Daily Broadside | 21 Things I Believe as a Political Conservative

Most of you know that I’m a die-hard, rock-ribbed conservative, but it’s possible that some of you may not, especially those of you who have recently joined me here. I thought it would be a good exercise, and somewhat instructive, for me to clearly state where my convictions lie.

First and foremost, I’m an evangelical Christian. That’s the lens through which I try to view everything that I comment on. I may not explicitly tie an observation on a cultural or political development back to scripture, but I will when I can and it’s the backdrop to my life. That’s key to understanding my political and cultural outlook as a conservative.

I believe that a conservative’s first responsibility is to conserve — protect and preserve — the first principles of the American founding.

I believe the U.S. Constitution is the greatest political document ever created.

I believe that the United States of America as founded is the greatest country ever to exist.

I believe that America is exceptional among the nations.

I believe that the gathering of the Founding Fathers in that exact moment of history was orchestrated by God for a unique purpose unrivaled in any other epoch other than the creation of Israel.

I believe that America succeeded in its early days because it sought to honor God in its national life.

I believe that government should be limited at both the federal and state levels and that local government is most important.

I believe that our current tax system is legalized thievery and the government should get its hands out of our pockets.

I believe in strong national borders.

I believe in personal responsibility.

I believe free market capitalism, rightly understood and pursued righteously under the authority of God, is the greatest economic system devised by man.

I believe that communism, socialism, facism and Marxism are all oppressive ideologies that are antithetical to American freedom and opportunities.

I believe that government exists to protect all citizens’ personal rights.

I believe that all men are created equal.

I believe that all men should be free to pursue their “happiness” within boundaries that do not impose a burden on the rest of society.

I believe that all men are entitled to equal opportunities but do not believe all men are entitled to equal outcomes.

I believe that the worst U.S. presidents have been Joseph Robinette Biden, Barack Hussein Obama, and James Earl Carter, Jr., followed closely by Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

I believe that no-fault divorce was one of the greatest moral failures of our national character.

I believe that legalized abortion was one of the greatest moral failures of our national character.

I believe that individual property rights are key to all personal freedoms.

I believe that the administrative state in the form of so-called “alphabet agencies” is illegal and unconstitutional, and that Congress outsourced their lawmaking power to distance themselves from the laws and regulations created by these unelected and entrenched bureaucracies.

I’ll follow up tomorrow with 21 more things I believe as a political conservative.

3 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | 21 Things I Believe as a Political Conservative

  1. Hey Dave, I agree with you in everyone of your points. As Christian’s we need to stand strong no matter what. At the end of the day, I believe that anyone in their right frame of mind will or should agree with you as well. Why would anyone want what the Marxists are trying to ram down our throat ? As far as the worst 1) Obama 2) Biden 3) Wilson and then the weak minded Carter.

    • Thanks for the affirmation, Jim. I hope that this post prompts others to think through what they believe and where they would place themselves politically.

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