I hope you had a great July 4th holiday! While we’re in dire straits as a nation, there are still millions of us who love the Red, White and Blue and are willing to tell the commies who have infected our national institutions to get bent.
Love this!
The major issue that has our attention these days is what the Democrats are going to do with the poser in the White House. After his poor showing during the first (and probably only) presidential debate on CNN, the Democrats are in full-fledged panic mode. Many have begun demanding that he drop out of the race so that he can be replaced with a candidate who is more viable.
But the dilemma for them is that the person next in line is Kamala Harris, who by rights as the Value Pick should be the unquestioned nominee should Biden bow out. Indeed, the Washington Post already has an article suggesting that they’re already considering her at the top of the ticket.
On a call Wednesday night with House Democratic leadership led by Jeffries, there was a lot of talk about if not Biden, then who. Many names were discussed but there was no real consensus.
“But there was general awareness that it would be difficult for it to be anyone but Harris,” according to a member who participated in the virtual meeting.
Tim Ryan, a former Ohio congressman and presidential candidate, said in an op-ed that while he loves Biden, Harris should be the Democratic nominee for president after Biden stumbled in a high-profile debate performance last week. Some other possible contenders — including Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and California Gov. Gavin Newsom — probably wouldn’t jump in the race this year and would support Harris if Biden were to remove himself from the ticket, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.
Democrats’ growing move to rally around Harris as a potential nominee — almost always with the caveat that Biden remains the choice for now — is a sign that they are gaming out a world without Biden as the party’s standard-bearer, even as they try to blunt years of hand-wringing about Harris’s ability to win the White House on her own.
If you support Trump (as I do) then this scenario is only a little less appealing than if Biden stays in the race. Biden is now a (fatally?) weakened incumbant—his poor recall and inability to articulate a full sentence without slurring or mumbling or losing his train of thought is out there for all to see now.
No thanks to the press.
That bodes well for Trump, who looks absolutely vigorous and sharp—you know, those characteristics we were assured that Joey Sponge Brain demonstrated behind the scenes.
Other reports tell us that Brandon only works from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. And that he needs a nap. And now that he will stop scheduling events for after 8:00 pm.
President Joe Biden told Democratic governors during a meeting at the White House on Wednesday that part of his plan going forward is to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m. so that he can get more sleep, according to three sources briefed on his comments.
The remarks, first reported by The New York Times, came as the 81-year-old Biden sought to reassure a group of more than 20 state leaders about his ability to defeat former President Donald Trump in November and govern effectively for another four years.
Totally vigorous and up to the challenge! Let’s hope nothing happens before 10:00 AM or after 8:00 PM that he needs to be available for.
The press is doing what they can to help Joey Snow Cone make a decision. The New York Times published a report that quoted an anonymous “ally.”

President Biden has told a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he cannot convince the public in the coming days that he is up for the job after a disastrous debate performance last week.
via PowerLine
The White House denies the report, but other journalists have confirmed it. Who knows? It’s part of the battle of leaks and lies as the Dems try to figure out what to do.
It’s their own fault. The 2020 race was rigged and full of fraud. Serves them right to face a trainwreck of their own making.
Have a great weekend.