Daily Broadside | 3 Ways You Can Fight the Social Marxists Without Losing Your Job

Daily Verse | Ezra 9:13
“What has happened to us is a result of our evil deeds and our great guilt, and yet, our God, you have punished us less than our sins have deserved and have given us a remnant like this.”

It’s Friday and while we can take a deep breath as we move into the weekend, we must not forget that the domestic enemies of the American people continue to work furiously around the clock to consolidate their gains and move their malicious plans ahead to make half the population Public Enemy Number One. Namely, anyone who supports historic, traditional American values, including personal responsibility and hard work, the U.S. Constitution, and anyone who questions the legitimacy of the junta now in Washington, D.C., whose figurehead is an incompetent blathering dementia patient propped up by Obama acolytes.

The most frequent question I’ve been asked is, “What can we do?” about the sad state of affairs we find ourselves in. I’ve asked that question myself many times and have expressed my frustration with opinion leaders and journalists who provide great depth and analysis on the situation in general and specific examples in particular, but don’t give us a list of practical actions and tactics that citizens like you and I can take to counteract the poison wending its way through our society.

Today I’ve got an article written by Trevor Loudon, an author, filmmaker, and public speaker from New Zealand who wrote a column for my current go-to news source, The Epoch Times. His commentary is called, “A New Zealander’s 9 ‘Starter Steps’ to Save America From Socialism.”

While the article is behind a paywall, I think it’s worth reflecting on a couple of the steps that might be useful for patriotic Americans to engage with. You may want to know what a New Zealander has to say to America about our internal conflict. Here’s how Loudon introduces his topic:

Though I’m a New Zealander, I know America and its people well. I’ve traveled to every state in the Lower 48 and have addressed more than 500 audiences across this amazing nation. My message has always been the same: The United States is heading toward a brutally tyrannical socialist revolution—and if America goes down, every free country follows.

Well, now it’s here, people, unfolding before our very eyes.

So, what can be done? Can the Republic be saved? Honestly, I don’t know.

However, I can suggest some steps that would at least give this country a fighting chance.

New Zealand is one of those free countries that will “go down” should America collapse, so he has a vested interest in America succeeding in its freedoms. That’s why he lays out his nine steps and writes some substantial commentary about each. Here’s the list:

  1. Face Reality
  2. Stop All Violent Rhetoric
  3. Restore Election Integrity in All Red States
  4. Close the Republican Primaries Immediately
  5. Organize a Compact of Free States
  6. Republic Review
  7. Form a Multi-State ‘America First’ Popular Alliance
  8. Boycott/Buycott Bigtime
  9. Remove Malign Foreign Influence at State Level

I obviously can’t reproduce the entire article here, but I don’t think I need to. What I’m interested in is what individual citizens can do without being a member of the political class. As I read it, there are three things he lists that we can do.

Face Reality
After explaining what the Democrats are trying to do (enfranchising illegal aliens, abolishing the Electoral College, voting “reform,” i.e. stealing elections), Loudan says,

“We’re undergoing a Marxist-Leninist revolution driven by China—right now, in real time. The military can’t save us, nor can Trump. On the contrary, it’s up to patriots to protect Trump and the Armed Services from unrelenting Democrat/communist attacks. When enough Americans face the unpleasant truth, then, and only then, can we talk about hope.”

This seems obvious. But, as I’ve written many times before, it took me some time over the last several years to come to the conclusion that the Democrats are enemies of the people. They, not patriotic Americans, are the domestic terrorists who weaponize not airplanes and cars, but the levers of government to oppress and control us. Refuse to entertain any guilt about questioning the integrity of the 2020 election; refuse to ignore the weaponization of the FBI, DHS, IRS, DOJ and other alphabet agencies that actively subvert our Constitutional rights; be vocal about it with those in your relational circles (without being a jerk) and don’t back down no matter the peer pressure they bring.

Unless you allow yourself to accept our bind as the reality, you will only fret and complain rather than taking action. If you’re not convinced, identify the questions you have and ask yourself what more it will take to convince you that normal Americans are under assault by an increasingly strident Marxist ideology.

Stop All Violent Rhetoric
What Loudan means by this is that violent rhetoric will only lead to defeat in a violent confrontation with the government. Here’s how he puts it:

“The left is praying for ‘right-wing’ violence. It will give them an excuse for a massive crackdown on patriotic Americans. This country will be saved peacefully or not at all. If significant violence breaks out, it’s over.

“Having said that, the Second Amendment must be preserved at all costs. An armed populace is at least some check on tyranny, even if useless in the face of biological warfare or nuclear attack. Americans should keep their guns and work every day to ensure they never have to use them against their own people.”

I’m not sure I agree with him that we can’t win a violent confrontation with the government. What I think he’s saying is that government forces will quickly stomp those who engage in violence and do to them what they did to the protestors on January 6 and charge them with inciting an insurrection. That was a bogus charge, to be sure, and we wouldn’t be free men if freedom didn’t include the right to challenge our government. The government has no intention of acknowledging that right without a fight; to assume the right to question our political class is to incur a cost that many men (and women) won’t want to make.

Regardless, I agree that we should stay away from violent rhetoric, but we should not back away from strong and candid language concerning the abuses that federal and state governments are engaged in. And if the resistance does go hot — again, see what’s happening in Portland and in parts of Texas — make sure you’re locked and loaded.

Boycott/Buycott Bigtime
I’ve always been a little mixed on boycotting for the simple reason that as woke orthodoxy makes its way through the culture, the boycotters begin to paint themselves into a corner. When all the telecommunications companies and all the home improvement box stores and all the technology companies and all the retailers go woke, where does that leave us?

To operate in today’s society, there are some things that we find essential to have and can’t avoid paying some woke behemoths for their services.

However, that doesn’t mean that we don’t have options. For instance, I no longer shop at Target. I no longer buy Gillette razors. I no longer watch any movie starring or co-starring Robert De Niro (and I certainly wouldn’t pay for it if I did). I gave up Fox News and only watch Tucker Carlson occasionally (I mostly watch his monologues online). I don’t watch the NFL, NBA or MLB anymore, nor do I buy their merchandise. I used to watch U.S. Women’s Soccer, but I don’t anymore after Rapinoe started getting loud about how unfairly they’re treated (they’re not). I’ve given up Facebook and Twitter (although I have accounts, they’re both dormant — and I’m close to closing them both for good). While I still use Amazon for convenience, my wife and I are starting to think about buying more locally. I use Google and Chrome sparingly and prefer to use Brave as my browser of choice (they’re supposed to have a search engine coming soon that will compete directly with Google).

And guess what? I’m fine. Really.

Says Loudan,

“Patriots should be abandoning Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. for more honest platforms. They should also enthusiastically support efforts by DeSantis to heavily fine Big Tech operators who “cancel” patriots. If 25 or 30 free states did the same, Big Tech would soon be little tech.

“Patriots need to organize nationwide boycotts of unpatriotic companies and buycotts for loyal American companies like My Pillow and Goya Foods.”

The reason is that money talks the loudest to any organization. Why do you think the Left tried to “cancel” My Pillow and Goya Foods? If some company like Gillette, for instance, gets woke and starts churning out social propaganda that throws in with the progressive Left, my thinking is, “Let the progressives support them. I’d love to see how far they get subsisting on just progressive money.”

Loudan goes on to say,

“Imagine if 80 million MAGA patriots resolved to begin a nationwide boycott of one such company, starting now. The boycott would go on indefinitely until the target company was broke, or it apologized for “canceling” patriots. If applicable, every MAGA family could simultaneously commit to buying at least one of the canceled person’s products this year.”

That is some awesome purchasing power.

Here’s the reality: there are only a few things that we really “need.” Food. Water. Clothing. A roof over our heads. Almost everything else is discretionary. Start with those things, then wean yourself off of indiscriminate consumer spending. Then, be very specific about the companies you purchase from. An example I mention above is that I subscribe to The Epoch Times for a monthly fee rather than depend on Fox News or some other source for the latest news.

Also, don’t forget that advertising contracts are based on the number of eye balls they can get in front of. If you watch the NFL, for instance, you’re helping them negotiate contracts with advertisers that, in turn, gives them millions of dollars to operate an organization that has made standing proud for the national anthem a controversial act. Don’t do it. Starve them. Make them operate on the cash they can get from woke organizations and the progressive Left.

There are certainly other ways to fight back, like homeschooling your children. (Yes, it’s a sacrifice, but millions have done it, including me, and there are colleges that reserve slots for homeschooled kids.) But the three I mention above seem to be easily accessible to everyone. Start with those, and build from there.

Have a good weekend.