Daily Broadside | So Glad We’re Back to a Stable World

Daily Verse | Exodus 12:40-41
Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years. At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the Lord’s divisions left Egypt.

Monday’s Reading: Exodus 15-18

Monday and we’re now into the first full week of Brandon’s second year as Resident as Russia! Russia! Russia! threatens to invade Ukraine at the invitation delivered last week by the dunce in the White House; “minor incursion” and all that. Do you know that Trump was the only president in the last 30 years to not start or escalate existing foreign conflicts or war? Barring some kind of intervention, that’s all about to change as our military service members in their high-heels, pregnancy flight suits and vaccines prepare to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression and mockery of our woke civilian military.

The US and its allies will deliver a “swift, severe and united response” if Russia invades Ukraine, the secretary of state, Antony Blinken, warned on Sunday amid rising tensions.

Maybe. I don’t trust anything that Blinken says nor the administration’s competence to deliver or sustain a smack-down on the Russians. Perhaps their attitude is the same as Megamind’s:

The only reason Russia is even making the move on Ukraine is that Brandon is an empty suit who reads whatever is put on his teleprompter. He’s certainly not a geopolitical genius, as his catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan showed us. Effects of the invasion could be harsh for the U.S.

Treasurys are a traditional haven during periods of geopolitical and economic stress. A rally in Treasurys would pull down yields, which move in the opposite direction of prices. A Treasury selloff has pushed up yields, with the 10-year Treasury rate TMUBMUSD10Y, 1.778% finishing near 1.77% Friday after hitting a nearly two-year high earlier in the week.

The Swiss franc, another popular haven, could also rally, with the euro/Swiss franc EURCHF, 0.12% currency pair likely to fall to CHF1.03 “on a frozen rope if Russia moves,” Donnelly said. The euro bought 1.043 francs Friday.


If Russia invades Ukraine, inflation-weary Americans will likely pay even higher prices at the pump.Oil prices have already shot up to seven-year highs in recent days. A conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which the White House has warned could be imminent, would have the potential to drive them much higher.That’s because Russia is the No. 2 oil producer on the planet, behind only the United States. And Ukraine is a key energy transit hub, where a large amount of Russian natural gas exports to Europe flow through.

An invasion of Ukraine would trigger immediate fears of sanctions from Washington on Russia’s vast energy resources, damage to the region’s energy infrastructure and raise the specter of Vladimir Putin weaponizing exports of natural gas and crude oil.

Investors would buy first and ask questions later.

What does Russia want?

The Kremlin wants what it says: an end to NATO expansion, a rollback of previous expansion, a removal of American nuclear weapons from Europe, and a Russian sphere of influence. However, Putin may accept less. The Kremlin’s primary goal is a guarantee that Belarus, Ukraine, and Georgia will never belong to a military or economic bloc other than the ones Moscow controls and that Russia will be the ultimate arbitrator of the foreign and security policy of all three states. In essence, this conflict is about whether 30 years after the demise of the Soviet Union, its former ethnic republics can live as independent, sovereign states or if they still must acknowledge Moscow as their de facto sovereign.

The G7 is threatening harsh economic sanctions that would severely hurt Russia, so it’s possible that an invasion can be avoided. But maybe not:

The United States has ordered the families of all American staff at the US Embassy in Ukraine to leave the country amid heightened concern that Russia, which has massed troops on the border, is about to invade.

In a statement on Sunday, the State Department also said that non-essential embassy staff could leave Ukraine at government expense and that all Americans should consider departing immediately.


The US Embassy in Kyiv warned that “military action by Russia could come at any time and the United States government will not be in a position to evacuate American citizens in such a contingency, so US citizens currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly.”

Take them at their word, embassy staff.

A Russian invasion could lead to a much bigger conflict and pull focus away from Brandon’s problems at home and perhaps trigger aggression by China and Iran, two other foes who have, respectively, designs on Taiwan and avenging the loss of top commander Qasem Soleimani who died by a US drone strike two years ago. If either of them act while we’re dealing with Russia, all bets are off.

But at least the tweets are nice, right NeverTrump?

Daily Broadside | Brandon Locks Up Nomination for “Worst President Ever” in Just His First Year!

Daily Verse | Exodus 4:13
But Moses said, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”

Friday’s Reading: Exodus 7-11
Saturday’s Reading: Exodus 12-14

Friday and we’re officially into the second year of the catastrophic failure that is the Brandon administration. Joey Sugar Cone was, at best, a mediocre Senator during his years in the upper chamber, and even that’s being generous. He’s always been an empty, clueless, vacuous, talentless greasy fabulist in a suit without an original thought or spine, and zero leadership skills.

He’s an actor who’s fed his lines by a staff that is paid to make him look smart. But get him away from his script and he says things like, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” or “it depends on what [Russia] does [in Ukraine]. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion,” or “There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the—of the United States from Afghanistan.”

Now he’s old and his mental acuity (if you can call it that), is in decline. Combined with his untalented, incompetent, pretentious buffoonery over the last fifty years and you get what we’re looking at today: an unmitigated disaster of a man who has no wisdom, no idea how to navigate the political waters he’s floating on, and is an empty vessel onto which the extremists he brought with him into the White House project their vomit-inducing ideology.

The result of Brandon’s empty rhetoric and yummy vanilla ice cream cones?

  • Brandon revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and killed our energy independence. That contributed to a 60 percent rise in gas prices, the highest since 1980.
  • Brandon botched our withdrawal from Afghanistan, getting 13 U.S. soldiers killed and abandoning thousands of American civilians and allies to the Taliban.
  • Brandon has U.S. inflation running at 39-year highs, with 6.8 percent year-to-year inflation, the greatest 12-month increase since 1982. December’s inflation rate was 7 percent.
  • Brandon can’t fix supply chain issues, causing a shortage of essential commodities across the country.
  • Brandon has created even more division than under Trump with his administration demonizing conservatives and Republicans as “domestic terrorists.” Brandon has also likened his ideological opponents as the worst of racist Democrats like Bull Connor and George Wallace while trying to wear the mantle of Abraham Lincoln.
  • Brandon promised that he would shut down the Peking Lung Pox, but its offspring are running rampant across the country. More people have died of the virus under his watch (426,000) than all that died under Trump. By his own logic, Brandon should resign: “220,000 Americans dead … anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.”
  • Brandon has presided over the collapse of our southern border, with 1.7 million illegal aliens apprehended crossing our border in 2021.
  • Brandon sits at a 42 percent approval rating with at least on poll putting him at 33%.

Has Brandon restored our norms yet? Is everybody quite at peace and harmony now that Brandon is Resident and Orange Man Bad is gone? No more mean tweets, right?

If you were looking for Jimmy Carter 2.0, you must be thrilled.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Leftists Are Going Full Nazi and You Should Pay Attention

Daily Verse | Genesis 50:19
“Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

Thursday’s Reading: Exodus 1-6

Just before publishing I learned that Joe Manchin III (W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.), joined all 50 Republicans in voting down the federal voting rights legislation in the Senate. So not everything is awful. But most of it is.

Thursday and if you’ve been keeping up with the Bible reading plan, we’re done with Genesis—and it’s not even the end of January! Hopefully you’re finding new things you hadn’t known before as you read through the scripture. If you’d like to join us on the journey this year, you can download the plan here:

I hope you’re reading it because you need to be sure of Who is unchanging and True in an age of deceit, betrayal and threats to the safety and freedom we’ve taken for granted in the greatest country ever founded. If you’re not sure in whom your ultimate confidence rests, let me jolt you into thinking it through.

Almost half of Democratic voters—48 percent—think the government should be able to fine or imprison individuals “who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.”

This is not the most astonishing finding of a poll just released by Rasmussen. Let’s go through the relevant points: Nearly the same percentage of Democratic voters—47 percent—think the government should be able to put a tracking system, like an ankle monitor or a locked collar, on people who refuse the vaccine. And 45 percent favor putting the unvaccinated in camps. Camps.

More than half of Democratic voters—55 percent—think people who refuse the vaccine should be fined. Fifty-nine percent favor confining all unvaccinated people to their homes. More than a quarter of Democratic voters—29 percent—think that the government should be able to confiscate the children of unvaccinated parents . . .

Is any of this Nazi enough for you yet? You are living next door to the people who would have turned you over to the Comité de salut public for opposing the “Law of Suspects”—the law that authorized the arrest of all suspected enemies of the Revolution and ushered in the Reign of Terror. You are living next door to the people who would have turned you over to the NKVD for “moral sabotage of the Soviet Union.” You are living next door to the people who would have called up the Gestapo and said, “My neighbor is hiding a Jew.”

Examine these historical personages from Revolutionary France or Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany (or Nazi France): It’s not just that they were following orders. On the contrary, they thought they were doing a positive good for society. They were eager to help rid their community of dangerous elements. They were proud of what they did.

Some of your Democratic neighbors will likewise be proud to lock you up, put a tracking collar on your neck, take away your children—all for the public good. These are people who would murder you for the public good. 

This is the poisonous rot that has leeched into our culture over the last few decades. And, lest you think that the government is just rattling their sabers without intent to use them, The US Army is set to conduct a “guerrilla warfare exercise” later this month in North Carolina where troops will battle against “freedom fighters.”

The two week “unconventional warfare exercise” will take from Jan. 22-Feb. 4 on privately owned land in a remote location which remains unknown.

“Called Robin Sage, the exercise serves as a final test for Special Forces Qualification Course training and it places candidates in a politically unstable country known as Pineland,” reports the Charlotte Observer.

“These military members act as realistic opposing forces and guerrilla freedom fighters, also known as Pineland resistance movement,” said the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center.

Maybe they’re just practicing for when they help Ukraine defend itself against Russia?

As Chris Menahan notes, a similar Robin Sage exercise in 2019 showed resistance fighters displaying a flag that says “liberty.”

“They could tell these soldiers they’re battling the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, North Koreans or other foreign enemies but instead they have them training to kill “freedom fighters” with “Liberty” flags,” writes Menahan.

The exercise will do little to dampen concerns that the Biden administration is launching a de facto ‘domestic war on terror’ targeting patriots and Trump supporters.


I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any good reason for our troops to be war-gaming a battle against us. I mean, besides BLM and Antifa, but they don’t wave the “Liberty” flag. On the other hand, Paul Eaton, a retired U.S. general and a senior advisor to the far-Left VoteVets, has reasons:

Eaton told NPR that military leaders needed to “war-game the possibility of a problem and what we are going to do” while warning that the United States is “compromised… as far as 39% of the Republican Party refusing to accept President Biden as president.” He suggested that a scenario in which the military is “compromised” needs to be “addressed in a future war game held well in advance of 2024.”

Remember when we held war games to fight our enemies rather than to purge our own people?

Eaton, a Hillary Clinton adviser, isn’t however worried about the 33% of Clinton supporters who claimed that Trump was not the legitimate winner right after the election, or the 56% of Democrats who viewed him as illegitimate a year later. Polls actually show that much higher numbers thought that Bush and Trump were illegitimately elected than the number that thought Obama and Biden were illegitimately elected. Should the military be purging Dems or holding “war games” to determine what will happen if Democrats try to live out their coup fantasies?

Hey, how come it’s only conservatives and Republicans that need to be purged?

Notice, too, that Eaton isn’t addressing an uprising with rioting and burning and looting and murder. He’s talking about 39% of Republicans who merely don’t believe Biden was legitimately elected. But that kind of thinking is now a threat that apparently needs to be addressed.

Are you awake? Don’t make the mistake of smugly dismissing all of this because “it can’t happen here.” It is happening here, right before our eyes.

Listen to Brandon and our current or “retired” military leaders when they talk about “domestic terrorists.” Pay attention when your military prepares to battle “freedom fighters.” We need to take them seriously because they’re telegraphing their intent. And you and I are the targets.

Daily Broadside | More Evidence That November Will Be a Blowout

Daily Verse | Genesis 47:1
Joseph went and told Pharaoh, “My father and brothers, with their flocks and herds and everything they own, have come from the land of Canaan and are now in Goshen.”

Wednesday’s Reading: Genesis 48-50

It’s mid-week as we grind on, one day at a time, toward the mid-term elections in November. Funny how when your guy is in office there isn’t enough time to get done everything you want, but when the other guy is in office time slows to a crawl and you can’t wait until his term ends.

January 2025 can’t come soon enough. However, Brandon is “in charge” for the next three years, so we still have plenty of work to do in opposing his and his Marxist stooges’ agenda to overthrow what little remains of the American experiment in self-governance. If they have their way, we’ll be little more than a third-world stinkhole, atop which they sit with the riches they’ve accumulated unto themselves.

I have some hope, as I wrote yesterday, that national sentiment is turning against Joey Sugar Cone and he’ll be hampered (legally) by a Republican majority House and Senate. If you want to troll the Left, suggest that the way that will happen is that Trump will be elected as a Rep. from his district in Florida, he’ll become Speaker of the House, which will then impeach Biden and Harris, removing them from office and leaving Trump to complete Brandon’s term since it was stolen from him anyway, and then Trump will run for another full term as president.

That won’t happen, but can you imagine the hysterics and complete meltdown of the Left if Trump was president for 11 years? I LOL very hard at the thought.

Still, one has to be heartened by the cratering approval ratings of the stuffed sock-puppet we know as the Resident.

Biden’s approval rating has suffered a similar decline, from 56 percent in the days following his inauguration to just 42 percent in recent weeks, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average. A Quinnipiac poll published last week measured Biden’s approval rating at just 33 percent, which matched the polling firm’s lowest recorded approval rating for former president Donald Trump in the days after the storming of the Capitol building in January 2021.

Eighty. One. Million. Votes. Either the election was rigged or we’re seeing the greatest case of buyer’s remorse ever recorded in American history. Maybe both.

Put the nose-diving approval rating (could it go even lower?) together with the great evaporation of Democrat leaning independents, add the number of current Democrats who are bailing out ahead of the midterms—29, with only 18 Republicans not seeking reelection—and you’ve got the makings of a major blowout come November. While not getting cocky, this is good news if for no other reason than it can restrain the damage that the criminal enterprise known as the Democrat Party can do to the nation over the remainder of Brandon’s term.

Cultural Marxists have infiltrated and taken over nearly every facet of America that counts: education, politics, arts and entertainment, media, journalism, medicine, law, even certain quarters of the church. They may encounter resistance, but they are determined and indefatigable, always pressing forward, never retreating, never giving in, never giving up. They cannot be appeased, persuaded or bargained with. If they lose, they will come back at it again and again. They will never stop until they are in complete control or they are dead.

People need to wake up to the fact that we’re in a fight we didn’t choose, but it falls to us nonetheless. Winning the House and the Senate in November will help.

Daily Broadside | November Is Looking Good to Deliver a Reckoning

Daily Verse | Genesis 43:30
Deeply moved at the sight of his brother, Joseph hurried out and looked for a place to weep.

Tuesday’s Reading: Genesis 45-47

It’s Tuesday and in the midst of the catastrophic failure of Brandon’s administration and the assault on our nation by domestic Marxist forces there continues to be scraps of good news that we can point to that offer some hope of political relief. The latest comes from the Gallup organization with a report that shows a seismic shift in political preferences over 2021.

On average, Americans’ political party preferences in 2021 looked similar to prior years, with slightly more U.S. adults identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic (46%) than identified as Republicans or leaned Republican (43%).

However, the general stability for the full-year average obscures a dramatic shift over the course of 2021, from a nine-percentage-point Democratic advantage in the first quarter to a rare five-point Republican edge in the fourth quarter.

How rare?

The GOP has held as much as a five-point advantage in a total of only four quarters since 1991. The Republicans last held a five-point advantage in party identification and leaning in early 1995, after winning control of the House of Representatives for the first time since the 1950s. Republicans had a larger advantage only in the first quarter of 1991, after the U.S. victory in the Persian Gulf War led by then-President George H.W. Bush.

The key here is independents.

Regardless of which party has an advantage in party affiliation, over the past three decades, presidential elections have generally been competitive, and party control of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate has changed hands numerous times. This is partly because neither party can claim a very high share of core supporters — those who identify with the party — as the largest proportion of Americans identify initially as political independents.

Overall in 2021, an average of 29% of Americans identified as Democrats, 27% as Republicans and 42% as independents. Roughly equal proportions of independents leaned to the Democratic Party (17%) and to the Republican Party (16%).

The percentage of independent identifiers is up from 39% in 2020, but similar to the 41% measured in 2019. Gallup has often seen a decrease in independents in a presidential election year and an increase in the year after.

Statistically we have the same number of Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. So why do the Dems seem to have an outsized influence on our political affairs? It’s all about the independents.

Although a registered Republican, I philosophically became an “independent” during the 2016 presidential election and have only hardened my position because I’m disgusted by both parties; the Democrats for being a criminal organization akin to the mob, and the Republicans for being the political equivalent of the Keystone Cops i.e., a do-nothing squish foil for the Democrats.

I feel a lot like Kurt Schlichter who writes about the reckoning that the Republicans must deliver to the Democrats if they win back the House and Senate this November.

November is coming and what they have sown they shall reap. They have sown failure. They shall reap a House ruled by Kevin McCarthy and a Senate by the murder Turtle and the pain will begin – at least it better. The base is in no mood for hands across the aisle. Time to deal the pain.

Also, it will be fun to see Democrats fall in love with the filibuster again.

The reckoning begins in the House. We must have our vengeance, both to satisfy the reasonable craving for justice on the part of the base and to teach the Democrats that there is a price for crossing us. Ilhan Omar needs to get booted from her committees because she is as anti-Semitic as she is brother-curious. Toots Swalwell has got to go from the intel committee – you cannot have people who get suckered into tacky sex with mediocre-looking Chi Com honeypots on that board. And Adam Schiff must go too – he leaks worse than Biden’s colon at the Vatican.

But that’s not all. McCarthy must make the Dem poobahs pay. All the Democrats who worked for years and years to become ranking members of their committees? Throw them off their precious committees. Why? Because they let Pelosi screw Republicans. This is the price. All their dreams must die.

Exactly. I will be beside myself if the Republicans don’t deliver a smackdown on the Democrats. Not because I think it will change much, but because we live in an increasingly kill or be killed political world foisted on us by the ideological descendants of Stalin and Mao.

It’s long past time to clean out the rat’s nest that are the Democrats. Republicans may, once again, be given a chance to show some spine. They better take it.

Daily Broadside | It’s Not Liberty if You Fear Your Rulers

Daily Verse | Genesis 29:18
Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I’ll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.”

Thursday’s Reading: Genesis 30-31

Happy Thursday, Broadsiders. Thanks for sharing your time with me.

There’s something very wrong with our government. As I wrote yesterday, the conflict we’re seeing in our country is ultimately between those who support the Judeo-Christian values upon which our government was founded (whether or not they are truly Christ followers) and those who deny God and want to supplant him with themselves as ruler. It’s the age-old dilemma of Man v. God and I can tell you right now that, in that engagement, it will not end well for man.

That’s at the core of the dilemma we face, but when I say something’s wrong with our government, I mean that it’s been inverted. Our Constitution starts with the words, “We the People” for a very good reason: we determined to govern ourselves. It was we, the people, who set up our system of government by writing and ratifying a law—the U.S. Constitution—to which all other governance in the U.S. must submit. It is the highest law of the land.

The people passed that law establishing a stronger central government over these United States. It’s the only law passed by we the people. Because it was written by us, that means that, technically and legally, all other forms of governance and governors under that Constitution are subject to our oversight. We did not pass that law to establish such government and then say to it, “Feel free to do what you want, we’re your subjects.”

But that’s not how it feels in today’s society, does it? Do you get the sense that the federal government is concerned at all about whether they’re following the will of the people as expressed in the Constitution? Do you get the sense that all of our state legislatures and governors are following the will of the people as expressed in the Constitution? Do you think that the judicial system we established has carefully ensured that they have faithfully applied the Constitution to their decisions free from their political biases?

If we’re honest, we have to admit that in today’s United States the inverse is true: we the people have become subject to the political agendas of those elected to high office. Our “representatives” aren’t concerned about whether they’re governance is Constitutional. One only has to look at all the federal “alphabet” agencies and the rules and regulations they create to know that Congress outsourced the legislative responsibilities the Constitution gave only to them.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. — Article I, Section I: Congress

Congresscritter A: Hey, I’ve got an idea! What if we make a law that gives someone else the job of making laws?

Congresscritter B: Wait, why would you do that if the Constitution only gives us that role?

Congresscritter A: If we delegate our law-making role to a bunch of unelected bureaucrats then the people can’t blame us for bad laws. If they can’t blame us for bad laws, we get re-elected!

Congresscritter B: Oh, I see. Then we can sit on committees to “oversee” the bureaucrats and call them in to testify when things go wrong and pretend that we’re representing the people! What a country!

No, to the extent that they are concerned at all about the Constitution, it’s about being elected “by the people” then taking that as a vote of confidence to shove their political agenda through the system and finding ways to either evade the Constitution or weaponize it—such as twice impeaching a president to tarnish his standing and legacy.

The government that we the people authorized to “insure domestic tranquility” has intentionally dissolved our southern border and allowed hundreds of thousands of foreigners to flood our nation unchecked, essentially becoming wards of the state because they’re dependent on government handouts funded by the money they take from us.

The government that we the people formed is now calling parents “domestic terrorists” for objecting to the sexual perversion and Marxist indoctrination being foisted upon their children by government-run (public) schools.

The government that we the people created serially undermined, hampered, harassed and lied about an elected president’s relationship with Russia and spent millions of our hard-earned dollars “investigating” what they knew was a bogus case—and those responsible have not been punished according to law.

The government that we the people established to “promote the general welfare” has instead taken to promoting the welfare of only certain groups identified by the color of their skin, their sexual preferences, their political bias and any other category by which they can divide us.

The government that we the people oversee now passes trillion-dollar “budgets” that are thousands of pages long without giving legislators time to read and understand what is in them, robbing us of our wealth in the present and our children in the future to pay for it all.

You get the idea.

I’m not saying that there aren’t, can’t or won’t be differences of opinion or that our leaders can achieve complete neutrality or that they will get every decision right. But it’s clear that the government we forged has become an elitist cabal of grifters detached from the law they are supposed to preserve, protect and defend, who have in mind only their own interests—money, power, notoriety—or those of “special interest groups,” which means they are more concerned with pleasing their base than the whole of we the people.

Often misattributed to Thomas Jefferson, it was John Basil Barnhill who said, “Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.”

What is very wrong with our government is that it does not respect or fear the people, who are its rightful masters.

Daily Broadside | The UniParty is Strong with Ted Cruz

Daily Verse | Genesis 11:4
Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

Thursday’s Reading: Genesis 12-14

It’s Thursday, January 6 and the one-year anniversary of when the ruling class and their enforcers staged a Reichstag fire at the Capitol that netted them not only hundreds of men and women to harass, but also a foundation on which to build the lie that “white supremacist terrorism” is the most lethal threat we face in this country. They have continued to build on that theme and openly fret that the outgroup will overthrow the 2022 and 2024 elections and destroy our “democracy.”

For instance, here’s Chinese noodler Eric Swalwell taking it to the extremes:

“Democracy nearly died”?


You’re sure that’s not an exaggeration?

Swalwell is the last guy to be talking about the death of “democracy.” He sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and was literally in bed with a Chinese spy. Did Democracy “nearly die” while you were being intimate with Fang Fang, you compromised flak?

Why this guy still has a job is beyond me, but he’s a Democrat, you see, and the rules are different for members of The PartySM.

Besides, Swalwell is all about election integrity, doncha’ know.

“If we don’t get it right”? You mean rigging it again? To preserve your precious “democracy”?

I hate to break it to you, genius, but we’re not a “democracy.”

What’s amazing is that everything the Demokrats accuse the Republicans of doing is exactly what the Demokrats are actually doing. It’s a massive exercise in projection and gaslighting.

What really irks me though, is that Ted Cruz, a reliably conservative voice in the Senate, weighed in today with comments about J6 that, to me, sink any enthusiasm I might have had if he chooses to run for president in 2024. (I voted for him in 2016 as a write-in candidate before my thinking on Trump turned a corner.)

“We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week. And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol, where we saw the men and women of law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage, incredible bravery, risk their lives for the Capitol,” Cruz said at a Senate Rules Committee oversight hearing Wednesday with Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger discussing Jan. 6 security failures.

For him to use that language—”a violent terrorist attack”—is to play right into the hands of our oppressors. JANUARY 6 WAS NOT A VIOLENT TERRORIST ATTACK. Nobody bombed Pearl Harbor and nobody turned airliners into missiles. Nobody blew up a cafeteria with a suicide vest, nobody ran down pedestrians walking along a sidewalk with a truck, and nobody lined up captives on a beach and beheaded them all.

To apply that language to a mass trespassing event is to trivialize 9/11 and oversell J6.

And as I wrote yesterday, the only people to die on January 6 were Trump supporters, all of whom encountered violence from the Capitol Hill Police. One was shot without warning at nearly point-blank range as she climbed through a broken window. Should she have been doing that? Absolutely not. Should she have been killed for it and should her killer get off scot-free? Absolutely not.

I’m not saying J6 was defensible. It wasn’t. I condemn vandalism and trespassing. But it wasn’t what the Left makes it out to be or, unfortunately, what the Right now makes it out to be.

No wonder the country is going to hell.

Daily Broadside | Was it an Insurrection, Riot, or Protest Gone Wild?

Daily Verse | Genesis 8:21
“Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood.”

Wednesday’s Reading: Genesis 10-11

It’s Wednesday, January 5, 2022, the day before the first anniversary of the so-called “insurrection” that occurred at the U.S. Capitol as a few hundred citizens breached the building, then proceeded to either wander through it like tourists or, in some cases, committed contemptible acts like breaking windows and doors, invading the offices of members of Congress, stealing the House lectern, or showboating by standing on the Senate dais.

In no sense at all was any of that day’s activities an “insurrection.” Here’s how Mirriam-Webster defines it:

… and how the Cambridge Dictionary defines it:

Under U.S. Code 18, insurrection (or rebellion) is a crime punishable by a fine, jail time or both. Anyone found guilty of insurrection is ineligible to hold office in the United States.

The reason the events of January 6, 2020, weren’t an “insurrection” is because no one participating was armed (as would be expected if there was intent to overthrow the government), there was minimal violence on the part of the participants (mostly limited to breaking doors and windows), and the only people who died that day were four protestors, of whom two died of heart attacks, one (Ashli Babbitt) was gunned down without warning, and the other (Rosanne Boyland), was beaten by police (although conflicting reports suggest she died of a drug overdose). Five police officers who were on the scene that day also died but none of them died that day or from injuries sustained in the protest. One died of a stroke the following day and the other four were suicides.

By far the most compelling evidence that it wasn’t an insurrection is that none of the approximately 700 people arrested in connection with the Capitol riot have been charged with insurrection. If it was truly an insurrection, those who participated would be charged as such; but not one person has been so charged.

It wasn’t an insurrection.

It’s not an insurrection!

There is also plenty of suspicion that the FBI was involved in driving the events of the day.

To the casual reader, news that the nation’s top law enforcement agency prepared ahead of time to combat possible violence on January 6 is reassuring. But to anyone who has closely followed the hyperpartisan activity of the FBI over the past several years, the article reads more like a confession, confirming deep suspicions that the FBI played an instrumental role in prompting the events of that day rather than act as a legitimate police force helping to keep lawmakers and American citizens safe.

(Btw, if you’re not reading Julie Kelly at American Greatness, you should. She’s been investigating and writing about J6 since it happened.)

The point? When you hear the word “insurrection” or “armed insurrection” during the “memorials” tomorrow, know that you’re being gaslit and that these people are being made an example as a warning to the rest of us not to protest our government’s overreach.

But that moment is coming when we’ll have to decide.

Count on it.

Daily Broadside | Manchin Sinks Biden’s Build Back Better Bill

Daily Verse | Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Monday’s Reading: James 1-5

Happy Monday and finally — FINALLY — a moment of sanity from a Democrat. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told Fox News Sunday that he would vote “no” on Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) monstrosity of a spending bill. Assuming he’s telling the truth and not trying to strong-arm other concessions by threatening to vote no, that effectively kills BBB.

This of course sent liberals into hyperventilation mode about the end of democracy as though “democracy” is somehow dependent on trillions of untamed spending to stay alive.

Also, we’re a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

Responses were vicious.

A couple of Manchin’s colleagues took turns ripping him on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., started by accusing Manchin of lacking the courage to stand up to pharmaceutical companies, and an outraged Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., said the West Virginia senator was obstructing the president’s agenda.

Well, yes, Rep. Pressley, he is. He’s allowed to do that. Note that not all Republicans vote in lockstep, either. They had a chance to repeal Obamacare when Paul Ryan (*spit*) was speaker of the House with a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate and a Republican president — and they couldn’t get it done.

It’s insanity, the stuff the Democrats want to spend money on — money we don’t have, by the way.

Either way, even if something reemerges from the rubble, it is not going to be anything along the lines of the “transformational” type of legislation liberals envisioned earlier in the year. The idea was to augment the role of government in every aspect of individuals’ lives — with subsidized child care, a government takeover of preschool, more financing for college, a more generous Obamacare, and an expanded Medicare. Not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars in investments toward the Green New Deal. That magnitude of legislation is no longer in the cards, even if Manchin warms up to passing something.

Manchin’s a Democrat, but he’s a reasonable Democrat, probably the last of the species. (Well, there’s Kyrsten Sinema and Tulsi Gabbard. It’s a dying breed.) He has considered the enormous costs of the bill and can’t justify voting for it.

“I’ve always said this, Bret: if I can’t go home and explain to the people of West Virginia, I can’t vote for it,” Manchin told guest host Bret Baier. “And I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can’t. I’ve tried everything humanly possible. I can’t get there.”

He also cited other factors that helped him with his decision.

The senator said that the rise in inflation, the national debt and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic helped him come to his decision on the massive social spending bill.

Me? I’m so relieved that I’m thinking of writing a thank you note to Manchin. He just sank an incredibly irresponsible bill that would add a massive amount of debt to an already massive amount of debt.

America owes him a debt of gratitude.

Daily Broadside | Democrats are Communists Wrapped in the American Name

Daily Verse | Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Friday and another week behind us on the road to either serfdom or civil war, as I see it. I wrote yesterday that patriotic, “Normal” Americans are being forced into a defensive position by the cultural Marxists, who have advanced through our civic institutions and now control nearly all the levers of power. I honestly don’t know how much longer we can claim to be a “free” people.

If you want absolute proof that the current administration, fronted by a moron who has failed upward for more than 50 years, are dyed-in-the-wool socialists communists, you have to look no further than their response to the uprising in the island-nation of Cuba, just 90 miles off the coast of Florida.

For 60 years the Cuban people have suffered poverty and oppression under a Communist regime. They’ve finally had enough and are rising up en masse to challenge the rule of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel. They face a military that, so far, is loyal to the president, who declared that combat orders have been given.

Nonetheless, Cubans have been demonstrating, shouting slogans like “Freedom!” and “Down with communism!” and “Freedom for the people of Cuba!” Protesters chanted “Freedom,” “Enough” and “Unite.” News outlets report that more than 100 activists are missing or held by the Cuban government. Others report that police have fired on and beaten demonstrators. Many waved American flags.

The response of our feckless “leaders” has been restrained. The New York Times labeled Cubans’ calls for freedom an “anti-government slogan.” It took Resident Biden 24-hours (with pressure from Republican lawmakers like Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis) to finally issue a statement.

We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime. The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights. Those rights, including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future, must be respected. The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.

We’ve heard nothing from AOC or Bernie Sanders because — what can they say? They want to the same system here that the Cuban people are rejecting there. Cuba is a real-time example of what happens when you go full commie. You should never go full commie.

Worst of all was US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who said, ““The time is never right to attempt migration by sea. To those who risk their lives doing so, this risk is not worth taking. Allow me to be clear. If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States.”

Then he said, “If you want to come in, sail to Mexico and travel up through our southern border, because we aren’t really watching it that closely.”

Nah. He didn’t say that. He knows Cubans vote for Republicans, and Florida is turning red, and politicians need Florida to win elections and we can’t have that! Better to have illegals come from South America and not even try to stop them.

And, to top it all off, US Press Secretary Jen Psaki refuses to call communism “communism” and instead blames “mismanagement.”

Here’s what Barbara Arthur, who fled Cuba for the U.S. with her father back in 1969, has to say about the Cuban unrest (my emphasis):

After sixty years of oppression, the Cuban people are rallying for freedom. Thousands have taken to the streets in protest of lack of food, medicine, and blackouts. The people are starving; their children are starving. While many United States athletes dishonor our flag, Cuban protestors wave Old Glory in the face of tyranny. While our mainstream news media seeks to silence us with intimidation, the Cuban people cry out, “We are not afraid.” Truly, “give me liberty or give me death” in full display. Think about it: During the protests, the Cuban government has cut its people off from the internet and social media. Sound familiar? It should. Big Tech has done the same to many conservative Americans who do not align with their political views.

As a Cuban-American, our freedom is especially important to me. My family was ravaged by Castro’s communist regime. He took power as a socialist but within no time he exposed his totalitarian claws. Communism is not at our door, it’s in the house—the White House. If we allow our country to go the way of Cuba or Venezuela, where would we flee to? If there is no free America, there is no American Dream. Wake up, America, socialism is just a nice word for communism.

How ironic that while Leftists here in the U.S. demonize our country and burn our flag, people the world over — Hong Kong comes to mind — wave our flag in their countries as a symbol of freedom. Here in the US, however, we’re facing an increasingly hostile ruling class that has branded 75 million of us Americans as the greatest threat “we” face — the threat of white supremacy.

The truth is that the Democrats are now the party of communism — which means I’d rather be an American than a Democrat.

Have a good weekend.