The Broadside | Mushhead Wants to Control the Supreme Court in Order to Save Democracy

Keeping it short this morning.

Failed career politician Joseph Robinette Biden, the first sitting president seeking re-election to withdraw from a presidential election, has decided that even though he’s incompetent to serve another term, he’s competent enough to demand changes to the Supreme Court, including term limits.

President Biden on Monday came to the LBJ Presidential Library to deliver a sweeping indictment of the U.S. Supreme Court, calling its rulings “dangerous,” its ethics code “weak” and its practices in desperate need of reform.

Biden, a former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee who oversaw numerous confirmation battles, said the court has become unmoored from its traditional role. “We live in a different era,” he said during a 25-minute address in an auditorium filled with hundreds of people. “In recent years, extreme opinions the Supreme Court has handed down have undermined long-established civil rights principles and protections.”

What he says “extreme opinions” he means decisions that go against the commie Democrats’ evil inclinations to tear down Western civilization and finish fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

Biden had long resisted calls to reform the Supreme Court, and the announcement Monday marked a major shift in his posture. After the addition of three justices nominated by Trump, the court has veered sharply to the right — overturning Roe v. Wade, ending affirmative action in college admissions and weakening federal agencies’ power by overturning a 40-year decision. The conservative majority also invalidated Biden’s student-loan forgiveness program.

Roe v. Wade was written as law, not as a judicial opinion. Most legal experts agreed that it was a terrible decision. Affirmative action gave preference to minorities in a policy that was essentially reverse discrimination. Federal agencies were never meant to have the power they have, making rules that have the effect of federal law, a power reserved to Congress alone. And Biden doesn’t have the authority to forgive student loan debt.

So, yeah, Democrats are ticked because their extra-constitutional lawmaking is being rebuked.

Only one line in the WaPo article rang true: “Conservatives argue that proposals like Biden’s stem from a dislike of the court’s recent rulings, not a genuine desire for reform.”


If Resident Brandon wants to accomplish his attempts to interfere with the Supreme Court, he’ll have to do it with a constitutional amendment. As Ace says, SCOTUS is “an independent branch of government which is co-equal to both the Congress and the executive and therefore answers to neither.”

In my view, this is the first step in a psyop, plowing the ground among the radical progressives to get the seeds planted. What Brandon wants won’t happen, not now, but that won’t stop the anti-American Left from agitating for it.