I’ve long warned that we’re on a trajectory toward another civil war and that the failed efforts of the Democrats and the Deep State to “get Trump” were leaving them with the unthinkable: assassination. I never wrote that, of course, not wishing to draw unwanted attention to myself, but I implied it all the same. There have been lots of other people warning that could happen including Tucker Carlson and J.J. Sefton.
Well, now it’s happened, or has been attempted. Since it’s now out in the open, let’s talk about it.
It’s only common sense, given the deeply ingrained Trump Derangement Syndrome that the progressive Left suffers from. Everything from the Russian collusion hoax to the two sham impeachments to the J6 “insurrection” to the “classified documents” raid on Mar-a-lago to the open lawfare on trumped up charges with politically compromised prosecutors, judges and juries, have all failed to stop Trump or his comeback campaign. Now, the ultimate attempt: shooting him dead.
It’s playbook: Destroy his reputation. Doesn’t work? Imprison him. Doesn’t work? Kill him.
Do I believe that the shooter, a twenty-year-old loner, was somehow part of a broader plot to kill Trump? Not in the classic sense of a conspiracy, with him meeting clandestinely with a handler and sitting in smoke-filled rooms plotting his moves. But I think it’s too early to say he acted alone.
Proof? Nothing yet, but remember: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Not any more. And neither should you. That goes especially for the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ. Ditto DHS, the Secret Service, the ATF, and the IRS.
I’ve got questions.
I was enjoying some Beethoven on the lawn when reports started to trickle in that shots had been fired at a Trump rally. That turned into reports and photos that showed Trump with blood on the side of his face and confirmation that the shooter was dead and so was one rally-goer.
Of course I watched the replay immediately. Trump speaking, the gunshots, Trump flinches, raises his hand to his ear, ducks below the podium.
Then we see two men in black with rifles on top of the buildings behind Trump firing immediately back toward who we assume is the sniper.
The instant I watched that I said out loud: “How did these guys acquire the shooter and return fire so quickly!?!”
They were already positioned with their guns and were aiming in the direction of the shooter. It did not look like they were caught by surprise.
If you don’t know a shot (or shots) are coming, you don’t know where to look. You hear them, but it will take several seconds to acquire where they originate from. It was easy to see that’s true by the security officers standing in front of the podium looking around and looking lost. It was clear they had NO IDEA what was going on or what they should be doing.
But the team of two on top of the building were already dialed in and returned fire immediately. Lo and behold, they did have the shooter in their sights.
Several citizens attending the rally noticed the shooter up on the roof and getting himself situated. Many of them yelled to call attention to him.
There are even reports that a cop confronted the shooter and yet he backed off. That smells fishy.
And how did the Secret Service allow this to happen in the first place? A 20-year-old non-military-type manages to climb up on a roof in full view, lies down to take aim, and squeezes off eight rounds before he’s taken out?
I’m sure the FBI and DHS and DOJ and SS will figure it out. But remember this:
House Democrats have introduced a bill that would strip Secret Service protection from convicted felons sentenced to prison, a move directly targeting former President Trump who is currently on criminal trial in New York City for alleged hush money payments made during the 2016 election campaign and faces several other cases which could land him behind bars.
By the way, the guy that introduced that bill, Rep. Bennie Thompson, had to fire one of his staffers who allegedly posted a comment after the shooting that read in part, “don’t miss next time,” in reference to the shooter. So we know what kind of character he and his staff have.
The good news is that Trump survived the assassination attempt. The bad news is that the anti-American Left has taken the rhetoric and violence to new heights, starting with Trump’s election in 2016.
Brandon tried to “unify” the country last night by telling us that we aren’t enemies. Says the guy who has called Trump a wannabe dictator, a threat to the country, and half the country “ultra-MAGA” semi-fascist right wing white supremacist terrorists.
Too little too late, Jack. How about you start with your own house?

I can’t and won’t have anything to do with the progressive left or with anyone who considers themselves a Democrat. That party, as I’ve been saying for a while now, is evil. There’s no making peace with them.
We’re in a war for the country. More and more people are starting to wake up to the fact.
Hi Dave, you covered it all today, including the video at the end. The cat is out of the bag. I just hope that everyone is seeing what’s really going on and we do something about it, like pulling back the curtain and start exposing the Deep State. Otherwise, the left will steal another election and Trump won’t be the only one assassinated, he’ll just be the first one. Another thing, no one in their right mind believes what that dimwit in diapers said in his pathetic attempt to unify our once great country. By the way, I’ll never understand a Christian that votes “rat”.