The Broadside | Harris is Who We Thought She Was And Baier Didn’t Let Her Off the Hook*

Kamala Harris is flailing in the presidential race and agreed to a sit-down with Bret Baier of Fox News because she obviously needs to reach more than her ideological base. I was surprised because, ever since Faux News’s Chris Wallace hosted the first 2020 presidential debate and turned out to be a liberal, and then when they canned Tucker Carlson, I’ve considered Faux more center-left than outright hostile to progressives. They’re certainly not conservative in the way I think about being conservative.

I’ve even thought that about Bret Baier. But after watching his interview with Harris, even I have to admit that he went after her like no other interviewer. And she completely failed.

Without regurgitating the entire conversation (which, if you didn’t see it, you didn’t miss anything), let me sum it up by saying that her only tactic was to take every question Baier asked and answer it by trashing Trump. She didn’t answer one question about her policies or regrets or what she’d do differently than the last three-and-a-half years. In fact, in one of the most stunning non-answers I’ve ever heard since I’ve been paying attention to politics, she pivoted from Baier’s question about what she’d do differently to talk about “the last decade” of rhetoric from Donald Trump.

The woman is a fraud. Totally and completely. Just another empty pantsuit that will do what the administrative state and Barry Obama tell her to do.

Forgive the short post this morning, but it’s been a rough couple of days of not feeling well.

* Reference to classic NFL moment in title.

One thought on “The Broadside | Harris is Who We Thought She Was And Baier Didn’t Let Her Off the Hook*

  1. HI Dave, you’re being to kind in calling Kam-al-a a fraud ! I’ll just leave it at that. There is no good reason for anyone to vote form this incompetent and pathetic “public servant”. (I’m just trying to be nice). I’m sure the “rats” thought it was a good interview, but as we all know, they suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, so you’ll never get an honest response from them.

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