Donald J. Trump is going to be the 47th president of the United States. When Trump won Pennsylvania at 12:20 a.m., it effectively foreclosed any path for Harris to win.
It’s truly astonishing. Here’s a guy who, in his first term, was the victim of several hoaxes, twice impeached (and acquitted) on trivial charges, and subverted by members of his own administration. Since then, he’s been smeared as Hitler and a Nazi fascist, survived two assassination attempts, and has stood up under a barrage of lawfare on 90+ charges no one else would ever have been indicted with.
Some optimists were thinking that Trump would win back the presidency in a landslide. I wasn’t one of them, but I was curious to see if Trump could deliver those kinds of numbers.
He was well on his way to doing just that when I set this post up at 3:00 a.m.
It is undoubtably the greatest political comeback in US history.
It’s also a mandate. Trump helped flip the Senate to a Republican majority, which means he gets his Cabinet appointments, which means he’ll have the team he wants. At the time I wrote this, it looked like the GOP would hold a slim majority in the House, too.
Trump put together a broad coalition that is more diverse than the Democrats. Trump increased his support among blacks and Latinos. He won support from the young, from union and non-union blue-collar workers. He’s got a terrific leadership team made up of former Democrats, libertarians, and conservatives.
The American people have just told the Democrats that they’ve had enough of their destructive “policies” like open borders, sending billions of our dollars to useless wars where it’s laundered and pocketed by our enemies foreign and domestic, and tipping us into an economic depression.
They also told the legacy media what they think of them, too: we no longer listen to you. You’re irrelevant. After all the gaslighting and lying you did, the vicious attacks on Trump and his “garbage” supporters, we no longer need you. It’s a total repudiation of what was once an important institution.
It’s also a major setback for Barack Hussein Obama who has been the guy pulling the strings behind Sleepy Joe’s incompetence. If Harris had won, Barry would’ve had another four years to impose his destructive ideals on America.
Once it became clear that Trump was going to win, the Left immediately started demanding that Trump reach out to the Dems to “unify” the country.

Even Fox News’s Harold Ford Jr., a Democrat, said Republicans should reach out to Dems and show grace. My reaction was: no freakin’ way.
Here’s my take: I think we should pound the political snot out of the Democrat Party and make sure they can’t offer another candidate for the next 25 years.
The party that has demonized half the country wants the winners to be gracious. You know what? It starts with the Democrats respecting the will of the people. They just got their butts handed to them. Maybe they might want to take a minute to figure out why.
To Trump’s credit, in his comments after he locked up the win, he talked about unifying the country. “We’re going to help our country heal.” While I think he can be of good will towards the Dems, he better not concede anything to them.
It’s a wild time to be alive. We’re watching a radical realignment of the political makeup of the political parties. The Republican party has been transformed. It isn’t the party of George Bush and Dick Cheney anymore.
In his comments, Trump said, “Many people think God spared my life for a reason. To save our country. To restore America to greatness. We’re going to fulfill that mission.”
That may be. Whether or not that is what happens, thank God for His mercy in giving us Donald J. Trump to give us four years to turn things around.
Now let’s get him inaugurated—after Kamala certifies his win in January.
Great Broadside today Dave! You said it all, as it was so good to watch the “rats” go absolutely crazy over a totally incompetent pick to be the president. It was scary to listen to the pollsters talking about razor thin margins, but at the end of the day, it was a landslide. It was almost surreal as the numbers were piling up. We the people had enough of the MSM and the celebrities etc. and thank God that we voted to save our great country from another disastrous 4 years. Now the real work starts, but I truly believe President Trump will have the right people in place to make the necessary changes. Trump Trump Trump !!! 😊
Trump it is! Thanks for reading and commenting Jim!