on her mental state.

He said Moseley had become increasingly agitated in recent weeks, and relatives had been concerned for her well-being.

I can’t find anything about Moseley’s home life, but the profile of these shooters tends to show that they have a mental illness and/or come from a violent home.

I’m not sure that Johnson’s take is everywhere and always true, but it is clear that these people are mentally unstable.

It’s also true that the FBI, the media and other official entities will hide the true identity of the killers until forced to admit them or until the killings have faded from the newscycle because it doesn’t fit their narrative that it’s white supremacists who are the domestic terrorists and we should all be a-skeered of them!