Daily Broadside | Democrats Have Gone Full Communist with Trump Verdict

They finally “got” Trump.

The Democrats and their enablers in the White House and the media crossed a rubicon yesterday and it can’t be undone. If you were looking for proof that we’re a broken republic, you needn’t look any further.

I’m not a lawyer and I don’t play one on TV, so I’ve been hesitant to comment on the Trump trials. But you don’t have to be a legal eagle to see that the guilty verdict handed down yesterday is the stuff of third-world banana republics.

I am angry.

The Democrats have ruined this country and seized on lawfare as their weapon of choice and executed it against Trump with bogus charges, a corrupt Soros DA, a corrupt judge, and a jury that came from a pool in a district that is 90 percent Democrat.

This cannot stand.

None of us are safe now. I don’t care if you’re Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian or Green. If they can prosecute a former president of the United States on such thin, non-existant gruel, they can certainly do it to you.

And they will.

We need to pray for God’s mercy and intervention. Conservatives and other like-minded Americans have patiently watched and waited as the Left unleashed their lawfare against Trump, their lawfare against normal Americans through the Summer of Love riots, the Covid lockdowns, and the stolen election.

That patience is wearing thin. We still have the ballot come November, but no one believes that the election will be untainted by fraud. In fact, we expect that the Democrats will use every means possible, including illegal ballots, to overturn the will of the people.

My vote for Trump is a foregone conclusion. It’s locked in and I will crawl over broken glass on hot pavement to vote for him. It’s no longer about the man himself, whether I like his personality or his policies.

It’s now about the evil of the State and my vote for Trump is a protest against it.

We are in deep weeds, my friends.

If you can, have a good weekend.