The Broadside | Kamala Harris Is An Empty Pantsuit

According to the New York Post, Kamala Harris is “on track to grant the fewest interviews of any major party’s presidential nominee ever.” She’s only given six so far, compared to almost three times as many from Trump in the same time period.

We all know why. It’s because when you get her away from a controlled environment with scripted answers, she’s an empty, vacuous charlatan. The problem is that even in a friendly, controlled environment, she’s no better.

Take her “interview” with Oprah Winfrey. Here’s a sample that, as Kate Hyde says, “might just be the most spectacular two minutes of Kamala’s nonsensical wisdom I have ever heard.” See if you don’t agree.

This woman is so utterly fake in everything she says. Her body language, her words, her emphases—everything telegraphs that she doesn’t know what she’s saying and that it’s just a lot of gibberish pasted together from half-formed thoughts. Empty, mindless patter that means nothing, void of any consequence in the national dialogue and certainly not reaching the level of any meaning for the world.

Just watch Oprah. At some point even she looks at her like she’s a ditz.

I don’t know. I think Kammy is so unoriginal, so uninspired, so used to failing upward, so used to being given everything she has, that she finds herself in over her head. Her role exceeds her talents. So, she falls back on esoteric imagery and empty platitudes, trying to pass them off as some philosophical brilliance.

The other thing that’s going on here is that at her core, she’s a commie. That’s why everything she says sounds so fake. She doesn’t mean a word of it.

I don’t want that woman any closer to the most powerful position in America than she already is.

Have a good weekend.

One thought on “The Broadside | Kamala Harris Is An Empty Pantsuit

  1. I have to believe that everyone is scratching their head right now. You can’t have this nitwit talking to anyone of consequence. When even the big “O” looks confused, their days of gaslighting are hopefully coming to an end, sooner than later.

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