The Broadside | Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You President Putin and Vice President Trump!

OK Big Boys and Big Gurls, are we convinced yet that (10 percent for) the Big Guy can last another four years? Did you watch the Big Boy presser? That’s not me mocking Biden, that’s the press and the White House, who announced a couple of days ago that Resident Biden would be giving a “Big Boy” press conference after the NATO Summit on Thursday.

And Big Boy, did he deliver.

To be fair, he did realize his “vice president Trump” gaffe and tried to pass it off with some lame excuse about thinking too much about Trump. The point is, Biden’s brain is misfiring on all three cylinders that still work and there’s no coming back from that.

Not to mention that he’s been visited at the White House by a doctor (not Dr. Jill Biden!) who specializes in treating Parkinson’s disease. That came to nothing, but the White House didn’t make things easier for itself by not being forthcoming.

Last night’s attempt to reassure the public that Biden has more stamina than George Clooney (!) to fulfill the duties of being president has failed spectacularly again.

The Democrats’ self-inflicted dilemma is delicious to watch, but it’s anybody’s guess how it will end. Rumors abound that Barack Hussein Obama and Nancy Pelosi are working behind the scenes to pressure Joe to step down.

But if this report is anything to anyone, that may be easier imagined than done.

A CEO friend of President Joe Biden reportedly said that there is “no way” the president is dropping out, that he “hates” the party elite, and that he will tell them all to “f*ck off.”

According to Charles Gasparino, senior contributor to Fox Business and columnist for the New York Post, a CEO who knows Joe Biden closely said that the president will stay in the race and that he will not bow down to party elites.

“NO F*CKING WAY he’s dropping out,” the friend reportedly said.

“Joe Biden couldnt care less what the elite in his party thinks, what the elite fundraisers think or anyone else. He really hates them; he’ll take their money but he knows they look down on him as some rube,” the friend reportedly added.

“Plus he thinks he earned the presidency after trying so many times and there’s no way he’s giving it up to go down in history as a loser who dropped out because he isn’t tough enough. He only cares about his wife and family and he will tell everyone else to f*ck off,” the friend reportedly concluded.

Still, the Democrats are vicious and are skeered of losing power. Especially to Trump.

Have a good weekend.