The Broadside | I Mean It: The Democrat Party Must Be Outlawed

If you’ve read my stuff for any length of time, you’ll know that I’m sharply critical of the Democrat party and have only gotten more so over the intervening four years in the middle of Trump’s two-term presidency. (I’m thankful for that hiatus, but that’s a story for another post.)

I’ve gotten to the point where a year ago I wrote that The “Democratic” Party Should be Outlawed. That post was about, you guessed it, illegal immigration. In another post, I waxed eloquent and quoted from John Hinderaker:

We have no duty to conform. In fact, it is our duty to not just resist, but to actively reject any cooperation with Democrats.

More fundamentally, the Democratic Party is now illegitimate. We should stop treating it as a normal political organization. We conservatives have played by the rules, trying to hold our country together in the face of increasingly radical and irrational conduct from our political foes. Those days should be gone. The Democratic Party is now exposed as the enemy of freedom, democracy and the rule of law, and should be treated accordingly.

Correct. And to “treat it accordingly” is to abolish it, make it illegal to reconstitute, and to politically exile its members.

As I said here, “The Democrat party is an extremely corrupt organization both spiritually and politically. It is anti-Christian, anti-American, irrational, and degenerate. I don’t believe confessing Christians can authentically follow Christ yet vote Democrat.”

You won’t be surprised, then, when I say that the Democrats have learned nothing from the beat-down they got in the 2024 election and, in fact, have doubled down on their absurdities, confirming that nothing but total political and legal annihilation is necessary. It must be abolished as a political entity and its political ideology made illegal.

Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media:

After losing an election because the American electorate thought that the Democratic Party had lost its way on every front — especially when it came to radicalism — the Dems elected Minnesota’s Ken Martin to be its new helmsman. Nothing says, “We understand the concerns of regular Americans in flyover country,” like choosing a member of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party from the state that’s given us Keith Ellison and Ilhan Omar. 

It’s true that the Dems are commies now, but most of them like to be coy about it. The Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party is one big communist freak flag-flying festival. Once the word “labor” is added to a political party’s name, Karl Marx is allowed a play date in Hell. 

For most of my 40-plus years of conservative political activism, the Democratic National Committee was a well-oiled political machine to be feared. The Democrats were brilliant at playing the long game, always being several steps ahead of the Republicans, even when the Republicans were winning. 

Count the immediately past and present DNC hierarchy among the many people that Trump has broken. 

And Robert Spencer, too:

The Democrats have just had their annual winter meeting, and you’d think that after all the losses they’ve suffered, they would have seized the opportunity to make a course correction. The American people have let them know in no uncertain terms that they’ve had enough of what they’re selling, and yet their only response has been to promise to sell more of it.

On Saturday, I wrote here about their selection of far-left Trump hater Ken Martin as the new chair of the Democratic National Committee, but one of the DNC vice chairs makes Martin look as if he walks around wearing a MAGA hat. The Dems have chosen as one of their primary front beings none other than David Hogg, the arrogant and self-infatuated young far-leftist who shot to fame in 2018 after being inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida when a deranged former student murdered seventeen people there.

As Matt Margolis noted, Hogg is “that kid who earned notoriety after the Parkland school shooting back in 2018, whose 15 minutes of fame expired years ago,” but who “just won’t go away.” Ever since the shooting, Hogg has become a vocal and energetic advocate for disarming Americans in the face of rising crime and Democrat mayors who care little or nothing for the safety and well-being of their constituents. But Hogg isn’t content simply with leaving Americans defenseless in an increasingly dangerous environment.

24-year-old left-wing activist David Hogg is a gun control advocate and co-founder of March for Our Lives, a gun control group that was formed after the Parkland school shooting in 2018, which he survived. He has nothing to offer the sinking USS DNC except more extremism.

When I say they’ve doubled down on absurdities, I mean it. Just watch.

Finally, Bonchie at Red State:

That pretty much brings us to the current day. As far as I can tell, Hogg has never held a real job, and none of his activism has ever added up to anything but losing elections. His home state of Florida has become solidly red, and we all know how the national elections in 2024 turned out. In other words, Hogg appears to be the least qualified, least accomplished DNC official in history, and yet, Democrats saw his record and thought, “Let’s make him one of our leaders.”

It’s astonishing when you think about it. As I said at the beginning of this piece, this is a party with a death wish. If anyone thought, and some more moderate Democrats presumably did, that there would be a course correction, they were incredibly wrong. Not only has there not been a course correction, but the party’s leaders are going further into woke insanity, making it the very core of their messaging and identity. 

Notably, many of us who comment on politics said this would happen. You can’t simply flip a switch and change the base of a political party, no matter how destructive and irrational it may be. The Democratic Party has long been inundated by radicals who believe gender ideology and communism are the answers to all the world’s ills. Those people weren’t going to have an epiphany just because they got their clocks cleaned in 2024. They were always going to double down, which is why you don’t feed the alligator in the first place. The Democrat establishment did so by elevating the David Hoggs and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezs of the world, and now they are being consumed. 

To be clear, I’m not advocating for the death of the Democrat party because they’re a clown show dealing in absurdities. If that was all it was, it might be harmless. I’m advocating for the demise of the Democrat party because of the harm it does to our nation and to our people.

It can’t be saved. It must be abolished.

One thought on “The Broadside | I Mean It: The Democrat Party Must Be Outlawed

  1. Hi Dave, there’s so much truth in your post, but one thing that you said and that is very troubling is, how can someone who calls themselves a believer in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, with the emphasis on Lord, vote and support the Democratic Party, otherwise know as”rats”? It makes no sense at all !

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