Daily Broadside | Brandon is a Cockwomble and We Need Rescuing

Daily Verse | Deuteronomy 22:5
A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.

Tuesday’s Reading: Deuteronomy 27-30

Tuesday and the first of March. In like a lion, out like a lamb?

I wish I had seen this before yesterday’s Broadside:

I know that’s Justin Brandeau pictured, but it applies oh, so very aptly to Joe Brandon. I still think “fool” is the most appropriate moniker for Biden, but “cockwomble” is now running a very close second.

While that’s funny, what’s even more hilarious is our Fool’s disapproval ratings.

Economic discontent is hurting [Resident] Joe Biden and his party’s midterm election prospects, with six in 10 Americans reporting inflation hardships, three-quarters saying the economy’s in bad shape and a nearly 20-point lead for the Republican Party in trust to handle it.

Biden has other problems, with underwater ratings for his handling of the invasion of Ukraine, a split on the pandemic and weak scores on personal attributes including leadership, handling a crisis and mental sharpness.

But 40-year-high inflation leads his headaches: Americans are twice as likely to say they’re worse off than better off under his presidency, by 35-17%.

The result: A career-low 37% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance overall, with 55% disapproving. That includes just 30% approval among political independents and 10% from Republicans. Even in his own party, nearly a quarter of Democrats either disapprove of Biden (19%) or are withholding judgment (4%).

That’s an 18-point spread.

Let’s. Go. Brandon.

What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks did people think they were getting when #81MILLIONLOL voted for the cockwomble? I mean, at least Putin respects him, amirite?

I still can’t believe it was so close, it was close enough to cheat.

When will people learn that Democrats are little more than a political version of the mob, except that Al Capone dressed better?

Analyzing data going back to Harry Truman’s administration, only two presidents have had approval ratings this low heading into their first State of the Union address, which Biden delivers Tuesday. Those two were Donald Trump, at 36%, and Gerald Ford, at 37%. Disapproval has been higher, by a nonsignificant 3 percentage points, only for Trump. (More were undecided about Ford, then just five months in office.)

These people can’t quit Trump. How about Trump had the entire Washington and media establishments (but I repeat myself) working overtime to undermine his administration with the treasonous Russia! Russia! Russia! collusion hoax airing 24/7 on every channel?

Brandon’s got nothing but the entire Washington and media establishments (is there an echo in here?) blowing wind in his sails and propping him up and HE CAN’T EVEN TREAD WATER. So what’s his excuse?

Here’s Five Thirty Eight’s persistent calculation of all polls as of February 28.

That’s a 13-point spread between approve and disapprove.

Or here’s Real Clear Politics assessment:

A 14-to-19-point spread.

Yeah, Brandon’s in trouble. And his catastrophic performance means we’re all in trouble. But it also means that citizens are ready to throw out the trash. We still have three years of Brandon to go, but we can start this November by kicking out the old party apparatchik political hacks on both sides of the aisle (looking at you, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney) who have destroyed our Constitutional order and have sat on their fat keisters for decades collecting their fat paychecks while they tell us what we can and can’t say, what we can and can’t do, who the winners and the losers are, and taking more of our money and freedom along the way while they attend all the best Washington parties.

It’s okay to be angry and to fight for what matters. While reading through Deuteronomy, I came across this passage:

But if out in the country a man happens to meet a girl pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. Do nothing to the girl; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders his neighbor, for the man found the girl out in the country, and though the betrothed girl screamed, there was no one to rescue her. (DT. 22:25-27)

The scenario implies that if the girl had screamed while people were nearby, she could’ve been rescued. And what do you think a rescue would’ve looked like? Rape is a violent crime that may require a violent intervention fueled by anger over the injustice.

Sometimes righteous heroic action is necessary.

If you love our country and want to see her prosper again, you might think about getting involved. Write checks and volunteer to knock on doors for constitutional-friendly congressional representatives and local elections. Reading blogs doesn’t count, not even this one, which is just a speck of light in a universe of bright stars.

Go. Do something heroic.

The wind is in our favor.

One thought on “Daily Broadside | Brandon is a Cockwomble and We Need Rescuing

  1. Excellent. Made a meme with your words: “Go. Do something heroic.

    The wind is in our favor.” Tried to add it here but couldn’t. Anyway, so good!

    As always – no need to respond!

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