The Broadside | Harris Gets a Bump in the Polls, But Will It Last?

I took a break from posting last week to concentrate on two major projects that were coming due by this weekend. I’m happy to report that I got them both done and they were well received.

So, anything happen while I was away?

The presidential race just got very interesting and is full of intrigue. When Joe Biden ceased to be useful, they turned on him, just like a Marxist would. The Democrats, true to form, forced out the candidate chosen by the people and installed a do-nothing diversity hire to be their flag bearer.

While that’s “exciting” and pumps some new life into the race, I expect that the bump she’s experienced in the polls will be short lived as people begin to discover how extreme her positions are and that she’s a vapid pol trading on nothing more than the color of her skin and her double-X chromosomes.

And don’t @ me about that, because the Left shoves that superficial nonsense down our throats and then calls us ‘racist’ when we point it out. Make up your mind, progressives—is skin color and XX virtuous or not?

Never mind. You can’t even tell us what a woman is, so don’t bother.

The likely 2024 presidential election campaign between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump begins with no clear leader, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS after President Joe Biden ended his bid for reelection.

Trump holds 49% support among registered voters nationwide to Harris’ 46%, a finding within the poll’s margin of sampling error. That’s a closer contest than earlier CNN polling this year had found on the matchup between Biden and Trump.

Trump earlier led Biden in the same poll by 6 points. So Harris has improved the Democrat position by 1 point. Big deal.

The survey finds voters widely supportive of both Biden’s decision to step aside and his choice to remain in office through the end of his term. Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters are broadly enthusiastic about Harris and willing to coalesce around her as the new presumptive nominee, even as they remain deeply divided on whether Biden’s Democratic successor should seek to continue his policies or chart a new course.


But Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters are closely split over whether the next nominee should continue Biden’s policies (53%) or take the country in a new direction (47%). Desire for a new direction is largely concentrated among younger voters and voters of color.

This ought to be interesting. Continue with the extremist policies on energy, immigration and the economy? Or take it in a new direction toward … what? Even more extreme policies? The woman can’t even be bothered to meet with the president of Israel for fear of alienating the Islamists in Dearborn and Minneapolis.

The Democrats aren’t going to moderate anything.

But if we’re lucky, we’ll see Harris’s weaknesses start tripping her up, especially when (and if) she debates Trump. I expect that the polls will show her support dropping over the next few weeks.

The unspoken wild card remains the cheat. Democrats loathe being out of power and they will do anything they can to keep it. Just look at what they did to their own democratically-elected candidate.