The Broadside | Trump Accepts the Republican Nomination for President and Gives Acceptance Speech

I watched all of Donald J. Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention last night and “live blogged” as it progressed. Here’s my impressions.

Dana White introduces Donald J. Trump. Trump is a proven leader, a fearless leader, who never gives up. Lee Greenwood sings “God Bless the USA.” Trump emerges during the song and Corey Comperatore’s helmet and coat come out to be on stage during his speech. Nice touch.

He says he’s here to lay out a vision for all Americans. We rise together or we fall apart. There’s no winning for just half the country.

Trump tells the story of surviving the attempted assassination. “You’ll only hear it from me once because it’s too painful to tell.”

He sounds subdued. The Ms. says he sounds sad.

Trump praises the Secret Service. Wow! Tough to reconcile that with the bumbling images we saw. But he has to work with them now and, should he be elected, again in the White House, so probably wise. But he needs to dump the Director of the SS when he gets back in the White House.

“I had God on my side. I felt that.” I have no reason to doubt that.

Spending a lot of time on the shot; his ears; the crowd “that didn’t want to leave me.”

He says, “I’m not supposed to be here tonight …” and the crowd begins to chant, “Yes you are!” “Yes you are!” “Yes you are!”

“I stand here only by the grace of Almighty God.” That is humble and, I think, more genuine than I’ve heard in the past. Maybe being grazed by a bullet whizzing past your noggin does that to you. He came within a pencil’s width of buying the farm.

Trump is full of hyperbole … that’s his style. Everything is “the greatest” and “like you’ve never seen” and “in the history of our country.”

He has raised $6.3 million for the families of those affected by the assassination attempt. I think asking the crowd to observe a moment of silence for Comperatore is a good move. He’s almost (almost) being pastoral (in a Trumpian way).

The fighter in him comes forward, but again, it’s very subdued. “I’m more determined than ever. Our resolve is unbroken. Nothing will stop me in this mission. I will never stop fighting for you, your family, our magnificent country.”

He goes after the Democrat party. “I am the one saving democracy for the people of our country.” I like that he states the obvious truth.

Entire case in Florida thrown out of court. “Drop the partisan witch hunts.” Again, an appeal to unity. We know it will fall on deaf ears, but now the Democrats will have to respond top that appeal. Trump is being positive and all about pulling the nation together, while the Dems demonize half the country. Very stark contrast.

I’m really surprised by how low his energy seems to be. Reminds me of his jab at “low energy Jeb” during the 2016 campaign.

“I am trying to buy your vote!” Good for a laugh.

Turns his attention to laying out a vision for all of America. Recounts some of his accomplishments in his first administration.

  • Right to try.
  • Space force.
  • Reduced regulations.
  • Cut taxes.

“We have to rescue our nation from incompetent leadership.” Isn’t that the truth!

We have an inflation issue. Illegal immigration crisis. Massive invasion: they spread misery, poverty, crime. International crisis: war in Europe and Middle East; teetering on the edge of World War III.

“I make this pledge: I will end the inflation crisis; “drill, baby, drill” to end energy crisis; leads to a large scale decline in prices.”

“We will pay off debt and reduce taxes even more.”

End the illegal immigration crisis by closing the border and finish the wall. Is most of the wall already built? I’m not sure that’s true. He says it is. This should be fact-checked.

“I will end the wars in Ukraine and Israel.”

“The damage this administration has done” is unbelievable. This is also true.

“We had the greatest economy in the history of the world.” Really? Again — true or hyperbole?

“107% of jobs are being taken by illegal aliens. They’re taking jobs especially from blacks and Hispanics.” I have no doubt this is true; that’s partly why blacks are backing Trump. BTW, how do you take more than 100% of jobs?

“We have our great speaker of the House with us tonight…” He’ll have to work with Mike Johnson, but most of us true conservatives don’t particularly like his leadership.

Talks about the opportunity to become a net energy exporter because we have vast reserves of oil under our feet.

Trump accuses the Dems of spending “trillions of dollars” but so did he when he was in office. The difference is that he had a great economy that could’ve paid down our debt. He promises to do that.

End the electric vehicle mandate on Day One. China is building large car manufacturing plants in Mexico to sell cars in the U.S. without tax. Trump will put a 100 – 200 percent tariffs on them. Good!

“At the center of our plan is massive tax cuts … ‘no tax on tips'” in the service industry … “Let them keep their money.” That’s something I’ve been saying for years: I want a politician who will increase my freedom and let me keep more of my money. Music to my ears but cut my taxes, too.

Illegal immigrant invasion. “Invasion” is his word for it. Totally agree.

People can come but have to come legally. Puts up chart to show what he did about illegal immigration when he was in office, leads to funniest line of the night: “Last time I put up that chart I never really got to look at it.” LOL

Crime rate is going up here and crime statistics are going down in other countries. We’re being laughed at by the rest of the world. Venezuela and El Salvador have dropped crime by 70% … by sending their criminals to the U.S. We will launch the largest deportation operation in our history. This is one promise I hope he can keep.

Kim Jong Un “misses me” LOL

Criticizes Afghanistan withdrawal, Russia operating subs by Cuba. “Never would have happened if I was president.” The hostages being held by Hamas “better be released by the time I’m sworn in.” Good threat.

Well, this is impressive: will build an Iron Dome just like Israel has. Invokes Ronald Reagan and “Star Wars.” America First! And why not? Why shouldn’t we have the very latest technology to protect our homeland?

Rips Biden for promising to cure cancer but nothing happens. Men out of women’s sports … immediately.

“America is on the cusp of a new golden age.” We have to produce massive amounts of energy. AI needs twice the electricity we have now.

Calls out Franklin Graham for asking him not to use foul language. LOL Honors Franklin, Billy Graham, and his own father.

The speech is very much a call to unity. Crowd chants, “Win! Win! Win!”

Overall impression: he hit all the key issues, including the economy, energy independence and the invasion over the southern border. I particularly was impressed with the idea of building an Iron Dome in the US, with promises to drill and become energy independent, and looking at the future of AI. But it was delivered without the “edge” I’m used to. He’s the nominee, so I don’t know that it matters, but I’d like to see some of the combative energy return.

What did you think?

Have a good weekend.

One thought on “The Broadside | Trump Accepts the Republican Nomination for President and Gives Acceptance Speech

  1. Hi Dave, I totally enjoyed the entire Convention, as it seemed to get the Republicans on the same page for a change, but as we know the “rats” will pick it apart and the lame stream media will continue to lie. The “rat” convention will be very interesting, as they have nothing to stand on but murdering babies and exposing their Trump Derangement Syndrome, so 4 weeks from now we’ll be subjected to a whole lot of crap. Can’t wait! I know that President Trump can be a bit over the top, but it would help if some of the career politicians got excited and help our country get out of this “rat” hole that we’ve been in for the past 3 plus years.

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